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ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

June 2023, № 2 (238), pages 64-70

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-64

Ryblova A.N., Khristoforova D.A. DEVELOPING INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES OF FUTURE PEDIATRICIANS BY MEANS OF INTELLECTUAL GAMES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGENowadays there is an increasing demand in society for specialists functioning at a high intellectual level, capable of producing new intellectual results not only in their native language, but also in foreign languages. This is especially important in the profession of a pediatrician, as the pediatrician is required to be ready for positive verbal interaction with the child. He or she must be able to establish contacts with his or her parents, as well as be able to consciously and independently choose means of treatment depending on the diagnosis of the patient. The article presents an analysis of the concepts of “abilities”, “intellectual abilities”, and a classification of their types. The authors present a series of intellectual games in a foreign language.
The authors define the key concept of “intellectual ability” as a kind of individual’s abilities to create unique mental results of his cognitive actions and mental operations and apply them in various situations of professional communication in different languages. Special attention should be paid to the development of intellectual abilities in Russian universities, including foreign languages classes. It is necessary to activate the cognitive processes of students-pediatricians, to stimulate their thinking. To achieve this goal, the teacher is offered to create various problem-based situations and to present the students with problem-based tasks.
The authors conclude that the use of intellectual games in foreign languages can significantly enhance the development of intellectual abilities of future pediatricians. The authors also propose criteria for diagnosing the intellectual abilities of future pediatricians in a medical university within the framework of a series of intellectual games.
Key words: intellectual abilities, future pediatricians, foreign languages, a series of intellectual games


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About this article

Authors: Ryblova A.N., Hristoforova D.A.

Year: 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-238-64

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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