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June 2023, № 2 (238), pages 12-17

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-12

Gulov A.P. NATIONAL SUBJECT OLYMPIADS IN CHINA: TRADITIONS AND INNOVATIONSThe Olympiad movement of schoolchildren is a ubiquitous driver of the search for talented young people and an international pedagogical phenomenon. The study of national experience in the implementation and preparation for school subject olympiads in China is the goal of our study, the relevance of which is determined by both the mass participation of Russian schoolchildren in intellectual competitions and the dominant role of Chinese teams in international olympiads in natural science disciplines. The approaches used in the study, on whose principles we relied: systemic, activity, cultural. Among the theoretical methods we apply are the study of domestic and English-language scientific literature on the topic, generalization of ideas, categorization. At the empirical level, we have studied the regulatory documents of the Chinese government in the field of education in English, which are publicly available for international scientific cooperation. Many sources were found in the Chinese database of research papers As a result of the study, the following features of the Olympiad movement in China were revealed: strict selection of applicants for national teams in various subjects, a multi-level dropout system for schoolchildren, the presence of training camps for the backbone of teams, from which participants in international competitions are determined (usually 6 people). Government support is implemented through the activities of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology. Despite the success of Olympiads, in recent years, the mass participation in China has decreased, since the Ministry of Education has banned directly accepting the winners of Olympiads to universities without specialized selection. In the Chinese tradition, successful contestants are perceived as “supernormal” teenagers with outstanding abilities, whose number a priori cannot be large. China’s success in economic and technological paths speaks of the effectiveness of educational technologies, which forces domestic teachers to analyze the eastern path of development of giftedness in school.Key words: subject olympiads, development of giftedness, education in China, international olympiads


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About this article

Author: Gulov A.P.

Year: 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-12

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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