August 2022, № 4 (236), pages 143-148doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-236-143
Starshinova T.A. MULTILEVEL INTEGRATION: PROCESSES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATIONEngineering education is currently facing unprecedented challenges related both to the global trends of increasing interdisciplinarity of engineering and technical knowledge, and to the emerging economic situation that requires building new multidimensional relationships. Responses to these challenges require a systematic approach, the central link of which is pedagogical integration. It allows you to form engineering personnel in demand by the employer who have knowledge and skills in various, sometimes not even related fields and the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team. In modern conditions, we are witnessing the phenomenon of increasing the spread of such integration, which should be understood in the broadest sense, at several levels: from the global level of interaction between education, science, business, production (an example of which are advanced engineering schools), to the elementary level of interdisciplinary relations. One of the essential factors that, as our research has shown, can both contribute to and hinder the implementation of the integrative approach in practice is the understanding of its necessity on the part of the subjects of the educational process. The results of a survey conducted among students, postgraduates and teachers (mainly engineering universities) showed that not all of them are aware of the existence of interdisciplinary links, especially between humanities and technical, special disciplines. Many students do not pay enough attention even to the fact that knowledge and skills from several related, special fields of knowledge are required to perform any laboratory work. In this regard, we believe that special attention should be paid to this aspect both when teaching students, postgraduates, and when implementing teacher training programs. This will make it possible to more effectively form professional competence as a systemic neoplasm.Key words: pedagogical integration, engineering education, interdisciplinary connections.
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About this article
Author: Starshinova T.A.
Year: 2022
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-236-143
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |