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2013, № 6 (155)

Gut T.M. OIL POLLUTION EFFECT ON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF COMMUNITIESInvestigation was carried out in the natural habitat of the Samotlor oilfield, Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous area, Yugra. Floristic composition of the area under investigation, projective cover, frequency of occurrence and abundance of species were studied using methods of geobotanical description of plant communities. It was found that cotton grass, acute sedge and reed mace have high environmental plasticity in relation to oil pollution of soil.Key words: projective cover, frequency of occurrence, abundance of species.


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About this article

Author: Gut T.M.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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