June 2023, № 2 (238), pages 78-87doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-78
Egorova G.I., Osin M.V. DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-DETERMINATION AS THE BASIS OF THE FUTURE TEACHER PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS CULTUREIn the conditions of modern realities, the profession of a teacher is characterized by high emotional costs, high responsibility for the effectiveness of subject-subject relations, the quality and responsibility of educational results. Performing professional tasks, the teacher most often does not think about his culture of professional success, its role in life, career. This key problem must be addressed purposefully and continuously in higher education. A program has been developed to activate the process of developing a culture of professional success for a future teacher, implemented for pedagogical areas. The theoretical part of the program introduces students to the concept of “culture of professional success” as a systemic concept, taking into account two significant phenomena. The phenomenon of “culture” is the basic personal basis in which the result of upbringing and education of students is concentrated, manifested in the harmony of the physical, mental, spiritual, moral development of each student. The concept of “professional success” is an important supra-professional (meta) quality that orients the subject to a high level of professional self-determination, striving for professional growth. The practical part of the program is based on the development of competencies aimed at self-determination and a culture of professional success. The experimental work showed a high level of readiness of the future teacher to develop a culture of professional success at the university, in the network interaction “mentor — student employer” under a number of conditions: creation of a holistic cultural and educational environment of the environment of success; taking into account the dialectic of the relationship between self-determination and the culture of professional success; development of a system of theoretical and practical knowledge; study of indicators of the culture of professional success; acquaintance with the issues of intensification of pedagogical work, a comprehensive assessment of the professional and functional state — as one of the components of the culture of professional success and self-determination.Key words: self-determination, professional self-determination, culture of professional success, networking, teacher.
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About this article
Authors: Egorova G.I., Osin M.V.
Year: 2023
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-78
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |