№ 1 (176), 2015
Moroz V.V. AXIOLOGICAL RESOURCE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS' CREATIVITYCreativity as the key task of modern education is considered in the article. The usage of information technologies is regarded as an axiological resource of students’ creativity development. Close relationship and interrelation between creativity, value orientations and information technologies is determined in the article.Key words: axiological resource, information technologies, value orientations, creativity development, students’ creativity.
Naseykina L.F. TECHNIQUE OF THE ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE FUTURE IT-SPECIALISTSIn article methodical approach to an assessment of level of training of future IT-specialists to professional activity in the field of computer networks and telecommunications is provided. As the characteristic of their professional readiness use of an integral index "competence of area of network information technologies" which basis of formation are professional and significant and personal qualities of graduates is offered.Key words: assessment of training of future IT-specialists, professional and significant and personal qualities of graduates.
Sultanova T.A. THE EDUCATIONAL SITUATION AS THE OBJECT OF FORECASTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOLThis article describes a generic object forecasting the development of the school as an innovative educational system. The educational situation is represented as an invariant of the educational system. Describes the temporal, spatial and functional characteristics of the educational situation. The situation of innovative development of the school presented from the perspective of the development of targeted, content, criteria and resource forecast profiles.Key words: educational system, the educational situation, the object of forecasting, forecasting, forecast profile.
Gulenina S.V. ORGANIZATIONAL MODELLING IN ASPECT OF SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCHESThe modern world is marked by the term "age of the organization" that must be considered studying not only the public, but also the individual psychological mechanisms of human relationships. Through involvement in organizational communication individual constitutes him-self both as a member of a certain socio-economic type society and as a unique subject, solving two problems: 1) what can (want or should) he sacrifice for the sake of the organization; 2) what is he entitled to (want and should) expect from the organization in terms of his needs and goals. In organizational psychology definitely wins subjective approach: the existential center of social life is the individual who gives in the organization in exchange for the implementation of its "self" in society. Hence are the problems of organizational modeling: a) objective and subjective identification of the organizational environment according to human resource, industrial, financial and marketing, organizational and cultural units; b) construction of models on the strategy and organization structure, information systems and technology, human resources and leadership; c) finding the optimum ratio in centralization and decentralization, in the extent and level of organization relationships formality. Modern "design of the organizational structure" requires a horizontal ("flat", or network) structure plan of power interactions, focused on democratization as an internal problem and on the market as an external strategy. Meanwhile, our society is oversaturated with autocratic organizations, with the workers behavior formalization and the reduction of their psychological comfort. In the focus of management there are macro, meso and micro levels of communication that correspond to the basic psychological modalities of the individual existence in the field of organizational and imperious influence ("should", "desirable" and "possible"). Objectives of organizational psychology specifically are reduced to a) the identification of the psychological barriers to stable functioning and innovative transformations of organization; b) the creation of a "psychological readiness" to break down traditional stereotypes of organization development and c) the identification of the subject-systemic nature of organizational relations of modern type.Key words: organizational modeling, organizational structure, the innovation optimum, psycomodality, organization culture.
Historical sciences
Bragirov G.B. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEATRICAL ART OF THE SOUTH-ERN URALS IN THE CIVIL WARThe author of the article describes and analyzes the development of the theatrical art of the southern Urals in the Civil war in professional and initiative direction; outlines the influence the Soviet leadership and their policies on theat-rical art; searches the nature of the impact of Civil war on the development of theatrical art in the southern Urals, describes the forms of creative and social ac-tivities of professional and initiative theatrical groups.Key words: theatre, professional theatre, theatrical initiative, Civil war, policy of cultural.
Philosophical sciences
Mishuchkov A.А. FORMS OF TOLERANCE IN THE DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONSThe article is devoted to the actual problem of the theory of dialogue of world civilizations — the identification of the specifics of the two basic forms of civilization tolerance: the liberal (inclusive) and illiberal (exclusive). Analysis of problems based on four criteria: paradigm, cognitive, axiological, evaluative. Usingthemethodsof categorical and comparative analysis, the author of the material on a broad philosophical concepts of civilization justifies data forms of tolerance, reveals their essence, is their semantic unity and distinction is made in the form of tables in the annex to the article. The article revealed the cultural and ideological differences between the traditional system of morality and liberal values in terms of trends of globalization, which is explicated in the political confrontation between non-Western and Western Alliance of Civilizations. The principles of dialogue of civilizations between the two alliances are consensual and express the future development strategy of a multipolar world civilizations and change the architectonics of international relations with the opposition of two globalitetov a peaceful civilizational discourse dialogue. This discourse is characterized by latent deideologization, removing the ideological contradictions of liberal and non-liberal discourse, and is based on the following key principles: philosophical and methodological pluralism; moral consensus of different civilizational ethics and ideals of development; Limitation of cultural pluralism in the religious and moral sphere; legitimacy globalitetov models; multipolar world order as a factor; civilizational identity; Golden Rule; non-violence and non-shift keying (double standards); and the presumption of equality of cultures in dialogue; empathy and humanism. In the interaction between civilizations Russia implemented the principles of civilized discourse that allows Russia to be the geopolitical area of dialogue among civilizations, to be a world leader in the dialogue within the Union countries (BRICS EAC). Featuring a unique experience civilizational tolerance crops Russia is a global mission in the formation of a new system of multi-polar world civilizations, in solving global problems.Key words: dialogue of civilizations, the Alliance of Civilizations, liberal tolerance, non-liberal tolerance, conflict of civilizations, exclusivism, inklyuzivizm, pluralism, moral consensus, the category of truth, tolerance, tolerance civilization.
Mulyukova L.Ph. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL GROUNDS CATEGORIES "POSSIBLE"The specificity of the philosophical category of "possible" that explored the historical and philosophical dimension. The study revealed the diversity of interpretations of the category "possible" in the philosophical concept, affecting various aspects of ontological, theological, formal-logical, anthropological, ethical. Key words: possible, possibility, impossibility, indeed, needed, random.
Philological sciences
Banokina K.O., Romanuk M.U. COMPARATIVE CLASSIFICATION OF IDIOMS, HAVING IN ITS COMPOSITION COMPONENTS OF LSF "FEAR" / "СТРАХ" IN RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Fear is an emotion that characterizes the behavior of a person according to his or her nationality and language perception. It is often thought of fear and terror in the religious consciousness as a state border with death and associated with psychophysiological experience. In English and Russian idioms have a national labeling, as their main image conveys the philosophy for understanding of the world by British and Russians. Image in idiomsthat forces to perceive a sense of fear is not an ordinary physical process occurring in the world, but a transition from the material world to the world of finer substances. In both languages, there are idioms that express extreme fear. In its composition idiomatic units contain a component-word — the standard. Knowledge of standards, stereotypes, symbols, customs, rituals, prevailing in folklore, literary, historical, religious, philosophical texts — this knowledge is included in the concept of linguistic-cultural competence characterizing the subject of verbal communication. In this paper, the authors propose several ways to classify idioms: syntax classification, the classification of idioms on the principle of psycholinguistic research, as well as the groups of polysemantic idioms, identical idioms, idioms containing somatisms, animalism and naturalistic group of idioms. Key words: idioms, lexical-semantic field, classification, national labeling.
Tomin V.V. ABOUT PROBLEMS OF ELECTRONIC TRANSLATION OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL TEXTS IN THE INFORMATIONAL FIELD OF CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTIONThe article surveys present state of the theory & practice of electronic translation of scientific and technical literature, realized in cross-cultural interaction. Characteristic problems, appearing at all levels of proceedings with text, from the monogrammatical analysis to the synthesis of out coming word forms & translated text, are revealed. The results of analysis of typical lexical and grammatical mistakes are presented; the reasons of their occurrences in the out coming text are depicted.Key words: electronic translation, machine translation, transfer correspondence, designator, monogrammatical analysis, informational field, cross-cultural interaction.
Natural sciences
Zhiryakova A.D., Nazarov Y.V. THE INTERCONNECTIONS AND CONTRASTS OF THE CONCEPTS OF SHAPING BY V. E. TATLIN AND K. S. MALEVICHThe present article compares the spiritual and professional provisions of the two dramatically different approaches to form-making by Vladimir Tatlin and Kazimir Malevich, leaders of the Russian avant-guard art, from the point of view of modern design. The social and cultural aspect of avant-guard ideas appearance and development in Russia’s art during the Revolution are analyzed. The articles how show futuristic ideas boosted the development of new form-making ideas in the Russian culture in general and in plastic art in particular. VladimirTatlin’s famous masterpieces are used as examples to demonstrate the artist’s aspirations aimed at finding the universal language of the form. Some extra emphasis is put on the artistic discovery of the importance of using the person’s tactile senses while working on the form. It is stated that the visual and the tactile contact is nothing but doubling the attention to the quality of the object’s surface, which can help to find the form, now that modern products are becoming very small. Tatlin held that the artistic intuition coupled with the technique of using the material’s properties in a rational manner will make it possible to create objects that are ideal in the matter of shape. This created a new branch in design development. By carefully reading Tatlin’s works we can assert that man is the primary being in the new reality he creates. The facts that all the products are proportional to people and the environment they live in; there is an increasing attention to the properties of materials as well as to the surface finish and texture and all the objects are becoming absolutely biomorphically similar to people, which can be viewed the guidelines for designers to act. The instruction is unique primarily because it is universal. Looking at the 20th century art in Russia from the perspective of form making in modern design (issues, rules and development prospects), we can assert that the concept of zero form is the main sense-making idea that was put forward by Kazimir Malevich, the father of suprematism. Suprematism’s key value is the pathos of liberating art from picturalism. Instead of design in some specific objects, Malevich tried to ‘fully reorganize the Earth’s surface in a new way’, to guess the form without a form, and to predict the zero point as the origin for the search of a new form, using the new principles. As Malevich put it, the planes of suprematism are ‘the plans of future spacious objects’. The antifunctionalistic nature of suprematism which finds its manifestation in the principle of tridementionality has the character of non-objective generality. Non-objective objects comply with the right-angled geometry. The ultimate conceptualism of the design is manifested through the tough geometrism. The general depiction of large-scale objects accounts for the inexpediency of further details. Scalein Malevich’s concepts has no numerical value, which makes it a universal template for future objects of any size. Both artists laid the foundation for the new design paradigm of the 20th century which intends to continue its development in the 21st century. Theirfindingsinform-makingarethebasisforthedevelopmentofnumerous branches in design and architecture and are waiting to be applied by future experimentalists in project design.Key words: Form-making, futurism, constructivism, suprematism, the tangible world, art intuition in engineering, zero form.
Economic sciences
Aralbaeva F.Z., Akhmadulina A.T. CONDITIONS OF INVESTMENT APPEAL MUNICIPALITY "ORENBURG"The article discusses the impact of the investment climate and investment policy of the municipality "Orenburg" on the formation of its investment attractiveness. Investment climate municipal entity is a set of legal, socio-economic, political, organizational and other conditions for investment activities. The investment policy of municipal pal education helps to engage and encourage investment activity, attracting investment and efficient use of resources to address the complex social and economic development of municipal education. Key words: investment climate, investment in fixed assets, investment potential, the investment policy of the municipality.
Dokashenko L.V. PREREQUISITES FOR BUSINESS TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIABusiness tourism plays an important role in the development of the national economy in every country, it actively promotes its integration into the world market and is a dynamically developing direction in the tourism industry. But the development of domestic business tourism is insufficiently deeply and not systematically investigated. In the scientific literature there is no systems approach to the study of business travel, there are not enough statistical data’s and practical research which is obligatory for a holistic picture of the business tourism market functioning in Russia. In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to determine the term “business travel”, to identify main features and specialization of business travel services, to analyze problems, conditions and factors of business tourism development, to examine patterns and trends of the business tourism market in Russia. Based on the methods of system analysis, statistical processing methods and data collection in this article were analyzed and presented the materials and statistical data defining the main directions and trends of business tourism development in Russia and worldwide. In the presented work the main features and components of the business tourism are considered, its role in the total turnover of the tourism business are discussed, the external necessity to develop modern infrastructure of the business tourism are emphasized. To the proposals of business tourism development and promotion, which are highlighted in the article refer: government support of business travel; infrastructure development of business tourism, construction of a business hotels with modern conference facilities and the necessary network specialized on tourism services; staff training; simplification of visa requirements, stimulating Russian organizations to participate in exhibitions and congresses held in Russia and abroad. These activities will contribute in the conditions of strong competition of tourism services on the world market the successful development of business tourism in the Russian Federation.Key words: business travel, industry of meetings, congress and exhibition activity, management of business tourism, development factors and trends of tourism industry, government regulation.
Kutsenko E.I. STRATEGIC MAP AS A TOOL FOR FORMING REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURG REGION)Management of socio-ecological-economic system based on innovation in the contemporary economy, based on the actualization of strategic management, it is appropriate to consider in view of tools such as the balanced scorecard and strategic regional map. Creating a strategic regional map of the regional system is the first key step in the methodology of Balanced Scorecard. Strategic Regional map has determined the development of a regional system under current conditions, is presented as a tool to determine the goals and their relationships at all levels of government — from the region as a whole to individual subjects. The key elements of the strategic plan for the development of the region are: the concept of a regional strategic development; development of primary activities; programs and projects, with the justification for their realization; elements of development indicators in the region (strategic regional map of the regional system). Strategic Regional map is represented as a graphical method, which characterizes the regional strategy as a set of strategic objectives and cause — effect relationships between them. The main objective of the balanced scorecard at the regional level is to strengthen the economic development strategy of the region, its documented, providing control and feedback in order to identify and initiate organizational initiatives within the sub regional socio-ecological-economic system. In accordance with the selected strategic orientation of the region to develop a comprehensive regional strategic map of the Orenburg region, which can drill down to the desired level and adjust the final stage of the development of a regional strategy. Fragment of a strategic regional map implementation of priority directions of development of the Orenburg region 2030 allows to present objective, strategic objectives, priority areas of economic development and regional strategies in their logical relationship.Key words: strategic development, region, strategic map, balanced scorecard.
Mokhnatkina L.B. TRANSFERS AS A TOOL TO SUPPORT REGIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITYResearched terminology transfer redistribution, its development in the Russian budget legislation, the selected characteristic of certain forms of transfers. Analyzed the dynamics of transfers provided to the subjects of the Russian Federation from the Federal budget, estimated the unevenness of their distribution. The conclusions regarding the efficiency impact of intergovernmental transfers on the level of regional economic security.Key words: regional economic security, transfer, redistribution, intergovernmental transfers, subsidy, subvention, subsidy.
Soldatov L.A., Chigrova N.V. FINANCIAL REGULATION OF DEVELOPMENT HOUSINGThe article analyzes the important aspects of financial regulation housing development. The influence of developmental effects of individual housing construction sector. The factors influencing the value of effective demand for housing.Key words: individual housing construction, structure, funding sources, financial regulation, investment relations, state housing strategy.
Physical-mathematical sciences
Bulyarskiy S.V., MironovaV.V., Martseva O.V. MODIFICATION OF DENTAL MATERIALS BY CARBON NANOTUBESWe investigated the modification of sealing materials, by introducing therein the carbon nanotubes. The strength of the zinc phosphate cement was increased threefold by adding at 8 wt.% CNTs. Adhesion of the binder grew 2 times. These results indicate perspective using carbon nanotubes in dentistry.Key words: With the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the framework of the State support for research.
Zakirullin R.S., Letuta S.N. GRATING OPTICAL FILTER WITH ANGULAR SELECTIVE LIGHT TRANSMISSIONAn optical filter with thin-film grating layers on both surfaces of the transparent sheet substrate is presented. Relative position of the gratings with alternating transmissive and absorptive strips provides angular selectivity of light transmission. Influence of parameters of plane-parallel and coaxial-cylindrical filters on results of regulation of the directional light transmission are set by a graphic-analytical calculation method.Key words: directional light transmission, optical filter, gratings with alternating strips, angular selective regulation.
Kravtsova O.S., Kanygina O.N. DEVELOPMENT OF THE RHEOLOGICAL MODEL SYSTEM "WATER-CONTAINING KAOLIN CLAY"The possibility of using rheological models Gatchek E. and Hodakov G.S. for determining the viscosity of the system "water — kaolinit containing clay". First experimental results proved the applicability of the Hodakov model with the dependence of the relative amount of free water in the slurry from the dispersion of particles of clay minerals.Key words: rheological model, dispersion, viscosity, free and bound water, containing kaolinite clay micelle
Azarov O.I., Savin E.Z., Demenina L.G. THE BEST CLONAL APPLE-TREE ROOTSTOCKS OF THE VOLGA-URAL REGIONThe paper summarizes more than 30 years of research on the vegetative apple rootstocks that have been bred in the breed shed, the nursery, and in the garden in the Middle Volga and Southern Urals regions. The final evaluation of rootstock variety combinations has been given in the garden of the Middle Volga. The best form were half-dwarf rootstocks 64-143, Ural-5.Key words: rootstock, scion, cuttings, seedlings, productivity.
Burakaeva A.D., Levin E.V. USE MIKOFIL MUSHROOM HYPOYCES ROSELLUS TO OBTAIN AT HYDROLYTIC ENZYMES OF CARBOHYDRATE MEDIAIn recent years, the problem of recycling pulp and hemicellulosic waste wood, agricultural and pulp and paper industry has broad prospects of practical use in connection with the need to protect the environment. The ability mikofil mushrooms to the formation of cellulases and hemicellulase (xylanases) creates conditions direct microbial transformation of wood and vegetable waste from agriculture and wood industry in protein and other useful organic compounds. From literature data it is known that the biosynthesis of hydrolytic enzymes from microscopic fungi occurs when an entry in a nutrient medium inductors, as well as due to selection of optimal cultivation conditions of micromycetes. [1]. Hypomyces rosellus VKPM F-242 known as the producer of proteolytic enzymes and other useful products of metabolism. In the literature there are no data on the study of the ability micropiling fungus Hypomyces rosellus VKPM F-242 to the biosynthesis of enzymes, providing efficient hydrolysis of wood and vegetable waste from agriculture and the timber industry. As a result of our studies have shown that in deep conditions for cultivation of strain on media containing as the sole carbon source coniferous sawdust, wheat bran and corn rods fungus synthesizes extracellular endo-1,4-what-D-glucanase and xylanase. The greatest activity of cellulolyticus enzymes was observed on medium containing corn cores, the number of xylanase was 7,08 u/ml; cellulase to 5.7 u/ml Determination of fractional composition of the culture fluid showed that a large part of the extracellular proteins are water — soluble. The aim of this work was to study micropiling fungus Hypomyces rosellus VKPM F-242 as a possible producer of cellulases and xylanases.Key words: mushroom mikofil Hypomyces rosellus, cellulase, xylanase, water- and alcohol-soluble proteins.
Sablina O.A. AGROGENE TRANSFORMATION OF HUMUS STATUS IN SOUTHERN CHERNOZEM OF THE STEPPE TRANSURAL REGIONThe ecological status of southern chernozems in different agricultural areas of the Orenburg steppe Transural region is investigated. It was established that the greatest loss of organic matter observed in fallow and arable soils. In grasslands soils reduction of humus content and reserves is insignificantly. The main reason of dehumification of agricultural soils can be considered reduce of underground phytomass reserves. Reliable indicator of the degree of agrogenic transformation humus condition in chernozem of Orenburg Transural region is the intensity of carbon dioxide production. Key words: agrocenosis, biological activity, humus, chernozem, virgin land, arable land, hayfield, grazing areas, fallow land.
Naumenko O.A., Sablina E.V., Sokolova O.Ya., Kosteneckaja E.A. METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF LOCAL NON-SPECIFIC IMMUNE STATUS OF THE MOUTH PERSON ON ANALYSIS OF RHODANIDE IN SALIVAIn article the problem of an assessment of local nonspecific immunity of a mouth of the person is considered. The developed method of quantitative content analysis of rhodanide in saliva, which is a marker of the state of the local non-specific immune status of the mouth person. The decrease of local immune protective reactions of the organism on the content of rodanidov in saliva among smokers students and signs of SARS. The results obtained can be used in screening evaluation studies of local immune defence of the mouth of man.Key words: saliva, ferric rhodanide, lactoperoxidase, immunity, oral cavity.
Mikhailov N.R., Kalinina T.N., Tuchkov D.Y., Losin E.I., Abakumov G.G. TOXOPLASMOSIS OF THE BRAIN OF HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS IN ORENBURGToxoplasmosis of the brain is one of the leading opportunistic infection in patients with HIV infection, it takes third place in the structure of deaths in patients with AIDS. Deaths in toxoplasmosis is a profound immunosuppression due to severe, late diagnosis and treatment. Early detection of cerebral toxoplasmosis in HIV infection is very difficult due to the lack of pathognomonic clinical symptoms, low information content of results of routine laboratory studies. The analysis of the survey results 42 HIV-infected patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis treated in Orenburg regional infectious diseases hospital from 2009 to November 2014. The estimation of the frequency and severity of major clinical symptoms, results of the survey studied by PCR for the presence of toxoplasma DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid, determined by the frequency of detection of immunoglobulin G to Toxoplasma gondii in the blood, their importance for the verification of toxoplasmosis of the brain in patients with HIV infection. The main radiographic manifestations of cerebral toxoplasmosis. It was found that the risk group are HIV-infected patients with CD4 lymphocyte level of less than 100 cells in 1 l of serum. It is shown that in most cases of toxoplasmosis combined with other opportunistic infections, so that all patients have been identified candidiasis of the oral mucosa. A clinical case illustrates typical for toxoplasmosis of the brain in HIV-infected patients with severe immune deficiency. Timely diagnosis, adequate treatment started with the accession of subsequent antiretroviral therapy has a positive effect.Key words: HIV infection, toxoplasmosis of the brain, immune suppression.
Mikhailovsky A.M., Chepasov V.I. THE QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE ATTRIBUTED OF THE MAJOR EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF TB IN ORENBURG REGIONThe article deals with the epidemic of trouble Orenburg region on tuberculosis. Despite the improvement of the epidemiological situation, the Russian Federation is still among the countries with the highest burden of tuberculosis. This is facilitated by: unfavorable dynamics of prevalence of tuberculosis drug resistance, increasing the proportion of TB-HIV and other immunosuppressive conditions. In our previous studies, we showed that in the region there are additional geographical and social conditions affecting the trouble of tuberculosis. We carried out a statistical analysis of key epidemiological indicators for TB using correlation analysis to determine the paired conditionalities and factor analysis to identify the group due to the parameters that determine the development of modern TB epidemic situation. Studies have features of tuberculosis epidemic situation in the region and in the whole of the Russian Federation. Revealed that the trouble on the development of this infectious disease affects "bacillary core" group of patients presented with fibrocavernous and bacillary tuberculosis, as well as a large proportion of patients with multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Thus, the mathematical analysis of epidemiological indicators allow to characterize the modern epidemic situation of tuberculosis in the region and to identify the factors that affect its dynamics, which will optimize the evaluation, analysis and control of the epidemic situation, so terrible infectious diseases in the Orenburg region.Keywords: tuberculosis epidemic situation, epidemiological indicators, TB incidence, mortality from tuberculosis.Key words: tuberculosis epidemic situation, epidemiological indicators, TB incidence, mortality from tuberculosis.
Shcherbakov D.A. PRINCIPLES OF THE RECOVERY OF THE PARANASAL SINUS WALLS WITH THE ALLOGRAFTS The problem of restoration of the walls of the orbit and adjacent structures is relevant for ophthalmosurgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, otolaryngologists. The article presents the results of studies of reparative and induced osteogenesis, and age characteristics of the facial bones of the skull. The features of the regeneration when replanting replacement of cartilage and bone allografts in bone defects. Are some anthropometric facial bones in the age aspect. The results obtained were the basis of the principles in the development of reconstructive surgery of the paranasal sinuses walls using various connective tissue allografts. Expediency of the plasty defects of the front wall of the frontal sinus, defects of the anterolateral wall of the maxillary sinus with the cartilage allograft in the case of purulent inflammation in the paranasal sinuses was grounded. Describes the possible use of demineralized bone allograft in the absence of the need to restore the capacity of bone tissue, as well as during the "clean" operations.Key words: paranasalsinuses, allograft.
Gerasimenko T.I., Semenov E.A. ECONOMIC-GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOPOLITICAL POSITION AS INTEGRAL SPATIAL CATEGORYThe role of economic-geographical and geopolitical position in the development of territories is extremely high; it is not a coincidence that there exists the term "pressure of location" or "positional pressure", introduced by B.B. Rodomanov. The positional principle lies as a fundamental one in geography. Properties of economic-geographical and geopolitical position as the important integral spatial category, their peculiarities allow estimating the location of a particular region or a country in the geo-economic and geopolitical space. EGP and GPP are not only important categories; they underlie some central teachings of the economic and geographical science. Classical scholars of Russian economic geography — N.N. Baransky, V.V. Pokshishevsky, I.M. Maergoiz — developed the foundations of the doctrine of EGP and methods of its evaluation. The doctrine was further developed in the works of contemporary authors, being reflected in the submitted article. Considering these categories is necessary when creating strategies for socio-economic development of territories and territorial planning schemes, as well as the choice of geopolitical and geo-economic preferences. In addition to such important elements of EGP as transport and geographical, industrial and geographical, recreational and geographical, geo-demographic and other characteristics, such new features as financial and geographical, innovative and geographical, agglomerative and geographical position take on special significance in terms of modern post-industrial economy, the rise of globalization and integration, modernization and diffusion of innovations, economic space compression, increasing importance of institutional factors and mobility production. The main properties of geographic location are, first of all, its historic character. It is subject to the dynamics under the influence of various factors. Secondly, it is potential (probabilistic) nature of EGP, which gives opportunities for development, but does not predetermine it. Thirdly, the remote nature of EGP optimizes logistics schemes. The influence on the EGP and GLP on territorial structure, the nature and direction of the external socio-economic relations in the region is great.Key words: economic, geographical and geopolitical location.
Miazina N.G. MINERAL WATER FEATURES HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY BALNEOLOGIC GROUPS WITHOUT "SPECIFIC" COMPONENTS AND PROPERTIES IN ARTESIAN STRUCTURES VOLGOGRAD REGIONThe article describes the basic laws of formation and distribution of groundwater balneologic group without "specific" components and properties of the classification scheme V.V. Ivanov and G.A. Nevraeva artesian structures Volgograd region. Investigated the qualitative composition of underground mineral water sedimentary cover. The results of mineralization, ion– salt composition, held typing and identified counterparts. Spotted vertical zoning changes ionnosolevogo composition with depth. The possibility of complex use of mineral waters of the Volgograd region.Key words: aquifer, mineral water, chemical composition, mineralization, analogue of mineral water balneotherapy group.
Popova O.B., Podosenova I.A. TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE CAPACITY IN ORENBURG REGIONThe article provides an analysis of tourist-infrastructure capacity in Orenburg region. Tourist and infrastructure capacity is considered as one of the components of infrastructure capacity territory including a set of stable functioning institutions, schools, businesses, transport, communications, collective and individual means of accommodation and activities which should cater for tourists. This research is based upon the aggregate of statistical data on cities and districts of Orenburg region. To estimate the total tourist and infrastructure capacity of Orenburg region the following indicators have been analyzed: the specific gravity of paved roads in the length of public roads; the proportion of roads with improved surface in the length of public roads with hard surface; the number of cultural and leisure facilities; the number of places in institutions of culture and leisure; a turnover of catering enterprises; the number of hotels and similar accommodation; the number of rooms in hotels and similar accommodation; the number of overnight stays in hotels and similar accommodation; the number of national parks; the number of objects of cultural heritage. In assessing the tourist-infrastructure capacity of Orenburg region based on the above parameters there has been calculated an integrated coefficient characterizing the level of development of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the towns and districts of the region. On the basis of the data we’ve made a cartogram characterized by the development of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the cities and districts of Orenburg region. The analysis of the coefficients showed the uneven distribution of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the territory of Orenburg region. Orenburg, Orsk, Buzuluk, Sorochinsk, Orenburg and Pervomajskij districts are among the towns and districts with the highest level of tourist and infrastructure capacity. Svetlinskiy and Yasnensky Districts, the towns Yasniy, Abdulino and Sol-Iletsk have relatively low levels of tourism and infrastructure capacity. The analysis of tourist and infrastructure capacity in the article allows to draw conclusions about the reasons for the relatively low development of the tourism industry of Orenburg region and to identify the necessary measures to improve the tourism infrastructure in the regional towns and districts with a high recreational potential.Key words: tourism infrastructure, tourist and infrastructure potential area method of estimation of the tourist potential, Orenburg region.
Rudneva O.S. FEATURES ON LAND STEPPE RUSSIAN-KAZAKH BORDER TERRITORY (AN EXAMPLE OF THE EAST REGION OF ORENBURG REGION AND AYTEKEBIYSKOGO AKTOBE REGION DISTRICT)The article discusses the current state of the agricultural sector of neighboring Russian-Kazakh municipal districts. Also provides an analysis of the dynamics of productivity indicators and identified the main directions of development of land use patterns, taking into account cross-border situation. Key words: border areas, agricultural productivity, depopulation, land use perspective.
Sokolov А.А. ANALYSIS HAS POTENTIAL AND PROSPECTS OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RUSSIAN-KAZAKH CROSS-BORDER REGIONIn the last decade, the Russian-Kazakhstan trans-border region experienced a significant growth of interest in the development of alternative energy. However, the percentage of its use remains low and the tenth of. In this paper analyzes the current state and prospects of development of alternative energy. The problems of environmental impact and energy security. The main reason for the growth is constrained by the development of alternative energy is the lack of state support, an important step in solving this problem would be the development and implementation of the state program for the development of alternative energy sources.Key words: cross-border region, alternative energy, wind power, solar power, small hydropower.
Sudarikov V.N., Kalinina O.N. INTERPRETATION OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE VOLGA-URAL ANTECLISE FOR SMALL-SCALE SPACE IMAGESIt was carried out detailed interpretation of space images on the southern part of Volga-Ural Anteclise. According to the results of work were first identified tectonic crustal blocks characterized by its specific geological features and lineaments system. Comparison with geological and geophysical materials detected consistency of deciphered lineaments with the structural plan of the platform sedimentary cover and basement and at the same time confinement of many oil and gas fields to the ring structures. It was detected Asekeevsky macrostructure of diameter 460 km is the oldest endogenous structure in the region.By parity of reasoning with similar macrostructure on ancient shields its formation is associated with the process of formation and consolidation of ancient Archean-Proterozoic rocks forming the crystalline basement.Key words: lineament, space photo, interpretation, sedimentary sheath, crystalline basement, Caspian syneclise, Asekeevsky structure, tectonic block.
Technical sciences
Anisina I.N. FUNCTIONAL CERAMICS BASED ON MONTMORILLONITE CONTAINING CLAYOne of the problems of modern materials science is the establishment of effective resource and energy saving technologies for production of ceramic materials with desired properties. Promising development of new technologies and, above all, the optimization of heat treatment processes and disperse composition of ceramic masses in order to obtain the desired properties, using natural cheap and available raw materials. In this regard, more and more attention is paid to new materials and clays systems on their basis. By chemical, particulate, XRD, XRF analysis, optical microscopy identified particulate and phase compositions of the starting ceramic material and samples of the composite ceramic material (CCM) on the basis of natural montmorillonite containing (MС), one of the clay deposits of the Orenburg region. Refers to a group of clay fusible clay material with predominance of two fractions with effective average particle diameters of 400 and 130 microns. For fine fraction interval sintering degenerates into a point — 950 ?C; reinforcement particles of SiC (20 wt.%) it extends from 950 to 1000 ?C increases the strength of the CCM and from 5 to 50 MPa followed by sintering at 1000 ?C (2h) with an intermediate heating at 700 ? C (1h). MC clay particles 400 microns ceramic reinforcement particles mass SiC (20 wt.%) and increasing the coefficient of heat diffusivity of 30%, whereby a compressive strength of 50 MPa is provided by a structure formed after annealing at 950 ?C (2h) with intermediate holding at 700 ?C (1h). The acidity of the mixing water (pH2) allowed to exclude the formation of cracks in the sample volume, reduce the speed of phase transformations during sintering. Maximum strength of CCM MC clay — 20% pH2 — 20% SiC due to the content of 40-50% sillimanite, the amount of which is determined by the dispersion of clay particles and the synthesis conditions.Key words: composite ceramic material, the synthesis, dispersion, montmorillonite containing clay, carbide of silicon.
Bogoduhov S.I., Kozik, E.S., Sheinin B.M., Strizhov A.O., Svidenko E.V. INFLUENCE OF HEAT TREATMENT ON THE PROPERTIES OF CEMENTED CARBIDE CUTTING TOOLS T14К8Considered high resistance carbide Cup cut-PAC brand T14К8. There is investigated the influence of heat treatment on the usage of district property сarbide Cup cutters brand T14K8. The dependence between the hardness, toughness, microstructure hard alloy TС and heat treatment.Key words: hard alloy, heat treatment, hardness, stand-bone microstructure.
Bulatov V.N., Khudorozhkov O.V. METHOD OF FREQUENCY TRANSFORMATION FOR RADIO ENGINEERING AFTER AN INTERFERENCE SIGNALSIn article on transition points through a zero of the signal reflected from object and the radiated fluctuations the formation method is presented to sequence of rectangular impulses and their subsequent transformation as logic events with use of conjunction and a filtration of low frequencies. For the offered method of transformation the analysis is resulted and the estimation of a methodical error of transformation of a phase of the reflected signal in low-frequency area is received.Key words: Key words: a signal, a spectrum, frequency transformation.
Volosenkov V.O., Gavrilov A.D. ALGORITHM OF THE ESTIMATION OF QUALITY OF DEBUGGING OF THE SOFTWARE OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS OF REAL TIMEThe problem of debugging of the software of computing systems of real time is considered. The algorithm of an estimation of quality of debugging of the software with use of the generalised indicators which concrete structure is defined by stages of carrying out of debugging works during iterative process Is offered.
Gavrilov A.A., Morozov N.A., Vlasov U.L. METHOD OF CALCULATION OF NATURAL FREQUENCY FOR CRANE BEAMSThis article describes a developed method analytical calculation of natural frequencies of suspended overhead cranes taking into account the changes of the middle surface of the bending and restrained torsion. Accounting changes the middle surface leads to the calculation scheme less rigid design and brings it to the real object. The analytical expressions for determining the values of the natural oscillation frequencies of one– and two-span crane beams. Compared the values of natural frequencies obtained by the developed method, with the finite element analysis using APM WinMachine and Autodesk Inventor. It was revealed that the discrepancy between the results of the calculations do not exceed 3% for the flexural vibrations and 10% for torsion, due to the lack of consideration of internal friction. It was found that the frequency of forced oscillations crane beams are quite close to their natural frequency. This allows the use of the resulting technique to eliminate the possibility of resonance in the construction crane beams and their elements.Key words: beam crane, vibrations, natural frequency, waveform, straining.
Dashko M.V., Slavnenko V.P, Kirillov E.U. METHODS OF DETERMINING THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF PASSENGER CARS TAXIThis article discusses the possible methods of determining the the required number of passenger cars taxi, engaged in transportation of passengers and analysis of the relationship between the amounts of the urban population and cars taxi, available in the city. With the aim of studying the existing shortcomings in the field of transportation taxi and determine the settlement of the required number of passenger cars taxi was studied existing practice, as a result of the final proposals were put forward.Key words: car taxi, means of public transport, transport mobility of the population, transport and passenger traffic.
Panov E.I., Polischuk V.Y., Khanin V.P. THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE TENSION OF THE WOOD SAWDUST INTO THE EXTRUSION AREA OF THE PELLET-MILL WITH THE CIRCULAR DIEPellet-mills are widely used in the production of pellets from raw materials of vegetable origin. Starting from the 20-ies of the last century they were used for pressing feed, and lately they are used for pressing of wood sawdust. Because of this there are the problem of the optimal design of such working elements of the pellet-mills. The solution lies in to conduct identification and verification of mathematical models of the extrusion process in semi-pressing into the working elements of the pellet-mill. For one of the same models which describes the stress of the extruded semi-finished product on the contact surfaces of working elements: the circular die and the pressing roller, such a procedure was performed. Based on the results of the experimental determination of the normal to the surface of the pressing pellet-mill roller extrusion tension softwood sawdust with the humidity of 10% and identification of a mathematical model of the tension state of the semimanufactured material in the areas of the lag and lead wedge workspace of the pellet-mill was refined theoretical description of the tension state in the area of semi-finished extruded — distribution extrusion area normal tension and shear tension on the contact surfaces of the die and the press roller between which there is a differential dependence.Key words: The Reliability of the results was proved by the high value of the confidence factor of the approximation. This result allows to specify the force which are operating under the working elements of the pekket-mill with the circular die, and therefore to refine the calculations of strength and durability of the pressing mechanism.
Polezhaev P.N., Bahareva N.F., Shukhman A.E. DEVELOPMENT OF EFFICIENT GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR ROUTING AND DELIVERING QOS USING SOFTWARE-DEFINED NETWORKSThis paper presents results of research aimed to the development of efficient routing methods for corporate software-defined networks and cloud systems. Optimization problem of proactive traffic routing was formalized. It considers flexible constraints on providing QoS parameters for data flows — minimum guaranteed bandwidth and maximum guaranteed delay. Genetic algorithm was proposed for solution of this problem. It is based on software-defined networking, which is used for collecting information on network state and installing routing rules to the switches. Implementation of this algorithm was estimated by software-defined network simulator, and showed good efficiency. In the future we plan to study it in detail using simulator and a real software-defined network.Key words: corporate networks, cloud computing, software-defined networks, routing, delivering QoS.
Tarasenko S.S. OPTIMIZATION OF THE PROCESS OF PREPARATION OF DURUM WHEAT FOR PASTA MILLINGFor the purpose of rational use of grain durum wheat, studies have been conducted qualitative characteristics, as well as the kinetics of water absorption of durum wheat grains of different fractions of size. On the basis of researches the optimum process flow diagram for preparation of grain pasta flour.Key words: durum wheat flour pasta, grain fractionation, kinetics of water absorption, the hydrothermal treatment regimes.
Tarasova T.F., Baytelova A.I., Guryanovа N.S., Janbulatov I.I. ASSESSMENT OF COMPANIES OF FUEL-ENERGY COMPLEX ON THE QUALITY OF SOIL (THE CASE MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISE"SALEHARDENERGO")Summary.The paper assessed the impact of the enterprises of fuel-energy complex, the example of MЕ "Salehardenergo" on the air, and through him, the quality of the soil cover of Salehard. It has been established that the MЕ "Salehardenergo" is now hazard category, the size of its sanitary-protective zone is 500 m. Meaningfully total score of chemical contamination of soils study area on the border of sanitary protection zone and at a distance of 100 m from it relates to the area of critical loads and the rest territory — a relatively satisfactory situation.Key words: risk categoryof substance, soil monitoring, chemical pollution, the concentration ratio, the rate of chemical contamination of soils.
Filyak M., Kanygina O. DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF THE ANODIC ALUMINUM OXIDE FROM SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTIONSThe dielectric strength, dielectric loss-angle tangent and dielectric constant of the porous anodic alumina, obtained by anodizing in electrolytes based on sodium hydroxide, were determined. The relationship of these parameters with modes of anodizing and the anodic film morphology have been investigated It was found out that the less value of the dielectric constant and increased losses were associated with morphological features of the anodic film of the alkaline electrolyte. Key words: anodic aluminum oxide; alkaline electrolyte; electric strength, dielectric constant and loss-angle tangent.
Chetverikova A.G., Maryakhina V.S. PHYSICAL TECHNIQUES OF RESEARCH OF THE POLYMINERAL CLAY CONTAINING THREE-LAYER ALUMINOSILICATESThe results of spectral and analytical research of structural characteristics of clay containing montmorillonite — chlorite from the Orenburg region are presented. It is established that data of chemical and X-ray analyses of structure are well agreed with data of IR-spectroscopy supplemented each other. Methods complex applying has helped to establish Fe quantitative content in clay and its entry into layered silicates lattices as replacement ions. Key words: x-ray methods, IR-spectroscopy, montmorillonite, chlorite, silicates, area of coherent dispersion.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |