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№ 6 (155), 2013

Natural sciences

Panchenko L.F., Bochenkov A.A., Chermyanin S.V., Suin P.A., Fesyun A.D. NERVOUS AND EMOTIONAL TENSION OF THE FLIGHT PERSONNEL OF THE INTERNAL ARMY AVIATION AIRPLANES OF RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS DURING NIGHT FLIGHTS IN DIFFICULT WEATHER CONDITIONSPeculiarities of the nervous and emotional tension of the pilots and navigators of the Internal Army aviation airplanes of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs during night flights in difficult weather conditions are revealed in paper. The peculiarities were reviewed by the intensity of the vegetative indicators (cardiovascular and respiratory systems). The received data indicates that the observed vegetative displacements and motive components of the emotional reactions reflect special features peculiar to this kind of flight.Key words: flight personnel, professional activity, nervous and emotional tension, vegetative functions, Internal Army aviation of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Salnikova E.V., Miroshnikov A.М., Osipova E.A, Kudakaev I.R., Zhorov D.S., Kustova A.S. HEAVY METALS IN CHAINS "ANIMAL-FEED-MAN" IN CASE OF ORENBURG REGIONThe article presents data on the content of essential and toxic trace elements in crops and biosubstrates animals raised in the Orenburg region. The content of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in the population of some areas of the region.Key words: environment, health, food products, minerals, Orenburg region
CherkasovaE.V. LebedkovaS.E. CONDITIONOFBONESTRENGHT AT HEALTHY ADOLESCENTS ORENBURG ACCORDING TO ULTRASONIC DENSITOMETRYResearch of bone strength at healthy adolescents of Orenburg is conducted by a method of ultrasonic densitometry. It is revealed that decrease in bone strength is noted at 21,1 %. Dependence of indicators of bone strength on physical development of adolescents is established.Key words: bone strength, adolescents, Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements.
Zavaleeva S.M., Sadykova N.N., Chirkova E.N. RABBIT'S SPLEEN HISTOLOGY IN AGE ASPECTThis article deals with the problem of histological changes of rabbit's spleen in postnatal ontogeny (from birth till four years). The author defines the diameter extension of lymphatic nodules from birth till one year, the reduction of this characteristic at the age of four and the augmentation of capsule organ and trabeculae thickness by one year.
Nafikova A.H., Kuramshina N.G., Bogatova O.V., Karpova G.V. EVALUATION OF NATURAL SOURCES OF RABIES IN BASHKORTOSTANIn this paper we analyzed the incidence of rabies, farm and wild animals in Bashkortostan in the years 2007–2011, as well as morbidity RB associated with animal bites.Key words: rabies, pets, farm and wild animals in Bashkortostan.
Holodilina T.N., Medvedev S.A. INFLUENCE OF THE FOOD FILAMENTS, SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT TYPE OF THE PROCESSING, ON EXCHANGE CHEMICAL ELEMENT IN ORGANISM CYPLYAT-BROILERIn work are presented experimental given on influence ligniticcellulose of the complex (the food filament), in on-line form and modified type, on exchange microelectronics in organism cyplyat-broiler. As source ligniticcellulose complex was used departure food production pocket cacao. It Is Installed that feed pocket cacao containing ration brings about accumulation vanadium and removing to quicksilvers from body of the bird. Key words: pocket cacao, chicken, toxic elements, elements, ligniticcellulose complex.
Anishchenko L.N., Safrankova E.A. SPECIES OF LICHENS OF SMALL CITIES AND SETTLEMENTS OF CITY TYPE OF BRYANSK AREA: A BIODIVERSITY AND USE IN BIOINDICATIONThe specific structure species of lichens four small cities and settlements of city type of the Bryansk area, consisting of 46 kinds, 24 sorts, 8 families is studied. The ekologo-biological analysis lichenobiota is presented, is considered settlement epiphytic species of lichens to substrata. In the bioindicator purposes the specific structure epiphytic lichenosynusies is recommended.Key words: species of lichens, urboecosystem, bioindication.
Belyanina Е.V. ЕCOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FLORA ECOTONES ORENBURG URALSThe research of flora in ecotones Orenburg region: biomorphological defined structure, identified the major environmental groups of plants in relation to light and humidity, as well as eco-phytocenotic group. Based on the analyzed data highlighted the characteristics of ecological structure of flora studied ecotones.Key words: ecotone, flora, life form, environmental groups, environmental phytocoenotic range, Orenburg Urals.
Berezina T.V., Savin E.Z. FEATURES OF GROWTH OF FRUIT CROPS ENTRE RIOS OF SAMARA AND BUZULUKThis article examines the soil and climatic conditions of the microrelief mikrousloviya and promoting safety and high productivity of fruit trees in the Urals. Optimum conditions develop on the sites protected from adverse climatic conditions by forest plantings, the settling-down on slopes southeast, southwest direction and with a close arrangement of water sources.Key words: microrelief, microclimate, apple-tree, pear, berry-pickers.
Gut T.M. OIL POLLUTION EFFECT ON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF COMMUNITIESInvestigation was carried out in the natural habitat of the Samotlor oilfield, Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous area, Yugra. Floristic composition of the area under investigation, projective cover, frequency of occurrence and abundance of species were studied using methods of geobotanical description of plant communities. It was found that cotton grass, acute sedge and reed mace have high environmental plasticity in relation to oil pollution of soil.Key words: projective cover, frequency of occurrence, abundance of species.
Sharygina M.V, Anilova L.V., Kudryavceva E.A., Kuzmin S.N. INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS FORMS OF IRON ON GERMINATION OF SEEDS OF TRITICUM AESTIVUMArticle is devoted to research of influence of various forms of iron on germination and germination seeds, length of escapes and Triticum A. wheat roots. Influence nano- and ironmicroparticles on these indicators is revealed and expediency of carrying out preseeding processing of seeds is shown by these solutions.Key words: iron, nanoparticles, sowing qualities of seeds.
Muldashev A.A., Elizar'eva O.A., Maslova N.V., Galeeva A.Kh. REINTRODUCTION OF THE RARE SPECIES ALLIUM NUTANS L. IN BOTANICAL NATURE MONUMENT "GUROVSKAYA GORA" IN BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLIC The article shows the results of the 8-year reintroduction of rare species Allium nutans L. in the bows of natural monuments "Gurovskaya gora". Compared with seeds reproduction the vegetative reproduction was more efficiently in this study. Currently received by the generation plants of rare species. Key words: Red Data Book, rare species, Allium nutans, reintroduction, protection.
Savin E.Z., Merezhko O.E., Mursalimova G.R. BEHAVIOR OF PEARS IN A DIFFERENT ROOTSTOCKS STEPPE AREAS SOUTH URALThe paper summarizes the results of 10 years of testing seed stocks, combined with pear varieties and Krasnobokaya Uralochka. Seeds harvested in different regions of Russia. The estimation of plantings in the garden as the trees, the degree podmerzaniya after a harsh winter 2005/06. Defined harvest for years, given the parameters of the tree — height, crown diameter, the diameter of trunk.Key words: rootstock, scion, winter hardiness, productivity, condition.
Shiryaev A.G. MORPHOLOGICAL VARIABILITY OF CLAVARIOID FUNGI' COMPLEX IN THE ZONE-SECTORAL GRADIENT OF EURASIAThe rules of morphological structure changing in the clavarioid fungi' complexes under zone-sectoral gradient have been studied. Works carried out on the latitudinal transect "Urals" and "hemiboreal zone of Eurasia" as a longitudinal. The group with coral-branched, big-forms from 4 till 20 cm high fruitbodies (morphological groups: Co-III,IV) is predominant in the areas with optimal ecological conditions, whereas, the pessimum areas are characterizing by club, simple, unbrunched and small-forms less than 4 cm high fruitbodies (Cl-I,II). Key words: biodiversity, Eurasia, clavarioid fungi, morphology, hemiboreal forests, transect, Ural.
Agisheva S.Y., Dostova T.M. ESPECIALLY HUMUS SOIL ECOLOGY STEPPE AND STEPPE PREURALYAThe generalized data on the environmental characteristics of soil humus in the Southern Urals zone-genetic and regional aspects. The key factors influencing the formation of a system of indicators of soil humic substances: the climate, vegetation, island forests and slope asymmetry.Key words: humus, soil zonation, the asymmetry of the slope, island forests.
Gasina A.I., Goncharov V.G. AGROPHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND REGIMES OF SOILS UNDER CONDITIONS OF LYTHOLOGICAL INHOMOGENEITY OF SOIL COVERPhysical properties and regimes are the important component of productional process. The results of soil cover investigation of different agrolandscapes of Vladimir region (soddy-podzolic and grey forest soils) are represented in the article. Mechanisms of physical properties' distribution and features of water-air regime formation under conditions of highly spatial inhomogeneity of soil cover are considered. Key words: inhomogeneity, soil cover, agrophysical properties, water-air regime.
Ishanova G.U. INFLUENCE OF SOIL INVERTEBRATES ON PROPERTIES ADJACENT WITH THE WOOD OF STEPPE CHERNOZEMSThe effect of animals soil on the processes of soil formation, as well as the effects of their changes. Shows the trend in the number of "soil animals — communities — biocenosis". It is established, that animals soil lead to changes in vegetation, and they, in turn, changing ecosystem, mezzo climate change in particular, and biocenosis in General.Key words: phytocenosis, mezzo climate, soil fauna.
Sablina O.A., Turlibekova D.M. RESEARCH OF ORSK URBANOZEM RECREATIONAL AREAS The results of research in pH, humus and heavy metals content in the soils of Orsk park areaare presented. There is a significant deterioration in the ecological status of soils in Metallurgovpark in the zone of influence of Southern Urals Nickel Plant. Key words: soils, humus, pH, heavy metals, accumulation, parks.
Stepanova M.A. ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS WILD APPLE TREE (MALUSSYLVESTRIS) IN BUZULUKWith increasing urbanization is changing urban environment, which differs in many respects from the natural environment. Heavy metals occupy a special position, because, not subjected to physico-chemical or biological degradation, accumulate in the surface layer of the soil and change their properties, for a long time are available for root uptake by plants and actively participate in the processes of migration in trophic chains.Key words: heavy metals, аpple, sustainability, and the accumulation.
Stepanzova L.V., Krasina T.V., Krasin V.N. CHARACTERISTIC OF NEOFORMATIONS OF A CHERNOZEM TYPICAL CHERNOZEM'S SOILS AND SALINE CHERNOZEM'S SOILS OF THE SOUTH OF THE TAMBOV PLAINGiven the characteristic and evaluation of the diagnostic values of various types of neoformations s of a chernozem typical, chernozem's soils and saline chernozem's soils of the south of the Tambov plain. Considered are the peculiarities of carbonate concretions, Fe-Mn ortsteins, clay and siliceous cutans, dak-coloured mottles of manganese hydroxideKey words: ortsteins, carbonate concretions, clay and siliceous cutans, Mn blotches, chernozems.
Teslya A.V. Galaktionova L.V. Vasilchenko A.S., Yeliseyevа M.V. ASSESSMENT OF POLLUTION OF TYPICAL AND SOUTHERN PETROLEUM CHERNOZEMS PREDURALIEThe problem of oil pollution of soils of forest-steppe and steppe landscapes of the Orenburg region. Based on the determination of hydrocarbons in the soil, the contamination levels and the typical southern black soil, and the degree of disturbance. The obtained data allow us to make recommendations to prevent adverse effects on the soil ecosystem.Key words: oil, oil-contaminated sites assessment of the degree of pollution, disturbance of the territory, the reclamation.
Bulgakova M.A., Bulgakov E.A. EFFECT OF CATTLE MANURE ON POPULATION DENSITY LUMBRICIDAE (CASE STUDY TYPICAL CHERNOZEM)The effect of farm animal feces on population density Lumbricidae grassland soils. To evaluate changes in the pH of the medium in terms of bringing the manure on pasture land.Key words: pasture digression, the reaction environment, population, Lumbricidae, earthworms.
Guman O.M., Kolosnitsyna O.A., Makarov A.B., Antonova I.A. GEOECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF NATURAL AND TECHNICAL SYSTEMS AT A REGRESSIVE STAGE TECHNOGENESIS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF YAMAN-KASA'S FIELD)The main features of migration of heavy metals in natural and technical systems at a regressive stage technogenesis were considered on the example of Yaman-Kasa's field. Attenuation of geodynamic processes in system a pit and a dump was established at this stage. In natural environments the geoecological assessment of a condition of a field was givenby resultsof studying of heavy metals. Key words: Key words:technogenesis, geoecological assessment, regressive stage, kolchedanny ores, heavy metals.
Malgina S.P. THE EFFECT OF PRODUCED WATER FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICSThe article deals with the study of the produced water on such functional characteristics of plants as bio productivity, biomass structure and photosynthetic rate. The author has studied some functional peculiarities of plants on the Samotlor land sate contaminated with drilling fluids.Key words: produced water, сenomanian water, pollution, bio productivity, biomass structure, photosynthetic rate.
Mustafina L.R., Ichsanov R.G, Mindibaev R.A. THE BALANCE OF NUTRIENTS IN THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF FERTILIZERS IN THE GRAIN-LEA-PLOW CROP ROTATION IN BUISKO-TANYPS INTER FLUE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANIt was made a field experiment to study the reproduction of soil fertility in grain-lea-plow crop rotation, was established a balance of nutrients in the different systems of fertilizers.
Miazina N.G. THE VALUE OF THE UNDERGROUND FRESH WATER OF THE VOLGA-AKHTUBA WATER-MEADOWIn article the basic laws of formation and placing of fresh underground waters of modern alluvial horizon dated to Volgo-Ahtubinskoj to a flood plain of the North Caspian art pool are considered. The chemical compound of waters is resulted.Key words: Volgo-Ahtubinskaja flood plain, the North Caspian artesian pool, fresh waters, mineralization.
Safonov M.A., Rusakov A.V., Cherdyntseva T.M. BIOTIC INDICATORS OF ECOTONE EFFECT IN THE FOOTHILLS OF THE SOUTHERN PREURALSIn article the influence of ecotone effect on the characteristics of flora, plant cover and beetles population is considered. The analysis has shown, that the majority of parameters naturally variate in a gradient and some parameters, such as alpha-diversity, plant covering — reach the maximum level in ecotone zone. Key words: ecotone effect, bioindication, flora, fauna of insects, Southern Preurals.
Rusanov A.M. MODERN TRANSFORMATION OF NATURAL VEGETATION STEPPE BIOGEOCENOSES On the example of a comparative analysis of materials geobotanical survey of one of the farms of the Orenburg region, made in 1977, and the data of its own studies in 2010, 2012, presents the results of changes in the species composition of some geo-botanical characteristics and properties of the agro-steppe landscapes of grassy vegetation over the past decade. Key words: grassland ecosystems, vegetation community, black soil, ecological capacity of pastures.
Safonov M.A., Shamraev A.V., Dvoluchanskaya J.V., Bashkatova E.V. ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN THE SYSTEM "SOIL-TREE-FUNGUS" IN THE SOUTHERN PREURALSThe article presents the results of a study of the accumulation of zinc, copper, manganese, iron in the system "soil-tree-fungus" at the conditions of Southern Preurals. In the soil noted the high content of Fe, Mn, in birch wood — Mn, in the fruit bodies of Fomes fomentarius — Zn, Fe, Cu. In the system "soil-tree-fungus" noted increase in the quantity of zinc and copper. Indices of accumulation of fruit bodies of all heavy metals, in addition to copper, are quite low.Key words: heavy metals, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, accumulation, "soil-tree-fungus" system, Betula pendula, wood-destroying fungi, Fomes fomentarius, forest ecosystems, Southern Preurals.
Shorina T.S., Teslia A.V., Popov A.V. INFLUENCE OF ROAD TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF SOILS ROADSIDE AREAS OF ORENBURGThe effects of road transport on the chemical and physical properties of soils bordering territories of Orenburg. Revealed that in most cases the indicators of soil quality match the level of an environmental emergency. Detected excess of acid-forming compounds and, consequently, reduced soil pH to 4.7.Key words: soil cover, roadside areas, road transport, soil contamination, phytotoxicity, the physical properties of soils.
Boryakova E.E., Lyamina N.S. SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMMUNITIES OF SMALL MAMMALS AND ITS COMMUNICATION WITH THE PHYTOCENOSISIn this report we describe the possible communications between vegetation and mycromammaliyas in the conditions of Nizhny Novgorod Predvolzhye as the components of phytocenosis and zoocenosis. Communication between some species of small mammals and nemoral and boreal plants in a vegetative cover is shown. Components of zoocenosis "are entered" in space of phytocenosis.Key words: vegetative cover, rank correlation of Spirmen, Ellenberg's scale, method of Principal Components, population of mycromammaliyas.
Galinichev A.V., Anufriev G.A. NEW DATA ON THE CICADINA-FAUNA (INSECTA, HOMOPTERA, CICADINA) OF THE "DENEZHKIN KAMEN'" RESERVE AND ITS ENVIRONMENTS (SVERDLOVSK REGION)Data on 45 species of cicadins occurring at the territory of the "Denezhkin Kamen'" Reserve and its environments (Northern Ural) given for the first time as well as on cicadins taxonomic richness of the studied territory in comparison with some concrete faunas of Ural megaregion.Key words: cicadins (Cicadina), Ural megaregion, Northern Ural, Sverdlovsk region.
Emelyanova A.A, Khristenko E.A. MOBILE METHOD OF ACOUSTIC ULTRASOUND MONITORING OF CHIROPTERAN'S FAUNAThe counting of acoustic signals produced by bats in summer habitats has been carried out for the first time in Tver region along road transects. Echolocation signals, converted with an aid of bat-detector, were subsequently recorded for future deciphering of sonograms. The aforementioned method allowed to modify the bats' checklist of the region. It also helped to find out the relative number of each particular species along with their preferred habitats.Key words: chiropterans, bats, ultrasound monitoring, road transects, Tver region.
Markova T.O., Manchela K.A. TACHINIDAE (DIPTERA) — PARASITES OF LYMANTRIIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA) OF PRIMORYE TERRITORYData on the Tachinidae (Diptera) — parasites of preimaginal stages of Lymantriidae (Lepidoptera) of Primorye territory. 28 species of 3 subfamily Tachinidae (Exoristinae; Tachininae, Dexiinae) parasitize in Lymantriidae. Key words: insect, dipteran, Tachinidae, internal parasite, Lepidoptera, lepidopterous larva, dipterous larva, egg.
Ruchin A.B. INFLUENCE OF THE PHOTOPERIOD ON THE LARVAL DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH OF THE AMPHIBIANSExperiments on studying of influence of the photoperiod on development and growth of the amphibians are made. It appeared that the constant darkness in comparison with the constant lighting reduces growth and rates of development and increases mortality of Rana temporaria tadpoles. However growth of Xenopus laevis fingerlings a didn't change depending on the photoperiod.Key words: photoperiod, growth, development, amphibians.
Klimentova E.G. THE EFFECT OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS δ-ENDOTOXIN ON THE LEVELOF PELLICLE FORMING ACTIVITY AND ADHESIVE PROPERTIESOF OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Found that the B. thuringiensis δ-endotoxin subsp. kurstaki introduced in a long time per os laboratory mice, lead to the development of dysbiosis, which is a change to the ability of microorganisms to film formation and adhesion properties of opportunistic pathogens, which creates conditions for the subsequent invasion of the host tissue and causes infections.Key words: B. thuringiensis δ-endotoxin, the formation of bacterial biofilms, increased adhesiveness of microorganisms.
Ali F.M., El-Khatib A.M., Sabry S.A., Abo-Neima S.E., Motaweh H.A. CONTROL OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS GROWTH BY ELECTROMAGNETIC THERAPYThe present work aimed to study the biological effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) on the growth rate, morphology and antibiotic sensitivity patterns of the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus to determine any morphological and metabolic changes that might have been caused by ELF-EMF. In order to compare cell viability, number of colony-forming units (CFU) and growth rate (optical density at 600 nm) was determined. The results showed that a highly significant inhibition effect occurred when S.aureus was exposed to resonance of 0.8 Hz QAMW for a single exposure (120 min). Moreover, exposed cells became more sensitive to the tested antibiotics compared to control. Significant ultra structural changes occurred as observed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR) revealed genetic fingerprinting variation as observed in the electrophoresis patterns between exposed and unexposed cells of S.aureus.Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, ELF-EMF, bacterial growth rate, antibiotic sensitivity, morphological changes, TEM, RAPD-PCR.
Arifullin M. R., Berdinsky V. L. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT OF SPIN STATES OF INDISTINGUISHABLE FERMIONSSpin density matrices of the system, containing arbitrary even number N of indistinguishable fermions with spin S = 1/2, described by antisymmetric wave function, have been calculated. The indistinguishability and the Pauli principles are proved to determine uniquely spin states, spin correlations and entanglement of fermion spin states. Increase of the particle number in the multifermion system reduces the spin correlation in any pair of fermions. The fully entangled system of N electrons are shown to be composed by pairs with nonentangled spin states that is the incoherent superposition of the singlet and triplet states.Key words: quantum entanglement, density matrix, Pauli's principle, quantum correlations.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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