Dyrdina E.V., Gavrilov A.A. EXPERIENCE IN THE USE OF THE CASE-STUDY IN THE TEACHING OF MECHANICS TO STUDENTS-ARCHITECTSThe case study method, widely used and shown to be effective in the study of management, marketing, law, medicine, while not actively used in the teaching of General engineering disciplines. This article describes the experience of using case method in teaching the mechanics of future architects. It is shown that this method can be an effective tool for studying the mechanics of structures, to increase the motivation and interest of students, promote the development of independent analytical thinking. The technique of case-technology in teaching theoretical mechanics for students of architectural specialties.Examples of the development of case studies on mechanics based on outstanding architectural objects in the framework of the organization of independent work of students. The use of the case method allowed the teacher to bring the contents of the course ‘Theoretical mechanics’ to the needs of the specialty ‘Architecture’, and students to rethink the role of this discipline in their future profession, which significantly increased their motivation. The described form of organization of independent work gave students an opportunity to obtain skills of practical use of the laws of mathematics and mechanics for the analysis of the constructive work of buildings and structures and to acquire experience in the team and practice public speaking and professional discussions. Joint work of teachers and students on developing cases can be considered as a successful practice learning in collaboration.Key words: method of specific situations, case study, professional competence, theoretical mechanics, the training of architects.
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About this article
Authors: Dyrdina E.V., Gavrilov A.A.
Year: 2016
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |