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ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

August 2022, № 4 (236), pages 77-82

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-236-77

Gnevek O.V., Savva L.I., Ponomareva L.D. CHANGES IN THE FEDERAL STATE STANDARDS OF GENERAL EDUCATION IN THE LIGHT OF THE THEORY OF DEVELOPING EDUCATIONThis research discusses the possible risks associated with the possible discrediting of the activity-based approach to learning, due to the specification of the requirements for subject results for each academic subject, implemented in the new Federal State Educational Standard, with the uncertainty of the “system-activity approach” concept content. Recognizing the timeliness and the need to specify the requirements for substantive results for each academic subject, the authors note that this innovation in the methodological plan revives the illusion of the possibility of returning to Zunov’s approach (the formation theory for a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities), which is detrimental to the modern school. In this regard, it is important for teachers to decide on the methodological basis of pedagogical activity that corresponds to the target idea of the latest standards. The article examines the reasons that require a return to the methodological foundations of the activity approach in the light of V.V. Davidov’s theory of developing education, an essential understanding of this phenomenon is offered. The main reasons include 1) the need to form, develop and improve the student’s mechanism of goal-setting; 2) the need to derive the content of the concepts being mastered in educational activities by the students themselves; 3) the development expediency of meta-subject educational within the framework of the particular academic subject assimilation; 4) proven implementation effectiveness of the task method in teaching; 5) the expediency of a radical transition to a dialogic form of education in the jointly distributed students’and teachers’activities. Key words: Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, changes in the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, developing education, reasons for the implementation of developing education, development of goal-setting, the concepts system operation in activity, the teacher’s and students’jointly-distributed activity


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About this article

Authors: Gnevek O.V., Savva L.I., Ponomareva L.D.

Year: 2022

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-236-77

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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