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2014, № 4 (165)

Kalieva O.M., Mikhailova O.P. EFFECT OF ADVERTISING AND JOINT ACTION SALES PROMOTION IN RETAILThe approaches of different authors to the definition of "promotion" and "ad-vertising", defined the main goals of these activities, identified the effect of sharing advertising and sales promotion activities.Key words: advertising, sales promotion, retail, effect the market.


1. Pismarov, A. Sales promotions in retail networks: a new paradigm to achieve payback / A. Pismarov / / Commodity food products. — 2008. — №11. — Pp. 21-25. — ISSN 2074 — 9678.

2. Bagiev, G.L. Marketing: a textbook for high schools / G.L. Bagiev, V.M. Tarasevich. — St. Petersburg. Peter, in 2012. — 557 p. — ISBN 978-5-459-00812-8.

3. Khrutsky,V.E. Modern Marketing / V.E. Khrutsky, I.V. Korneev. — Mos-cow: Finance and statistics, 2003. — 560. — ISBN 5-279-02536-4.

4. Sinjaeva, I.M. Marketing Trade / I.M. Sinjaeva, S. Countryman, V.V. Sinyaev. — M.: Dashkov i K, 2010. — 750. — ISBN 978-5-394-00144-4.

5. Suleimenova, B.M. System to promote products and services as one of the tools of the marketing / B.M. Suleimenova / / Marketing in Russia and abroad. — 2008. — №4. — Pp. 76 — 84. — ISSN 1028 — 5849.

6. Safronov, A. How to host an event: a view to the west / A. Safronov / / Marketing Communications. — 2012. — №6. — S. 387 — 395. — ISSN 1817 — 6321.

7. Percy, L. Development of an integrated marketing communications program, part 2 / L. Percy, R. Elliott / / Advertising. Theory and practice. — 2007. — №5. — S. 304 — 315. — ISSN 4175 — 5489.

8. Wells, W. Advertising: Principles and Practice / W. Wells, J. Burnett, S. Moriarty. — St. Petersburg. Peter, in 2003. — 800. — ISBN 5-318-00284-6.

9. Oleinik, K. Creating an effective promotion as a tool for sales promotion / K. Olejnik / / Sales Management. — 2012. — №4. — S. 50 — 57.

10. Shushkevich, S.V. Promotions Insights / S.V. Shushkevich / / Marketing Communications. — 2006. — №6. — S. 360 — 367. — ISSN 1817 — 6321.

11. Andreeva, N.N. Modern forms of direct marketing and their classification / N.N. Andreyev / / Marketing Communications. — 2012. — №4. — S. 236 — 247. — ISSN 1817 — 6321.

12. Zakharov, V.V. Features promotion — advertising in promoting products / V.V. Zakharov / / Commodity food products. — 2008. — №11. — Pp. 26 — 28. — ISSN 2074 — 9678.

About this article

Authors: Mihaylova O.P., Kalieva O.M.

Year: 2014

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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