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№ 4 (236), 25 august 2022

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Bekish Y.T., Sardarova E.A., Yessenova P.S. SOCIAL CONDITIONS OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN THE LATE XIX — EARLY XX CENTURIESThis research examines the social conditions of Kazakhstan in the development of education in the late XIX — early XX centuries. Socio-political conditions determined the trends in the development of education in the Kazakh steppe: the desire to preserve the national historical heritage of the culture, language and literature of the Kazakh people, the formation of national identity and the desire for a universal beginning in education, expressed in the study of Russian culture, history, language as a means of familiarization with world civilization.
The authors took into account the socio-political conditions at the heart of schools and pedagogy for teaching children in the Kazakh steppe. The turning point in the social progress of the Kazakh people was prepared by the most important political events in his life, which influenced the formation of education in Kazakhstan.
The authors also derived some historical data of the education system of the Kazakh people during the completion of the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia. Historical facts reveal the social conditions, origins and features of the formation and transition to the system of public education. The popular education of that time tried to ensure the future of the people through education. In order to effectively implement the new educational program, active work was underway to create new textbooks and train qualified teaching staff. As a result, there have been certain shifts in the field of public education towards increasing schools and other educational institutions, eliminating illiteracy in Kazakhstan.
Key words: public education, educational system, Kazakh people, development, social conditions, history of pedagogy, enlightenment, mektebs and medrassas.
Ganaeva E.A., Matvievskaya E.G., Tavstukha O.G. THE PRACTICE OF ORGANIZING EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONThe need to organize the educational activities of educational organizations is also emphasized by the state. The priorities of the state policy in the field of education are spelled out in the Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025, the National Project “Education”, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 of the year”.
At the same time, the results of the VTsIOM-Sputnik study, as well as a team of scientists from the State University of Management, confirm the need to strengthen educational activities and expand the practice of working with young people. Thus, every sixth young person surveyed believes that he could not join the educational environment. A fifth of young people (20%) cannot agree with the surrounding reality, they are not integrated into positive practices, demonstrate nihilism, use deviant forms of behavior, anti-patriotism, do not trust state institutions and look pessimistically into the future. The current picture allows us to confirm the timeliness of studying the problem under study.
Educational activity permeates all the activities of a teacher, is based on the conceptual component of the theory of education, defines a set of tools for solving professional problems, is built into the educational process and contributes to qualitative changes in the personality. The main purpose of this activity is to familiarize the individual with the values of culture, the norms and patterns of behavior that have developed in society, as well as the development of the individual. An important component of the organization of educational activities is the organization of educational space — a place of interaction between teachers and students. Educational work solves narrow educational tasks limited to a specific event.
For an effective and efficient process of organizing educational activities in vocational education, it is necessary to turn to filling the space of colleges, which creates conditions for the implementation of the process under study. The pedagogical conditions associated with the motivation of the subjects of education, the enrichment of their activities and the use of innovative methods of educational work, will expand pedagogical experience, disseminate the results of experimental work in the system of vocational education for the purpose. Strengthening the educational potential of education in colleges.
Key words: vocational education, vocational education, educational activities, education of a college student.
Yezhova T.V., Stukolova E.A. METHODS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE PROCESS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AT SCHOOLThe paper deals with the relevance of the problem of revising the existing methods, programs, tools for foreign language teaching, taking into account the irreversible process affecting all spheres of human activity, all layers and levels of public life — the digital transformation process. The modification of traditional and innovative methods of work in the field of a foreign language teaching is supported by the idea about the integrative qualities of the educational system as a whole — its adaptability, flexibility, internal predisposition to change following the changes in the society in which it exists.
The authors revealed the main features of the digital transformation of the education process, presented the stages of this process, created an algorithm for the foreign language teaching transforming using the example of a chosen educational technology, highlighting the effective and accessible information technologies to apply to a lesson of a foreign language.
The study identified key aspects of the implementation and development of an algorithm for applying the methods of digital transformation of the process of foreign language teaching at school through the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the digital transformation of the learning process; guidelines development for the implementation of this process at the lesson of English.
The algorithm for introducing and applying digital transformation techniques in the process of foreign language teaching is presented with a sequence of actions in a project on the topic “Mother Nature”.
Based on the results of the approbation, it was concluded that for the full and successful implementation of the methods of digital transformation of education it is necessary to adhere to a consistent and strategically targeted course, taking into account the levels of digital transformations that are universal for most social spheres.
Key words: digitalization, digital transformation of education, algorithm, levels of digital transformation of education, the model of digital transformation of education, the “parallel implementation” method.
Kamenskiy A.M. SELF-DETERMINATION AS A STARTING POINTIN THE DESIGN OF INTRA-SCHOOL CHANGESThe study deals with the issues of the development of an educational organization in combination with the development of the individualities of the subjects of educational activity. There are conditions conducive to the most effective implementation of this activity. The project approach contributes to the harmonization of the interests and aspirations of the individual, directing them to the needs of the development of the team. Such long-term projects are being implemented on the basis of the supporting educational institution of Lyceum No. 590 in St. Petersburg. For members of the teaching staff, it is necessary to create conditions conducive to their professional and personal self-determination. Key words: self-determination of a person, projectness, openness of an educational organization, social partnership of a school, development of a school team.
Kargapoltseva D.S., Zhanturganova J.A. CONSOLIDATION OF GENERAL AND ADDITIONAL EDUCATION AS A CONDITION FOR DEVELOPMENT INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED PERSONIntellectual giftedness is considered by many thinkers and scientists throughout the entire period of human development, analyzing and shaping attitudes towards the concepts of “ability” and “giftedness”. In modern pedagogical science, the focus remains on identifying giftedness, integrating a gifted personality of a child into the environment of a general educational institution, socializing him in society and creating conditions for the most harmonious development of his giftedness, which will subsequently lead to an increase in the numerical level of gifted people in areas that are of key importance for strategic development of our country.
This article analyzes the conditions for the development of an intellectually gifted personality on the basis of a unique for our region institution of the State Autonomous Educational Institution “Governor’s Diversified Lyceum-Boarding School for Gifted Children of the Orenburg Region”. The Governor’s Lyceum has more than twenty years of history and experience in working with gifted children. At the same time, the most valuable is the desire of the leadership and the teaching staff to search for and create innovative forms of the comprehensive development of intellectually gifted youth in the face of new challenges of our time. In addition, the article describes the history of the creation and development of this institution with the consolidation of the efforts of the regional Ministry of Education and the Orenburg State University, which may become relevant for colleagues from other regions, in the aspect of creating mechanisms to accompany the development of gifted children and youth in the transition from school level education to professional.
Key words: consolidation of the pedagogical community, intellectual talent, abilities, multidisciplinary lyceum, development, potential, educational strategy.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Kapkova E.E. DIGITAL SOCIALIZATION OF A TEENAGER AS A CURRENT PHENOMENON OF SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCHThe relevance and need of the study of the phenomenon of “digital socialization” are obvious, since global changes are taking place in the modern world, giving the information age the status of a digital one. As part of the scientific and pedagogical research, we tried to the reveal the conceptual field of the key concept from the standpoint of the diversity of approaches of different sciences. Particular attention is paid to the positive trends and risks of the influence of the current social situation on the upbringing and development of the personality of teenagers in the process of their subjective and pedagogically accompanied digital socialization. The main points of the article are based on the results of a theoretical analysis of scientific sources and the results of scientific and practical experience in solving the problems of the project “Tsiolkovsky Grandchildren”, within the framework of the national program “Personnel for Digital Economy” in educational institutions of the Orenburg region.Key words: digital socialization, scientific and pedagogical research, theoretical analysis, socialization of teenagers in the digital age, the Internet and ICT technologies, the conceptual field of the phenomenon of digital socialization, the experience of an innovative project in the digital environment of school education.
Koroteeva A.S., Chelpachenko T.V. COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE AS A PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENON The methodological foundations of the organization of the learning process at the present stage are undergoing significant changes. This is due to the introduction of new standards and digital technologies into the educational process. In this regard, the phenomenon of “cognitive independence of students” is also undergoing transformation. Schoolchildren and students today have new digital tools in their hands, they do not need to search for new information bit by bit, painstakingly and carefully. There is a need to develop a new approach to understanding the traditional understanding of the phenomenon of “cognitive independence”. The article presents an analysis of the concept of “cognitive independence” from the point of view of the genesis of the problem under consideration. The main characteristics and signs of cognitive independence, factors influencing its formation and development are revealed. The results of an intermediate experiment on the study of cognitive independence in the student environment are given.Key words: independence, cognitive independence, learning process, initiative, activity in learning, working with students in a group, the ability to set goals and objectives.
Osiyanova A.V., Osiyanova O.M., Temkina V.L. CREOLIZED TEXTS IN MODERN LINGUISTIC EDUCATION: DIDACTIC ASPECTThe global transformations of the modern world affect all spheres of life including the system of linguistic education, actualizing the appeal to original and effective means of managing the educational and cognitive activity of students. The potential of crealized texts is of particular interest in this aspect. By visualizing information they ensure the adequacy of its semantic perception, expand the range of background knowledge, contribute to the assimilation of lexical and grammatical material and help launch the mechanism of verbal communication.
The theoretical study made it possible to define a creolized text as a complex text formation in which verbal and non-verbal elements are combined into a single visual, structural, semantic and functional whole, facing a complex impact on the addressee. Creolized texts include scientific and technical, newspaper and journalistic and illustrated artistic texts, instruction texts, comics, poster boards, postcards, posters, advertising texts. The basic functionality of the non-verbal component of creolized texts is represented by informative, attractive, aesthetic, expressive and communicative functions. According to the amount of information transmitted and the role of the image, the creolized texts are classified into rehearsal, additive, highlighting, oppositional, integrative and figurative-centric ones. The degree of connection between the image and the verbal part of the text serves the basis for determining texts with zero, partial or full creolization.
The course of experimental work revealed that the didactic potential of comics in modern linguistic education at the initial stage of teaching a foreign language is expressed in the possibilities of using them to create an emotional image of the topic being studied by students. Due to combining visual and auditory images into a single system the speed of speech perception and understanding increases. Purposefully selected foreign language comics contribute to an adequate understanding of their content, the expansion of students’ active and potential vocabulary, the formation of lexical and grammatical skills. The study found that the verbal supports of comics stimulate the development of skills to express one’s own opinion, to choose adequate ways to solve communicative and cognitive tasks. Comics are presented as a means of increasing motivation to learn a foreign language forming linguistic and cultural competence, students’ desire for self-education.
Key words: linguistic education, didactic potential, creolized text, comics, lexical and grammatical skills, motivation.
Osmolovskaya I.M., Ivanova E.O. DEVELOPMENT OF DIDACTIC RESEARCH IN RUSSIAThe research outlines promising areas for the development of didactic research: the problems of designing the learning process in higher education, corporate education, the specifics and interaction of formal, non-formal and informal education, and the education of people of silver age. The importance of the didactic substantiation of additional education, including the work of technology parks of universal pedagogical competencies in pedagogical universities, the use of information and communication technologies in the learning process, is noted. From the standpoint of the formation of the content of education within the framework of competence-based and value-semantic approaches, continuous pedagogical education is considered. There are three groups of universal pedagogical competencies that reflect the values and meanings of the teacher’s activity: in relation to the child (anthropocentric UPC); to the environment (social UPC); to the profession (acmeological UPC). Didactic principles are revealed, on which the content of education is based, aimed at the formation of anthropocentric CPC, such as continuity by levels of education; variability, providing a value-semantic context; subject orientation; professional activity orientation. The level dynamic content of continuous education for one of the anthropological UPC, created on the basis of the ideas of concept-oriented learning, is presented.
Questions have been raised whether the learning process is changing dramatically in the conditions of the information and educational environment, what didactic problems have to be solved in the lesson using information and communication technologies, what is the didactic justification for distance, blended and hybrid learning, how is a digital textbook designed?
Key words: didactics, development of didactic research, continuous pedagogical education, universal pedagogical competencies, information and educational environment.
Chukhin S.G., Chukhina E.V. CONCEPTUAL-CONTENTAL LEVEL OF DESIGNING SOCIO-CULTURAL CONDITIONING FOR FORMATION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN’S CIVIL IDENTITYResearch background: the presentation of the general provisions of the pedagogical concept, first of all, focuses on understanding its purpose, and therefore, in terms of content, gives a general idea of the purpose of the concept being developed, its legal and methodological basis, sources of construction, place in the theory of pedagogy and the system of interdisciplinary knowledge, and as well as the possibilities and limits of its effective use.
Purpose of the research: constructing the content of the socio-cultural conditionality of the formation of the civic identity of schoolchildren at the conceptual-content (theoretical) level of designing the concept.
Methods: theoretical analysis and study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.
Results and novelty: the concept of socio-cultural conditioning of the formation of the Russian civic identity of schoolchildren can be legitimately considered as a set of ideas that reveal qualitative changes adequate to the modern socio-cultural situation, occurring in the basic elements of the content of civic education of schoolchildren (general provisions; conceptual and categorical apparatus; theoretical and methodological foundations; core; content and semantic content, pedagogical conditions for the effective functioning and development of the phenomenon under study, verification).
Key words: identity, civic identity, concept, socio-cultural conditioning.
Gnevek O.V., Savva L.I., Ponomareva L.D. CHANGES IN THE FEDERAL STATE STANDARDS OF GENERAL EDUCATION IN THE LIGHT OF THE THEORY OF DEVELOPING EDUCATIONThis research discusses the possible risks associated with the possible discrediting of the activity-based approach to learning, due to the specification of the requirements for subject results for each academic subject, implemented in the new Federal State Educational Standard, with the uncertainty of the “system-activity approach” concept content. Recognizing the timeliness and the need to specify the requirements for substantive results for each academic subject, the authors note that this innovation in the methodological plan revives the illusion of the possibility of returning to Zunov’s approach (the formation theory for a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities), which is detrimental to the modern school. In this regard, it is important for teachers to decide on the methodological basis of pedagogical activity that corresponds to the target idea of the latest standards. The article examines the reasons that require a return to the methodological foundations of the activity approach in the light of V.V. Davidov’s theory of developing education, an essential understanding of this phenomenon is offered. The main reasons include 1) the need to form, develop and improve the student’s mechanism of goal-setting; 2) the need to derive the content of the concepts being mastered in educational activities by the students themselves; 3) the development expediency of meta-subject educational within the framework of the particular academic subject assimilation; 4) proven implementation effectiveness of the task method in teaching; 5) the expediency of a radical transition to a dialogic form of education in the jointly distributed students’and teachers’activities. Key words: Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, changes in the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, developing education, reasons for the implementation of developing education, development of goal-setting, the concepts system operation in activity, the teacher’s and students’jointly-distributed activity
Prosvirkina I.I., Kulikova E.Y., Frolova A.M., Yakhno M.D. MODEL OF LEARNING SYNTHETIC TYPES OF SPEECH ACTIVITY USING THE METHOD “MOBILE VIDEO”Currently, there are a lot of writing and talking about the optimization of the educational process using new technologies, models, methods, techniques, forms, the appearance of which is conditioned by the new reality, the modern educational environment. We offer a model of learning synthetic types of speech activity, in which the method of “mobile video” is applied, for use in teaching Russian to foreign students. The development of the model of learning synthetic types of speech activity is due to the fact that the modern educational space dictates a new approach to the choice of educational material, as which are increasingly used various texts of online discourse. Thus, the search for ways to work with texts of online discourse leads to the creation of new effective methods and techniques (for example, the “mobile video” method), which allow to create a flexible model, it is designed to provide one lesson with skills for different types of speech. “Mobile video” is defined by us as a method allowing the teacher to involve the student in “live”, real communication, erasing the boundaries between speaking, listening, reading and writing. Therefore, the basis of the model of learning synthetic types of speech activities, built on algorithms, including various methods of working with texts of the network discourse, aimed at simultaneous formation of oral and written language skills, is the method “mobile video”.
This model promotes the formation of communicative competence in the teaching of Russian to foreigners with the help of traditional and new methods and teaching methods, such as: mobile video, voice, comments in social networks, post publication, video subtitling, hyperlinks and etc. The proposed model of learning synthetic types of speech activity has been tested, the results of experimental training show that the application of the proposed model contributes to the formation of skills necessary for communication in a natural language environment, it also enables effective delivery of training activities using the potential of information and communication space.
Key words: model of teaching synthetic types of speech activity, mobile video method, teaching Russian as a foreign language, information and communication space.
Antsibor Y.S. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR ADAPTATION OF FOREIGN CADETS OF A MILITARY HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION BASED ON THE DIALOGUE OF CULTURESThe beginning of studies at a higher education institution involves a complex process of adaptation for foreign students. In the conditions of a military higher educational institution, the complexity of this process is exacerbated. An analysis of the degree of knowledge of this problem shows that there are a significant number of issues that need to be studied, including the search for a specific effective algorithm for adapting foreign cadets to the conditions of studying at a military higher education institution. The aim is to identify, substantiate and test in practice the pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of foreign cadets of a military higher educational institution based on the dialogue of cultures.
The methodological basis of the research is: a systematic approach to the consideration of the pedagogical process; cultural approach, according to which education is carried out in the context of culture and is seen as a dialogical process; personal-activity approach as the basis for ensuring personal adaptation of foreign cadets of military higher education institution in various activities. The paper uses a theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, military and methodological literature on the research problem, general scientific methods of cognition, sociological and empirical methods.
The degree of successful adaptation of cadets of a military higher educational institution and the ability to survive and resolve the difficulties that arise depend on a number of external and internal conditions. The task of teachers is to create pedagogical conditions conducive to the successful adaptation of foreign cadets to the conditions of a military higher educational institution, encouraging foreign cadets to successfully overcome emerging difficulties and derive mutually beneficial benefits from multicultural interaction. It is assumed that the solution of the identified problem will be facilitated by the creation of pedagogical conditions based on the dialogue of cultures. With a pronounced orientation of foreign cadets towards the culture of the host country, with the perception of this culture as close, or with the orientation of cadets towards polyculturalism in general, their successful sociocultural and psychological adaptation is possible.
Pedagogical conditions created at a military higher educational institution on the basis of the dialogue of cultures have particular importance for the successful course of the process of adaptation of first-year foreign cadets. Thanks to them, a foreign cadet will be able to successfully go through all the stages of adaptation to the conditions ofstudy at a military higher educational institution.
Key words: pedagogical conditions, adaptation, dialogue of cultures, foreign cadets, military higher educational institution.
Zaikin M.V. FEATURES OF PRE-PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF CADET SCHOOL STUDENTS (REVIEW OF DISSERTATION RESEARCH 2000–2022)Currently, a resource of scientific research has been formed on the problem of improving the training of cadet school students. The relevance of the study of the training of cadet school students is due to the geopolitical and military-strategic challenges of the XXI century, the formation of power structures and departments that ensure the protection of democratic values, the system, statehood and stability of the development of the Russian Federation, the adoption of new documents and changes in the regulatory framework of education. Historical research in the field of cadet education has revealed that for its effectiveness it must have a pronounced goal of pre-professional training. The content of pre-professional training is determined by the formation of motivation, educational and physical readiness of pupils for further training in military specialties at universities and for the formation of the basics of competencies required in military service. There is a need to analyze modern pedagogical dissertation research in this area, establish common and special features in them, systematize their results and identify the most promising proven ways to solve the problems of improving the pre-professional training of cadets.
Promising areas for improving the pre-professional training of cadet school students are the formation of military-professional identity and pre-professional competencies among cadets, which in turn are associated with measures of pedagogical support of cadet education, propaedeutics of military service, the formation of patriotism, professional self-determination, leadership qualities, readiness for risk situations, strengthening and profiling of physical training, acquisition of basic competencies, in demand in the further training of military affairs and the profession of a military specialist on the basis of contextual, group, project, game and team educational technologies.
Key words: cadet school pupil, cadet, pre-professional training of cadets, preparation for military service, military-professional identity, review of dissertation research
Kirillova L.G., Elizarov D.V., Muratova G.Y. FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCIES OF PJSC “GAZPROM” MANAGERS AND SPECIALISTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING PROGRAMS OF ADVANCED TRAINING IN IDPO KNRTUThe increasing requirements to the qualification level of the employees of the organization allows to reconsider the traditional approaches to training and to improve the system of professional education in general. The training organization must create such conditions, where in the process of obtaining new knowledge and skills the trainee learns necessary competences for independent solution of production, communicative, cognitive, moral, organizational and other problems. When developing training programs for students, it is necessary to apply a competency-based approach, based on the needs of the customer, current trends in education, professional level of the teaching staff and interactive learning technologies.Key words: competence approach, program, skill improvement, training, digital economy.
Kraysman N.V. TRAINING ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FOR PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC MOBILITY PROGRAMThe relevance of the paper is due to the importance of students’ academic mobility as an efficient tool in human capital accumulation, and ensuring the future competitiveness of specialists in the international labor market. The purpose of this paper is to identify the importance of students’ academic mobility, its main criteria, as well as to show the implementation of programs for preparing students for academic mobility at KNRTU. The paper demonstrates the programs for preparing students for academic mobility Psychology of Professional Success and Academic Mobility Training for Studying in French Universities.
Every year since 2014, KNTRU has implemented the Preparation for Academic Mobility to French Universities program. The program was created in order to prepare students for academic mobility, acquaint them with training in French universities, i.e. improve and deepen their knowledge of the French language and acquaint them with the French system of higher education. Also, to prepare students for academic mobility, the Psychology of Professional Success program was implemented. This program was successfully completed by 39 KNITU students. The goal of the program Psychology of Professional Success is professional and psychological training of students, increasing the level and readiness for academic mobility, for effective professional activity, forming a general idea of the psychology of human behaviour in various life situations, the development of professional orientation and personality psychology.
The result of these programs is that thanks to the new knowledge and skills gained, KNRTU students will be more successful and competitive in their professional activities both at the Russian and world levels.
Key words: Кеу words: academic mobility, students, vocational and psychological training, language training, competitive ability.
Lopanova E.V.,Savina N.V. FEATURES OF SELF-ORGANIZATION OF PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTSWhen studying the development of self-organization of students — future teachers, its importance is high in the current conditions of an unstable world, both for the student and for the teacher. The transition of world development from a complex and ambiguous world (VUCA-world) to a nonlinear and incomprehensible world (BANI-world) requires a change in the person himself. Complex types of activities, including educational and pedagogical, do not leave their subject a choice to be organized or not. Self-organization of the individual acts as the ability to independently form internal ordered stable structures in response to the challenges of the new BANI world. The concept of self-organization does not have a single, accepted definition, and is considered at various levels, from different sides, by various scientific directions.
From the standpoint of a technical approach (scientific organization of labor, time management), the results of a survey of students of a pedagogical university are presented. The factors that complicate the educational activities of students are identified; factors that hinder the development of self-organization competence, as well as factors that help reduce stress in the learning process and perform educational activities at the required level. It is shown that there are significant differences between full-time and part-time students in some personal factors that prevent students from being organized. The ways of further research of the problem field of self-organization development in the educational process of the university through the definition of methodology, including axiological grounds, are proposed.
Key words: self-organization, universal competencies, students, teachers, time management.
Nevolina V.V., Kriskovets T.N., Kuznetsov В.В., Bakaev A.A. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE READINESS OF FUTURE ENGINEERS FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIESIn the modern conditions of the development of the education system in the country, fundamentally new requirements are being put forward for the goals, content and management of the education system.
The training of highly qualified specialists capable of effectively solving the tasks of developing not only professional activity, but also science is possible only with the close relationship of the educational process with research activities. Innovations of the fourth-generation FGOS include the individualization of educational trajectories, including at the request of enterprises in those regions where there is a shortage of engineering personnel, as well as updating the standard, taking into account the priorities of scientific and technological development of the country. In this regard, the issue of high-quality training of engineering personnel who would be capable of creating new technologies necessary for society becomes urgent. One of the effective ways of forming exercising their control is the research activities of students.
We conducted an experimental study to identify the effectiveness of the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions in the process of managing the research activities of future engineers at the Department of Biomedical Engineering of Orenburg State University. The following organizational and pedagogical conditions were tested: enriching the content of engineering disciplines with research contexts; using design technologies as a means of developing students’ research potential; implementation of student-teacher networking based on information and virtual support in the form of a web resource.
The results of the study showed that under the influence of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions, there is a positive trend in indicators that determine the readiness of future engineers for research activities. Successful testing of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational process shows a real opportunity to increase the effectiveness of scientific activity of university students in order to improve higher professional education.
Key words: research activity, future engineer, professional training, research potential of students.
Sazonova T.V. THE EXPERIENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY BRANCH DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF TRANSFORMATION OF MODERN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONThe current state of vocational education is determined by the phenomenon of its transformation. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical research in recent years has revealed the main reasons for the transformation of education: the transition to a new technological order, the phenomenon of the knowledge economy, increased requirements for young professionals. The peculiarity of educational transformation is the transition to an ecosystem model that reflects the main directions of transformation: a combination of paradigm shifts in education, digitalization, and personalization of education. The ecosystem of a large Russian university currently, as a rule, includes network structures — branches. The development of branches plays an important role both for the basic university and for its location. In the conditions of transformation, it is necessary to ensure the sustainability of the development of branches of domestic universities. Based on the concept of “projection”, it is possible to present the results of the influence of general (large-scale) processes on private (local) processes of ecosystem transformation of education. Thus, the development of the branch is represented in the coordinates of the ecosystem of the parent university. The development experience of the Kumertau branch of Orenburg State University determines the main positions of its roadmap. The implementation of the roadmap is unfolding within the framework of the basic university program, provides for infrastructural transformations, effective forms of building up scientific, human and research potential. Priority activities are improving the quality of education, attracting young people to the region, interacting with new residents in the “branch-enterprise-city administration” system, providing continuing education “school-SPO-university-enterprise”. The branch is creating its own student work teams, training in working professions is underway, which attracts both employers and the youth of the region. Analysis of the effective experience of the development of the Kumertau branch in the context of transformations of modern education, which can be scaled in the future in regional educational ecosystems.Key words: university branch, education transformation, digitalization, education paradigm shift, education personalization, branch development projection, ecosystem
Starshinova T.A. MULTILEVEL INTEGRATION: PROCESSES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATIONEngineering education is currently facing unprecedented challenges related both to the global trends of increasing interdisciplinarity of engineering and technical knowledge, and to the emerging economic situation that requires building new multidimensional relationships. Responses to these challenges require a systematic approach, the central link of which is pedagogical integration. It allows you to form engineering personnel in demand by the employer who have knowledge and skills in various, sometimes not even related fields and the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
In modern conditions, we are witnessing the phenomenon of increasing the spread of such integration, which should be understood in the broadest sense, at several levels: from the global level of interaction between education, science, business, production (an example of which are advanced engineering schools), to the elementary level of interdisciplinary relations. One of the essential factors that, as our research has shown, can both contribute to and hinder the implementation of the integrative approach in practice is the understanding of its necessity on the part of the subjects of the educational process.
The results of a survey conducted among students, postgraduates and teachers (mainly engineering universities) showed that not all of them are aware of the existence of interdisciplinary links, especially between humanities and technical, special disciplines. Many students do not pay enough attention even to the fact that knowledge and skills from several related, special fields of knowledge are required to perform any laboratory work.
In this regard, we believe that special attention should be paid to this aspect both when teaching students, postgraduates, and when implementing teacher training programs. This will make it possible to more effectively form professional competence as a systemic neoplasm.
Key words: pedagogical integration, engineering education, interdisciplinary connections.
Charikova I.N. STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF PERSONALITY SELF-DEVELOPMENT ON THE PATH TO “LIVING” KNOWLEDGE The defining positions of social transformations are currently innovations related to the intellectualization and informatization of public space. Today, there is a necessary need in society for people who have professional and significant qualities, intellectual abilities, and what is equally important is the readiness to carry out life in conditions of instability, dynamism, nonlinearity and uncertainty.
The actual task of the pedagogical community in this regard is not only to convey to the students the necessary minimum of ready (formal) knowledge, but also to form the ability to transform the initial (formalized) cognitive structure into a new, personally significant, “living” typology of knowledge.
“Living” knowledge in the study is defined as personal knowledge, extremely reliable, effective, design-life, professionally significant, cognitive-creative, capable of generating new information, new ideas, new knowledge. It has been established that the general scientific metaphor of “living” knowledge meets the tendency of the self-development of the individual and is due to the socio-cultural realities of the emerging “society of knowledge.” The phenomenon of “living” knowledge is inextricably linked with the cognitive structures of the personality, it is a characteristic feature of the cognitive, personal attitude to the activities of transforming the world and itself.
Key words: university, knowledge, professional education, activity, cognitive structures.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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