№ 7š(195),š21šjulyš2016
Dneprov S.A., Telepova, T.P. DETERMINATION MODEL THE IMPACT OF SYNCHRONOUS PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS' READINESS FOR THE ALGORITHMIZATION OF THE INDEPENDENT WORKEffectiveness and efficiency of independent work of students is due to self-regulation that involves the students developed the ability algorithmization activities. The necessary conditions for achieving this feat is the continuity of the pedagogical control students' activities and its synchronization with the learning process. This article series describes the process of motivational-value, reflective of the activity and structure of the components of readiness of students of is professional-pedagogical high school to algorithmization independent work on the basis of simultaneous pedagogical control. Presented model Determination of the process, which allows strictly differentiate the contribution of each component in the development of readiness of students to work independently. Level development of readiness of students to algorithmization komplikologicheskom is based on an approach that is characterized by the creation of artificial learning difficulties. Development of motivational-value component was carried out under the influence of the stimulus, which acts as an external continuous control of the teacher. This has contributed to the initiation of the students' desire to self-regulation of learning and cognitive activity. The development of reflexive and activity components based on the personal development and activity aspects of reflection. The result of the development of a certain level of readiness of students to algorithmization independent work is to move to the next level and the formation of one of the functions of the continuous self-reflexiveš— self, self-esteem, self-diagnosis or self-correction. In the course of development of readiness of students to algorithmization current independent work going weakening of the role of synchronous pedagogical control.Key words: readiness for the algorithmization, synchronous pedagogical control, model, self-control, reflection.
Dyrdina E.V., Gavrilov A.A. EXPERIENCE IN THE USE OF THE CASE-STUDY IN THE TEACHING OF MECHANICS TO STUDENTS-ARCHITECTSThe case study method, widely used and shown to be effective in the study of management, marketing, law, medicine, while not actively used in the teaching of General engineering disciplines. This article describes the experience of using case method in teaching the mechanics of future architects. It is shown that this method can be an effective tool for studying the mechanics of structures, to increase the motivation and interest of students, promote the development of independent analytical thinking. The technique of case-technology in teaching theoretical mechanics for students of architectural specialties.Examples of the development of case studies on mechanics based on outstanding architectural objects in the framework of the organization of independent work of students. The use of the case method allowed the teacher to bring the contents of the course ‘Theoretical mechanics’ to the needs of the specialty ‘Architecture’, and students to rethink the role of this discipline in their future profession, which significantly increased their motivation. The described form of organization of independent work gave students an opportunity to obtain skills of practical use of the laws of mathematics and mechanics for the analysis of the constructive work of buildings and structures and to acquire experience in the team and practice public speaking and professional discussions. Joint work of teachers and students on developing cases can be considered as a successful practice learning in collaboration.Key words: method of specific situations, case study, professional competence, theoretical mechanics, the training of architects.
Kargapoltseva N.A., Kodyakova N.V FORMATION OF LEARNERS SOCIAL EXPERIENCE IN INTERCULTURAL EDUCATIONAL INTEGRATION In a situation of growing global integration the character of the socialization of the younger generation is changing significantly. The task of preparing a young man for a productive cultural, professional and personal interaction with the representatives of countries with different social traditions, social structures, language culture, and national identity is updating. High social mobility of the population and the increasing migration of large and small groups of different people's representatives lead to an increase in the number of inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflicts, inter alia, with the aspiration of ethnic and racial minorities to assert and develop the cultural identity, protect their rights, especially in multi-ethnic regions and countries. Therefore the assertion of value dominants of intercultural dialogue, the strengthening of subjectively significant trends, aspirations and attitudes for the formation of a maturing personality ‘multi-ethnic identity’, the optimization of potentially conflicting spheres of humanitarian pairing of common cultural and national-ethnic interests as the ideological basis for the formation of man's social experience of the XXIšcentury are the main aims of modern education system. A significant role in this process goes to intercultural educational integration, which serves as the basic vector of open education development and allows enriching the interaction of education system with new meanings due to the proactive inclusion of learners together with public organizations and institutions of socio-cultural profile into ethno-national orientation and multicultural orientation projects.Key words: socialization of personality, social experience, educational environment, intercultural educational integration.
Malyutina M.V., Ledovskaya O.A., Morgunov E.P. PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE PREVENTION OF EYE DISEASES STUDENTS IN HIGH SCHOOLEducation students at the university is characterized by systematic and intense mental stress under conditions of significant limitations of physical activity. During mental work a rapid fatigue of the body, reduces the overall efficiency, increased emotional stress, and if you do not apply the preventive measures on the use of physical culture, it is in consequence, it can lead to serious breaches of the students' health. According to the results of systematic medical examinations in the student polyclinic 25š% of students have a fairly serious vision problems. This is due to heavy load on the body of while studying and preparing homework with lots of time spent by students at the computer. Fitness training for the eyes is a preventive, efficient and affordable means of physical training for the conservation and improvement of the organ of vision and an effective means of removing the emotional stress of the students in the learning process. In order to prevent diseases of the body and remove emotional tension in the learning process we have implemented in the classroom for physical education complex of exercises for the eyes, which during the regular performance of his gave a good result. The study shows that the introduction of the process of physical training of additional means of physical training in order to prevent diseases of the organ of vision in the form of various complexes of exercises for the eyes affect positively retain and strengthen the vision of students, enhance their functionality, reduce the degree of emotional stress.Key words: physical education, disease prevention, eyesight, physical activity, physical education, student learning, emotional stress, university education.
Pankratovich T.M., Mikheeva T.M., Pankratovich Y.G., Stepanov V.M. PRACTICE-ORIENTED ASPECTS OF ENDURANCE AMONG STUDENTS AT PHYSICAL CULTURE LESSONS DIFFERENT SPECIES ORIENTATIONIn any activity there are specific requirements to abilities of the person a long time to perform the work without compromising its efficiency, resist fatigue, effectively to recover after work. This ability is identified as one of the leading physical qualitiesš— endurance. A sufficient level of development of endurance allows each person to better cope with any prolonged work (whether work training, mental or physical). That is why in all curricula in physical education on all educational levels education endurance is very important, provides a basic level of development. Educational practice in higher education has shown that most students experience some difficulties in the implementation of the control requirements for assessing the level of development of endurance. This determined the search areas of the ways to improve indicators of endurance among students at physical culture lessons. In our study, we considered the practice-oriented aspects of endurance, substantiate and verify the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions aimed at improving General endurance of the students at the lessons of physical culture of different species orientation. Key words: general endurance, students, classes in physical culture of various species orientation.
Philological sciences
Bezrukavaya M.V., Baskova Y.S. CONSTANTS OF L. ULITSKAYA'S IDEOLOGICAL AND ARTISTIC WORLD In this article the authors present the ideological and artistic world of L.šUlitskaya through its constant signsš— the key moments of the author's poetics. Fiction writer's universe has a certain centre, reproduced in most works. The study is based on three novels: ‘Daniel Stein, the Translatorr,’ ‘Green pavillion’ and ‘Jacob's Ladder’. The paper solves such problems as the poetics of the title, features of compositional model, specifics of author's discourse and explores the artistic foundations of L.šUlitskaya's method. Considering the poetics of the title, the authors point to one of the dominant features of L.šUlitskaya's poeticsš— mandatory historicism. The writer is primarily interested in the twentieth century as a tragic era of existential proportions. The key to L.šUlitskaya's compositional model can be labeled as ‘whole life’. The novel is a comprehensive reconstruction of the way of life to reality, which became the object of analysis and the form of a kind of teaching. Female narrative is central in these works, which suggests the gender kind of a ‘mass’ novel. Gender in L.šUlitskaya's novels is a form of protection against supersystems claiming the consciousness of a human being, his freedom. The problem of ‘whole life’ in the author's novels, which is formed within the linearity/non-linearity of narration, literary theologising, correlation of Jewish themes with the problem of universality can be considered as a manifestation of a general trend that can be called ‘liberal discourse’, which appears not ideological construct but the very form of the text, the system of artistic techniques. The combination of ‘liberal discourse’ with monologism is not a paradox, but the basis of the poetic principle of L.šUlitskaya's novelsš— ‘life as a school’.Key words: constants, ideological and artistic world, Ulitskaya, poetics, historicism, female narrative, liberal discourse.
Dmitrieva N.M., Lintovskaya E.M. THE ETHICAL SENSE OF THE CONCEPT ‘LOVE’ IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PICTURE OF THE WORLD (ON THE MATERIAL OF DICTIONARIES OF THE XI—XIX CENTURIES)The concept of ‘love’ is ethically significant concept underlying the ethical concept sphere of Russian language picture of the world. Despite the fact that the concept ‘love’ is actively studied in modern linguistics, its ethical content and its relationship with other concepts in diachrony illuminated little. The ethical loading of the concept ‘love’ goes back to the idea of a Christian and disclosed when referring to the Church Slavonic language, depicting the ‘original’ system of values of the Russian people. An analysis of the ethical burden of verbalization concept on the material of explanatory dictionaries of Church Slavonic and Russian languages from different periods allowed to Church Slavonic and Russian languages from different periods allowed to follow ethical changes in the semantics of the dominant derivatives. The study of these encyclopedic dictionary ‘Ethics’, scientific papers of the dictionary of Church Slavonic language gave the ability to set ethical notional share of the concept: ‘the good, given by God and which consists in the ability to be compassionate and to do good’. On the basis of the Christian understanding of love and the analysis of the values of the dominant verbalization in different periods, it can be argued that the concept ‘love’ is a core ethical concept sphere of Russian language picture of the world and finds a connection with the concepts: benefit, goodness, patience, mercy, meekness, humility, wisdom, virtue, joy, truth, faith, hope, courage etc. the Idea of connections in the conceptual field of love refers to the catholicity serving strukturin the ethical concept of the Russian concept sphere. Native love is divided into divine (love of God) and earthly (love of neighbor). The significance of the concept is confirmed by a large number of derivatives that involves in the area of concept new concepts. On the other hand, such a broad application of verbalization concept leads to desacralization and, consequently, a decrease in ethical significance, and sometimes to her loss. For example, the appearance of derivatives ‘lubovina’ (clean, good meat, no fat or bones and tendons), ‘liubivschyna’ (any that caught my fancy to choose from; chicken or pork meat remaining on fat, on cut it) in the nineteenth century. Semantic share ‘willingly, with passion’ in old Slavonic / Church Slavonic and old Russian languages clearly separates the attachment of the person as virtuous and sinful that it almost disappears in the modern language: laboraotory (to mercy), subobjectives (God-loving, Bogolubsky), lubomirsky (lubomorie pious), lyubomirsky (loving humility), etc.; lubany (addicted to war), labolatory (which is enslaved to the lusts of the flesh and mired in filth bodily), Lubica (too big body care), etc. This feature in the understanding of the concept is preserved in the XIXšcentury. Love as affection between two people of different sexes are divided into ‘permitted’, ‘legal’, according to old Slavic beliefsš— ‘earth’ (anyš— kind, love, beloved, darling, nravno; lovers in love with each other, the couple, lubamast or couples), and on sinful, harshly condemn: luteete (to fall into fornication), adultery (surrender to the will of carnal motives, the confluence of the bestial condition), etc. Throughout the development of the language and to the correlation of the concept ‘love’ with other ethical concepts. The ethical burden of many verbalization concept is reduced but does not disappear. Key words: ethical loading, meaning the share, concept, conceptual sphere, verbalization, derivative, mentality, language picture of the world, love.
Elagina Y.S. THE SPECIFICS OF TRANSLATION OF TERMS AND PROFESSIONALISMS IN THE CONTEXT OF PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMERS' DISCOURSEWith advances in computer technologies professional programmers' discourse draws the attention of many linguists, both national and foreign. There are a number of studies on the issue of this phenomenon definition, however, the aspect of translation of texts in the context of professional programmers' discourse is hardly touch upon. Primarily this is due to the problem of material selection which is required for the analysis, namely, texts with computer subject which contain the features of informal communication of specialists in the field, with the appropriate translation. To define the term ‘professional programmers' discourse’ some linguistic works with the definition of the term ‘professional discourse’ were analyzed. The corollary of this analysis is the term ‘professional discourse’ means a communicative process between specialists on a particular professional topic, regardless of its form and tone with the thematic area ‘computer technologies’. The material for the translation analysis was a publicistic text ‘Computer underground’ written by DreyfusšS., who with the technical assistance of the hacker Julian Assange managed to represent many dialogues of specialists in the sphere of computer technologies. The translation analysis of the text of this professional discourse has revealed the frequent use of terms and professionalisms that, despite the differences in stylistic characteristics and functions in the text are interchangeable.Key words: professional discourse, professional programmers' discourse, term, professionalism.
Porol O.A., Porol P.V. AESTHETIC SEMANTICS IN LEXICON OF POETIC TEXTS OF LIE BAIIn the modern scientific world interest in Chinese, culture and mentality noticeably grew. One of difficult components of a research of the Chinese model of the world is the classical Chinese poetry. In article conceptualization of the world of Lie Bai is considered. The esthetic aspect in the analysis of semantics of the artistic text of the poet allows to open the dominating life signs defining semantic space of the poetic concept of the author. Functioning of esthetic semantics in the art world of Lie Bai is analyzed through key lexicon. The analysis of poetic works is carried out in semantic aspect using a method of calculation of semantic shares. The given combinations of the hieroglyphs which are going back to an esthetics of perception of external beauty show an originality of lyrics of the poet, open the new semantic relations, designating genesis of key esthetic words, characteristic of Lie Bai's poetry,š— ‘green mountains’, ‘the crystal small river’, ‘the floating cloud’. As a result of a research the dominating valuable installation of attitude of the lyrical heroš— joy of life is defined. The revealed semantic fullness of esthetic semantics is provided as the main. Reviewing of different options of a lexical background of esthetic semantics allowed to define its structure consisting from key esthetic words. The research of lyrics of Lie Bai allowed to reveal the following lines of esthetic semantics of his poetry: motionlessnessš— efficiency; detachment from the world for comprehension of the truth; life representation as limit completeness of life.Key words: esthetic semantics, Lie Bai, poetry, translation, lexeme, green mountains, the crystal small river, the floating cloud.
Sultanova A.Sh. THE HISTORY OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF BASHKIR POETIC ONOMASTICSThe article studies the history of the formation of poetic onomastics on the example of works by Bashkir writers.The importance of articles determined by the need to describe the system of proper names in the works by Mustai Karim. Onomastic lexicon is a kind of carrier extensive extra-linguistic informationš— historical, ethnographic, ethnic, religious character. It is also due to the growing interest in the lexical traditions as a whole against the background of treatment to national roots revival of native language and literature. In the scientific article the author reviews the scientific works of scientists, linguists, analyzed the history and status of the study of onomastics in the Bashkir language, disclosed the ideological content and the meaning of proper names in the work by M.šKarim ‘On the night of a lunar eclipse’. The first attempted a comprehensive study of proper names in the product taking into account the historical, social, cultural attitudes, revealedspecifics of functioning onims in the works by Mustai Karim and their role in the creation of artistic images, as well as the reflection of the main stages in the development of the Bashkir language. The work contributes to the study of trends in the development of the system of the Bashkir language and features of poetic onomastics. The study showed that poetic onomasticsby Mustai Karim is a peculiar formation in the lexical structure of his dramatic works. It is formed under the influence of folklore tradition of names and Bashkir literature. In the works by Mustai Karim onomastic lexiconš— one of the basic tools formation of the linguistic and poetic structure of the literary text and individual creative style of the playwright. To summarize, it must be emphasized that Mustai Karim made a huge contribution to the development of Bashkir onomastics.
Debelo P.V., Chibilev A.A., Yakovlev I.G. ECOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES OF THE SHREW SPREAD (INSECTIVORA, EULIPOTYPHLA, SORICIDAE) IN THE URAL-CASPIAN REGIONZemleroykovye are one of the most ancient and, in too time, the prospering group of mammals. In the region dwelling of 10štypes from which 4šlook are krayearealny, noted only in several points where their modern stay demands confirmation is so far established. Specification also distribution demands kutor which area was significantly reduced in connection with anthropogenous transformation of habitats. Speschanny deserts have connected distribution of a skewbald putorak. From other representatives modern conditions are rather favorable only for evritopny, with universal ecomorphological type of the organization of the ordinary common shrew and tightly specialized small common shrew inhabiting ecoton communities. Rasprostraneniye and small ÂÅÌÏÚÕÂÏË even in general remains belobryukhy insufficiently studied and on a considerable part of the region it is only possible to speak about their distribution presumably. Specifications demand also biotopical preferences of these types. Everything noted complicates monitoring of this important group in the tsenotichesky relation and, respectively, development of recommendations about preservation of this interesting link in a region biodiversity. Key words: biodiversity, shrews, specific structure, distribution, number, risk of disappearance.
Sivohip Z.T. SUSTAINABLE WATER USE AS A FACTOR OF HYDROECOLOGICAL SAFETY IN TRANSBOUNDARY BASIN RIVER URALThe article analyzes the modern ecological and hydrological situation in the Ural River transboundary basin taking into account the water situation in the regions. Despite the fact that in the process of intensive economic development of river basins purchased from the key-socio-economic characteristics, the main functional categories are determined by the specificity of the natural catchment areas. At the same time, cross-border river basin is a complex spatially integrated and multifunctional system, where the eco-geographical and socio-economic processes, one way or another, are determined by the geopolitical features. In this regard, the problems to achieve sustainable water management in transboundary river basins will be complicated by a complex water management, institutional and administrative differences. Due to the specifics of the spatial structure, the transboundaryriver Ural a significant number of different business entities, which are characterized by different indicators of water supply on the background of the development of a diversified economy. In the area of direct cross-border contacts include Orenburg, West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions and the peripheral zone to form the hy-drographic basin areas within the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation and the Atyrau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There is no doubt that such a structure difficult water situation and may lead to the manifestation of various dangerous hydrological situations. Obviously, the specifics of the current regional structure of water is determined by the intensity of the economic development of the catchment areas, which was carried out in stages in view of the growing economic needs of the state. In general, it should be noted that the severity of the situation with water supply sectors of the economy and the population of Russia and Kazakhstan connected with the limited water resources, unevenly-dimensionality of their distribution in the territory, significant variability in time and a high degree of contamination.Key words: sustainable water management, transboundary basin, the hydrological regime of guaranteed water supply, integrated management.
Sukhova E.A., Gorbunova O.S., Savin E.Z., Nemtseva N.V., Golovin S.E. THE SENSITIVITY OF VARIOUS CURRANT SPECIES AND VARIETIES TO TRACHEOMYCOSISCurrently mycotic wilting (tracheomycosis) is widespread. It caused ubiquitous significant reduction of areas which field in black currant. This resulted in negative environmental, economic and social consequences. Over the past decade in the southern Orenburg region, as in other regions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine verticilliaceous wilting of black currant, which caused its death, was registered. Wilting is not found on golden and white currant (Ribes aureum, R.šniveum). Redcurrant (R.šrubrum) is slightly damaged, in black currant (Ribes nigrum), on the contrary, there is destruction of certain varieties up to 90š%. Based on the results of our own research, the most resistant to tracheomycoses varietiesš— Luchezarnaya, Yadryenaya, Globus and several other varieties the resistance of which was estimated to be 4-5 pointswere revealed. The least resistant varieties were Selechenskaya, Rusalochka, Vologda, and others. The main pathogens are presented by fungi Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp., Verticillium spp. Activation of fungi in the second half of vegetation (Julyš— September) was revealed. This is due to the temperature increase against low water supply in the designated months within the Orenburg region. It was found that in the case of complex Verticillium spp. and Fusarium spp. infection wilting followed by plant death was observed. Verticillium fungi should be considered to be the most probable cause of death of black currant. Species differences in the production of tannins found in the bark in greatest numbers and perimedular zone of golden, white and red currants were revealed. The least number was found in the cambium of black currant. The problem of tracheomycotic wilting of black currant can be successfully solved by means of selection and cultivation of resistant varieties to the causative agents. The obtained results allow us to advance in the understanding of formation mechanism of infectious stability of black currant, and to identify the ways of therapy and prevention of mycotic wilting of Ribes nigrum.Key words: black currant, red, gold, wilt, pathogens, tannin compounds.
Yusupova O.V., Yamalov S.M. RELIC PETROPHYTIC STEPPE COMMUNITIES OF SOUTH URALS STATE NATURE RESERVE The results of investigations relic petrophytic steppe communities of South Urals state nature reserve are presented in the paper. Communities are the fragments of relic petrophytic-steppe vegetation on the base rocky exposures. They are located on rocky steppes near-river slopes and dry (usually pine) forests on the insolated south or south-eastern slopes of western part of reserve, mainly on the coastal rocks along Big and Small Inzer river. The dataset consists of 17šgeobotanical releves made during 2014–2015. According to results of syntaxonomical analysis studied communities are classified as new association of Euro-Siberian steppe class Festuco-Brometea. It is allocated to meadow steppe Festucion valesiacae alliance (Festucetalia valesiacae order) and petrophytic steppe CentaurÅnion sibiricae suballiance. Communities are located on the different parts of south slopes with high soil rockiness (45–90š%). Aizopsis hybrida dominates in the herbage. Such shrubs as Spiraea crenata, Cerasus fruticosa, Cotoneaster melanocarpus, Rosa majalis, Caragana frutex play an active role, but do not dominate. The significant part of coenoflora consists of petrophitic steppe species: Centaurea sibirica, Artemisia frigida, Thalictrum foetidum, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, Allium rubens, which are presented with high constancy and abundance. There are 3šRed Book included species in the coenoflora: Astragalus clerceanus, Stipa pennata, Tulipa biebersteiniana. Such habitat features as south slopes locations in mountain-forest zone and lack of forest and meadow species competition are probably the organization factors of relic petrophytic steppe communities. The lack of grasing and as a result steppe shrubs (SpirÁea crenata, Caragana frutex) overgrowing are the limited factors for these.Key words: relic petrophytic steppes, mountain-forest zone, syntaxonomy, South Urals state nature reserve.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |