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2015, № 1 (176)

Gulenina S.V. ORGANIZATIONAL MODELLING IN ASPECT OF SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCHESThe modern world is marked by the term "age of the organization" that must be considered studying not only the public, but also the individual psychological mechanisms of human relationships. Through involvement in organizational communication individual constitutes him-self both as a member of a certain socio-economic type society and as a unique subject, solving two problems: 1) what can (want or should) he sacrifice for the sake of the organization; 2) what is he entitled to (want and should) expect from the organization in terms of his needs and goals. In organizational psychology definitely wins subjective approach: the existential center of social life is the individual who gives in the organization in exchange for the implementation of its "self" in society. Hence are the problems of organizational modeling: a) objective and subjective identification of the organizational environment according to human resource, industrial, financial and marketing, organizational and cultural units; b) construction of models on the strategy and organization structure, information systems and technology, human resources and leadership; c) finding the optimum ratio in centralization and decentralization, in the extent and level of organization relationships formality. Modern "design of the organizational structure" requires a horizontal ("flat", or network) structure plan of power interactions, focused on democratization as an internal problem and on the market as an external strategy. Meanwhile, our society is oversaturated with autocratic organizations, with the workers behavior formalization and the reduction of their psychological comfort. In the focus of management there are macro, meso and micro levels of communication that correspond to the basic psychological modalities of the individual existence in the field of organizational and imperious influence ("should", "desirable" and "possible"). Objectives of organizational psychology specifically are reduced to a) the identification of the psychological barriers to stable functioning and innovative transformations of organization; b) the creation of a "psychological readiness" to break down traditional stereotypes of organization development and c) the identification of the subject-systemic nature of organizational relations of modern type.Key words: organizational modeling, organizational structure, the innovation optimum, psycomodality, organization culture.


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About this article

Author: Gulenina S.V.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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