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№ 1 (137), 2012

doi: 10.25198/18146457-2012-137-1

Humanitarian sciences

Klimova T.V. EVALUATION OF TEACHING CONDITIONS OF CRITICAL THINKING OF STUDENTS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF NATURAL SPECIALTIES OF OSU)The article describes experimental work on the formation of students' critical thinking, methods of organization of training with the use of technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing and its interpretation in natural science disciplines, methods and forms of implementation of the pedagogical conditions.Key words: critical thinking, teaching conditions, methods.
Kobzeva N.I. "IMAGE OF THE WORLD" AS A PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENONThe author analyzed various approaches to understanding the teaching of science, "Image of the world", including the perspective of phenomenology. The methods of formation of university students' "image of the world" are based on its value, integral, and the active nature.Key words: image, world, education, science, integration, value, integrity and activity.
Korovina I.A. MODEL OF THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS OF MEDICAL FACULTIESThe paper presents the structural and functional model of the professional orientation of students of medical faculties, reflecting the strategy and tactics of the process, the need for the development of this quality. The author justified the essential and substantive characteristics of the model due to the laws of science and practice and defined the stages, criteria and indicators of the leveling process under investigation.Key words: professional orientation, the structural and functional model of a professional orientation.
Slabospitskaya M.V. MODEL OF SENIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS SOCIALIZATION THROUGH THE MEANS OF SCHOOL STUDENT GOVERNMENTThe paper presents a model that reveals the internal structure and logic of the socialization process: phases, components, criteria and indicators for socialization, teaching conditions, factors affecting the process of socialization, the levels of involvement in the activities of high school student government.Key words: social experience, student government, the factors of socialization, educational environment.
Yushina E.N. EFFECT OF DETERMINANT SYSTEM ON MORAL VALUES IN MODERN RUSSIAN SOCIETYThe article describes the factors that reflect the main determinants causing features of the development of moral values of contemporary Russian society, in the process of interaction with the changing realities of life. It is emphasized that education — is a powerful factor in the development of moral society.Key words: ethics, the development of the system of determinants of value factor.
Polkunova S.Y., Polkunov Y.G. MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN HISTORICAL STUDY: GROWTH OF PRODUCTION OF LIGHT AND FOOD INDUSTRY IN THE SOUTH URAL REGION IN 1920–1930 This article focuses on the development of one of the most important economic segments of the complex — the light and food industry. The authors analyzed the expansion of production processes and the dynamics of gross output at the enterprises of the South Ural region in 20–30 years of XX century, the analysis was based on the developed mathematical models. Key words: mathematical model, gross output, light and food industries, the South Ural.
Smirnova N.A. RELATIONSHIP OF SECULAR AND SPIRITUAL POWER IN THE ENGLISH REFORMERS UNDERSTANDINGThis article discusses the problems of establishing a new system of relations between secular and spiritual authority in the XVI century on the example of England. The changes are associated with the emergence of Protestantism in the British version — Anglicanism, established mainly at the behest of the monarch — Henry VIII Tudor, with the help of his faithful ally — Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, a prominent theologian of his time.Key words: Reformation, Protestantism, Anglicanism, the royal supremacy, Parliament, the absolute monarchy.
Goncharova V.A. INTERACTION OF NORMS AND DEVIATION IN SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AS AN ENGINE OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCEThe article investigates the phenomenon of the interaction of norms and deviations in scientific knowledge as the driving force of science. The author believes that the interaction of norms and deviations generates synthesis, which creates a quality of the science, capable of more detailed and deeply reflection of the diversity of the studied reality and making scientific and cognitive activity stream of new, unconventional ideas.Key words: standard, deviation, scientific knowledge, synthesis.
Keidiya K.Z. PHILOSOPHICAL UNDERSTANDING OF IDENTITY IN THE STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY-EXISTENCEThe article is devoted to the identity of modern man. Self-identification is considered as a process of relating oneself to oneself, resulting in the submission of the form of itself as a self-identity, an integral and unique personality. The author identified areas of difficulty in understanding the process of self-identification and correlation of himself as "I" with the true image of "I".Key words: identity, self-identity, individuality, self- identifiability, modernity, postmodernity.
Pisarchik L.Y. PROBLEM OF SPECIFITY OF "HUMAN SCIENCES" IN THE METHODOLOGY OF HUMANITARIAN KNOWLEDGE BY V. DILTHEYThe author deals with the problem of specificity "of the human sciences" in the understanding of Dilthey. which is quite confusing. Mr. Rickert said that Dilthey separates "natural science" and "human sciences" due to the subject. This view was established and has come into the modern world. However, a careful study of works of Dilthey allows us to see that it separates two groups of sciences both due to the subject and method.Key words: history, life, the natural sciences, human sciences, understanding, experience, expertise, external sensory experience, the inner experience, die Urzelle.
Pisarchik T.P. PHYLOSOPHY OF POCHVENNICHESTVO BY APOLLON GRIGORIEVThe article investigates the philosophical roots of pochvennichestvo by A.A. Grigoriev. Special attention is paid to the difference of philosophical world-view of Grigoriev from other members of this ideological trend in the middle of the XIX century, as well as the Slavophiles.Key words: pochvennichestvo, Slavophilism, spontaneity, democracy, nihilism, nationality, community, creativity.
Hadzharov M.H. SOCIOLOGY OF SECURITY: RUSSIA IN THE AGE OF CHANGING WORLD ORDER The article examines the economic, political, ideological, and cultural changes taking place in the Western European world, and Russia, due to the trends of globalization of the world community. The author substantiates the idea that globalism is presented as a long-term political and economic line of industrial and technologically advanced countries, aimed at the spread of capitalism on a planetary scale, and the conquest of new economic zones of the capital set-up, constituting the initial steps for the geopolitical expansion of new areas within the range of strategic interests of Western states.Key words: expansion of capitalism, the social nature of globalization, the threat to national security, risk, threats to Russian national security, protection of territorial integrity, maintaining Russia's status as one of the world's great powers.
Rusanova N.A. CONTRIBUTION OF S. RACHMANINOFF TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLASSICAL ROMANCEThis article examines the chamber and vocal works by S.V. Rachmaninoff. Noting the diversity of genres of romances, their evolution occurring for over a quarter of a century, and having a certain "drama". It emphasized the most important quality of the composer's vocal style — an expressive melos.Key words: S.V. Rachmaninoff, romance, composer, genre, variety, drama.

Economic sciences

Buresh, A.I., Renner A.G., Yarkova O.N. OPTIMIZATION OF INSURANCE COMPANY INVESTMENT STRATEGY IN CASE OF SOME RISKY ASSETS The authors proposed and implemented a method of forming an optimal portfolio of risky and riskless asset, based on maximizing the probability of non-bankruptcy of insurance company. On the example of OMI and Hull insurance contracts and showed that application of the proposed approach to the formation of investment strategy provides a higher probability values of bankruptcy than Tobin's portfolio.Key words: Chance of non-bankruptcy of insurance company, the optimal investment strategy.
Donskova L.A. INFORMATION ASYMMETRY IN THE RUSSIAN FOOD MARKET: ESSENCE, PROBLEMS, WAYS OF SOLUTIONThe article analyzed the problems of information provision for distribution of food products, causes, results and significance of information asymmetry on the Russian food market, proposed a system of measures to reduce the asymmetry of information. Key words: food security, information asymmetry, food products, regional food market.
Budeeva O.N. FORMATION OF THE SET OF STATE INSTITUTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF UFA PROVINCE) In the article describes the selection and placement of staff in government agencies: assignment to class ranking; keeping the officials in the form of salaries to meal and accommodation money; issuance of travel payment in the form of road money. Key words: civil administration, public service, placement, grade, public officers keeping.
Zelentsova L.S. DIALECTICS OF SYSTEMATIC APPROACH OF ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENTThe author reveals the need for further development of system methodology based on integration and unity of knowledge focusing through a systemic, synergy, strategic, resource, value, functional and process approaches; she proposes mechanism for the implementation of new or integrated system approach, based on the concept of commercial stability. Key words: systemic approach, management system, system building factor, integrity, orderliness, interactions, synergies, the combined capacity of the organization, value, usefulness for the consumer, human potential development commercial stability.
Konyshev V.A. THE USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN RESTRUCTURING ENTERPRISES The author made the analysis of concepts and principles of business process reengineering, reviewed the possibility of restructuring enterprises through business processes, as well as illustrated the relevance of these processes. Key words: business process, restructuring, asset restructuring, business restructuring, restructuring, reengineering of business processes.
Nemirova G.I. BALANCED AND ECONOMICALLY SAFE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION IN THE UNIFIED CUSTOMS SPACE IN THE POST-CRISIS PERIOD The author presents a systematic approach to balanced and economically safe development of the region in a unified customs space in the post-crisis period, outlines the threat to economic security, due to the economic crisis, and the integration of regions into a unified customs space. She also offered methods of prevention and management approaches in a balanced development of the region. Key words: balanced development of the region, economic security, customs, the economic crisis, the systemic approach, safety criteria, the management of the region.
Pasechnikova L.V., Pankova S.V., Afanasyev V.N. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT IN THE AREA OF SERVICESThe authors consider marketing management as a type of management, reveal marketing management system content , expose features of systematic approach in the marketing management of the organization, the conceptual content of the marketing management in the area of service.Key words: marketing management, the area of service, systematic approach.
Kripak E.M., Shatalova T.N., Shepel V.N. ANALYSIS METHODS OF PRODUCT ASSORTMENT POLICY OF PRODUCTION ENTERPRISEThe authors make a comparative analysis of the methods used for optimization of the product choice. Depending on the nature of the information they offered adequate methods, which enable you to determine the main directions of development of individual product groups, identify the priority position of assortment, to assess the effectiveness of its structure and areas for improvement. Key words: assortment policy, ABC — analysis, adapted BCG matrix.
Tuyakova Z.S. DEPRECIATION POLICY AS A STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESThe article deals with effective depreciation policy in economic entities on the basis of systematizing its principles and the development of a set of activities to comply with those principles the implementation of which is essential to the development of the economy of industrial enterprises. Key words: depreciation, the concept of depreciation, depreciation methods, policy, economic and social efficiency, industrial enterprise, long-term capital, moral and physical wear and tear, technological advances, the useful life of a development strategy.
Chmyshenko E.G., Medvedeva T.P. CONSUMER CHOICE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF MARKETINGThe authors discuss the need for using marketing concept of consumer choice of scientific and technical production. They also presented selection criteria and functional tasks of the marketing department. Key words: concept marketing, scientific-technical products, consumer marketing tasks.

Natural sciences

Kucherenko M.G. NANOBALL DYNAMIC POLARIZABILITY IN THE CASE OF A DEGENERATE ELECTRONIC GAS AND ITS ROLE IN ENERGY TRANSFER PLASMA MECHANISM The author shows how the degeneracy of electronic gas in spherical metal nanoparticles effect on the resonance behavior of the dipole polarizability in monochromatic electromagnetic field on the optical frequencies with dissipative processes in a conductor (complex dielectric permittivity). Frequency dependence of the imaginary and the real parts of polarizability of a spherical nanoparticles are obtained in the form of graphs for different values of particle radius, length of Thomas-Fermievskiyof shielding and damping constant. The author provides expressions for speed radiationless transfer of energy between the molecules in the vicinity of nanoparticles, and rate of energy to it, which include dynamic polarisability on nanoball with a degenerate electronic gas. Key words: polarisability spherical nanoparticles, a degenerate electronic gas, Thomas-Fermievskiy, shielding, energy transfer, plasmons.
Chepasov V.I., Popova O.B., Kolesnik A.N. FORECASTING OF DAYS OF MOVING OF AVERAGE DAILY AIR TEMPERATURES ON THE BASIC PARAMETERS OF THE TIDAL CHANGES OF THE GRAVITY POWERThe authors examined forecasting of days of moving average daily air temperature using the basic settings. Basic settings are based on the results of a study on the settings associations according to factors for their respective matrices of study by means of daily air temperatures years and tidal gravity changes. Key words: air temperature, gravity, tidal change.
Shikhab Ali Abdul-Majid APPROXIMATELY KAHLER MANIFOLD OF CONSTANT HOLOMORPHIC CONHARMONIC CURVATUREThe author considered approximately Kahler manifold of dotted-constant conharmonic holomorphic curvature. It is proved that NK-manifold is the variety of dotted constant holomorphic conharmonic curvature c if and only if on the space bound of G-structure. The author also shows that the dotted constancy of holomorphic conharmonic curvature of coherent NK-manifold of dimensions is over four amounts to its global consistency. Key words: approximately Kahler manifold; conharmonic curvature tensor; space of bound G-structure; conharmonic holomorphic curvature tensor.
Ponomareva G.A., Pankratiev P.V., Halzov A.A. MICROELEMENT CONTENT OF OIL OF ORENBURG OIL RESERVES The article examines the content of metals in oil fields in the west of Orenburg oblast. The authors studied special features of distribution of metals according to stratigraphic cuts of deposits, their relationship to the physical-chemical properties of oil deposits in Orenburg region examined. They also found the following elements: copper, lead, chromium, titanium, molybdenum, zirconium, vanadium, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, and platinum group metals and established patterns of distribution of elements in the investigated objects. The possibility of using data on microelement composition for stratigraphic correlation of rich-in-oil areas.Key words: metals in oil, distribution features, terrigenous, carbonate reservoir of the Devon and Carbon, stratigraphic correlation.
Shelamova S.A., Tyrsin Yu.A. INDUCTION OF BIOSYNTHESIS OF LIPASE BY MICROMICETESBiosynthesis of lipazy Rh oryzae 1403is induced by triglycerides, fat acids and their derivatives — twins. The highest effect was produced by olive oil, twin 80 and oleic acid. The producer is able to synthesize the two produce lipolytic enzymes, molecular weight was the same of both isoenzymes, and was 44±2 kDa. Between izoformsi there was great satisfaction in amino acid content.Key words: lipase, Rhizopus, biosynthesis.
Barkov V.N., Kochkina N.N., Severinova S.B., Grechikhina S.V., Petrenko V.L., Matchin A.A. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF INFECTION ON WOUND HEALING OF MAXILLOFACIAL REGION IN THE EXPERIMENTThe authors conducted experimental pathology experiment of infection on healing of wounds of maxillofacial region performed on 40 white adult rats creating a model of fully-layered punctured wound of maxillofacial area (cheeks). Detected changes in the tissue in the zone of wound defect significantly compounded by the exogenous infection. These changes lead to fibrosis, secondary necrosis, , a lack of meaningful granulation tissue resulting in lack both histo-and organic typical, elements differentiation, process of chronic diseases. These results justify the need for correction of microbial effects on tissue of maxillofacial area with cross-cutting injuries. Key words: wound of maxillofacial area, reparative histogenesis, wound infection.
Volkov Yu.O., Matchin A.A., Stadnikov A.A., Mikhailova I.A., Kiriakidi S.Kh., Barkov V.N. EXPERIMENTAL-HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES OF REPARATIVE PROCESSES IN THE INJURY OF MAXILLOFACIAL AREA IN TERMS OF INFECTION (NEUROBIOLOGICAL ASPECTS) In the experiment on the created model of rat's down jaw break by impact of controlled power processes of healing in different experimental conditions were studied , including the use of oxytocin and antibiotic. On the basis of an integrated morphofunctional study of posttraumatic tissue regeneration of maxillofacial area of experimental animals for the first time the authors defined the degree of histoblastic and organotypic heteromorphy (intra-and inter-differentiation). Oxytocin (especially in combination with antibiotic) optimizes the phase of inflammation in the area of traumatic injury by helping to create a histo-organotypic regenerates, which may be an evidentiary test of wound process and its therapeutic correction.Key words: bone and soft tissue of maxillofacial area, traumatic injuries, regeneration, hypothalamus, oxytocin.
Kozlova A.N., Vakhitov E.M., Beznosik R.V., Shevlyuk N.N., Labutin I.V. MORPHOFUNCTIONAL REORGANIZATION OF EPITHELIUM OF RATS IN THEIR AERIFEROUS WAYS BY INTRATRAHEA BACTERIAL INFECTION WITH BACTERIA OF ANTILACTOFERRINE ACTIVITYThe infection of animals by bacteria without antilaktoferrine activity shows the morphological picture cataral bronchitis with an adequate increase in the cellular elements of mucociliary clearance and immune system to eliminate the parasite. Infection of rats highly persistant strain led to the development of sclerotic forms of bronchitis with a tendency towards chronic diseases of pathological process.Key words: persistent properties of bacteria, antilactoferrine activity, aeriferous epitelium.
Albakasova A.A., Veterkova Z.A., Evstifeeva G.Yu., Sumenko V.V., Krasikov S.I., Sharapova N.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIPID SPECTRUM OF BLOOD SERUM IN THE NEWBORN WITH INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RETARDATIONIn studies conducted by the authors, the connection between the serum lipid spectrum and the characteristics of prenatal development is defined. The features of the lipid spectrum of blood serum in newborns with intrauterine growth retardation, revealed the nature of dyslipoproteinemia and set the risk of atherosclerosis.Key words: intrauterine growth, lipid spectrum of blood serum, newborn.
Kanyukov V.N., Stadnikov А.А., Тrubina О.М., Yakhina O.M. STATE OF REHABILITATION PROBLEM OF PATIENTS WITH CORNEAL PATHOLOGY (REVIEW)The authors presented condition of the problem of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the cornea, described the new direction in treating this disease based on stimulation of the regenerative abilities of the structures of the cornea.

Technical sciences

Fot А.P. THE ESTIMATION OF CONSTRUCTIVE-TECHNOLOGICAL PERFECTION OF DRIVE CHAINS GEARS OF MOTOR DRIVES The author presented results of the analysis of the characteristics of the drive plate circuits used in mechanical drive trucks, the criterion of evaluation of design and technological excellence chains.Key words: chain transfer, chain drive plate, breaking load, the criterion of evaluation circuits.
Seregin А.А. ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF MODEL OF PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT WITH LIMITED PRODUCT RANGEThe author presented a general statement of the problem of constructing structural models of the stage of "exploitation" of technological equipment and gave empirical data to reduce the technological precision of large and heavy machines locomotive factories. On the basis of long-term observations the author suggested structural model of the "exploitation" stage of machines and devices.Key words: Planned preventative maintenance, performance, process module, process accuracy, maintenance of equipment.
Nazarov V.V., Kushnarenko V.M. BASIS OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WHOLE MILKThe authors presented results of experimental studies of mechanical properties of milk with fat content of 3.4% and applied rheological model of Shvedov-Bingham to describe the flow of milk as a visco-plastic body. They also determined by the linear dependence of the limiting shear stress and plastic viscosity of the milk temperature.Key words: milk, mechanical properties, limiting shear stress, plastic viscosity.
Polishchuk, V.Yu., Khanin V.P., Prilepina I.I. RESISTANCE TO EXTRUSION IN FORMING CHANNELS OF HOLLOW BRIQUETTES OF SAWDUST Based on the model of elastic body the authors defined the resistance of the hollow extruded sawdust briquettes, considered conditions of formation of a briquette coaxial cylindrical cavity, the cavity diameter of a connection with the length of the forming cavity, and the physical properties of semi-finished product.Key words: extrusion, bioenergy, wood sawdust, fuel bricks.
Sidorenko G.A., Popov V.P., Zinyukhin G.B., Yalaletdinova D.I., Zinyukhina A.G. ELECTROCONTACT ENERGY DRIVE FOR BAKING BREADThis article contains information about the features of different ways of energy drive, used in baking. Particular attention is paid to electrocontact energy drive, as a method of baking, which allows to t maximally preserve the useful properties of raw materials, which has the lowest glycemic index and reducing the formation of undesirable substances indigestible by the human body joints.Key words: baking, bread, crust-free bread, electrocontact bakery, the glycemic index.
Tretiyak L.N. RANGE OF QUALITY AND SAFETY INDICATORS AS A FOOD DRINK BEERIn connection with Russia's entry into WTO and the lack of unified requirements for quality and safety of beer quality and safety the author offered the standard of beer, including four new general indicators of "total standard value of minerals" (ODE, instead MPC), "dose of flavor"; "dose of total toxicity", "content of vitamins and vitamin-like substances."Key words: standard of quality and safety of beer; valuation criteria of toxicity, the total allowable level of the estimated consumption of minerals; dose toxicity, dose of flavor, adequate daily intake of vitamins.
Ostrikov A.N., Vertyakov F. N., Trushechkin A.B., Trubnikova V.N. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CHANGE IN VEGETABLE PUREE IN THE PROCESS OF TWO-STAGE EVAPORATIONThe author defined the nature of changes in the thermophysical characteristics of the vegetable puree and specified the dependences for calculating the coefficients of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity.Key words: thermal properties, vegetable puree, thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, specific heat, evaporation.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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