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№ 11š(160),š2013


Kulagina T.I. THEMODELOFTHEDEVELOPMENTOF COGNITIVE INDEPENDENCE OF STUDENTS OF ECONOMIC SPECIALITIESIN LEARNING OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGEThe structure and content of a model of cognitive autonomy of students of economic specialitiesin learning a foreign languageis definedas the one built on integrity, completeness, consistency,interconditionality and interdependence of its components: the laws and principles, stages, goals, content, methods, forms and results, ie. didactic system that ensures the development of cognitive independence.Key words: model, levelsand criteriaof, independent, cognitiveactivites, stages of cognitive independence development, economic specialities, foreign language.
Popova V.I. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL COMPONENT OF PREPARATION OF THE BACHELOR IN REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SPACEIn article the cultural and educational component of preparation of the bachelor in the course of realization of the author's course "Linguistic Regionovedeniye" is considered. The analysis of a humanitarian and culturological orientation of education as basis of cultural and educational activity of the student including a polycultural component is given: assistance to strengthening of the status of Russian as state language of the Russian Federation; development of programs, projects on rendering language support ÉÎÏÆÏÎÏ×; mastering by experience of interaction of participants of educational process from positions of dialogue of cultures. Features of the modular organization of a material at target, substantial and technological levels are openedKey words: humanitarian and culturological orientation of education, cultural and educational potential, competence-based approach, anthropocentric paradigm of education; "Regionovedeniye's" concept and its polycultural component.

Philological sciences

Matyash S.A. THE STRUCTURE OF A. PUSHKIN'S DELAYED ("TORQUE") ENJAMBEMENTS The structure of A. Pushkin's delayed ("torque") enjambements, identified and described using methods of the article's author, is analysed. Statistic data organized by means of seven aspects — both specific and general for analysis of any enjambements — is interpreted in terms of poet's various genre groups. As context serve the results of analysis of Pushkin's traditional enjambements.Key words: A. Pushkin, poetics, versification, enjambement, delayed ("torque") enjambement, rhyming.
Borodavkina H.U. THE HYPHENATION (ENJAMBEMENTS) IN LYRIC OF ANDREY BELIYIn article the poetry hyphenation (enjambements) of Andrey Beliy's collection "Urna" rates. 74špoems, 1š884šverse line was investigates. The frequency and structure of poetry hyphenation was define. Similar datas of Russian poetry of XIX–XX century was get in capacity of background.Key words: Andrey Beliy, poetry hyphenation (enjambements), poetry syntax , frequency and structure of poetry hyphenation.
Porol O.A. BIBLE LINES OF THE IMAGE OF TIME IN á. BLOK'S AND ï.šMANDELSHTAM'S OEUVREThe author of article in bible aspect considered an image of time in A.šBlok's and O.šMandelstam's creativity. The semantic analysis of poetic texts is carried out with application of a method of text parallels.At research of structure of an image of time theoretical works of poets were considered.Key words: time, space, bible text, poetic text, A.šBlok, O.šMandelstam.
Diachkovskaya E.N. SOME SYMBOLICAL IMAGES IN STORIES OF I.S. TURGENEV AND N.D.šNEUSTROEV (TO THE PROBLEM OF TRADITIONS OF RUSSIAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE IN YAKUT CREATIVE PROSE)The paper touches upon the problems of the literary traditions of the Russian classics in the Yakut fiction. The article deals with symbolic images of ugly, ugly nature of the example of comparative analysis with "Hunter notes" I.S.šTurgenev's story "The Fisherman Platon", "The lepers", "Wildlife", "Semenchik" N.D.šNeustroeva. Based on the research revealed Turgenev's influence on the poetics Neustroeva. The article is devoted to the actual problem in literature today — study of inter literary relations. This issue is poorly understood and requires further research.Key words: I.S. Turgenev, N.D. Neustroev, symbol, form, motive, tradition, landscape, synonym.
Pykhtina Yu.G. TO THE PROBLEM OF USE OF SPATIAL TERMINOLOGY IN MODERN LITERARY CRITICISMIn the article the review of modern philological researches, devoted to the analysis of art space in literature is offered. The most frequency concepts and the terms accepted for designation of spatial images are considered and differentiated: "locus", "topos", "a spatial mythologem" ("an archetypical image"), "spatial motive", the concept "space". Necessity of the use of concepts "through spatial image" and "spatial model" in the literary analysis is proved.Key words: art space, locus, topos, motive, mythologem, archetypical image, art concept, spatial model.
Gruzan I.E. FATA VIAM INVENIENT OR FORTUNE SHOWS US THE WAY (IN EXAMPLES FROM TRAVELLING NOTES "FRIGATE "PALLADA" I.šGONCHAROV AND "BRANCH OF CHERRY TREE" V.šOVCHINNICOV)Summary. In the case of two authors and two pieces of different centuries, finds ambiguity of philosophical traditions, behavior, and character, political and state system of the Japanese nation.Key words: Far East, Japan, the Japanese character and tradition, the psychology of the nation, and journalists — travelers.
Sheverdina A.P. LITERARY MONTAGE IN THE NOVEL-SEARCH OF LEONID BOLSHAKOV "TRUE STORY ABOUT TARAS"Explored the genre features of biographical novel-search, including importance of literary montage. There were analyzed such forms of montage composition as are dissected, parallel, thematic, internally-frame, a retrospective montage. It is established that the use of montage helps to low unnecessary details, combine different chronotopic planes, make the text more dynamic and inclusive.Key words: biography, novel-search, composition, literary montage.
Dmitrieva N.M. CHANGE OF ETHICAL LOADING OF THE CONCEPT "PATIENCE" IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGEThe author of article considers change of ethical loading of a concept of "patience" and the related words on a material of various dictionaries and case texts. Compares value of these words in the Russian and Church Slavonic languages.Key words: ethical loading, language ethics, ethic, spiritually-moral, concept
Mironenko D.N. FOREIGN STUDENTS AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE CULTURAL SEMANTICS OF THE TEXT (ON THE LESSONS RCTS)In this article raises the problem of education of foreign students reading. ïn the lessons used for reading linvgoetnokulturologichesky method that immerses students in the culture of the target language country. Special attention is paid to the process of analyzing the words having cultural semantics, understandable only native speaker.Key words: cultural semantics, methods of teaching reading, lingvostranovedcheskogo competence, cultural realities, verbal communication
Khakimova E.M. VIOLATIONS OF PUNCTUATION STANDARD USING OF PARENTHETICAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGEPunctuation mistakes using of components, which signify speaker's attitude to utterance and to the object of speech, are under consideration in this article. Research of these deviations in modern Russian printed and Internet texts reveals, that identification of parenthetical constructions often needs difficult semantic, morphological, syntactical analysis. Professional communicants not always have these attainments.Key words: orthologÕ, punctuation, punctuation rule, punctuation mistake, parenthetical construction, syntactical polyfunctionality.
Moiseewa I.Y., Eremeewa L.R. THE PECULIARITIES OF POSITIONAL ORGANIZATION OF LEXICAL SYNONYMY BASING (ON THE STORIES OF V.F.šODOEWSKY)The article deals with studies of positional organization of lexical synonyms in the intertextual fragment of space-time. The main principle of synonyms localization research ist he principle of form and content elements' repetition occurring in space and time. The main scenarios of symmetric\asymmetric intervals transfer in the invariant story text are determined. The equal conditions of entering the system and exiting it are found out to be the peculiarity of the text. Key words: lexical synonymy, positional organization, symmetry, asymmetry.
Semynina O.A. COGNITIVE EFFECT STRATEGIES IN MEDIA DISCOURSEThe article touches upon the study of cognitive effect strategies in the British modern quality press revealing the most efficient mechanisms of influence on the addressee in media discourse. Language expressive means which are used to achieve the desired effect are analysed.Key words: cognitive strategies, media discourse, language expressive means.
Temkina V.L., Semynina O.A. MODERN APPROACHES TO THE FICTION LANGUAGE ANALYSISThe article touches upon the modern approaches to the fiction language analysis and presents manifold theoretical justification of the problem in the works of Russian and foreign scholars.Key words: fiction language, text linguistics, philological text analysis, cognitive approach, psycholinguistic approach, pragmatic approach, derivational approach, communicative approach.
Podtikhova E.A. DENOTATIVE SPACE OF TEXT IN THE ASPECT OF INTERSEMIOTIC TRANSFORMATION: PROBLEM OF FRAGMENTATIONThe article deals with fragmentation of the denotative space during verbalization of graphic text and describes the main principles of uniting objects during graphic text perception.Key words: verbalization, verbal text, graphic text, denotative space, composition, intersemiotic transformation.
Soloviev N.A., Chernoprudova E.N. FORMATION OF COLLOCATIONS IN THE PROBLEM CONTENT E-MAIL FILTERINGThe problems of stable combinations in formation the problem — spam e-mail messages. The solution of the problem on the basis of pre-processing semantic text messages for use of neural network classifier. The technique of forming stable combinations, is grounded in the content analysis for the formation of a thesaurus system to protect postal services business correspondence.Key words: e-mail messages, the semantics of the text, content analysis, set phrases, intelligent processing, spam, content filtering.
Galinskaya T.N. MEDIA IMAGE AND THE PROBLEM OF ITS RECONSTRUCTION IN MODERN LINGUISTICSAbstract. The paper aims to assess the degree of elaboration of media image modeling problem in modern Russian and foreign linguistics. The author reviews the scientific publications of recent years on this issue and identifies three trends in the study of media image, depending on the analyzed actual linguistic material.Key words: media, media consciousness, media space, media image, Internet communications, content analysis, linguistic personology.
Lasitsa L.A., Streneva N.V. LEXICAL AND GRAMMMATICAL MODELS IN GRAFFITI-TEXTS The article is devoted to graffiti-texts describing them as a way where man's language consciousness and thinking are represented. The work analyses some temporal peculiarities in the structure of such texts and reveals the ways which present the category of time. The material was researched with the help of some statistic methods. The main strategy in using category of time was shown. Key words: graffiti, text, category of time, time markers, lexical and grammatical model.
Yevgenyeva N.A. FUNCTIONS OF REMINISCENCE AS FORMS OF INTERTEXTUALITY The article updated the picture of reminiscences as one form of intertextuality, conducted an analysis of the poem by M.I.šTsvetaeva's "Pied Piper" rfs been conducted in connection with the old German legend as a precedent text in the aspect of identifying the functions of the investigated phenomenon (reminiscences).Key words: intertextuality, reminiscence, function prototext, metatext.
Polatovskaya O.S. COGNITIVE ANALYSIS OF SCENE-FRAME "DISCREDIT" (ON THE GROUND OF AMERICAN POLITICAL PUBLIC SPEECHES REGARDING THE SITUATION IN SYRIA) The present article is devoted to investigation of a scene-frame as a concept type, namely to analysis of the scene-frame "discredit" in American political discourse, study of its semantic and cognitive features in political discourse on the example of public speakings of American politicians regarding aggression/non-aggression on Syria which was to blame on the use of chemical weapon.Key words: cognitive linguistics, concept, concept types, frame, scene, scene-frame, political discourse.
Balykhina ô.í., Voropaeva J.A., Lishmanova T.E., Netyosina M.S. THE INFLUENCE OF ADVERTISING DISCOURSE ON THE SPOKEN LANGUAGE OF A MEGALOPOLIS (ON THE BASIS OF MOSCOW OUTDOOR ADVERTISING)This paper analyzes some characteristics of modern advertising discourse and major changes taking place in it under the influence of various factors. The authors analyze the language of an advertisement copy and identify trends that determine the effectiveness of advertising discourse. The authors suggest that the analysis of the change in language features of the advertisement copy will help to understand the trends that have emerged in colloquial speech.Key words: colloquial speech, advertising discourse, current trends in language, megalopolis language
Solodilova I. A. METAPHOR: COGNITIVE BASIS OF VALUATIONThe article deals with the problem of identity and analogy as the foundation of metaphor creation which is regarded with the help of cognitive metaphor theories being critically analyzed. Metaphoric identity of real objects is considered not as a really existing quality, but as a phenomenon of intentional origin which finally defines the functionality of metaphor and its evaluative character.Key words: metaphor; theory of conceptual metaphor; blending theory; identity; intentionality; evaluative character.
Karamova A.A. METAPHOR AS MEANS OF STRUCTURING THE LINGUISTIC IMAGE OF THE POLITICAL WORLD The article highlights the phenomenon of political metaphor from the view point of the conceptual theory. The results of metaphor different aspects study (source-sphere and purport-sphere) are defined. Such approach presents metaphor as means of political world image shaping. Key words: metaphor, political metaphor, metaphoric model, linguistic image of the political world.
Rykhlova O.S. THE ISSUE OF LIMITATION, SEGMENTATION AND PERSPECTIVE The category of aspect is a linguistic universal, which is common to many languages of the world. Aspect is widely presented in the Russian language, which often acts as a language reference in contrasts studies. In the present article is an attempt to delineate the concept of the manner of action, phase and aspect, in order to avoid the transfer of the "Russian vid" on German language. Material for the study was the Russian and German languages. Analysis comes from the process as a denotation of the verb and is based on three levels, which can be presented the following concepts: the process type (level intralingual classification), the classification process (level of the speaker), a comprehensive process (level of reference). The process is relative, which includes various segments and combinations of complex procedural formation.Key words: Aktionsart, aspect, process, segment, phase, perspective, denotation, tense.
Molchkova L.V. TRANSFER OF MEANING TYPES IN PHRASEOLOGYThe article considers analogue and proximative transfer of meaning. In pharseology meraphor and comparison are viewed as analogue transfer of meaning and metonymy and periphrasis as proximative transfer of meaning. Allegory and symbol represent further semantic development and transition to the higher level of abstraction and may be based both on analogy and adjacency of the referent. Key words: metaphorical transfer of meaning, comparative transfer of meaning, metonymical transfer of meaning, periphrastic transfer of meaning, allegorical transfer of meaning, symbolic transfer of meaning, phraseological model
Yakimov P.A. TO THE QUESTION OF LEXICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE CONCEPT "SIN" IN POETRY OF SIMEON LIPKIN In this article analyzes features of common-language representation of a concept "Sin" in the Russian language picture of the world, features of lexical representation of this concept in Simeon Lipkin's poetic world further are considered. Features of syntagmatic and paradigmatic communications of a lexeme are presented in article a sin. Key words: concept, religious and poetic pictures of the world.
Andrusenko T.V. PECULIARITIES OF PHYSICAL AND SEMANTIC SPACES OF THE INVARIANT TEXTThe article is dedicated to the description of the essential stages of the invariant text. òeculiarities of physical and semantic spaces demonstrate the development of the text as a synergetic system. The change of the physical and semantic features testifies about the predominance of the symmetry or asymmetry on a section of the text.Key words: physical space, dimension of the sentence, the form of the word, semantic space, synergetic system, semantic centre, thematic component.
Korobejnikova A.A. LEXICAL IMAGE OF A MAN IN A WOMEN'S POETRY: ON THE METHODS OF INVESTIGATIONThe problem of analysis of lexical-semantic resources that represent the image of men in women's poetry of the twentieth century. The author proposes a study of lexical explication of the image men conducted using component analysis based on the dictionary definition, conceptual analysis and modeling method.Key words: gender linguistics, lexical resources, representation, women's poetry, the image of man, methods of analysis of a literary text.
Prosvirkina I.I., Lutsenko E.A. LEXICAL UNITS EXPRESSING SPACE IN CHINESE LANGUAGE (BASED ON TAOIST PHILOSOPHIC BOOK "ZHUANGZI")This article is devoted to the analysis of lexical units, which make explicit the category of "space" in the Taoist philosophic book "Zhuangzi". The authors classify and describe the group of lexical units as a way of depicting spatial images by the Chinese linguistic consciousness. With the help of linguistic and cultural description one can reveal cultural semantics of lexical units with spatial semantics of the "Zhuangzi" book, as well as their cultural meaning.Key words: lexical explication of the "space" category, cultural semantics, conceptual spatial con-cepts; Chinese linguistic picture of the world.
Sakharova N.S., Dmitrieva Ye.V. EVOLUTIONARY ROW OF THE GRAMMATICAL COMPONENT OF THE CONCEPT "HONOUR" IN THE ENGLISH POETRY OF XIV AND XIX CENTURIESThe article is devoted to an acute aspect of cognitive linguistics — concept "Honour" in the English literature of XIV and XIX centuries. The material for the article was taken from the poems of these periods. The main issue being discussed in this article is grammatical component of the concept "Honour" in its evolutionary rows. Key words: cognitive linguistics, concept, diachrony, evolutionary row, grammatical component.
Pasechnaya L.A. SYNTACTIC RELATIONS IN COMPOUND ADJECTIVESThe actual problem of a composition which is one of the main ways of word formation in German is considered in this article. The various points of view of linguists on the nature of a compound word are given. The author addresses to the little-studied subject of syntax of the difficult adjectives designating color, represents results of research of structure of difficult adjectives and a syntactic link between their components. The results of this research are based on a material of the Big German-Russian dictionary under O.I.šMoskalskoy's edition.Key words: compound adjectives denoting color, syntactic relations, constituent, additive form modifikativny view, comparative form of communication.
Zaritskaya L.A. LEXICOGRAPHIC CRITERIA OF GLOSSARY COMPOSITION OF ENGLISH TERMS FOR DESIGNERSThe main aim of the article is brief review of lexicographic criteria of glossary composition. The author tells us about necessity and advisability of specialized reference bilingual glossary composition to unify and standardize this field of special knowledge in frame of process optimization in professional linguistic development of the next generation designer.Key words: professional linguistic development, designer, linguistic education, glossary.
Abramova å.ë. SYNTAX PARAMETERS OF SENTENCES WITH THE MARKERS OF MISUNDERSTANDING (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE)This article deals with syntax parameters of sentences with the markers of misunderstanding. The author analyzes the communicative nature of these sentences with explicit and implicit signals of misunderstanding. Key words: misunderstanding, explicit and implicit markers of misunderstanding, syntax parameters of french sentence.
Agarkova O.A., Putilina L.V. PRAGMATICS AND INTONATION OF THE FRENCH SPEECH ETIQUETTEIn the present article the status of speech etiquette as one of objects of pragmatics and linguistics studying is established, variability of the intonational organization of the speech etiquette formulas which are using in speech acts of a greeting and farewell within the theory of pragmatics is analyzed. Authors of article reveal dependence between the character of an intentionality of greetings, farewells and their intonational parameters, and also regularities of the intonational organization of locution and perlocution in the speech acts of a greeting and farewell.Key words: pragmatics, intonation, speech acts, speech etiquette.
Perekhodko I.V. LINGUISTIC BASES OF NATIONAL-CULTURAL PECULIARITY OF THE RUSSIANS AND THE FRENCH COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIOUR The article touches upon the interdependence between the language and culture. The linguistic peculiarities of Russian and French speech tendencies realization are also described.Key words: perception, language, culture, language consciousness, communicative behaviour, speech tendencies.
Tomin V.V., Eremina N.V., Bogomolova A.U. LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF ELECTRONIC TRANSLATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TEXTS The state of development of theory andpractice of electronic translation systems based on transfer correspondence is considered. Subject and dynamics components of machine translation model are analyzed. Characteristic problems, appearing while the electronic translation of scientific and technical texts at the process of designator identification and monogrammatical analysis, are revealed. Key words: electronic translation, dynamic component, transfer correspondence, designator, monogrammatical analysis.
Annenkova N.A, Tolkachov D.V. MODERNITY SOUND IMAGE GEORGES DUROY IN THE CONTEXT OF A PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES OF A JOURNALIST IN THE XXI CENTURYThe article discusses the personal and professional qualities of the hero of the novel by Guy de Maupassant's "Bel Ami", illustrating the characteristic face of the modern journalist. Identified success factors of professional literary hero in journalism interface with a simple effective ways of becoming a journalist in the profession today.Key words: Mopassan, G. de., J. Duroy, journalism, success, career.
Hmura E.A. STRUCTURE OF AN IMAGE OF THE AUTHOR AND THE HERO IN THE ORENBURG COMICALLY-SATIRICAL EDITIONS OF THE BEGINNING OF THE XX-TH CENTURYIn article the structure of an image of the author and the hero in the Orenburg editions of the beginning of the XX-th century are considered. The analysis of evolution of an image of the author and the hero for two decades is carried out. In structure of an image of the author and the hero it is revealed, that use of pseudonyms became the main reception of the Orenburg journalists for reflexion of a position of the author.Key words: The Author, the Hero, the Orenburg editions, Kobylka, the Dust.



Sergey Aleksandrovich

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