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2012, № 1 (137)

Budeeva O.N. FORMATION OF THE SET OF STATE INSTITUTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE (ON THE EXAMPLE OF UFA PROVINCE) In the article describes the selection and placement of staff in government agencies: assignment to class ranking; keeping the officials in the form of salaries to meal and accommodation money; issuance of travel payment in the form of road money. Key words: civil administration, public service, placement, grade, public officers keeping.


1. Abdrakhmanova B.V. Governmental authorities in Kazakhstan 20 th years — the end of XIX century: abstract of thesis of Cand. Sc. (History). — M., 1989, p.21

2. Address, calendar and Reference book of year 1910 / edited by the secretary of the Ufa Governmental Statistic Committee. Ufa. Electric Governmental Printing office. Ufa. 1910, p.26 Address calendar of year 1900 // the edition of Ufa governmental statistic committee. Ufa 1900, p.28-29

Address calendar of Ufa governorate and reference book of year 1904 / the edition of Ufa governmental statistic committee. Ufa. 1904, p. 42.

Address calendar of Ufa governorate and reference book of year 1908 / edited by the secretary of Ufa Governmental Statistic Committee, Ufa.: Electric Governmental Printing office. 1916, p. 13-14, 26-27

3. The Large Russian encyclopedic dictionary / Scientific edition "Large Russian Encyclopedia" typography "DROFA" Ltd. — M. 2003, p.235

4. Zayonchkhovsky P.A. The government of sovereign Russia in XIX century. — M. edition "Mysl'", 1978, p.88

5. Khantimirova R.I. The government in Ufa governorate in the second part of XIX century — the beginning of XX centuries. Monograph. — Sterlitamak: Sterlitamak state pedagogical institute, 2000, p.76.

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8. Сode of laws of the Russian Empire V. III, book I / under the editorship and with the remarks of counsel of Ministry of justice and lecturer of the civil justice in the imperial school of jurisprudence I.D. Mordukhai- Boltovsky. Composed by N.P. Balkanov, S.S. Voit, V.E. Gertsenberg. St. Petersburg: Russian book association "Deyatel'". 1896, art. 517-540, p. 99-101

9. Сode of laws of the Russian Empire V. III, book I / under the editorship and with the remarks of counsel of Ministry of justice and lecturer of the civil justice in the imperial school of jurisprudence I.D. Mordukhai- Boltovsky. Composed by N.P. Balkanov, S.S. Voit, V.E. Gertsenberg. St. Petersburg: Russian book association "Deyatel'". 1896, art. 176-186, p. 44-45

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About this article

Author: Budeeva O.N.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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