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№ 3 (235), 24 june 2022

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Gayazov A.S. GENERAL CIVILIZATIONAL CRISES AND CRISES IN MODERN EDUCATIONThe processes of development of education in the conditions of the emergence of various crises and other phenomena require research. Crises, including axiological crisis, identity crisis, collapse, explosion, madness, dead ends and traps of education, etc., have different content and influence on the real processes of education, different degrees of manifestation depending on many factors and reasons. Each of these types of crisis is a real possibility in the world, and none of the states can protect their national education system from their appearance. Some of these phenomena are from the field of constantly used, some are only alarming symptoms of impending upheavals. For the first time, I conducted a systematic analysis of these phenomena. Particular attention is paid to the cultural­anthropological and cultural-historical aspects of phenomena, their transformation as an objective adequate response to changes in modern education. In one case, crises affect the foundations of the development of education itself as a system, in the other case, they directly affect the effectiveness of the process of educating a person. The reasons for the emergence of crises and ways to counter their manifestations are considered. Among the most important actions that can protect the education system is its aspiration to the future, the implementation of the ideas of advanced education in society.Key words: development of education, axiological crisis, collapse, explosion, madness, dead ends and traps of education
Drobotenko Yu.B. UNIVERSITY TEACHER’S RESEARCH STRATEGIES FOR HYBRID LEARNING REALIZATIONThe article identifies the problem of developing University teachers’ skills of how to apply research strategies to study the conditions in which hybrid learning at the university would be successful. It is shown that the spread of hybrid methodology in higher education has led to the complication in educational process realization and required teachers to search for appropriate teaching tools and methods serving to handle the new challenges. The issue of hybrid learning organization at the university is one of the most widely discussed and urgent in modern education. The spread of hybrid methodology in higher education has led to the complication in educational process realization and required teachers to search for appropriate teaching tools and methods serving to handle the new challenges. Moreover, it required teachers to develop their educational design skills, skills of evaluation and research skills to study hybrid educational practice. The purpose of the paper is to explain the foundation and describe the research strategies that University teachers need to successfully organize and implement hybrid learning. In accordance with the key focus of University teachers’ activity (solving professional issues), there are four types of research strategies: a strategy aimed at researching the external environment and the surrounding society; a strategy aimed at researching the subject of education; a strategy aimed at researching the activities of the subject of education; a strategy aimed at researching the teacher personality and their activities. Hybrid learning organization calls for a teacher’s ability to use research strategies and analysis techniques as a key element in finding the answers to the questions about what is happening, why it is happening, what could happen, what should be done.
The article was prepared within the fundamental research of State Assignment implementation on the topic “Professional competence of a teacher for the implementation of hybrid learning” (Supplementary Agreement of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “OMSPU” No. 073-03-2022-035/3 от 08.06.2022).
Key words: hybrid learning, hybrid educational environment, digital technologies, University teachers, teacher’s research strategies for hybrid learning realization.
Eliseeva N.V, Pisarenko K.V., Sevrugina N.I. EFFICIENCY OF APPLYING VARIOUS TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS IN THE UNIVERSITY MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSEducation, science and the economy are experiencing significant difficulties in connection with the announced sanctions of Russia. Young specialists will lead the country out of these difficulties. The Russian government has decided to withdraw from the Bologna Agreement. New educational standards are being urgently developed, taking into account the best experience of previous years and todays problems.
Features of teaching disciplines in the framework of the digitalization of the educational process are moving to a new education level. There are many difficulties due to the fact that there are very few classroom hours in the undergraduate curricula. It is important to demonstrate the ability of teachers to rationally use classroom time. At the same time, one should not forget about the difficulties associated with the assimilation of the studied material. The accumulated experience allows us to approach the educational process as a creative one, using a complex of various educational technologies.
Made sociological surveys of students showed that the assimilation of educational material increases because of the teacher`s skills. Presenting educational material each teacher has his own approaches and method, which are constantly developed. Our task is to teach the audience not only to listen, but also to hear the educational material and actively involve students in a dialogue. Such forms of classes as discussions, debates, round tables, used in training, allow you to learn new things, consolidate the material covered and effectively apply it in the future.
As a result of such forms of classes, an increase in the independent activity of students is noted. They independently develop situational tasks that are solved and discussed in groups. At the same time, digital technologies are necessarily used. The effectiveness of such technologies is reflected in the quality of the acquired knowledge.
Key words: interactive technologies, pedagogical skills, sociological surveys, educational process, digitalization in education.
Zubova L.V., Aptikieva L.R. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH OF PERSONALITY PROFESSIONAL DESTRUCTIONS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERSThe need to develop effective measures of psychoprophylaxis of professional destructions among law enforcement officers by employees of the psychological service, whose ranks are annually replenished by graduates of OSU in the specialty “psychology of official activity”, determines the relevance of psychological and pedagogical research of the phenomenon of professional destruction of personality, factors of its formation. The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical research is to develop recommendations of a preventive nature in relation to professional destructions of personality in law enforcement officers. The priority tasks of the research are to generalize the theoretical and practical experience of research thematically related to ours; to study the phenomenon of professional destruction among employees empirically. The object of the study was law enforcement officers; the subject of the study is the professional destruction of the personality of employees.
The result of the conducted psychological and pedagogical research is 1) formulation and clarification of the term of professional destruction of personality as a result of deformation of professional and personal qualities of a law enforcement officer under the influence of negative factors of the external environment of official activity (contact interaction with criminals; solving problems related to the choice of preventive measures and prevention of offenses, etc.); factors of intra-system service interaction (the order-executive nature of the relationship with the authorities, the team performance of official tasks, etc.); 2) identification by empirical means of professional destructions of personality among law enforcement officers (formal attitude to the performance of official tasks; transfer of official actions, stereotypes and attitudes to the off-duty space; negative changes in personal characteristics); 3) identification of psychoprophylactic conditions that inhibit the formation of professional destructions of the employee’s personality (development of professionally significant personal qualities; mastery of professional “psychotechnics”; work with the orientation of the personality and the strength of personal structures).
The goal has been achieved: recommendations of a preventive nature have been developed in relation to professional destructions of the personality of law enforcement officers. The research objectives have been solved: the theoretical and practical experience of research thematically related to ours has been generalized; the phenomenon of professional destruction among employees has been empirically investigated.
Key words: destruction, professional destruction, personality, employees of internal affairs bodies, psychological and pedagogical prevention.
Inozemtseva N.V. STUDENT’S READING EXPERIENCE FORMATION IN THE INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTThe information space has “absorbed” Russian students, leaving them no time to read books and enrich their inner world and expand their knowledge. It is this factor that contributes to the decline of the cultural prestige of reading as a necessary source of important information. The steady decline of motivation to read among students, and, consequently, the deficit of knowledge, information, lack of reading experience, which is essential in the life of every person, has become quite urgent. For several years this issue worries not only teachers, librarians, but also parents. However, modern means of computerization, or rather their rational use in the educational process can help solve this problem. The purpose of this study is to consider the main reasons for the low level of formation of the students’ reading experience in the modern educational environment, as well as to identify possible ways of formation of the students’ reading experience in Russia.
In theoretical research the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources and opinions of experts engaged in research in this area allowed to define “reading experience” as “a phenomenon of individual and universal (mass), in general terms, correlated with the reading culture of society. During the survey among 1—2 year students of the Faculty of Philology (Russian and Foreign Philology) at Orenburg State University, it was found that reading has not lost its importance and is an important component of the life of a student of philology in the educational process.
Thus, the main reasons for the low level of formation of students’ reading experience in the modern educational environment were identified: lack of professional staff, traditional approach to teaching reading, immersion of teenagers in the Internet and social networks. It was also found that the formation of the student’s reading experience is possible in the modern conditions of the educational space due to the national projects and activities aimed at maintaining an interest in reading, modern information technology, the revival of libraries and rational use of modern information technology, which is a component of the information space of the educational institution, as well as personal example of parents and the work of professionally trained personnel (librarians).
Key words: reading; reading literacy; reading experience; reading experience formation; motivation to reading; meaningful reading; educational information environment; PISA; PIRLS.
Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Saitbaeva E.R. VALUE SELF‑DETERMINATION OF A TEACHER IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYThe modern educational environment needs appropriate professionals in their field — teachers, teachers, educators. The rapidly developing world dictates its own rules. These rules make adjustments in all areas of public activity. Thus, new global trends prepare the ground for the implementation of new activities to develop the value self­determination of the teacher’s professional activity.
Every academic year, a generation of young teachers comes to educational institutions who need correction and influence on their personal sphere. First of all, the value self-determination of a teacher’s professional activity is influenced by the surrounding world with its own tendencies and demands.
There are many requirements for the personality of the teacher. Requirements such as: be creative, be able to adapt to any situation, immediately resolve conflict issues. And secondly, the immediate environment — the teaching staff and management — influences the personal sphere. The influence on the personal sphere of young specialists is carried out by the mentor and the leadership of the school.
In the self-development of a teacher, the reading of scientific pedagogical literature has an impact on his personal sphere and value self-determination in the profession. It is in these literary sources that we can meet the names of important scientists: teachers, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists who dealt with the problem of the value self-determination of a teacher. This literature also reflects the significance of the teacher’s personality for modern society.
The Professional Teacher Standard, in part 4.3, paragraph 17, describes: “The ability to form and develop universal learning activities, patterns and values of social behavior, behavior skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, multicultural communication skills and tolerance, key competencies (according to international standards ) etc. “is the task of the teacher. Also, the teacher’s task is to create a favorable background for the development of value self-determination among students of an educational organization. This is defined by the document — “The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia.” The authors are A.Ya. Danilyuk, A.M. Kondakov, V.A. Tishkov. The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.
Key words: self-­determination, value self­-determination, pedagogical activity, professional activity of a teacher
Ryndak V.G., Samofal A.S., Kapaeva A.A. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EDUCATION THEORY AND SOCIAL PRACTICE OF PROFESSION INSTITUTIONALIZATIONThe essence of the definition of “profession” is multifaceted and ambiguous. There is a need to study the work of scientists in various fields: sociologists, economics, education. The concept of “profession” is an integral category of research. According to the results of a theoretical study, several main aspects can be distinguished that characterize the concept of “profession”: “this is a kind of labor activity” and “the presence of special knowledge and skills”. The development of the essence of this definition is noticeable. Initially, it was interpreted as a type (type) of activity, then it becomes a type of activity that requires special training, the presence of certain knowledge and skills. A profession combines a group of related specialties. They are aimed at achieving more particular or intermediate results or at achieving general results by specific means. The mechanisms for designing a model of vocational education are determined: social dialogue between employees, employers and the state; methods for forecasting skills needs; obtaining reliable and timely information on labor markets; normatively fixed contractual relations for the fulfillment of obligations. The most significant for the profession, modern students call such professional qualities as: purposefulness, stress resistance, sociability, ability to work in multitasking mode.Key words: the concept of «profession», profession institutionalization, theory of education and social practice of profession institutionalization in Russia and abroad.
Avramenko A.P. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES INDIVIDUALIZATION BY MEANS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Modern educational standards and the specifics of the teaching foreign languages require individualization. Today we are witnessing the transition from digitalization to atomization of personalized learning path by means of the artificial intelligence mechanism, namely the introduction of neural networks into electronic and mobile applications.
As for the results of the study, the theoretical significance includes clarifications to the definition and mutual integration of the concepts of a personalized learning path along with learning style and cognitive style. Practical significance, in its turn, includes, on the one hand, a proposal for the distribution of task formats according to the learning styles of students; on the other hand, methodological recommendations for a teacher of foreign languages on the use of questionnaires to determine the type of motivation.
Thus, the study at the level of cognitive and educational psychology generalizes the psychological and pedagogical aspects of personalized learning path, which can be taken into account when automating the selection of learning materials and tasks by means of artificial intelligence.
Key words: personal learning path, learning style, educational psychology, artificial intelligence.
Alekseeva E.N. SUBJECT-LEVEL MODEL OF FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHER METHODOLOGICAL PREPARATION FOR WORK IN EDUCATION INDIVIDUALIZATION CONDITIONSFormation of the specialized competence of a future mathematics teacher to work in conditions of individualization of education is one of the priority tasks of modern higher pedagogical education, which has become a serious challenge for universities within the framework of the existing concept of methodological training of a mathematics teacher.
The conducted research is aimed at analyzing the existing system of methodological training of a mathematics teacher in the context of the individualization of education, identifying existing problems, scientific justification for updating the existing concept of methodological training of a future teacher. A subject-level model of methodological training of mathematics teachers is proposed taking into consideration the context of their readiness to work in the conditions of individualization of teaching mathematics.
In order to succeed in adaptation of a university graduate — mathematics teacher to working with students with special educational needs, including students with pronounced mathematical abilities, in the conditions of individualization of teaching mathematics it is necessary to include a methodological component in the subject-mathematical training of a future teacher, to strengthen the methodological component in mastering future subject teachers of the course of elementary mathematics, as well as to provide the possibility of implementing individual educational routes including practical training for the development of methodological disciplines by students — future mathematics teachers.
Key words: competence of the future teacher, individualization of education, mathematics teacher, teacher, model of methodological training, university adaptation, mathematical abilities, educational route.
Shevchenko O.N., Taranovskaya E.A., Vanshina E.A. VARIATIVE CONTENT MODEL OF THE WORKBOOK FOR GRAPHIC DISCIPLINES WITH INFOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS Modern learning technologies are increasingly using the capabilities of the digital educational environment, in the content of which consists of various types of presentations, training videos, sets of slides and illustrations play a significant role. When conducting an observational experiment and recording the data of intermediate certifications of students, it was revealed that visual means of presenting material definitively help the development of perception of spatial objects, their relative position and transformation. However, the results of such training are often not consolidated in the form of educational achievements in the form of skills, abilities, and mastery of elements of general professional competencies. The methodological support of the educational process in order to improve the quality of education can be supplemented by a workbook, which combines the visual perception of the material with the need to consolidate skills when working directly with a pencil in a notebook. Infographics of slide pages, formed while taking into account the principles of fundamentality, purposefulness and adaptability, allows you to activate visual memory, increase interest in the discipline, “keep” attention and teach you to focus on the main, key positions of the educational material. The principles of visibility, uniformity, continuity in the selection of material ensure a solid development of general professional competencies, which is relevant in light of new accreditation indicators for universities. A variative model of the content of the engineering graphics workbook has been developed, which defines the types, tasks, functions, principles, stages and approaches to the selection of the subject content of the discipline. The variability of the model allows using the most significant components to take into account the peculiarities of the contingent of students. The model can be applied to work on this type of methodological development to improve efficiency in teaching other disciplines at the university.Key words: workbook, model, infographics, graphic disciplines
Gladkikh V.G., Mazhitova D.Z. HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE MODERN ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PRIORITYThe recognition of a person as the main social value is one of the important trends in the reform and modernization of the modern system of domestic education. It is aimed at creating a new format of education focused on the student’s personality, the full realization of his abilities, satisfaction of educational needs, education of self-esteem, freedom, harmonious relations with the natural world and society. The new format of education is designed to reflect the needs of a rapidly developing society in modern educated, moral, enterprising and competent specialists who are able to choose ways of cooperation and independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences.
Foreign educational systems are quite adapted to such priorities, since they are traditionally multilevel and characterized by a variety of educational programs that are close to the real needs for professional personnel of the appropriate level of training. The domestic education system is more unified, less mobile, despite the permanent reform. Despite its dominance in modern education and ubiquity in a number of countries around the world, this system acquires modern features embodied in alternative education. One of the main features of such education is the promotion of a person as the highest value of society, recognition of his unique nature, respect for his individual life goals, needs and interests.
Key words: alternative education, traditional education system, alternative education, principles of humanization and self-realization, free education, alternative school.
Panov A.A., Frolov O.V. PEDAGOGY OF THE COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE OF THE FUTURE PROSECUTORS WORKERThe result of bibliographic and field research was the confirmation of the hypothesis that the effectiveness of the professional activity of the future prosecutor’s worker is determined by active and competent participation in the anthropic process of comprehending the specifics of professional communications already at the stage of obtaining professional education. The authors consistently present and meaningfully reveal the categories of “education”, “culture”, “communicative culture”, “communication”. The upbringing of a communicative culture in the cultural space of a law school will ensure in the future a positive impact on the subject and interaction between subjects in professional activities within the framework of the law as a true value of social order and the triumph of justice. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying the axiological level of the communicative culture of the future prosecutor’s worker, the most important task of which is the approval of communicative values that authorize the program of interaction in prosecutorial activities; fixation of pedagogical norms, commensurate with the humanitarian nature of the modern personality, “returned” to communication “after hitches, breaks, indistinctness” (Schegloff) interaction. Pedagogical intentions in the communicative culture of future prosecutors are determined. The phenomenon of education of communicative culture in axiological and culturological approaches has been studied. The upbringing of the communicative culture of the future prosecutor, creating conceptual systems of professional communication and supporting dialogue relations, will help to strengthen the semantic continuum of the space of professional activity, including the means of activity and the organization of consciousness that develops in communication (vision, understanding, meaning formation) (V.M. Rozin). The results of the study can be used in the education of future prosecutors in the communicative space of a law school and in the formation of a system of educational work in the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation.Key words: education, culture, communicative culture, pedagogy, prosecutorial activity, interaction.
Piralova O.F., Medvedeva I.L., Zaprudsky A.A. REVERSE EDUCATIONAL METHODSIN THE TRAININGOF ENGINEERING WORKERSThe features of the engineer’s profession are described in various scientific and reference literature and in current regulatory documents related to the requirements for the qualifications of workers in various industrial, transport and other enterprises. There are features of their education in the conditions of modern engineering and technical universities, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standards of the new generation, as well as taking into account the current requirements of professional standards. The state, civil society and professional communities expect modern perspectives from the training of engineers in various fields. To achieve the required quality of training of specialists with engineering education, it is necessary to use various pedagogical innovations. Examples of such innovations are the methods of reverse teaching, which take into account the initial competencies of students, starting from which teachers of various disciplines will be able to form both curricula and individual learning trajectories of students, taking into account their forms of learning, classroom load and practical industrial and educational experience. At the same time, reverse technologies can be used both in group training of junior students and in the preparation of student (graduate) projects related to the modernization and restructuring of production. It is the reverse teaching methods that allow the formation and development of general professional and professional competencies that will be in demand at real industrial enterprises. In this case, students learn not only to solve typical problems, but also to prove and implement their ideas on a scientific basis, which will make it possible to achieve the efficiency of production processes and the quality of products.Key words: engineer, teaching methods, professional and universal competencies, reverse in vocational education
Sazonova T.V. PRINCIPLES FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION: CONTENT ANALYSIS AND REGIONAL EXPERIENCEAnalysis of the principles of transformation of higher education has become relevant in connection with global changes in the socio-cultural, geopolitical and economic situations. At the state level, a set of key principles of the new national system of higher education is presented. The complex includes the principles of ensuring technological sovereignty, openness, fundamentality, practicality and flexibility. To date, interpretations of synonymous / analogous principles of education have been established, a resource of knowledge and ideas of their effectiveness has been accumulated. In a number of cases, they were considered as informal criteria for the quality of higher education, implicitly manifested in the rationale for programs and training plans, in educational projects as “options” for the successful achievements of the national higher education.
A comparative analysis of the current interpretations of the key principles determined their differences from the previously known ones not so much in their meaningful interpretation, but in the level of demand and the nature of the generating factors — socio-economic, geopolitical, cultural-historical, production-but-technological. The key principles for the transformation of higher education represent a concentrate of the country’s challenges and requests for domestic higher education. The research methods were analysis of normative documents, comparative and critical analysis of scientific publications, synthesis of scientific opinions and professional education experience, formulation and proof of scientific hypotheses. As materials for the study, normative and legislative documents of the Russian Federation, publications of leading scientists in the field of educational policy, and experience in educational activities were used. The attention of the scientific and pedagogical community is drawn to some mechanisms for their implementation in domestic regional universities and their branches. The experience of the development of the Orenburg State University and the Kumertau branch is shown in terms of the implementation of key principles. Transformation of education is impossible without programmatic state support, without relying on the resources of stakeholders, actively attracting opportunities and funds from grants and the program of the Federal level.
Key words: transformation of education, key principles, technological sovereignty, openness, fundamentality, practicality, flexibility, university ecosystem.
Yanshina M.M., Tarasova O.P., Haliullina O.R. THE HERITAGE OF THE SARMATIANS IN THE PRACTICE OF FORMING THE DESIGN CULTURE OF THE FUTURE COSTUME DESIGNERProject culture as a “superlevel of the project process” (O.I. Genisaretsky) begins to form in the professional education of the future designer with his active involvement in research activities and understanding of its value. A pre-project study based on the analysis of historical, value, socio-cultural, environmental and other contexts makes it possible to temporarily abstract from the practical and methodological approach, which is exceptionally key in understanding students at the initial stage of training. The presence of weak ideas about the above-mentioned contexts limits the functions of design in improving the environment and developing culturally significant processes in society. Therefore, an important pedagogical task is to involve the student in solving socio-ecological, ethno-cultural, spiritual and practical problems in project practice.
The typology of value-semantic problem-project tasks developed at the Department of Design of Orenburg State University, involving the performance of extensive research work, reflecting the socio-cultural significance of the design industry and regional specifics, as well as actualizing the subjective position of the future designer, in our opinion, ensures the professional and personal development of the student and the formation of his project culture. Among them are level research tasks in the discipline “Conceptual Design”, tasks for the phased implementation of a conceptual idea in the discipline “Project execution in the material”, a set of questions, tasks and tests for independent research and self-control.
The fund of these humanitarian-oriented project tasks also includes the topics of final qualifying works. The article presents the logic of the implementation of the diploma project of modern women’s clothing based on the material culture of the Sarmatians. The creation of such a collection requires a deep immersion of the future designer into the life and way of life of the people, the use of various methods of scientific research, in the extrapolation of cultural heritage to modernity and the value self-determination of the student necessary for the personal implementation of the project process. As a result, axiological, ecological, cognitive and other components of the design culture of the future designer are formed.
Key words: sarmatian heritage, project culture, pre-project research, costume design, collection of modern clothes.


Boldyreva T.A., Narbekova E.F. SOME PATTERNS OF MOTHER’S ATTITUDE TO THE ILLNESS OF A CHILD WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUSDiabetes mellitus is one of the diseases that can significantly change a person’s lifestyle, significantly reduce the quality of his socio-psychological functioning. The rate of increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus is not decreasing, and the number of children whose lives are forced to change due to type 1 diabetes is also growing. The influence of diabetes mellitus on mental development is indirect, the negativity of this influence can be significantly reduced or even excluded if the social situation of the child’s development is relevant to both age and the limitations associated with the disease. The opportunity to organize such conditions exists only for the child’s family, and the main responsibilities for the care and upbringing of a sick child are often assumed by mothers. Meaning-forming in this context is the attitude to the mother’s illness. Since type 1 diabetes mellitus is a disease that requires constant monitoring of the child’s condition, the possibility of self–realization of the mother in this case in another area. In addition to child-parent and family relations, they also undergo some restrictions. The possibility of optimizing the mother’s attitude to the child’s illness in the context of her self–actualization has become the applied goal of our research; the identification of some patterns in this mental education is an empirical goal. A study was conducted with the participation of 15 mothers of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. To identify some patterns in relation to the child’s illness, psychodiagnostic methods were applied: the method of diagnosing the attitude to the child’s illness (V.E. Kagan, I.P. Zhuravleva); semantic differential on concepts: my life, my child, my work, my past, my present, my future, my family, me; diagnostics of self-actualization of personality (A.V. Lazukin in adaptation by N. F. Kalinin). It was found that in relation to the child’s illness, activity control and hypernosognosia dominate in mothers, a general tension is clearly expressed, which increases due to anxiety as the length of the child’s illness increases. It is impossible to change the conditions of child care, to reduce the level of routine, and therefore the mother’s self-actualization suffers primarily in the professional sphere. This is confirmed by correlations between the values of evaluation factors, strength and activity according to the concepts “my work”, “my present” and “my future” proposed for evaluation by the semantic differential method. To optimize the attitude to the disease of a child with diabetes, such aspects of self-realization as autonomy, creativity and flexibility in communication are most important.Key words: attitude to illness, mother’s attitude to the child’s illness, type 1 diabetes mellitus, hypernosognosia, semantic differential, connotative meaning, socio-psychological functioning, age development, self-actualization.
Thorzhevskaya L.V., Polosukhina R.E. THE DEBATABLE NATURE OF THE DEATH THEME TABOOING ISSUEDeath is one of the most exciting, common, emotional and taboo topics. Taboo is a complete ban or restriction. The article discusses the reasons for the taboo of death and the problems arising from it. The fear of death is one of them. Fear itself is a normal physiological reaction of the body to danger, however, when it acquires a pathological form, that is. phobia, the quality of life is declining.
The stages when a person is most susceptible to the fear of death are considered. For the first time a child encounters this phenomenon at the age of about five years. The loss of a beloved pet or family members makes you think, during this period it is important to honestly answer questions about death in a language accessible to the child in order to avoid problems in adulthood.
The next stage when ideas about death undergo changes is adolescence. During this period, it is typical to romanticize death, unlike adults, who perceive it exclusively as a tragic phenomenon. As you grow older, fear dulls and goes into the background, it is replaced by thoughts about building a career and starting a family.
Further collision with fear occurs during crisis periods, for example, in the midlife crisis, when basic needs are closed. Together with the rethinking of the past, joy, satisfaction and meaning disappear.
By old age, perception changes, acceptance of the inevitable comes. This is how the classic scheme of transforming the fear of death looks like.
The functions of death, the forms of fear of death, the specifics of the attitude to this phenomenon among people of dangerous professions, as well as the consequences of the complete absence of fear of the inevitable are considered.
Key words: fear of death, tabooing, phobia, psychological injury, self-destructive behavior, current living situation, social norm.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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