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2015, № 1 (176)

Anisina I.N. FUNCTIONAL CERAMICS BASED ON MONTMORILLONITE CONTAINING CLAYOne of the problems of modern materials science is the establishment of effective resource and energy saving technologies for production of ceramic materials with desired properties. Promising development of new technologies and, above all, the optimization of heat treatment processes and disperse composition of ceramic masses in order to obtain the desired properties, using natural cheap and available raw materials. In this regard, more and more attention is paid to new materials and clays systems on their basis. By chemical, particulate, XRD, XRF analysis, optical microscopy identified particulate and phase compositions of the starting ceramic material and samples of the composite ceramic material (CCM) on the basis of natural montmorillonite containing (MС), one of the clay deposits of the Orenburg region. Refers to a group of clay fusible clay material with predominance of two fractions with effective average particle diameters of 400 and 130 microns. For fine fraction interval sintering degenerates into a point — 950 ?C; reinforcement particles of SiC (20 wt.%) it extends from 950 to 1000 ?C increases the strength of the CCM and from 5 to 50 MPa followed by sintering at 1000 ?C (2h) with an intermediate heating at 700 ? C (1h). MC clay particles 400 microns ceramic reinforcement particles mass SiC (20 wt.%) and increasing the coefficient of heat diffusivity of 30%, whereby a compressive strength of 50 MPa is provided by a structure formed after annealing at 950 ?C (2h) with intermediate holding at 700 ?C (1h). The acidity of the mixing water (pH2) allowed to exclude the formation of cracks in the sample volume, reduce the speed of phase transformations during sintering. Maximum strength of CCM MC clay — 20% pH2 — 20% SiC due to the content of 40-50% sillimanite, the amount of which is determined by the dispersion of clay particles and the synthesis conditions.Key words: composite ceramic material, the synthesis, dispersion, montmorillonite containing clay, carbide of silicon.


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About this article

Author: Anisina I.N.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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