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№ 4 (165), 2014


Shcherbinina O.A. ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY AS A RESEARCH SUBJECT OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGYThe analysis of the scientific researches devoted to studying of a problem of the asocial personality and her manifestations, and also to studying of a phenomenon of an asotsialnost as context of research of various psychological phenomena is submitted. The analysis is carried out on two bases: on features of respondents participating in them and on an object of research. New aspects of modern researches of the asocial personality, connected with expansion of the circle, respondents participating in them, and a context of researches are designated. Need of search of the general bases of studying of the asocial personality and the solution of this problem at the level of philosophical methodology is emphasized.Key words: antisocial personality, antisocial behavior, deviant behavior, illegal behavior, abnormal development, delinquents.

Economic sciences

Gorelik O.M., Paramonova L.A. INNOVATIONS IN MODERN ACCOUNTING AND TAX LEGISLATION FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS SUBJECTS IN THE SERVICE SPHEREThe innovations of modern accounting and tax laws influenced on the small and medium enterprises functioning in the service sphere are classified in the article. Simplified procedures are defined during the process of accounting form selecting, formation of the accounting (financial) acts and the tax regime. Various options of accounting organization and reporting, taxation applied by small business entities in the service sphere are offered in the article.Key words: small and medium business entities, service sphere, accounting, taxation, accounting (financial) acts.
Pankova S.V., YakimovaV.A. ABOUT ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT "AUDIT EVIDENCE"The essence of the category of "audit evidence" approaches studied by various authors to disclose the content of concepts. Distinctive features of similar categories of "sources of audit evidence" and "audit procedures". Proposed to clarify the definition in terms of information and targeted approaches.Key words: audit evidence, information approach, targeted approach, sources of audit evidence, audit procedures.
Tsiganova I.Y. ACCOUNTING POLICY FOR THE PURPOSES OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING THE BUSINESS SEGMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATIONThe article presents the methodological principles for the formation of the accounting policy for the purposes of management accounting by business segments of the organization. The contents introductory, organizational, technical and methodological sections of the accounting policy, revealing the method segment accounting and formation of segment reporting. Key words: accounting policy for the purposes of management accounting, business segment, segment accounting, segment reporting.
Cheremushnikova T.V. FORMATION IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR BUSINESS-PROCESSES OF TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIESThe article reveals the role, meaning and content of key performance indicators for business– processes of telecommunication companies, justifies the author's approach to their grouping in six areas of activity or prospects of the company: finance, customers and products, business-processes, investments, staff training, interaction with government and law enforcement agencies. Internal format of report for reflection of these indicators, which is composed according to the local operator of communication in investigated region, is presented.Key words: telecommunication companies, process-oriented management, business-processes, management accounting, financial responsibility centers, key performance indicators.
Ramenskaya А.V. COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF VEHICLE EQUIPMENT UPGRADE Questions of an assessment of efficiency of strategy of modernization of motor transport in the Russian Federation are considered. The technique considering models of creation of strategy of modernization of the equipment on the basis of multicriteria and stochastic optimization is developed, and efficiency of use of compressed natural gas is proved.Key words: alternative fuel, optimal strategy, cost-effectiveness, techniques, equipment upgrade.
Akulova Y.N. SYSTEM OF INDICATORS FOR ASSESSING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AS A FACTOR IN ECONOMIC GROWTHWe consider energy efficiency as a factor of economic growth. Analyzed sco-recards proposed by Russian specialists in the field of energy efficiency and conservation. Proposed and justified system of indicators to measure the energy efficiency of the economy of the Orenburg region. Identified problems that arise when evaluating the energy efficiency of the economy of the Orenburg region.Key words: energy efficiency, economic growth, energy efficiency indicators for evaluation.
Andreeva E.L., Zakharova V.V., Ratner A.V. THE ROLE OF THE STATE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL POLICY IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA AND ITS REGIONSThe article presents a brief historical overview of building a unified state policy in the field of science. The evolution of the term "Science and Technological Policy" is presented and main objectives of state and regional science and technology policy are reflected. The priorities of the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation are highlighted.Key words: Research Policy, Technological Policy, Academic Policy, Innovation Policy, Scientific and Technological Progress.
Aralbaeva F.Z., Akhmetov D.A., Akhmadulina A.T. DELIMITATION OF BOUNDARIES OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS ORENBURG REGIONThe paper conducted a study to identify urban agglomerations in the Orenburg region. Held delimitation of borders conurbations in Orenburg, defined factor of development of each urban agglomeration region. Aim is to determine the content of the concepts of the theory of economic development and the establishment of their relations. Key words: urban agglomeration delimitation of economic development.
Buresh O.V., Masyuto I.A. IMPLEMENTATION OF REGIONAL POLICY OF MANAGEMENT BY THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE AND RUSSIAN PRACTICEThe modern reality is characterized by how modern foreign and Russian researchers fairly note that there is an increase in number of subjects of management and subjects of influence on adoption of administrative decisions: political parties, non-governmental public organizations, institutes of civil society, etc. From this, follows, a conclusion that, the control system is difficult, but thus open, subject to influence of a large number of factors, and the subject of management is characterized by difficult hierarchy. Studying of foreign experience testifies that the neobkhodimost of development of active state regional policy in various countries is explained by the reasons inherent in them and peculiar features of their development. Various the otnoshekny states to the territories which in our interpretation is designated by the term "regional politician", appeared along with emergence of the large states.Key words: management, sustainable development, economy, region, development, regional society.
Gushchinа A.A. ORGANIZATIONAL-ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF CONTROL OF THE FORMATION OF THE MARKET FOR HABITABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE REGIONIn the article the characteristic of the organizational economic mechanism of control of the formation of the market for habitable real estate, which includes principles, methods and tools of action on the market for the dwelling is given.Key words: Кey words: the market for habitable real estate, organizational-economic mechanism, the methods of control, instruments of government.
Ermakova Zh.F., Abdieva M.K. PURSUING A PROGRAM FOR HOUSING SUPPLY ORENBURG REGIONProvision of housing refers to targets for evaluating the performance of regional authorities . Success of the regional housing policy is due to several factors : the availability of special programs for the construction and housing, measures and instruments to improve the solvency of the population , the level of development of a building complex . The article focuses on the regional program to provide housing for the population of the Orenburg region . Allocated housing policy directions of activation area in the near future .Key words: provision of housing, regional housing programs, housing and construction sector in the region.
Kovalevsky V.P. REVEALED PREFERENCES CONSUMERS AS A BASIS FOR DESIGN TOURISM CLUSTER "SALTY LAKE" (ORENBURG REGION)Functioning of local resort in Sol-Iletsk Orenburg region contributes to the tourist flow. Prospects for the development of the resort should be based on the needs of the guests and visitors. Preference revelation in two stages and covered potential and actual tourists and travel agencies. Formulated as a result of requests made by the survey design basis Sol-Iletsk tourism and recreation cluster.Key words: consumer preferences, market research, tourism and recreation cluster.
Korabeynikov I.N., Koretskaya I.M. ESSENCE AND EXPERIENCE OF DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONSULTING IN THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICTThe article substantiates the theoretical and practical aspects of information and counseling systems in municipal districts. The notion of "regional information and consultation system". The experience in the development of information systems and consulting in Russia and foreign countries. The features, challenges and priorities for the development of information and advisory systems in municipal districts.Key words: information and consultation system, region, municipality, features, problems, priorities.
Korotchenko Yu.I., GerbeevaL.Yu. SYSTEM OF MONITORING OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OF THE REGION SMUSR providing is necessary for effective management of all types and forms of ownership in the territory of the region: activity of the relations of property; efficiency of use of objects of property; protection of the property rights. SMUSR is the open adaptive operated dinamicheksky system having multilevel hierarchical structure that observance of certain approaches to planning its funktsionirovakniya and developments. Problem of regulation of the relations of property — one of the vazhknykh in any economic system which can be solved via the SMUSR mechanism. The property rights if to speak about them from the point of view of economy development as a whole, have to be effective, and for this purpose they have to develop and be freely a subject of a free purchase and sale.Key words: management, property, economy, region, monitoring, efficiency, social and economic development, welfare of the population.
Kuznetsova N.I. MONITORING COMMERCIAL FARMS WITH THE PURPOSE OF SOLVING PROBLEMS OF ITS DEVELOPMENTThe solution of the problems of development of commercial family forms of agriculture could be made on the basis of questioning of the heads of the last. The solution of the following problems: limited marketing opportunities, products processing, lending, insurance — is to organize information and consulting centers in the regions, to make more popular using official cooperatives — had been proposed.Key words: commercial family forms of agriculture, state support, credit, insurance, agricultural consumer cooperatives.
Lapaeva M.G., Egorychev S.A. CLASSIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FORMATIONS ACCORDING TO THE NECESSARY TYPE OF THE STEADY DEVELOPMENTIn the article is conducted the analysis of the developed algorithm of the classification of municipal formations on necessary of steady development, based on the example of the municipal formations of Orenburg region.Key words: algorithm, the classification of regions, steady development, the ecological- oriented type of development, socially-oriented type of development, the productive- oriented type of the development.
Nikulina J.N. BUSINESS ROLE IN TRAINING OF YOUNG SPECIALISTS FOR INNOVATIVE ECONOMY OF THE REGIONArticle is devoted to the problem gaining the increasing relevance in modern conditions when our country completely passes to-level higher education, including in the conditions of innovative development of economy: to assessment of a role of business in training and compliances of a professional standard of young specialists to requirements of the enterprises employers. Recommendations are offered about development of Provision on higher education institution interaction with the region enterprises, directed on establishment of long-term mutually advantageous partnership and effective interaction of university with employers.Key words: modern labor market, business, young specialist, innovative economy, forms of cooperation, requirements of employers, competitiveness of experts.
Pitanov V.A. PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN THE REGIONS OF RUSSIA: THE ECONOMIC CONTENTIn the article the problems of development of state-private partnership in Russian regions on the modern stage, analyzed existing practices and approaches to the use of public-private partnership. Highlights basic characteristics that define the content of the definition of the state-private partnership, in the legislation of subjects of the Russian Federation.Key words: public-private partnership, state, region, regions, business.
Polyakova I.L. FEATURES OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST-RECREATIONAL COMPLEX IN ORENBURG REGIONIdentified promising areas for the formation of the Orenburg region on the basis of their tourist and recreational complexes. Formulated features and conditions of the formation and development of tourist and recreational facilities in the area. Key words: tourism and recreation complex, features and tools of formation and development of tourist and recreational facilities.
Savina A.M. INTERSTATE COOPERATION ON TRANSBOUNDARY WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENTThis article identifies the key aspects of transboundary water management with the purpose of their protection and rational use. The principle of "reasonable and equitable utilization" is using as the fundamental norm of the legal regime of transboundary water management. It is proposed to use the concept of an integrated (or integrated) water resources management of the adjacent States, and the organization of interstate system of monitoring of transboundary water bodies.Key words: the management of transboundary water resources, the principle of "reasonable and equitable" use of neighbouring countries' water resources, interstate environmental monitoring system of bodies of water in border regions.
Timofeeva T.N. STUDYING OF INFLUENCE OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS ON DEVELOPMENT OF THE MARKET OF DAIRY PRODUCTION IN RUSSIAIn article the condition and prospects of development of the market of dairy production of Russia is considered. Key factors which have impact on outputs of dairy production are allocated. Positions of the Volga federal district as a whole and the Orenburg region in particular, in the key directions of development of the considered market are estimated. In the conclusion becomes conclusions about existence of threats of functioning of the enterprises making milk and its derivatives in short-term prospect.Key words: production of milk, milk processing, sour-milk production, milk price, forecast, dairy production.
Frolova O.V. PROMOTION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ELECTRICITY MARKETThe necessity of innovation in the economy of Russia. The advantages of innovation, as well as the factors shaping innovation enterprises. The specificity of the selection and application of marketing tools in promoting innovation in the electricity market. Considered an undeniable role of government in promoting innovation.Key words: innovation, marketing, power, tool , promotion, market.
Sharipov T.F. USE SYSTEM-PROCESS APPROACH TO MODERNIZATION PLANNING IN THE CLUSTERThe article discusses the use of system and process approaches in the complex. Par-ticular attention is paid to the modernization of the enterprises planning, forming a cluster, the estimation of these companies planning levels. Modernization planning model using system– process approach is clearly the whole process and determines the control actions necessary resources and mechanisms to implement the relevant functions, and provided consistency in the process approach, as it allows you to "return" to the previous step and reconsider certain scheduling options.Key words: planning, cluster, modernization, system, process, model engineering.
Baltina A.M., Kirilenko L.S. MODELS O F FINANCING OF BUILDING SOCIAL HOUSING IN THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPEModels of financing of building of social housing in the countries of Europe depending on applied financial tools are allocated; transition from one model to another is proved; approaches to financing of social habitation in Russia are offered. Key words: social housing, housing association, a subsidies, tax benefits, housing benefits, public-private partnerships.
Soldatovа L.A., Chigrova N.V. FEATURES OF FORMATION OF FINANCIAL RELATIONS IN HOUSINGThe article analyzes the important aspects of financial relations in housing construction. Investigated the link between economic actors in the field of housing. Analyzed tools stimulate housing.Key words: housing, economic actors, financial ratios, financial resources, housing.
Shaynurova D.S., Yarullin R.R. REFORMING THE SYSTEM OF COMPULSORY SOCIAL INSURANCE IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANThe basic directions of activity of the State institution — regional department of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Bashkortostan, analyzed his income and expenditure, the analysis of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, proposed mechanisms, forcing the employer to invest in health and safety.Key words: compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, injuries, personal income, insurance premiums.
Aralbaeva G.G., Aralbayev Z.T. TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe state of and trends in oil and gas development in the structure of the fuel and energy complex of the Orenburg region. The indexes of oil and gas production in the region, characterized by their trends . The possibility of producing oil and gas cluster.Key words: hydrocarbon feedstock , fuel and energy sector development strategy , fixed assets , depreciation of fixed assets, profitability, volume of products shipped , pollutant emissions.
Borisyuk N.K. FORMING THE EFFECTIVE STRATEGY OF PRODUCTION AND USE OF ENERGY RESOURCES The article considers parameters of the fuel and energy complex development based on the analysis of both world and Russian regional trends in production and use of energy resources. The main problems of energy supply are highlighted; characteristics of the most perspective energy sources for the future are presented. Key words: fuel and energy complex, energy sources, fuel and energy balance, methanol economy, innovation geochemical cluster.
Kalieva O.M., Mikhailova O.P. EFFECT OF ADVERTISING AND JOINT ACTION SALES PROMOTION IN RETAILThe approaches of different authors to the definition of "promotion" and "ad-vertising", defined the main goals of these activities, identified the effect of sharing advertising and sales promotion activities.Key words: advertising, sales promotion, retail, effect the market.
Kalmykova D.Y. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF DIAGNOSIS SUPPLY CHAINSThe analysis of scientific views on the substance and content of diagnosis. Identified the need to develop methodological support in the field of diagnostics of the supply chain. Presents the author's interpretation of the notion "diagnostics of a supply chain. The developed algorithm of diagnostics, supply chain management and monitoring tools in the form of a set of approaches and methods for each stage.Key words: diagnostics, diagnostics of the supply chain, the algorithm of diagnostics, supply chain management, methods of diagnostics of the supply chain.
Ryabikova N.E. COMPETENCE APPROACH IN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT This article was prepared on a topical theme as business development at any level (small, medium and large business) due to the need for continuous improvement through new approaches, forms and methods of work. Key words: business, competitive advantage, outsourcing, outsourcing problems, competence approach, competence.
Tolokonnikov K.I. PROBLEMS OF OPERATIONS FOR LOGISTICS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AIRCRAFT PARTSThe complexities involved in various stages of supply chain management of aircraft components for aircraft maintenance are explored. The classification of the problems of logistics operations, based on the criteria: management, engineering, technical, economic and others is proposed. The modified scheme of interaction between departments of airline that are involved directly or indirectly in the mainte-nance of air fleet is invented. The ways and solutions to resolve the situation for each parsed form of supply chain management problems of aircraft components are proposed. Key words: logistics operations, logistics management, problems, supply chain, interaction, aircraft components.
Shestakova E.V. METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT STAGE OF ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AS SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMThis article is devoted to the formation of methodology for assessing the stage of enterprise development as a self-organizing micro-system. Method of dynamic norms is offered as a management tool for self-organizing systems. Variants of management actions depending on the coefficient of self-organization and stage of companies' development have been developed.Key words: self-organization, enterprise, social and economic system, correlation analysis, ranking; rate of self-organization, administrative influence.
Belochercovskaya N.V., Ivanchenko O.P. MARKETING INNOVATIONS: APPROACHES, SORTS, SUBSTANCE AND IMPLEMENTATIONThe article gives the deep analysis of the reasons of business downfall of the innovative products. It proves the necessity of innovative transformations in marketing practice. It also presents approaches for classification of marketing innovations, different sorts and substance of marketing innovations. It introduces the dynamics of implementation different sorts of marketing innovations in Russia in 2007–2011, as well as statistics for share of enterprises of Orenburg region implementing technological, engineering, managerial and marketing innovations. Key words: innovations, market analysis of innovations, innovative marketing, marketing innovations.
Lapaeva O.F. TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF RUSSIAN ELECTRICITYThe problems of power industry development , the main ones are the optimization of state regulation of tariffs , rules of market self-regulation , the organizational structure. Particular attention is paid to the current state of the electricity market in pricing, energy production costs and accelerating investment. Key words: power , reform, energy conservation, price dynamics , investment , investment attractiveness, energy doctrine.
Syrovatkina T.N. FACTORS OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY BASED ON KNOWLEDGEThe economy based on knowledge, from a position of institutional factors of development is investigated. Behavioural motives of agents are considered: limited rationality, routines and mental models. Levels of mental programs, forms of their manifestation in the conditions of the economy based on knowledge are given. Specific ability of knowledge to prevail over other economic resources in achievement of high economic development is found. The main functions of institutional economy — coordination, cooperation, sharing and distribution of expenses and benefits, as inherent in the economy creating knowledge and and scientific information are presented.Key words: the economy based on knowledge; institutional factors; knowledge; scientific information; limited rationality; routines; mental models; coordination; cooperation; sharing and distribution of expenses and benefits; reproduction infrastructure.

Humanitarian sciences

Balovneva V.I. ABOUT SOME ISSUES ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF INJURED PERSONS RIGHTS IN CRIMINAL PROCEDUREIn the article are raised important issues on the improvement of injured person rights — legal persons, who underwent property damage, committed regarding them. In the author's opinion, additions and alterations, made in procedural criminal law, don't solve all appearing problems. On this evidence the author offers the range of legislative innovations, which will help along problem solving.Key words: legal person, amends, indemnification fund.
Bogdan V.V. THEORETICAL PROBLEMS OF DEFINING SPECIAL LEGAL STATUS OF A CONSUMERThe theoretical idea of special legal status of a consumer as a legal category is analyzed in the given paper. There have been revealed contradictions between the general-theoretical notion of legal status and the notion of special studies about the legal status of a consumer. The author's understanding of special legal status of a consumer is offered in the paper. This understanding negates the presence of consumers' special legal personality. There have been established specific features of realization of consumers' special legal status.Key words: special legal status, consumer, legal personality, law, legal relation.
Borodavkina N.M. RESTRICTIONS AND BAN IN CIVIL LAWIn article work on research of standards of the civil legislation fixing restrictions and a ban of implementation of the civil rights is carried out. The conclusion is drawn that these categories can be applied only according to the direct indication of the law, and restrictions and a ban don't violate freedom of implementation the civil rights.Key words: civil legislation, legal restrictions, ban, implementation of the civil rights.
Volosova N.Yu. DUALISTIC NATURE OF WITNESS IMMUNITYIn the article are examined issues on witness immunity nature, which has dualistic character, making itself evident in the fact, that witness immunity should be considered as a fundamental principle of criminal procedure and the same name institute of criminal procedural law.Key words: dualism, witness immunity, principle, legal institute.
Gabdullin I.R. PREJUDICE AS A PHENOMENON OF CONSCIOUSNESS:EPISTEMOLOGICAL PRECONDITIONSThis article discusses some of the philosophical background studies of the prejudice as a phenomenon of consciousness. For this purpose, attracted not only the philosophical sources, but draws attention to the role of prejudice in the natural science and technical knowledge. Within the epistemological analysis emphasizes the connection with the concept of prejudice premise knowledge. Attempt to summarize some of the results of psychological research on the nature of prejudice.Key words: premise knowledge, background, prejudice, axiological and cognitive, evolutionary epistemology.
Zhurkina O.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STATE PROGRAM WITNESS PROTECTION IN RUSSIA AND THE U.S. The concept of security implies the activities of authorized persons, aimed at the protection of the vital interests of the participants in criminal proceedings, with the purpose of smooth implementation of their duties linked to the promotion of justice. The article explores the experience of implementation of the state program on protection of witnesses in the Russian Federation and the United States and several foreign countries.Key words: witness, security, criminal justice, protection,defense.
Osinochkina E.V. PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS ON LIFE IN TRANSPLANTOLOGY — LEGAL ASPECTArticle is devoted to questions of protection of human rights in transplantology. Questions of legal regulation in the field of transplantology, the strategic directions in understanding of a presumption of a consent are considered.Key words: human rights, transplantology, ethics, a consent presumption, medical risk.
Solovieva O.N. ABOUT SOME ASPECTS OF THE ASSESSMENT IN MODERN RUSSIAN In article the ratio of subjective and objective factors of an assessment is considered. The author addresses to a question of the validity of estimated statements, of a ratio of "assessment" and "modality", "estimation" and "emotivnost", considers one of the major aspects in statement structure — a ratio emotional and rational in an assessment.Key words: assessment, value judgment, objective assessment, modality, emotional assessment, rational assessment, validity.
Farrakhov A.F. SITUATIONAL AND PERSONAL FACTORS OF LONELINESSThe article is dedicated to the research of such a social phenomenon as loneliness. The author considers the loneliness as the subjectively experienced dissonance between the reality and the desired estate of an individual. Conducted research discovered some factors in those situations and the traits of character that are linked with loneliness.Key words: Loneliness, individual, isolation, research, factor of situation, factor of character.
Fastova E.I. FORMATION OF SOCIO-HUMANISTIC COMPETENCE OF THE TEENAGER IN THE HISTORY OF EDUCATIONIn the article on the basis of the historical and pedagogical analysis the humanization tendency in development of the theory and practice of the foreign and domestic education, allowing to define essence and intrinsic characteristics of socio-humanistic competence of the teenager is opened.Key words: socio-humanistic competence of the teenager, education individualization, education humanization, principle of nature conformity.
Shcherbakov D.A. THE PAST WHICH DOESN'T EXIST AND THE PAST WHICH EXISTThe author considers a problem of definition of the ontologic status of past reality. Two opposite positions in understanding of reality of the past are presented. A number of the statements proving need of understanding of the past reality as the being is given. It is shown that the being represents unity of the past and the present.Key words: being, past reality, ontology, time, history.

Natural sciences

Bulyarskyi S.V., Zhukov A.V., Igoshina A.A. INFLUENCE THE ELECTRON-PHONON INTERACTION ON THE PROBABILITY OF EMISSION OF CHARGE CARRIERS WITH DEEP LEVELSWe obtain an expression for the probability of transition from the recombination center with electron-phonon interaction. It is shown that with increasing heat, which determines the variance form functions to the transition probability increases rapidly. This can lead to high values of reverse current semiconductor structures in the space charge which contain vacancy-impurity complexes.Key words: deep levels, recombination, electron-phonon interaction, the probability of transition, thermal emission.

Technical sciences

Bogoduhov S.I., Garipov, V.S., Salosina E.V. THE ELASTICITY MODULUS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS BY MEANS OF STRAIN GAUGESThe article considers the questions of the determination of the elastic modulus of various materials with application of means of strain gauges. The scheme of loading, methods of determination of the elastic modulus at different kinds of deformation, described the advantages and disadvantages of application of strain gauges.



Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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