June 2022, № 3 (235), pages 66-71doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-66
Alekseeva E.N. SUBJECT-LEVEL MODEL OF FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHER METHODOLOGICAL PREPARATION FOR WORK IN EDUCATION INDIVIDUALIZATION CONDITIONSFormation of the specialized competence of a future mathematics teacher to work in conditions of individualization of education is one of the priority tasks of modern higher pedagogical education, which has become a serious challenge for universities within the framework of the existing concept of methodological training of a mathematics teacher. The conducted research is aimed at analyzing the existing system of methodological training of a mathematics teacher in the context of the individualization of education, identifying existing problems, scientific justification for updating the existing concept of methodological training of a future teacher. A subject-level model of methodological training of mathematics teachers is proposed taking into consideration the context of their readiness to work in the conditions of individualization of teaching mathematics. In order to succeed in adaptation of a university graduate — mathematics teacher to working with students with special educational needs, including students with pronounced mathematical abilities, in the conditions of individualization of teaching mathematics it is necessary to include a methodological component in the subject-mathematical training of a future teacher, to strengthen the methodological component in mastering future subject teachers of the course of elementary mathematics, as well as to provide the possibility of implementing individual educational routes including practical training for the development of methodological disciplines by students — future mathematics teachers.Key words: competence of the future teacher, individualization of education, mathematics teacher, teacher, model of methodological training, university adaptation, mathematical abilities, educational route.
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About this article
Author: Alekseeva E.N.
Year: 2022
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-66
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |