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July 2016, № 7 (195)

Dneprov S.A., Telepova, T.P. DETERMINATION MODEL THE IMPACT OF SYNCHRONOUS PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS' READINESS FOR THE ALGORITHMIZATION OF THE INDEPENDENT WORKEffectiveness and efficiency of independent work of students is due to self-regulation that involves the students developed the ability algorithmization activities. The necessary conditions for achieving this feat is the continuity of the pedagogical control students' activities and its synchronization with the learning process. This article series describes the process of motivational-value, reflective of the activity and structure of the components of readiness of students of is professional-pedagogical high school to algorithmization independent work on the basis of simultaneous pedagogical control. Presented model Determination of the process, which allows strictly differentiate the contribution of each component in the development of readiness of students to work independently. Level development of readiness of students to algorithmization komplikologicheskom is based on an approach that is characterized by the creation of artificial learning difficulties. Development of motivational-value component was carried out under the influence of the stimulus, which acts as an external continuous control of the teacher. This has contributed to the initiation of the students' desire to self-regulation of learning and cognitive activity. The development of reflexive and activity components based on the personal development and activity aspects of reflection. The result of the development of a certain level of readiness of students to algorithmization independent work is to move to the next level and the formation of one of the functions of the continuous self-reflexive — self, self-esteem, self-diagnosis or self-correction. In the course of development of readiness of students to algorithmization current independent work going weakening of the role of synchronous pedagogical control.Key words: readiness for the algorithmization, synchronous pedagogical control, model, self-control, reflection.


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About this article

Authors: Telepova T.P., Dneprov S.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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