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2013, № 11 (160)

Matyash S.A. THE STRUCTURE OF A. PUSHKIN'S DELAYED ("TORQUE") ENJAMBEMENTS The structure of A. Pushkin's delayed ("torque") enjambements, identified and described using methods of the article's author, is analysed. Statistic data organized by means of seven aspects — both specific and general for analysis of any enjambements — is interpreted in terms of poet's various genre groups. As context serve the results of analysis of Pushkin's traditional enjambements.Key words: A. Pushkin, poetics, versification, enjambement, delayed ("torque") enjambement, rhyming.


1. Pushkin A. S. All works in 10 vol. Vol 5. — Мoscow 1964, P. 146. The text has been quoting based on this publishing.

2. Gasparov M. L., Skulacheva T.V. Studies about linguistics of verse. Moscow 2004. P. 182-190.

3. Vinokur G.O. Philology studies: linguistics and poetics. Мoscow, 1990. — P.171 and other.

4. Kovtunova I.I. Word order in poetry and prose. // Sintacsis and stylistics. Moscow 1976. — P. 58-63.

5. Аtayan E. R. Subject and basic terms of structural syntacsys. Erevan, 1986. — P. 263 and other.

6. Matyash S. A. "Long" enjambements in Russian verse epics. // Slavic verse VII Linguistics and verse structure. — Мoscow., 2004. — P. 206-220.

7. Matyash S.A. Enjambements of "Evgeny Onegin" novel of A. Pushkin in the context of epic and drama verse. // Formal methods in linguistics poetry: book of studies dedicated to 60th anniversary of professor M.A. Krasnoperova. S-Petersburg, 2001. — P. 68-81.

8. Matyash S.A. Enjambements in lirics of A.S. Pushkin and M.J. Lermontov // Vestnik of Orenburg's State University 2006, №11. — P. 57-63.

9. Matyash S.A. Enjambements in Little Tragedies of A.S. Pushkin // Vestnik of Orenburg's State University 2009, №11. — P. 8-13.

10. Matyash S.A. Enjambements: about interaction of rhythm and sintaxis. // Russian verse: in honor of 90th anniversary of M.L. Gasparov. — Мoscow, 1996. — P. 189-202.

11. Lotman M.J. Shakhverdov S.A. Metrics and strophics of of A.S. Pushikn's poetry // Russian verse of 19th century, Мoscow, 1979. — P.145-257.

12. Matyash S.A. About history and typology of verse enjambements // Slavic verse: linguistics and practical poetics.– Мoscow, 2001. — P. 172-186.

13. Matyash S.A. Enjambement and rhyme of "Evgeny Onegin" novel // Formal methods in linguistics poetry II: book of studies dedicated to 65th anniversary of professor M.A. Krasnoperova. S-Petersburg, 2007. — P. 176-187.

About this article

Author: Matyash S.A.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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