Syrovatkina T.N. FACTORS OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY BASED ON KNOWLEDGEThe economy based on knowledge, from a position of institutional factors of development is investigated. Behavioural motives of agents are considered: limited rationality, routines and mental models. Levels of mental programs, forms of their manifestation in the conditions of the economy based on knowledge are given. Specific ability of knowledge to prevail over other economic resources in achievement of high economic development is found. The main functions of institutional economy — coordination, cooperation, sharing and distribution of expenses and benefits, as inherent in the economy creating knowledge and and scientific information are presented.Key words: the economy based on knowledge; institutional factors; knowledge; scientific information; limited rationality; routines; mental models; coordination; cooperation; sharing and distribution of expenses and benefits; reproduction infrastructure.
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About this article
Author: Syrovatkina T.N.
Year: 2014
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