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July 2016, № 7 (195)

Bezrukavaya M.V., Baskova Y.S. CONSTANTS OF L. ULITSKAYA'S IDEOLOGICAL AND ARTISTIC WORLD In this article the authors present the ideological and artistic world of L. Ulitskaya through its constant signs — the key moments of the author's poetics. Fiction writer's universe has a certain centre, reproduced in most works. The study is based on three novels: ‘Daniel Stein, the Translatorr,’ ‘Green pavillion’ and ‘Jacob's Ladder’. The paper solves such problems as the poetics of the title, features of compositional model, specifics of author's discourse and explores the artistic foundations of L. Ulitskaya's method. Considering the poetics of the title, the authors point to one of the dominant features of L. Ulitskaya's poetics — mandatory historicism. The writer is primarily interested in the twentieth century as a tragic era of existential proportions. The key to L. Ulitskaya's compositional model can be labeled as ‘whole life’. The novel is a comprehensive reconstruction of the way of life to reality, which became the object of analysis and the form of a kind of teaching. Female narrative is central in these works, which suggests the gender kind of a ‘mass’ novel. Gender in L. Ulitskaya's novels is a form of protection against supersystems claiming the consciousness of a human being, his freedom. The problem of ‘whole life’ in the author's novels, which is formed within the linearity/non-linearity of narration, literary theologising, correlation of Jewish themes with the problem of universality can be considered as a manifestation of a general trend that can be called ‘liberal discourse’, which appears not ideological construct but the very form of the text, the system of artistic techniques. The combination of ‘liberal discourse’ with monologism is not a paradox, but the basis of the poetic principle of L. Ulitskaya's novels — ‘life as a school’.Key words: constants, ideological and artistic world, Ulitskaya, poetics, historicism, female narrative, liberal discourse.


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About this article

Authors: Baskova Yu.S., Bezrukavaya M.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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Учредитель: Оренбургский государственный университет (ОГУ)
Главный редактор: С.А. Мирошников
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