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2015, № 1 (176)

Mishuchkov A.А. FORMS OF TOLERANCE IN THE DIALOGUE OF CIVILIZATIONSThe article is devoted to the actual problem of the theory of dialogue of world civilizations — the identification of the specifics of the two basic forms of civilization tolerance: the liberal (inclusive) and illiberal (exclusive). Analysis of problems based on four criteria: paradigm, cognitive, axiological, evaluative. Usingthemethodsof categorical and comparative analysis, the author of the material on a broad philosophical concepts of civilization justifies data forms of tolerance, reveals their essence, is their semantic unity and distinction is made in the form of tables in the annex to the article. The article revealed the cultural and ideological differences between the traditional system of morality and liberal values in terms of trends of globalization, which is explicated in the political confrontation between non-Western and Western Alliance of Civilizations. The principles of dialogue of civilizations between the two alliances are consensual and express the future development strategy of a multipolar world civilizations and change the architectonics of international relations with the opposition of two globalitetov a peaceful civilizational discourse dialogue. This discourse is characterized by latent deideologization, removing the ideological contradictions of liberal and non-liberal discourse, and is based on the following key principles: philosophical and methodological pluralism; moral consensus of different civilizational ethics and ideals of development; Limitation of cultural pluralism in the religious and moral sphere; legitimacy globalitetov models; multipolar world order as a factor; civilizational identity; Golden Rule; non-violence and non-shift keying (double standards); and the presumption of equality of cultures in dialogue; empathy and humanism. In the interaction between civilizations Russia implemented the principles of civilized discourse that allows Russia to be the geopolitical area of dialogue among civilizations, to be a world leader in the dialogue within the Union countries (BRICS EAC). Featuring a unique experience civilizational tolerance crops Russia is a global mission in the formation of a new system of multi-polar world civilizations, in solving global problems.Key words: dialogue of civilizations, the Alliance of Civilizations, liberal tolerance, non-liberal tolerance, conflict of civilizations, exclusivism, inklyuzivizm, pluralism, moral consensus, the category of truth, tolerance, tolerance civilization.


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About this article

Author: Mishuchkov A.A.

Year: 2015

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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