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№ 10 2005


  • app.1
  • Humanitarian sciences

    Merkulova M.G. RETROSPECTION IN GENRE STRUCTURE OF ESKHIL`S TRAGEDIES. VALUE OF GREEK TRAGEDY RETROSPECTION FOR WEST-EUROPEAN "NEW DRAMA"The subject of the article` literary research is a reception of retrospection in dramatic art. The author offers the conclusion on character of this reception functioning; it is made on the basis of the structural - typological analysis of Eskhil`s tragedies. The given approach has allowed to declare the connection between retrospection of the Greek tragedy and West-European "new drama"
    Shcherbak A.S. SEMANTICS OF ONOMALEXEME WITH DIALECT BASIS (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE TAMBOV AREA)The materials of dialect lexicon show, that a person lives in language, and language lives in a person. Value of dialect word reflects not so much semantic rules, but conceptualization of the world by the person that is caused by his experience of interaction with an environment. The regional onomastic material is involved for the analysis.
    Shakirova R.D. FEATURES OF SEMANTICS ACTUALIZATION OF STATEMENT`S EPISTEMIC STATUS BY MODAL WORDS IN MODERN GERMANIn the article features of semantics actualization of subjective epistemic status of the statement are analyzed by modal words of the modern German pointing to excretory character of the information. The statement can be characterized either by objective, or subjective epistemic status. The last, as the marked member of opposition, assumes presence of the parameters indicating a source of "ordinary" knowledge: sensual or rational knowledge of the objective validity or receiving knowledge "from second hand", and also detailed elaboration of his completeness level.
    Alimova L.B. CONCEPT OF ARTS AND CRAFTS LUXURY IN RUSSIAN HISTORY AND CULTUREThe article is devoted to a phenomenon of arts and crafts luxury, it is practically unexplored in a modern science. The attempt is made to define this subject, to show its place and value in the history and culture of Russia of XVIII-XIX centuries. The existence of a phenomenon of luxury contacts with the social status and the life way of the Russian nobility.
    Lyubichankovskiy V.A. LOGIC OF CONSTRUCTION OF IDEAL MODELS IN PHYSICSIn the article features of ideal modelling in physics are analyzed on an example of evolution of modelling representations about atom.
    Vinogradova N.L. INTERACTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL AND A SOCIETY: DIALOGIC ASPECTThe interaction of a society and an individual, which is developed, according to the author’s opinion, in two main forms – traditional and innovational social interaction, the base of which is a dialogue, is regarded in this article. The following problems are analyzed here: individuality as creative beginning, capability for innovation and repressive attitude of the social universalism to the individual.
    Makhrova M.V., Kondratiev Yu.V. "DIFFICULT" CODE OR CONTRADICTIONS IN LABOUR LEGISLATIONIn the article some problems and contradictions of legal regulations of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation and their practical decision are considered. The article is written in 3,5 years after coming into force of the Labour code of the Russian Federation. During action of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation there were the problems connected to application of norms of the labour right. Some categories of workers found themselves " behind a board " of this document though in the maintenance of their labour rights and duties there are many specific features, allowing to talk about necessity of varied approach to legal regulation of labour relations arising at them.
    Belomestnova N.V. SYSTEM APPROACH IN PSYCHOLOGYIn the article the theoretical, methodological and empirical bases for author’s model of mentality are examined. The author aspires to consider studying of mentality in a wide scientific context. Thus, the evident preference is given to one of the base approaches at which initial there are relations between mentality and its organism bearer. In particular, in the article it is spoken about specificity of mentality as object of knowledge; about levels of the mental organization of the person; about seven modern domestic models of the person`s mentality; about general principles of the system approach and about possible categories, pertinent from the point of view of the author at realization of this approach. The author offers the circuit of a structure of mentality as development of the accepted theoretical and methodological bases. The big actual material, empirical and theoretical is used, and it makes the article rather informative.
    Kuzmenkova O.V. STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS OF TEACHERS` REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT PROFESSIONAL ROLEThe approaches to studying of professional repertoire role of the modern teacher are examined. The results are discussed of psychological inspection of substantial characteristics of teachers` representations about the professional roles. It is established, that in the process of teacher`s pedagogical work development they expand not only a range of professional roles, but also realize ways of their perfection more precisely. Necessity is proved of the psychological help on expansion of role repertoire at teachers separate probation groups.
    Nikolaeva N.L. STUDYING OF LONELINESS AT GROWING UP STAGE In the article the problem of loneliness is examined at the stage of youthful age. The author analyzes representations about loneliness on the basis of material received with the help of mini-compositions. By results of the content-analysis it is marked, that during youthful age representation about loneliness becomes multivariate, there is a strengthening of the importance of the factor aversion among contemporaries.
    Shipoval I.A. RUSSIAN MENTALITY IN THE ASPECT OF INVALIDS` INTEGRATION In the article the social - psychological analysis of a problem of mental stratification of a modern Russian society is submitted within the framework of the concept of social utility of its citizens and the consequences determined by this problem, such as marginalization of invalids and formation in their environment of "culture of poverty ". Stability of stereotypes of "culture of utility " is examined from positions of the theory " groupped thinking ", correlative with ideologically formed and existed in the Soviet time with a collectivism spirit. In a context of a humanistic paradigm development of " a uniform society " - equal in rights relations of its members and groups - the urgency of integration cultural models creation is emphasized, its separate priorities are marked.
    Shcherbakova L.N. INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL CONDITIONS ON FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERSON`S LIFE STRATEGY The article is devoted to the problem of society`s influence on development of a person`s life strategy. The theoretical analysis of various approaches is given; points sight of such authors, as: B.G. Ananyev, K.A. Abulhanova-Slavskaya, etc are reflected. The analysis of factors and the conditions is made by A.V.Razin influencing a direction of an individual development of a person and a subject in a society. Within the framework of the article the analysis is given of researches results connected to studying valuable orientation of the person in a modern society. The big attention is given to a problem of construction of life strategy and its interrelation with a modern education system.
    Lebedeva N.N. HARMONIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL SCHOOLBOYS` VALUABLE SELF-DETERMINATION SYSTEM In the article the urgency, the philosophical, the pedagogical bases, ways and mechanisms of harmonization of pedagogical system of valuable self-determination of schoolboys is investigated. The necessity is proved of parity of a moral orientation of schoolboys` valuable self-determination in harmonizable pedagogical system.
    Vitvitskaya L.A. INTERACTION OF SUBJECTS OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSIn the article the theoretical aspect of subject - subjective interaction in educational process is examined. Interaction – is a central part of educational process which expands the opportunities of training, forms skill to cooperate. Interaction assumes change not only in activity, relations, but also in the cooperating parties. These changes occur as for the account of "appropriation" of the public essence made in subjects and ways of operating with them, and through familiarizing with alive carriers of human experience, what other people are. And it means, that constant creative, spiritual enrichment of teachers is the important precondition for creative pedagogical interaction with trainees.
    Matskailova O.A. POSITION AS THE SUBJECT’S CHARACTERISTICAs the subject of activity is the subject of relations (V.V. Gorshkova), that the position as a system of dominate relations is proved in this article as subjective characteristic of a person. Essential characteristics of subjective position such as: its value-semantic and objective-subjective character, perception and motivating role, are regarded here.
    Solovtsova I.A. SPIRITUAL EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF COMPLETE - HUMANITARIAN APPROACHThe article is devoted to the problem of development of the spiritual education theory on the basis of integration of philosophical, theological, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, and also representations about a phenomenon of the spiritual education, formed within the framework of various concepts of education. In the article one of construction variants of the complete theory of spiritual education is examined in the context of humanitarian knowledge with the account of polyparadigm character of modern social and cultural and pedagogical reality.
    Anischenko V.A. REGULARITIES OF PROFESSIONAL-PEDAGOGIC SYSTEM PROJECTINGThis article is devoted to the social-pedagogical analysis of suppositions of the problem researches of professional-pedagogical systems projection, to the consideration of theoretical basis of pedagogical projection in the system of multilevel continuous professional education and to the discussing of theoretical basis of professional-pedagogical system projection.
    Kolobova L.V. MULTIASPECTIVENESS OF POLYCULTURAL EDUCATIONInnovation searches of modern pedagogics – the problems of polycultural education are regarded in this article, also its different aspects, such as: ethnosocial, axiological, culturological and necessity, are characterized here.
    Kovalev A.V., Kuznetsov V.V. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF WORKERS IN CONDITIONS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISETheoretical basis of contents, forms and methods of accelerated training in industrial enterprise conditions on the base of researches, conducted in the Center of staff training of OOO “Gazprom”, which realizes the training and professional development of workers, specialists, managers of the enterprise, are regarded in this article. The opportunity of personal-active approach to the organization of staff studying at their working place is considered here. According to the results of conducted pedagogical researches the authors give to the organizers of accelerated professional training the recommendations of modular training, its construction and results fixation on the base of personal-active approach.
    Petrov L.J. COMPETENT APPROACH IN MODERN MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTModernization of modern education demands essentially new approach to professional competence of the pedagogical staff from the head of educational establishment. Basic changes of teachers` competence should concern, in our opinion, first of all the organization of mobile, situational, individualized process of education. For this purpose it is necessary for head of educational establishment to solve, first, problems of humanization, continuity of development of staff`s competence, second, technologization and standardizations of education promoting creation of uniform educational space in an educational institution. It becomes the mechanism of continuous development of the pedagogical staff`s competence.
    Dorofeev A.V. PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF FUTURE TEACHER`S MATHEMATICAL PREPARATION In the work the professional - pedagogical potential of the mathematics course is analyzed by preparation of students. Use of the tasks modelling pedagogical activity, promotes informal mastering by mathematical methods and formation of professional qualities of the future teacher.
    Ryazanova N.V. SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECT OF TRAINING OF TECHNICAL SCIENCE BACHELORS IN ORENBURGThis work gives the European general trends analysis results of Bologna process development of European space creation of higher education, also the results of social research of technical science bachelors training in Orenburg branch of Universal Technological University are given here.
    Nedosekina A.G. MANAGEMENT OF STUDENTS` ART EDUCATION PROCESS IN MODERN HIGHER SCHOOLIn the article the management of students` art education in inartistic high schools is examined. The analysis of its modern condition is given, problems of such kind of management and a way of their decision are shown.
    Bondarenko I.I., Vlatskaya I.V., Nazarov N.V. COMPLEX APPROACH TO PROOF OF K. ERROW`S THEOREM The cognitive - didactic game is considered: the proof of the Errow`s theorem in English. Such organization of the teaching material allows to carry out the complex approach to the problem of collective decision making from the mathematical, linguistic and valuable points of view.
    Lapaeva M.G., Ushakova O.A. DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF RATIONAL USE NATURAL RESOURCES OF REGION In the article the analysis of lacks of the existing mechanism of bosom use is made. Directions and ways of the problem decision of creation of the social and economic mechanism of region`s natural resources rational use are offered.
    Vishnyakova O.N. STATE REGULATION OF ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF POWER ENGINEERINGThe system of modern management poorly takes into account interactions in a triad of becoming aggravated economic, ecological and social problems. Sharply and actually there is a two-uniform problem: harmonizations of these interactions so that to reduce their different direction in interrelation and interconditionality, and definitions of an optimum of state regulation and market self-organizing for achievement of steady development of power engineering as life supporting system.
    Noskova E.M. SYSTEM APPROACH OF INDUSTRIAL IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ESTIMATION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN THE PERM REGIONIn the Russian Federation the agricultural production is traditionally perceived as unprofitable. This feature influences the used methods of the industrial real estate estimation of agricultural purpose for the benefit of cost-is-no-object approach. In the given article maintenance is examined of the system approach of an estimation of the specified actives for application of profitable methods which are actual for the investment purposes and a privatization.
    Pyagay A.A., Sisebaeva B. FORMATION OF PRICE POLICY IN GRAIN GROWING OF NORTHERN KAZAKHSTANAt the decision agrofood program a significant place is featured to a price policy as the basic stimulating factor of development of an agricultural production which will allow to increase production efficiency and to improve interfarm economic relations in agricultural interprises.
    Zhuk M.A. INTELLECTUAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF REGIONAL LABOR MARKETIn the article the author regards the problem of regional labor market regulation with using of marketing approach. As the effectiveness of any marketing research depends from information completeness about market segments, the author suggests the conception of information system, allowing fulfilling the support of strategic marketing solutions of regional labor market regulation.
    Renner A.G., Stebunova O.I. MODELLING OF HABITATION COST IN THE SECONDARY MARKET OF HABITATIONIn the article the approach is offered to cost modelling of habitation in the secondary market, allowing to take into account heterogeneity of objects of sale both in space and in time. The approach is realized on an example of the secondary market of Orenburg` habitation with use of package Stata. In result the factors are revealed influencing change of an average level of the price in time and space.
    Baltin V.E., Skobeleva E.V. INCREASE OF MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY OF FINANCE HOLDINGIn the article the organizational changes are offered for different kinds of holdings for the purposes of increase of management efficiency by financial streams.
    Drogobytskiy A.I. GLOBALIZTIONAL ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGEIn the article east and western approaches are analyzed to creation of new organizational knowledge and attempt is undertaken of effective recommendations development on generation of the uniform universal approach which would unite advantages and levelled lacks of both classical approaches. The author proves an opportunity of joint scientific - technological development of the companies, holding western and east styles of realization of research and developmental works.
    Erunov V.P., Bravicheva O.S. MODELLING AND ESTIMATION OF EFFICIENCY OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS FUNCTIONING IN HIGH SCHOOLIn the article the description is given of a technique of formation model of educational process development in high school. As an example, quantitative models are received and investigated of educational process on specialities of the Orenburg State University, the degree of influence of the allocated factors on criterion function is appreciated, efficiency of educational process is determined and the two-factorial forecast of quality of preparation of experts is received.

    Natural sciences

    Olhova A.I., Pankratyev P.V., Han I.S. ABOUT PROSPECTS OF OIL-AND-GAS CONTENT OF MAGNITOGORSK SYNCLINORIUM IN THE ORENBURG REGION`S TERRITORY Deposits of hydrocarbons in the crystal base rocks are revealed and are partly exploited on all continents, except for Antarctica. In the Orenburg region the insufficient attention is paid to this question. Though there are preconditions of revealing of hydrocarbons deposits in similar structures. In the article on a number of geologic-geophysical factors the estimation is given of an opportunity of revealing of hydrocarbons congestions within the limits of Magnitogorsk synclorium of Ural.
    Demina T.Ya., Shayahmetova L.R. TO THE PROBLEM OF WASTE PRODUCTS RECYCLING OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES ON THE EXAMPLE OF CHLORORGANIC COMPOUNDS MANUFACTUREIn the article the influence is considered of chlororganic products and other proof organic compounds on an environment and health of a person, the differentiation of waste products of chlorderivative materials is carried out, development data are given of hexachlorbenzol`s toxic effect, some methods are considered of toxic waste products recycling.
    Dolgov M.A., Kosarev A.V. HYDRODYNAMICAL MECHANISM OF MUSCULAR FABRIC`S REDUCTION AND RELAXATION AND ITS POWER SUPPLY On the basis of model of sliding strings new interpretation of reduction and relaxation mechanism of sarcomere and therefore muscular fabric are offered. Work at reduction is made according to laws of Gess and Puazeyl. The relaxation and stretching of a muscle is made due to potential energy of the forces saved up at reduction and realized by the hydrodynamical mechanism.
    Malyshkin A.P. FITNESS AND SELF-INSUFFICIENCY OF KINDSThe problem of speciation continues to remain actual till now. However self-insufficiency of a kind, in other words his inability to exist outside of a biological environment has not found the certain attention. Meanwhile necessity of indemnification of self-insufficiency of a kind by his biopartners in specific community could be one of bases of speciation.
    Nurushev M.Z. PARENT BEHAVIOR OF HERD HORSESThe role of parent behavior is established, as biological feature of mares, during preservation of a fetus, and in first days of its postnatal development. For the first time it is determined, that foals at birth have, at least, three congenital food reflexes, they are unconditional - reflex (instinctive), produced during evolution of sort Eguus.
    Nagumanova N.G., Ni G.V. SPATIAL VARIETY OF MESOFAUNA IN STEPPE ZAURALYEThe article is devoted to studying of specific structure, number and spatial structure of distribution mezofauna of various types of landscapes in steppe Zauralye. It is established, that poverty of specific structure and small number of mesopedobionts is determined by extreme conditions of existence: short duration of vegetative period, sharp differences of a hydrothermal mode in the beginning of vegetation and deficiency of a moisture in second half of summer and adverse properties of soils (salinity, alkaline reaction, compaction etc.).
    Tihonov V.E., Dolgalev M.P. INFLUENCE OF HARMFUL ORGANISMS ON EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY OF SPRING FIRM WHEAT`S GRAIN IN SOUTHERN FOREST-STEPPE OF PREURAL PROVINCEIn the work the influence is considered of a phytophagan complex on formation of productivity and quality of spring firm wheat`s grain, and also a role of ecological factors in development of Angiosermae wreckers, bringing essential harm to biocenose of investigated culture.
    Gziryan V.S. COMPLEX APPROACH TO INVALIDS REHABILITATION FROM AMONG PARTICIPANTS OF OPERATIONS IN THE ORENBURG REGION Complex rehabilitation of invalids from among participants of operations in the Chechen republic is the important problem, because for these persons posttraumatic stressful frustrations are characteristic. Rehabilitation of participants of operations represents the complex mechanism based on integrated approach, individuality, availability, sequence where all social structures of a society should participate.
    Kobzev G.I. MECHANISMS OF MOLECULAR OXYGEN ACTIVATION IN FERMENTATIVE OXIDATION-REDUCTION REACTIONS.On the basis of modeling of fermentative reactions by ad initio and semi-empirical methods of quantum chemistry, the analyses is carried out of electronic and spin characteristics of a penultimate phase of catalytic cycle of substrata oxidation by oxygen with formation of hydrogen peroxide. It is shown, that optimum structure of the active centre of enzyme- is a glucosoxidase, it is defined by exchange-correlation potential, and activation of molecular oxygen can be provided not only by carrying of electron on oxygen, but also intermolecular migration of spin density from oxygen on enzyme and coenzyme.
    Shayhitdinov R.Z., Shibkov V.M. INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC FIELD ON RADIAL DISTRIBUTION OF METASTABLE ATOMS OF XENON IN IMPULSING DISCHARGE OF HE-XEХMIXESThe influence is investigated of longitudinal magnetic field on radial distribution of concentration of metastable atoms in an active phase and in afterglow of the impulsing discharde of He -Xe mixes. It is shown, that in the magnetic field the radial course of metastable atoms concentration essentially varies, coming nearer to bessel functions. It is explained by reduction of radial cataphoresis degree. Presence of molecular ions of xenon is established also.
    Gimaltdinov I.K. ABOUT ATTENUATION OF PULSE PERTURBATION IN THE PIPE WITH VESICULAR LIQUID WITH STEPPED DISTRIBUTION OF VESICLES ON SECTIONThe evolution is investigated of pressure waves in a pipe filled with gas-liquid fluid, at stepped distribution of vesicles on pipe`s section. Results of calculations are compared to experimental data. It is shown, that because of occurrence of cross currents at non-uniform distribution of vesicles there is more intensive attenuation of pulse pressure in comparison with a case of homogeneous distribution.
    Vlatskiy F.D. RESEARCHES OF RADON CONTENTS IN LIVING QUARTERS OF PERVOMAYSKIY AREA OF ORENBURG REGIONIn the article the data are given of experimental researches of the radon contents in 14 settlements of Pervomayskiy area. Measurements were carried out both in summer, and in autumn periods. Recommendations are given for reduction of the radon contents in rooms. The literary data are given which put under doubt harm of small dozes of a radioactive irradiation at low power of doze.
    Taraborin D.G. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDYING RADIATING CONDITIONS AND FORECAST OF RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL NATURAL ENVIRONMENTIn the article various aspects are considered of studying and observation of radiating conditions on an example of mining area with a heterogeneous structure, rich and various in mineral resources. Being based on positions of normative documents and condition of information space, the radiogeological data the complex of actions, methods, directions of researches is recommended on studying a condition of radiating conditions and the forecast of radioactive pollution with radioactive nuclide of an environment in oil-and-gas bearing and mining areas mastered by the industry.
    Tarasova T.F., Chalovskaya O.V. ESTIMATION OF ACID RAINS INFLUENCE ON ELEMENTS OF INDUSTRIAL CITY`S ECOSYSTEMIn the article results of research are resulted of ecological loads on roadside territories of streets of the industrial city, formed at washing away of power-gas impurity by deposits as rain and snow. The total ecological loads are designed, allowing to carry out a ranking of roadside territories on a level of ecological trouble.
    Hazova S.V. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF FORECASTING OF ATMOSPHERE QUALITY OF INDUSTRIAL CITIESIn the given article the basic problems are examined arising at an estimation of atmosphere qualities of industrial cities. The model is offered allowing to take into account a level of pollution of atmosphere and to predict occurrence of this or that ecological situation in view of lines of factors influencing on change concentration of polluting substances in an atmosphere of industrial cities.
    Belan L.N. INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION BY MERCURY IN MINING AREAS OF REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTANThe data on mercury environmental pollution of mining areas Bashkir Zauralye are generalized. The basic sources of receipt and priority role of man-caused mercury are shown. It is marked, that concentration of mercury in separate components of the natural environment of area in some cases exceed the established specifications.
    Fedorov S.I. MODERN LINES OF CHANGE OF ECOLOGICAL AND MONETARY ESTIMATION AT LONG AGRICULTURAL SOIL USE Methodical approaches are examined of a monetary estimation on soil and the ground areas in view of soil - ecological indexes (SEi) and size of tariff categories. The soil - ecological estimation is carried out and the price of arable lands of three administrative areas of Bashkortostan (Belebeevskiy, Ermekeevskiy, Miyakinskiy) is estimated. The average price is estimated of one hectare of arable lands and total cost of soil arable lands on three areas of republic. Monitoring of qualitative and quantitative change of a soil - ecological estimation of land -estimated works in these areas is carried out.
    Ivashkina G.A., Nevostruev L.M., Kucherov A.A. DARBU`S TASK FOR EYLER-DARBU EQUATION WITH PARAMETERS The decision of Koshi`s task for Eyler-Darbu`s equation with parameters was received in work [1] with use of the general properties of Eyler-Darbu`s equation and generalized operators Liuvillya of the fractional order of integration and differentiation [3]. In the present work with use of operators Saigo [4], [5] the decision of Darbu`s task for wide enough spectrum of parameters a and b Eyler-Darbu`s equations was received.

    Technical sciences

    Ryabinina O.N. PHYSICOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE COMPOSITES RECEIVED BY SPLITTER-ION SINTERINGIn work the opportunity is shown of reception by a method of electrodigit sintering of the composite materials consisting of graphite or a graphite fabric and aluminium, and wearproof bearing composite materials of the matrix-filled type (bronze - stellite, bronze -sormite). Their physicomechanical properties are investigated and physical parameters are determined of technological process of composites reception. The received results of researches can be useful for development of theoretical representations about processes of electrophysical technology in powder metallurgy and for development of more proof tool materials for electrodigit sintering.
    Savchenkov E.A., Shashkova V.K., Shashkova L.V. DISSIPATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS OF THIN STEEL`S MICROSTRUCTURES IN CONDITIONS HYDROGEN`S DIFFUSIVE TRANSFER The article is devoted to researches of open system steel - hydrogen in conditions of diffusive transfer of an embedding impurity. The method of x-ray diffraction in situ is used during electrochemical hydrogenation of membranes and electronic microscopy for studying transformations of defective metal structure. Repeatability of processes of accumulation and discharge of micropressure with reorganization of defective structure in ОКР are established, migration of borders, formation of deformation relief, a substructure and porosity are also examined. The initial structure of steel influences on the kinetics of transformations.
    Rudakov V.I., Karyagin A.P. METHOD OF AUTHOMATED CALCULATION OF STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTIC ON DATA OF X-RAY STRUCTURE ANALYSISIn the article the method is submitted of program management by goniometer of x-ray diffractometer and the automated processing of experimental data: calculation of the centre of gravity deffractional maximum, Furye`s factors, calculation of micropressure size and areas of coherent dispersion. The function scheme is shown of computer connection with diffractometer.
    Abdrashitov R.T., Polishchuk J.V. STRUCTURE OF THE PROBLEM(TASK) OF THE INTELLECTUAL ANALYSIS OF THE DATA ON SAFETY OF TRAFFICIn clause(article) the principal causes promoting distribution of new technologies are revealed, software of the information analysis of the data are analysed, three stages of process of the intellectual analysis of the data are allocated, classes and methods of intellectualization are determined, known operations of the intellectual analysis of the data are considered.
    Nikiyan N.G., Sankov D.P. ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITY OF DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF CURRENT FREQUENCY IN ROTATING SHORT-CIRCUITED ROTOR`S CONTOUR OF THE ASYNCHRONOUS ENGINEThe estimation is made of existing methods of currents frequency measurement in a short-circuited contour of a rotor of the asynchronous engine. Researches are described of a magnetic field at an end face of a shaft by results of which frequency can be determined of a current in a contour.
    Kiselev V.P. JOINT USE OF BY-PRODUCTS OF TIMBER-CHEMICAL BRANCH WITH MATERIAL RESOURCES OF OTHER MANUFACTURES - COMPONENTS ORGANOMINERAL MIXESIt is established, that at the whole complex of positive influence on bitumen`s properties synthetic thermoplastic elastomers on the basis of copolymers of bivinyl and styrene, thermoplastics such as polythylene reduce adhesive durability of astringent. It is offered for improvement adhesive-cohesive interactions between polymerbituminous binding and mineral material of the basic character to enter in binding water-insoluble settling pitches of pyrolysis of vegetative raw material. It is shown, that liginincontaining secondary resources of timber-chemical branch are capable to increase adhesion of oil-bitumen and a marble substrate.
    Zakirullin R.S. APPROXIMATION OF DEPENDENCE OF AIR SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM TEMPERATURES OF DRY AND WET THERMOMETERS AT RECIRCULATING CONVECTION DRYINGAre received The approximate dependences of air specific humidity from temperatures of dry and wet thermometers in real ranges of their change at convection drying with recirculating of the drying agent. Nonlinear dependence between these parameters is approximated by a method of regressive analysis of their values under the id-diagram of damp air in vicinities of the basic characteristic points of drying process.
    Rozhkov A.F., Deordiev S.V., Zhadanov V.I. WAYS OF EFFICIENCY INCREASE LARGE-SIZE PLATES WITH WOODEN COVERINGThe results of research are submitted of intense - deformed conditions of plates with a board covering, at exception of its some length from end faces to middle from the general work. It is revealed, that reduction of length of a covering pasted to a skeleton by size more than 2/7 flights essentially influences change of intense - deformed conditions of a plate.
    Glyantsev N.I., Stekolnikova N.M., Kotov V.V. SANITARY - CHEMICAL RESEARCH OF ANIONITES, USED IN THE FOOD-PROCESSING INDUSTRYSanitary - chemical and organoleptite parameters are investigated of water extracts from anionites IА-1 and IА-3. Influence of temperature, time extraction and mechanical influences on intensity of impurity migration from anionite is revealed. It is shown, that in a complex of parameters the anionite IА-3 surpasses IА-1 and can be recommended for use during water-preparation at the enterprises of the food-processing industry.
    Tretjak L.N., Losev Yu.A., Bondarenko E.G. QUALITY SURVEILLANCE OF BEER IN CONDITIONS OF EQUIPPED LIMITED BREWING LABORATORIES The material submitted for the publication is a development of the question on necessity of the control of by-products of fermentation (BPF) and contains concrete tools for increase of its efficiency at definition of concentration diacetyl at a stage of a fermentation of beer. The connection is shown between contents BPF in beer, its microbiological properties, degree of hydrolysis of fiber and quantity of the formed amino acids. By low-voltage horizontal electrophoresis amino acids are determined in some grades of the beer made in the Orenburg region. Experimental curves are given of hydrolysis of fiber in various grades of beer. The express train - method of definition of diacetyl is offered, allowing to supervise it during fermentation and aftermentation and promoting duly updating of parameters of technological process of beer manufacture.
    Sokolova O.Ya., Stryapkov A.V. , Antimonov S.V., Solovyh S.Ju. INFLUENCE OF EXTRUSION TECHNOLOGY FACTORS ON SORPTIVE ABILITY OF GRAINSIn the article sorptive ability of grain`s extruded article is investigated, received at various thermal processing, in relation to heavy metals.
    Bogatova O.V.., Dzhulamanov K.M. MEAT EFFICIENCY AND FACTORS ITS DETERMININGConditions of feeding and the maintenance in the various periods of cultivation of young growth of large horned livestock render essential influence on formation of its meat efficiency. At the organization of intensive pasturable cultivation and final fattening it is possible to receive heavy extinguish with better (smaller contents of fat) structure of ink. Intensive growth of a muscular fabric. At earlier stages of growth and development characteristic at cultivation of steer-eunuches on technology of feeding platforms.
    Bashirov V.D., Bogatov A.I. QUESTIONS OF MEAT`S FOOD VALUE IMPROVEMENT The offered technology of steers`s cultivation up to 10 month age on inleakage maintenance has allowed to increase weight of carcasses on 10 and 5,3 kg accordingly, thus higher parameters on a total output of a protein and fat and power value of meat were marked. In turn at the given animals high biological value of meat was marked. Received at slaughter of young growth of all groups meat production to all attributes meets high requirements, as consumer, and meat-processing industry

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    © Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
    Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
    Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
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