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2012, № 1 (137)

Smirnova N.A. RELATIONSHIP OF SECULAR AND SPIRITUAL POWER IN THE ENGLISH REFORMERS UNDERSTANDINGThis article discusses the problems of establishing a new system of relations between secular and spiritual authority in the XVI century on the example of England. The changes are associated with the emergence of Protestantism in the British version — Anglicanism, established mainly at the behest of the monarch — Henry VIII Tudor, with the help of his faithful ally — Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, a prominent theologian of his time.Key words: Reformation, Protestantism, Anglicanism, the royal supremacy, Parliament, the absolute monarchy.


1. Hume D. The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. — L., 1767.

2. Бокль Г.Т. Отрывки царствования королевы Елизаветы. СПб. — 1868.

3. The Oath of Archbishop Cranmer. 1533. Cranmer Th. Miscellaneous writings and letters of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, martyr. — Cambridge. — 1846.

4. Henry to Cranmer. 1533. Letters and Papers, foreign and domestic of the reign of Henry VIII. — L. — 1862-1932.

5. Original letters relative to the English Reformation written during the reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Mary: chiefly from the archives of Zurich. — Cambridge,1846-1847

6. Holinshed Chronicle. / English Historical Documents. L., 1965-1969. V. V. Part 5.

7. Gardiner St. De veraobedientia; Cheek J. The Hurt of Sedition; Foxe E. De vera differentia Regiaepotestatis et Ecclesiasticae. Selections from writings of Tyndale, Gheeke, Foxe and others. / English Historical Documents. V. V. Part 5.

8. The Act of Supremacy. 1534. / Documents illustrative English Church History. L. — 1896.

9. Correctiones of the Institution of a Christian Man by Henry VIII with Archbishop Cranmer's annotations. Cranmer Th. The works of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury. Cambridge, 1844-1846.

10. Cranmer's answers on the Seventeenth Questiones. Cranmer Th. The works of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury. Cambridge, 1844-1846.

11. Postscript to Thomas Cranmer's answers. Cranmer Th. The works of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury. Cambridge, 1844-1846.

12. Cranmer to Capito. 1537. Cranmer Th. Miscellaneous writings and letters of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, martyr. — Cambridge. — 1846.

13. Cranmer Th. The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, collected and arranged by Henry Jenkyns, m.a. fellow. Oxford, 1833.

About this article

Author: Smirnova N.A.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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