Porol O.A., Porol P.V. AESTHETIC SEMANTICS IN LEXICON OF POETIC TEXTS OF LIE BAIIn the modern scientific world interest in Chinese, culture and mentality noticeably grew. One of difficult components of a research of the Chinese model of the world is the classical Chinese poetry. In article conceptualization of the world of Lie Bai is considered. The esthetic aspect in the analysis of semantics of the artistic text of the poet allows to open the dominating life signs defining semantic space of the poetic concept of the author. Functioning of esthetic semantics in the art world of Lie Bai is analyzed through key lexicon. The analysis of poetic works is carried out in semantic aspect using a method of calculation of semantic shares. The given combinations of the hieroglyphs which are going back to an esthetics of perception of external beauty show an originality of lyrics of the poet, open the new semantic relations, designating genesis of key esthetic words, characteristic of Lie Bai's poetry, — ‘green mountains’, ‘the crystal small river’, ‘the floating cloud’. As a result of a research the dominating valuable installation of attitude of the lyrical hero — joy of life is defined. The revealed semantic fullness of esthetic semantics is provided as the main. Reviewing of different options of a lexical background of esthetic semantics allowed to define its structure consisting from key esthetic words. The research of lyrics of Lie Bai allowed to reveal the following lines of esthetic semantics of his poetry: motionlessness — efficiency; detachment from the world for comprehension of the truth; life representation as limit completeness of life.Key words: esthetic semantics, Lie Bai, poetry, translation, lexeme, green mountains, the crystal small river, the floating cloud.
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About this article
Authors: Porol O.A., Porol P.V.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |