June 2022, № 3 (235), pages 72-78doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-72
Shevchenko O.N., Taranovskaya E.A., Vanshina E.A. VARIATIVE CONTENT MODEL OF THE WORKBOOK FOR GRAPHIC DISCIPLINES WITH INFOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS Modern learning technologies are increasingly using the capabilities of the digital educational environment, in the content of which consists of various types of presentations, training videos, sets of slides and illustrations play a significant role. When conducting an observational experiment and recording the data of intermediate certifications of students, it was revealed that visual means of presenting material definitively help the development of perception of spatial objects, their relative position and transformation. However, the results of such training are often not consolidated in the form of educational achievements in the form of skills, abilities, and mastery of elements of general professional competencies. The methodological support of the educational process in order to improve the quality of education can be supplemented by a workbook, which combines the visual perception of the material with the need to consolidate skills when working directly with a pencil in a notebook. Infographics of slide pages, formed while taking into account the principles of fundamentality, purposefulness and adaptability, allows you to activate visual memory, increase interest in the discipline, “keep” attention and teach you to focus on the main, key positions of the educational material. The principles of visibility, uniformity, continuity in the selection of material ensure a solid development of general professional competencies, which is relevant in light of new accreditation indicators for universities. A variative model of the content of the engineering graphics workbook has been developed, which defines the types, tasks, functions, principles, stages and approaches to the selection of the subject content of the discipline. The variability of the model allows using the most significant components to take into account the peculiarities of the contingent of students. The model can be applied to work on this type of methodological development to improve efficiency in teaching other disciplines at the university.Key words: workbook, model, infographics, graphic disciplines
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About this article
Authors: Shevchenko O.N., Taranovskaya E.A., Vanshina E.A.
Year: 2022
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-233-72
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |