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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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June 2022, № 3 (235), pages 45-51

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-45

Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Saitbaeva E.R. VALUE SELF‑DETERMINATION OF A TEACHER IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYThe modern educational environment needs appropriate professionals in their field — teachers, teachers, educators. The rapidly developing world dictates its own rules. These rules make adjustments in all areas of public activity. Thus, new global trends prepare the ground for the implementation of new activities to develop the value self­determination of the teacher’s professional activity.
Every academic year, a generation of young teachers comes to educational institutions who need correction and influence on their personal sphere. First of all, the value self-determination of a teacher’s professional activity is influenced by the surrounding world with its own tendencies and demands.
There are many requirements for the personality of the teacher. Requirements such as: be creative, be able to adapt to any situation, immediately resolve conflict issues. And secondly, the immediate environment — the teaching staff and management — influences the personal sphere. The influence on the personal sphere of young specialists is carried out by the mentor and the leadership of the school.
In the self-development of a teacher, the reading of scientific pedagogical literature has an impact on his personal sphere and value self-determination in the profession. It is in these literary sources that we can meet the names of important scientists: teachers, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists who dealt with the problem of the value self-determination of a teacher. This literature also reflects the significance of the teacher’s personality for modern society.
The Professional Teacher Standard, in part 4.3, paragraph 17, describes: “The ability to form and develop universal learning activities, patterns and values of social behavior, behavior skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, multicultural communication skills and tolerance, key competencies (according to international standards ) etc. “is the task of the teacher. Also, the teacher’s task is to create a favorable background for the development of value self-determination among students of an educational organization. This is defined by the document — “The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia.” The authors are A.Ya. Danilyuk, A.M. Kondakov, V.A. Tishkov. The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, initiative, competent citizen of Russia.
Key words: self-­determination, value self­-determination, pedagogical activity, professional activity of a teacher


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About this article

Authors: Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A., Saitbaeva E.R.

Year: 2022

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-45

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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