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July 2016, № 7 (195)

Elagina Y.S. THE SPECIFICS OF TRANSLATION OF TERMS AND PROFESSIONALISMS IN THE CONTEXT OF PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMERS' DISCOURSEWith advances in computer technologies professional programmers' discourse draws the attention of many linguists, both national and foreign. There are a number of studies on the issue of this phenomenon definition, however, the aspect of translation of texts in the context of professional programmers' discourse is hardly touch upon. Primarily this is due to the problem of material selection which is required for the analysis, namely, texts with computer subject which contain the features of informal communication of specialists in the field, with the appropriate translation. To define the term ‘professional programmers' discourse’ some linguistic works with the definition of the term ‘professional discourse’ were analyzed. The corollary of this analysis is the term ‘professional discourse’ means a communicative process between specialists on a particular professional topic, regardless of its form and tone with the thematic area ‘computer technologies’. The material for the translation analysis was a publicistic text ‘Computer underground’ written by Dreyfus S., who with the technical assistance of the hacker Julian Assange managed to represent many dialogues of specialists in the sphere of computer technologies. The translation analysis of the text of this professional discourse has revealed the frequent use of terms and professionalisms that, despite the differences in stylistic characteristics and functions in the text are interchangeable.Key words: professional discourse, professional programmers' discourse, term, professionalism.


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About this article

Author: Elagina Yu.S.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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