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Лицензия Creative Commons

№ 2 (238), 20 june 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Bykova A.S., Sakharova N.S. THE STRUCTURE OF INFO-COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPING SUPRA-PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCESNowadays, in the era of variability and information saturation there is a need in training a new type of specialists who have supra-professional competencies and soft skills. Being the key ones, soft skills are divided into three groups: cognitive, activity and communicative skills. Moreover, the essential features of soft skills were highlighted.
Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to say that soft skills and supra-professional competencies have the following similar characteristics: flexibility and high adaptability to rapidly changing conditions; values and motives that are fundamental; goal-setting and striving to achieve goals; universality; the presence of acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills. Info-communication skills are identified as a unity of communication skills and the ability to work with information. These skills are the basis of supra-professional skills due to the category “information”, which is the basis of these skills. The structure of info-communication skills has been suggested, which consists of foreign language, information and communication skills.
Summarizing the results of the study, soft skills serve as a basis for developing supra-professional competencies, which is an effective way of organizing a person into a professionally significant activity. In this regard, info-communication skills are considered to be the most important ones for developing supra-professional competencies at the present time.
Key words: info-communication skills, supra-professional competencies, soft skills, information.
Gulov A.P. NATIONAL SUBJECT OLYMPIADS IN CHINA: TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONSThe Olympiad movement of schoolchildren is a ubiquitous driver of the search for talented young people and an international pedagogical phenomenon. The study of national experience in the implementation and preparation for school subject olympiads in China is the goal of our study, the relevance of which is determined by both the mass participation of Russian schoolchildren in intellectual competitions and the dominant role of Chinese teams in international olympiads in natural science disciplines. The approaches used in the study, on whose principles we relied: systemic, activity, cultural. Among the theoretical methods we apply are the study of domestic and English-language scientific literature on the topic, generalization of ideas, categorization. At the empirical level, we have studied the regulatory documents of the Chinese government in the field of education in English, which are publicly available for international scientific cooperation. Many sources were found in the Chinese database of research papers As a result of the study, the following features of the Olympiad movement in China were revealed: strict selection of applicants for national teams in various subjects, a multi-level dropout system for schoolchildren, the presence of training camps for the backbone of teams, from which participants in international competitions are determined (usually 6 people). Government support is implemented through the activities of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology. Despite the success of Olympiads, in recent years, the mass participation in China has decreased, since the Ministry of Education has banned directly accepting the winners of Olympiads to universities without specialized selection. In the Chinese tradition, successful contestants are perceived as “supernormal” teenagers with outstanding abilities, whose number a priori cannot be large. China’s success in economic and technological paths speaks of the effectiveness of educational technologies, which forces domestic teachers to analyze the eastern path of development of giftedness in school.Key words: subject olympiads, development of giftedness, education in China, international olympiads
Kuatbekov Sh.N., Kargapoltseva N.A. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANThe development of physical culture and sports is one of the priority areas of the state social policy, implemented in the educational, health, cultural, national, youth, and international spheres. The urgency of the problem is also determined by the need to understand the current situation in the development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan at various levels. Physical culture and sports contribute to the formation of the internal and external image of the state, the patriotic feelings of the people. In this regard, consideration of the main directions of development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the historical and pedagogical aspect seems to be extremely relevant.
This article analyzes the current state, trends and prospects of research activities in the country’s physical education, substantiates the need for a comprehensive application of the achievements of related sciences to create a scientific and technical base for innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports.
Modern vectors and world standards for the formation of a national system of physical culture staffing in accordance with the trends in physical education, as well as the creation of innovative educational institutions for the training of physical education specialists, the formation of a network of children’s sports schools, rural sports complexes, social and cultural centers of physical development are considered.
The axiological vectors of the development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been updated in accordance with promising areas in physical education; humanization of national education on the basis of value orientations in a healthy lifestyle of every person.
In this regard, the necessity of designing a system for training future specialists, considering the analysis of national experience to create a scientific and technical base for the implementation of innovative technologies in the field of physical culture and sports, is emphasized.
Key words: physical education, education, physical culture, tendencies of development of physical culture and sport.
Lapaeva M.G., Lapaev S.P. HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA AND IN THE ORENBURG REGION: THE STATE AND PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENTThe article discusses the development of higher education in Russia and in the Orenburg region, analyzes its reform and the university system. Particular attention is paid to the spatial location of universities and the role of universities in the development of resource-type regions. The study was conducted using methods of comparative analysis, comparison, generalization, synthesis, tabular and interpretation of the results obtained.
The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the development of higher education in the Orenburg region and develop practical recommendations for its improvement. The article compares the development of higher education in Russia, in the Volga Federal District and in the Orenburg Region, as well as in different types of regions. Using the example of the Orenburg region, it is shown that the positions of universities in resource-type regions are deteriorating. This is manifested in a decrease in the number of students, a reduction in the teaching staff and in the loss of competition for status university. However, regional universities play an important role in the development of the productive forces of the region: personnel training, scientific research, improvement of cultural space, development of international relations, etc. Recommendations are offered on strengthening the base of regional universities, providing conditions for the employment of graduates in the region, organizing the “feeding” of teaching staff by graduates of high-status universities of the country. In conditions when the paradigm of higher school development is directed towards academic capitalism, it is proposed to distinguish between commercial and academic activities, that is, some are mainly engaged in the commercialization of research results, others are mainly engaged in teaching activities. The theoretical and practical significance of the research lies in the fact that it contributes to the theoretical understanding of the processes of higher school development and provides an opportunity to use proposals for improving higher education education in the region.
Key words: higher education, reformation, resource regions, universities, spatial development, development directions.
Maksimenko A.A. EXPERIENCE OF THE NARRATIVE APPROACH IN FOREIGN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICEAchieving educational goals to improve the quality of education is increasingly associated with a narrative approach. Personally oriented education focuses on the development of a creative, thinking, self-developing personality. The organization of the educational process is associated with the introduction of narrative practices to activate the position of the student, reflection of his own and acquired experience of cognition of being. The organic nature of learning through narrative is associated with the natural ability and need of a person to structure his experience and realize himself in society in a plot-related narrative. Didactic material has been used for many centuries to accumulate and transfer knowledge and form the necessary personality traits.
In order to systematize and identify promising areas for using the narrative approach in the educational process, a theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature was carried out. The hermeneutic method contributed to the understanding of the polyvariance of narrative practices, the need to correlate them with the educational situation and educational goals. Perceiving the world through the prism of the mediator’s contemplation, students are influenced by the personal attitudes of the teacher to accompany the student in the educational environment. The creation of a favorable variable environment depends on the narratives used by the tutor as a means of presentation. Decision-making is influenced by the personal experience of students, which appeals to the narrative, regardless of whether it will be voiced in the classroom or will remain only in the mental consciousness without being embodied in a verbal form.
Applying narrative practices in the learning process, the future specialist reaches the level of reflection on the range of professional knowledge. The narrative approach in teaching an academic discipline contributes to the formation of the personality of a competent specialist who is able to apply knowledge outside the education system and promotes self-improvement.
Key words: narrative, narrative approach, narrative pedagogy, educational sphere, educational process, application of narrative, experience.
Martishina N.V., Moroz V.V. PEDAGOGY OF CREATIVITY: ORENBURG AND RYAZAN — POINTS ON THE MAPCreativity as a phenomenon has always been of great interest to people, however it has gained relevance since the middle of the twentieth century. Moreover, in the conditions of uncertainty, unpredictability, rapid transformation, penetration, and sometimes the dominance of technology in all spheres of life, creativity is becoming one of the most essential qualities of a modern person. An analysis of the array of domestic and foreign studies conducted gives grounds to assert that creativity, as a personality trait, being inherent in everyone to a greater or lesser extent, can be developed both individually and in a team, can lead to non-standard solution of complex problems and can contribute to the creation of original products of practical value.
Creativity is not a chaotic, unpredictable feature of a person’s behavior, so its development becomes the goal of education and pedagogy of creativity. The creative paradigm of education determines the mechanisms for transforming one’s personality through self-determination, freedom of self-expression and the choice of life path strategies.
By the example of two geographical points quite distant from each other: Ryazan and Orenburg, the authors argue that they are united by their interest in the problem of the creativity development in educational space. The review of studies conducted in these cities and aimed at studying various aspects of creativity is not exhaustive and final.
The authors emphasize that the pedagogy of creativity, combining innovations and traditions, theory and practice, the latest technologies and time-tested methods, contributes to the potential development of both the individual and the team, the enrichment of the values of creativity and knowledge, the formation of readiness for the implementation of creative activity and the creation of a new significant product.
Key words: pedagogy of creativity, creativity, creative personality, scientific school, creative education, axiology of creativity.
Chelpachenko T.V., Pakhomova M.A. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION OF PARENTS IN RUSSIAThe educational potential of education at the present stage is undergoing significant changes. This is due to the complexity and multidimensional nature of the situation that develops in the interaction of the main structures of the educational process: schools and families. The existing psychological-pedagogical and scientific-methodological arsenal of forms of pedagogical education of parents is not in full demand today and does not allow taking into account all the specifics of modern parenthood. Families with children need support, correction, counseling on various issues of raising children, preparing for school, going through crisis periods in a child’s life.
The study examines the current problems of pedagogical education of parents of students in modern pedagogy. The main normative documents regulating the need for the implementation of pedagogical support and education of families with children are analyzed.
A study was conducted to determine the main directions in which it is necessary to carry out pedagogical education of parents in Russia. The needs of families for qualified pedagogical assistance in teaching and raising children in the family are identified, modern possibilities of implementing pedagogical support for families with children are evaluated. The main directions and forms of implementation of pedagogical education of parents, relevant today, are presented.
Key words: enlightenment, pedagogical education of parents, education, upbringing, family, school.
Dyukina N.G. SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL COMPONENT OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN AT MATHEMATICS LESSONSThe issues of ensuring the country’s environmental security are presented in the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. Ecological education of schoolchildren and education of the population is one of the solutions to the issues raised. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic and secondary general education, the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of schoolchildren is one of the requirements for mastering the main educational program.
The article describes the process of formation of the socio-ecological component of the ecological culture of schoolchildren in the process of teaching mathematics. Achievement of the set task is carried out by direct solution of ordinary tasks in mathematics lessons, but having a real substantive formulation of regional environmental priority. The didactic possibilities of the content of a school course in mathematics make it possible to predetermine and resolve a number of environmental problems. This is possible only in integration with other academic disciplines. At the same time, the technologies of the meta-subject approach, as the basis of education, fully contribute to the achievement of personal, subject and meta-subject learning outcomes for schoolchildren, provide tremendous opportunities for greening the content of all disciplines, and even can be aimed at integrating the content of environmental and vocational education. The purpose of the study is to develop a teaching methodology aimed at the formation of the socio-ecological component of the schoolchildren’s ecological culture in the process of teaching mathematics in grades 5-6.
The quantitative and qualitative methods used to analyze and interpret the data obtained in our study proved the effectiveness of the developed methodology. At the same time, the subject level of mastering the school course in mathematics did not decrease.
Thus, the study devoted to the formation of the socio-ecological component of the ecological culture of schoolchildren in the process of teaching mathematics is relevant and socially significant. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the socio-ecological component of the schoolchild’s ecological culture make it possible to use the developed teaching methodology in the educational process in educational institutions, in gymnasiums. The developed methodological recommendations for teachers are recommended for conducting lessons in mathematics using the technology of the meta-subject approach.
Key words: socio-ecological component, ecological culture, metasubject approach, school course in mathematics, metasubject education in mathematics, regional principle.
Ryblova A.N., Khristoforova D.A. DEVELOPING INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES OF FUTURE PEDIATRICIANS BY MEANS OF INTELLECTUAL GAMES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGENowadays there is an increasing demand in society for specialists functioning at a high intellectual level, capable of producing new intellectual results not only in their native language, but also in foreign languages. This is especially important in the profession of a pediatrician, as the pediatrician is required to be ready for positive verbal interaction with the child. He or she must be able to establish contacts with his or her parents, as well as be able to consciously and independently choose means of treatment depending on the diagnosis of the patient. The article presents an analysis of the concepts of “abilities”, “intellectual abilities”, and a classification of their types. The authors present a series of intellectual games in a foreign language.
The authors define the key concept of “intellectual ability” as a kind of individual’s abilities to create unique mental results of his cognitive actions and mental operations and apply them in various situations of professional communication in different languages. Special attention should be paid to the development of intellectual abilities in Russian universities, including foreign languages classes. It is necessary to activate the cognitive processes of students-pediatricians, to stimulate their thinking. To achieve this goal, the teacher is offered to create various problem-based situations and to present the students with problem-based tasks.
The authors conclude that the use of intellectual games in foreign languages can significantly enhance the development of intellectual abilities of future pediatricians. The authors also propose criteria for diagnosing the intellectual abilities of future pediatricians in a medical university within the framework of a series of intellectual games.
Key words: intellectual abilities, future pediatricians, foreign languages, a series of intellectual games
Belonovskaya I.D., Petrova S.D., Kuznetsov V.V. HEURISTIC APPROACHES IN SOLVING ENGINEERING PROBLEMS BY FUTURE TECHNOLOGISTS AND DESIGNERSThe modern stage of development of mechanical engineering is characterized by the need for highly qualified specialists who are ready for a quick change of production conditions. The problems of preparing machine builders for the dynamics of the world of work determine the search for new means of developing their heuristic professionally-oriented competencies. In the prevailing socio-political and economic conditions, characteristic directions of rapid transformations of production conditions are determined, such as changes in the product range, product release programs, equipment and tooling. Heuristic strategies determine options for various promising solutions, significantly reduce the duration of the search for optimal versions.
Diagnostics of the readiness of future machine builders to solve problems using heuristics revealed significant problems associated with the predominance of a low level of development of technical thinking (up to 57% of respondents) and insufficient motivation (up to 82%) to use heuristic approaches in future professional activity.
Experimental work in groups of future machine builders proved that the integrated introduction of command forms into the educational process of training machine builders, the development of heuristic techniques for solving production tasks allows to intensify the process of preparation for changes in production conditions. The frequency of using heuristic techniques increased by 47.3%, the number of students with increased (from 31.3% to 45.7%) or high (from 5.2% to 12.7%) levels of such skills increased, manifestations of a high level of general skills of using heuristic techniques in technical tasks of future professional activity increased (an increase of 7.1%).
Key words: machine builder, machine-building tasks, heuristic approaches, strategies for making heuristic decisions.
Egorova G.I., Osin M.V. DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-DETERMINATION AS THE BASIS OF THE FUTURE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS CULTUREIn the conditions of modern realities, the profession of a teacher is characterized by high emotional costs, high responsibility for the effectiveness of subject-subject relations, the quality and responsibility of educational results. Performing professional tasks, the teacher most often does not think about his culture of professional success, its role in life, career. This key problem must be addressed purposefully and continuously in higher education. A program has been developed to activate the process of developing a culture of professional success for a future teacher, implemented for pedagogical areas.
The theoretical part of the program introduces students to the concept of “culture of professional success” as a systemic concept, taking into account two significant phenomena. The phenomenon of “culture” is the basic personal basis in which the result of upbringing and education of students is concentrated, manifested in the harmony of the physical, mental, spiritual, moral development of each student. The concept of “professional success” is an important supra-professional (meta) quality that orients the subject to a high level of professional self-determination, striving for professional growth.
The practical part of the program is based on the development of competencies aimed at self-determination and a culture of professional success.
The experimental work showed a high level of readiness of the future teacher to develop a culture of professional success at the university, in the network interaction “mentor — student employer” under a number of conditions: creation of a holistic cultural and educational environment of the environment of success; taking into account the dialectic of the relationship between self-determination and the culture of professional success; development of a system of theoretical and practical knowledge; study of indicators of the culture of professional success; acquaintance with the issues of intensification of pedagogical work, a comprehensive assessment of the professional and functional state — as one of the components of the culture of professional success and self-determination.
Key words: self-determination, professional self-determination, culture of professional success, networking, teacher.
Muratova A.A. THE PHENOMENON OF EARLY CAREER GUIDANCE OF STUDENTSThe phenomenon of early career guidance of students in modern conditions is a well-established pedagogical category, reflected in regulatory documents: the passport of the federal project “Success of every Child” [10], the federal educational program of preschool education [7].
The importance of preschool age in the professional formation of a personality is justified in studies reflecting the periodization of age-related development of a person as a subject of labor.
Early career guidance of preschoolers is based on such features of this age as: the leading type of activity (play), the developing effect of immersing the child in various activities, cognitive needs in relation to events and phenomena of the surrounding world, the manifestation of the ability to imagine, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
The phenomenon under study at preschool age is unstable, which is based on the dependence of professional preferences on the impressions received by the child and on fantasies generated by events and phenomena of the surrounding world.
The leading content lines of early career guidance for preschoolers are: acquaintance with the world of professions, the formation of the image of a hard worker.
The preschool child’s family has a significant impact on early career guidance, which determines the need to develop cooperation with parents as equal participants in the educational process.
The condition for the effectiveness of the process of early career guidance of students is the teacher’s readiness to conduct career guidance work.
At preschool age, it is permissible to use psychodiagnostic methods for developing a child’s interest and attention to their own qualities associated with the world of professions. Early career guidance of preschoolers is of an activity nature, which determines the appropriate pedagogical means: play activities, project activities, research activities, communication activities, modeling, reading fiction and cognitive literature, observing the professional work of adults, excursions.
Key words: activity, preschool education, preschool age, game, play activity, world of professions, student, professional development, profession, early career guidance, preschool child, teacher, family, socialization, work.
Piralova O.F., Levkin G.G., Simak R.S., Levkina E.A. COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY TEACHERS INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY RESULTSAt present, intangible values play a significant role, which include knowledge, business connections, reputations and other intangible factors united by the concept of “intellectual capital”. The main source of a nation’s wealth is not capital, labor, or natural resources, but knowledge. The development and reform of the national education system requires the provision of educational organizations with high-quality educational literature. In general, when creating an intellectual product, the results of scientific activity are alienated. In the context of the development of Internet technologies and the improvement of legislation in the field of copyright, the authors of scientific and educational publications have the opportunity to generate income from the placement of intellectual property in electronic library systems (EBS). Therefore, the features of the sale of the results of intellectual activity are considered, the main directions of commercial activity in the promotion of publications on the Internet are determined.
Therefore, the features of the sale of the results of intellectual activity are considered, the main directions of commercial activity in the promotion of publications on the Internet are determined.
Key words: intellectual product, publication, publisher, teacher, license agreement.
Tavstukha O.G., Matvievskaya E.G., Ganaeva E.A. PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMANITIES EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AT THE UNIVERSITYModern realities of educational practice indicate the need to intensify practice-oriented training of specialists. The connection between theory and practice ensures purposeful and productive educational activities of higher educational institutions by deepening the focus of educational programs on practical training. The value of a practice-oriented approach is also growing in connection with the requirements of state policy in the aspect of federal state educational standards, the content of which is aimed at high-quality training of a competent specialist with professional and personal qualities that are in demand on the labor market.
In pedagogical science, conceptual ideas about the practice-oriented approach, principles, and methods of its implementation are substantiated. However, today the problem of training specialists in the humanities is quite acute, the educational process of which is more focused on theorized learning. In this regard, there is a need to expand the boundaries of applicability of the practice-oriented approach in the implementation of educational programs in the humanities.
Key words: vocational education, vocational training, educational activities, education of a college student.
Toporkova O.V. INNOVATIONS IN THE SYSTEMS OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION AT THE PRESENT TIME The study of innovations in the systems of higher technical education of the leading countries of the world in the first decades of the 21st century is due to the possibilities of applying the valuable achievements of foreign pedagogical science and practice in solving urgent problems of domestic higher technical education, searching for ways to improve the quality of training of future engineers in our country. In the course of a theoretical study of the work of national and international accreditation agencies, professional engineering communities and associations to improve the quality of engineering education, it was found that graduates of accredited educational programs of engineering and technical bachelor’s degrees are fully prepared for integrated engineering activities, and master’s degree graduates — for innovative engineering activities. . The main approaches to the organization of education at a higher technical school abroad at the present stage are: traditional education based on a strict disciplinary curriculum, project-based learning, problem-based learning, and learning based on an integrated curriculum used in the CDIO approach, which has become widespread in the practice of higher education. technical school abroad in the first decades of the XXI century.
There are features of the CDIO approach to reforming and designing engineering educational programs, innovations in the content of modern educational programs of higher technical education are presented, innovative technologies used in the practice of foreign higher technical schools are analyzed, and the main trends in the development of higher technical education at the present stage are presented.
Key words: higher technical education, innovations in engineering education, engineering education abroad, competencies of engineers, complex engineering activities, innovative engineering activities, the CDIO initiative, MOOCs, flipped classroom.
Khandrimailov A.A., Belonovskaya I.D., Vorobyov V.K., Zhuravleva M.O. STUDY OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS AND RESOURCES FOR ENHANCING THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES OF A FUTURE ENGINEERThe training of future engineers at the university includes a large number of design work related to the study of various disciplines of the curriculum throughout the entire period of study. In the junior years, students are loaded with projects of humanitarian content, and then they perform complex computational and graphic tasks of professionally oriented projects. The implementation of educational, research and research, innovative course and diploma projects is a mandatory completion of the study of cycles and modules of the general professional and professional components of the training program. It has been established that a large amount of spontaneous or ineptly organized independently project activity of a student causes organizational and technological risks of educational lag, educational difficulties, leads to unreasonable losses of the contingent. In order to study the causes of educational failure and search for resources to reduce it, surveys of future engineering students were conducted. It has been established that a significant impact on the decrease in the educational project activity of first-year students is exerted by the mismatch of ideas about the “free life” of the university and the realities of labor-intensive project activities at the university, the lack of formation of personal organizational and technological training skills.
Time management technologies as one of the disciplines of the curriculum were used as organizational and technological resources for activating the project activities of the future engineer. In practice, the most effective was the analysis of typical mental traps. Repeated diagnostics of the manifestations of organizational and technological risks of project activities revealed a trend of their leveling, as well as an increase in student satisfaction with the achieved project results.
Key words: educational project activity, organizational and technological risks, project activity activation resources, future engineer, pedagogical technologies of time management, mental traps.
Charikova I.N., Serikov V.V. HYPOTHETICAL PREREQUISITES FOR THE FORMATION OF ENGINEERING DESIGN IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE UNIVERSITYThe starting point for constructing scientific research is the advancement of a system of hypothetical premises, which, in accordance with the principles of the logical construction of scientific knowledge, are confirmed or, conversely, will be refuted in the process of theoretical analysis or practical experiment.
The need for a well-deserved assessment of engineering activities, adjustment of methodological approaches and principles for building a system of vocational education is objectively associated with the real conditions of global changes in society. In order to strengthen the economy and social policy of Russia, in the face of external pressure and restrictions, there is an objective need for engineering personnel of a new formation with a high level of competence, a wide range of labor functions and a transverse project horizon of engineering initiative in the field of technological solutions.
Engineering design as a system-forming professional and personal quality of a specialist performs the functions of an indicative basis for engineering activities, a regulator of humanitarian forecasting and examination of design solutions in accordance with the system of value orientations of engineering thinking and life.
The article presents a system of hypothetical assumptions for the formation of engineering design in the conditions of university training of bachelors in the direction — Construction. The leading ideas for determining the hypotheses were the current trends and tasks of engineering education, due to the transformations taking place in Russia and around the world.
Key words: design, engineer, competence, university, quality of education, knowledge.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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