№ 2 (151), 2013
Akimov A.I., Мelnikov V.S. COMPONENTS OF FORMATION OF PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE OF SPORTS COLLECTIVES' HEADSMain components of structurally functional model of pedagogical culture' formation for sports teams' heads are considered in the article, its functions and the principles of realization are defined. The starting position is that realization of the model provides organization of pedagogical culture for heads of sports teams at a certain level.Key words: collective, pedagogical culture, structurally functional model, components.
Ahmedyanova G.F. ORGANIZATION CLASSIFICATION OF "STUDENT-TEACHER" SYSTEM FEEDBACK Motivation for student learning as a major factor in parallel with creativity and independence level is considered. The complex systematization of learning process determining the selection of actual educational tools is described. It is offered to implement the expert system as a mechanism to provide feedback student-teachers. Key words: motivation for educational activity, creative potential, competence, educational technology, creative techniques, self-actualization, expert system, feedback.
Baranov V.V., Belonovskaya I.D. COMPETITIVE RESOURCE OF STUDENT IN UNIVERSITY COMPLEX OF FRACTAL STRUCTUREThe article examines current problem of student competitiveness in conditions of regional university complex. It is considered that fractal university structure becomes significant factor of student' competitive resource and promotes the effective activity of university branches. In this regard, classification of university complex' structures on the basis of fractality is described: image of head and branch organizations. Key words: fractal structure, branch, region, competitiveness, competitive resource, student, university complex.
Bobryashova O.V. EXPERIMENTAL WORK FOR PROFESSIONAL AND AESTHETIC COMPETENCE OF FUTURE DESIGNER IN UNIVERSITYThe article describes formation of professional and aesthetic competence of future. The revealed problems are also presented. Organization of experimental work to check research hypothesis and model testing in university is analyzed. Key words: experiment, diagnosis, professional and aesthetic competence, personal qualities, desig-activities, comparative analysis.
Bubchikova N.V., Chikova I.V. MOTIVATIONAL AND AXIOLOGICAL SPHERE OF FUTURE EDUCATOR AS COMPONENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS The solution of problem of formation of future teachers' psychological readiness to the professional activity presents a theoretical and practical interest for pedagogy and psychology. The authors present evaluation method of motivational axiological component of the psychological readiness of students to the professional activity. The problem of the development of the criteria and levels offormation of this readiness is researched. The article presents the essence of the problem, its significance and the way of solution.Key words: psychological readiness, criterion of psychological readiness, professional activity, motivation.
Vanchinova O.V., Gladkikh V.G. DEVELOPING RESEARCH SKILLS OF FUTURE NURSES AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMThe necessity of research skills forming for future nurses while training at medical college is described in the article. The value of research skills in medical practice and the presence of the corresponding organizational and pedagogical conditions during training is updated. The data of empirical research on the state of skills formation addressed to the training of future nurses in the medical college is presented.Key words: research skills, future nurse, professional training at medical college.
Vovk I.V. MANAGEMENT DECISION AS A KEY GOAL OF FUTURE MANAGERS TRAININGIn the article adopting of management decisions is regarded as one of the main components of manager's activity. Background technology of readiness developing of future managers to adopting managerial decisions is given. The author analyses the axiological aspect of research.Key words: administration, management, axiological basics of decision-making.
Gladkikh V.G., Usova L.B. EDUCATIONAL AND METHODICAL SUPPORT OF MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE ACTUALIZATION IN BACHELORS EDUCATION OF LIFE SAFETY PROGRAM The article examines the complex of educational and methodical resources providing mathematical knowledge in training of life safety's bachelor in high school. Tasks and problems that make up actualizing resource of training life safety's bachelor are characterized; specific practice-oriented cases are given also.Key words: teaching and methodological support, educational complex, task approach, task, problem.
Glazina T.A. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS HUMANISTIC ORIENTATIONIn article the pedagogical technology of introduction of a complex of the pedagogical conditions promoting development of a humanistic orientation of students is considered. The concept "humanistic orientation of students" is specified, possibility of valuable potential of physical training is analyzed.Key words: humanistic orientation, pedagogical conditions, physical training.
Demyanenko N.N. MODELING EDUCATIONAL SPACE OF PEDAGOGIC UNVERSITYThe problems of competence-context model of pedagogic personnel training against the background of changes in the structure of educational activity, increase of research component, widening of pedagogic university functions in innovational social-economic environment are analyzed. Key words: context-professional training, quasi-professional activity, diversity of master courses, practice-oriented learning, pedagogical technology, scientific school, tutoring.
Divinskaya N.A. EXPERIENCE OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES OF UKRANIAN HEI'S STUDENTSThe article is devoted to the problem of introduction of interactive teaching technologies in educational process. The author gives the description of progressive pedagogical experience, which is the most perspective for improvement of student's training in high educational institution.Key words: professional competence, intercultural communication competence, interactive teaching technologies.
Eliseev V.N. PEDAGOGICAL REALIA OF INFORMATION SOCIETYThere is a pedagogical analysis of possibilities, tasks and risks, appearing in the modern information society in the article. The author shows that development of information society defines intensive establishing of new educational paradigm, the main valuable point of which is a human, who can orient himself in the modern world dealing with informational flows in a constructive way.Key words: information society, education 2.0, media education, media competence, mobile education, informative-cognitive personal autonomy.
Emelyanova L.A., Bubchikova N.V. FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER'S PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS MODEL FOR STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION DEVELOPMENTThe approach to solution of the problem of future primary school teacher's psychological readiness for students' learning motivation development is discussed in this article. The authors reveal the content of psychological readiness model, the essence of future primary school teacher's psychological readiness model for students' learning motivation, component parts of the model and its importance in professional formation of future teachers.Key words: psychological readiness, components of psychological readiness, future teacher, educational motivation.
Erofeeva N.E. TUTORSHIP FROM STUDENTS POINT OF VIEW In article the analysis of students' monitoring results of revelation of students' subjective position about tutoring is given, the contradictions between the traditional perception of supervising system and new teaching position of high school teachers are pointed out. Special attention is paid to the questions of individualization as an objective and urgent process for higher education.Key words: tutor, student, supervising professor, individualization, high school.
Zemskiy A.A. ABOUT CAREER-GUIDANCE IN ORENBURG REGION IN SECOND HALF OF XIX-BEGINNIG OF XX CENTURY On the basis of archive materials analysis of a number of Russian cities the career-guidance is investigated in the pre-revolutionary Orenburg region, and the activity of administration of Orenburg Educational Region in terms of the career-guidance in non-Russian schools is also represented.Key words: career-guidance, Orenburg theological consistory, Orenburg region, Russian-Bashkir schools, educational region.
Ziambetov V.Yu. MILITARY-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION AND STUDENTS TRAINING FOR MILITARY SERVICE The paper substantiates the need to prepare students for military service in university complex. Importance of extracurricular activities for physical and military-patriotic education is described. Effective ways to maintain the readiness of university students to perform military service is determined.Key words: military-patriotic education, military-applied physical training, physical exercises, military service.
Ivanova V.M. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS' SELF-ACTUALIZATION This article covers the questions of organizational and systematic aspects of educational support for students' self-actualization process by educators. Following the logic of education support the students' self-actualization stages were determined. The description of education support in educational activity is presented Key words: educational support, self-actualization, educational interaction, educational activities, personal meanings, self-actualization stages.
Ivanova T.A., Vlasova G.A. FORMATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORLD PICTURE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN STUDYING "DERIVATIVE" TOPIC In the article the structure of philosophical knowledge in "derivative" topic is marked out; problems and purposes of learning the differential calculus in mathematics at school is described; historical facts of establishment and development of differential calculus, which may be used in learning mathematics to form a correct scientific world picture of schoolchildren.Key words: scientific world picture, philosophical knowledge, results of training, differential calculus, history of the differential calculus.
Ishakova E.N., Medvedeva M.V. PROCESS APPROACH TO RISK MANAGEMENT OF FUTURE SOFTWARE ENGINEERS' TRAININGSpecificity of process approach application to risk management of software engineers' training is considered in article. The meta-process of creating pedagogical system of risk management focused on processes is presented. Functional model of risk management of future software engineers based on IDEF0 methodology is suggested.Key words: process approach, risk management, future software engineers' training.
Kiryakova A.V., Olkhovaya T.A. METHODOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF INNOVATION PROJECTS REALIZATION IN CONDITIONS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION University education is considered as a resource of intellectual, scientific and industrial society development, as a centre of innovational development of region. In the article methodological basis of designing and realization of university innovation projects, integrated parameters of the assessment of innovation effectiveness in education are presented. The authors point out potential risks of innovation educational projects introduction. Key words: university education, innovational projects, foresight-forecasting, parameters of the assessment of innovational educational projects.
Kohanovskaya D.R. DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVITY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WHILE STUDYING "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY" COURSE The article discusses the different approaches to the definition of creativity as a personal quality. Emphasizes the need to implement creative and valuable educational technologies in higher education; the basic methods and techniques of creative students are described. Results of the diagnostic research are presented. The author substantiates pedagogical conditions of creativity of university students.Key words: creativity, creative and value educational technology, creative thinking, research of creativity.
Kuznetsov V.V. METHODOLOGY OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY: THEORY, EXPERIENCE AND ISSUES The article considers scientific regulations, author's position on the theory of methodical knowledge and methodical activity of professional training educators. Interrelation of techniques with pedagogy and theory with practice are revealed.Key words: methodology of professional training, interrelation of technique with pedagogy, interrelation of technique with theory and practice, technique in post-industrial society.
Mantrova M.S. SUCCESS SITUATION AS FACTOR OF POSITIVE IMAGE OF CONTEMPORARY TEENAGERThe paper presents results of interdisciplinary study of success phenomenon, personality success models and role of success as one of the factors of adolescents' development. By offering educational interpretation of success' problematics as a result of joint work of teachers, young people and their parents reveals the specific educational practices to succeed.Key words: adolescent self-image, personal success, success situation, achievement motivation.
Melekesov G.A. INNOVATIVE EDUCATION — SHIFT IN EDUCATIONAL AND VALUE PARADIGM OF HIGHER EDUCATIONIn the article innovations experience of university in the context of regional development is considered; the features of innovative activities organization in HEI based on transition to Federal State Educational Standard taking into account development of innovation on the basis of axiological approach are described.Key words: innovative activity, innovation, HEI, axiological approach.
Melnykova I.N. QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF SPECIALISTS' TRAINING IN SYSTEM OF DEPARTMENT'S HEAD WORKThe problems are considered on the basis of theory of analysis and progressive practical experience of heading a department that reflect modifications of HEI development. The experience of effective department functioning as a main scientific-pedagogical structure for providing high-quality training of competitive specialists is examined.Key words: higher education, department, quality of education, lecturer, master students, head of department, education management.
Mosienko L.V. AXIOLOGICAL AND SYNERGETIC REGULARITIES OF STUDENTS' VALUE SELF-DETERMINATION IN SPACE OF UNIVERSITY YOUTH SUBCULTUREIn this article the author proves the validity of revealing axiological and synergetic regularities (interrelations of objective and subjective, actual and potential, regular and accidental) which determine positive strategies of students' value self-determination in the space of university youth subculture.Key words: value self-determination, axiology, pedagogical synergetics, axiological and synergetic regularities, space of university youth subculture.
Naseykina L.F. FORMATION METHODS OF COMPETENCES IN AREA OF NETWORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES OF IT STUDENTS IN CONDITIONS OF LEVEL EDUCATIONIn article the technique of formation of competence in area of network information technologies, realized by IT-students training in conditions of transition to two-level education system is considered. The introduction of automated system in educational process of HEI developed on described structure is offered.Key words: professional competence, competence in area of network information technologies, automated system.
Osiyanova A.V. TECHNOLOGY PROJECTING OF LINGVO-CUMMUNICATIVE CULTURE FOR STUDENTS: THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTSIn the article the approach, principles and rules of student's lingvo-communicative culture formation are presented. Subjective-activity approach presenting integration of subjective-oriented and activity approaches is chosen as theoretic-methodological basis of the research.Key words: lingvo-communicative culture, subjective-activity approach, principles, rules, technology of formation, subject-subject relations.
Osiyanova O.M., Platova E.D. THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF STUDENTS' INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCE FORMATIONThis article concerns approaches, principals and rules of student's interactive communication experience formation; it regards the systemic-subjective-oriented approach, which is the integrative combination of systemic and subjective-orientated approaches as methodological foundation.Key words: student's interactive communication experience; systemic-subjective-orientated approach; system of oriented points; principals; rules.
Perekhodko I.V. STRATEGIES OF MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION MODELThe article raises the problem of promoting students' multicultural awareness on the basis of analysis of multicultural education model and defines main pedagogical principles of formatting students' multicultural awareness. Key words: multicultural education, multicultural awareness, multicultural personality, tolerance.
Reunova M.A. AXIOLOGICAL ASPECT OF STUDENT'S TIME-MANAGEMENTThe article contains results of comparative analysis on topic "Advanced students' conception of time-management". It examines changes of advanced students' organizing abilities. Described diagnostic material, poll's results are given.Key words: comparative analysis, student, time, self-organization, time-management.
Roslyakova S.V. HISTORICAL ASPEKT OF COGNITIVE COMPETENCE FORMING OF ADOLESCENT STUDENT IN EDUCATION PROCESSIn this paper based on process approach and dedicated socio-economic, socio-pedagogical, theoretical, methodological, and experimental and practical prerequisites the historiography of problem revealed the formation of cognitive competence of adolescence students while learning.Key words: historiography of problem, prerequisits, stages of problem, cognitive competence, formation of cognitive competence of students in the learning process.
Saharova N.S., Tomin V.V. DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC MOBILITY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN MODERN SPACE — TIME OF HIGHER EDUCATION The article deals with the problem of students' academic mobility in reference to modern changes in the sphere of higher education. Some peculiar features of higher professional education are defined from the point of view of competence concept foreign language formation for students.Key words: academic mobility, chronotope, space-time, foreign language competence.
Strekalova I.I. APPLICABILITY OF TIME-MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR EFFICIENT ORGANIZATION OF STUDENTS INDEPENDENT WORK The article deals with the organization of independent work by students in connection with the increase of extracurricular work in the federal state educational standards. To solve this problem the author proposes implementation of time-management technology in educational process.Key words: independent work, time-management, management of time.
Sultanova T.A. ACTIVITIES FORECASTING OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION' HEADIn the article the importance of forecasting of HEI head is considered. The essence, main types of forecasting and principles of implementation of predictive activity of the head of educational institution are presented.Key words: forecasting, prognostic activity, forecast, development of educational system, management of HEI.
Teplyakova G.V. MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION FORMATION OF FUTURE BACHELORS IN NUTRITIONAL PROFILE WHILE STUDYING MATHEMATICS This article presents the structural-content model of formation process of professional motivation for future bachelors in nutritional profile in mathematics study as system of different interconnected blocks: target, substantial, procedure, evaluative and efficient — open for continuous updates. The author proposes pedagogical conditions, means, criteria and indicators of professional motivation formation for future bachelors of nutritional profile in the study of mathematics improving the level of professional training. Key words: model, formation of professional motivation, bachelor of nutritional profile.
Fadeeva M.Yu. LINGUISTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE IN PROFESSIONALLY-ORIENTED COMMUNICATION OF STUDENTS The article is devoted to the problem of lingvo-communicative culture in studying professionally-oriented communication of students. Examined meanings of the following words, such as: culture, personal culture, student's culture, communicative culture, communication, professional communication, professional-oriented communication — are basic in forming lingvo-communicative culture; and help in activity realization for students and effective communication. Analysis of praxiologic level of lingvo-communicative culture for every student assists to fill gaps in communicative skills of students at the initial level, in ability to take dialogue, to find out the presence of values and intercultural vocabulary for their further realizing of professional-oriented communication in highly qualified level.Key words: culture, personal culture, student's culture, communicative culture, communication, professional communication, professional-oriented communication, lingvo-communicative competence.
Kharitonova I.A. PROBLEM OF ORAL COMMUNICATION IN JURAL SPHERE In article the problem of speech communication rises in law students training, connected with deficiency of researches in this field. The author analyzes the definitions of the term "communication" meeting in various areas of knowledge. Key words: communication, interaction, speech communication, language communication, jural communication, communication paradigms, speech behavior.
Chornoivan A.P. THE PERSPECTIVES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONNEL POTENCIAL OF HIGH SCHOOL AS THE BASEMNT OF HIGH-QUALITY SPECIALIST'S TRAININGIn the article the problem of recharge of higher education and research institutions of scientific and pedagogical personnel in conditions of innovative economic and technological transformations.Key words: highly skilled specialist, professional jurisdictions, skilled policy, business, industry, profession of research worker.
Shevchenko A.Y. MULTICULTURE AS DETERMINATIVE CHARACTER OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL SPACELeading characteristics of modern educational space as multicultural phenomenon are stated in the article, educational terms of socializing development of personality in professional living space of multicultural interrelation are defined.Key words: multicultural education, space of multicultural interaction, general cultural competences, humanitarian development of personality.
Sholohova G. P. ABOUT PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION AND EXPECTATIONS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTSIn the article the results of the monitoring of the first-year students' opinion on the choice of future profession and their expectations as well as students' assessment of educational process organization at higher education institution are considered.Key words: student, professional choice, educational process, high school teacher.
Shcherbakova E.V. SOCIAL CRITERIA OF LITERACY OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN XIX — EARLY XX CENTURYThe article describes historical conditions of public schools spreading in European Russia XIX — early XX century. Based on statistics identified and analyzed the criteria of literacy of Russian empire: economic, political, estates, gender, geographic, ethnic, confessional and age. The use of graphical method allows tracing the dynamics of literacy throughout the period.Key words: public school, general census, literacy, dynamics of literacy, social criteria, literacy level.
Yudinа O.I. DESIGNING MODEL FOR ETHNIC TOLERANCE FORMATION OF TENNAGE SCHOLARS This article deals with the problem of formation of ethnic tolerance. Sequence of model designing for ethnic tolerance formation of teenage students with age counting is revealed. Stages of formation of ethnic tolerance, objectives, tasks, methods of personal quality are presented in the paper.Key words: ethnic tolerance, designing, model of formation of ethnic tolerance.
Yuzhaninova E.R. VALUE DETERMINATION OF HEI STUDENTS IN INTERNET AXIOSPHERE AS PEDAGOGIC PROBLEMThe article explains the necessity of using Internet in the university educational process for acquisition of universal values, goals and formation on this basis a stable moral personality of student capable to successful interaction with other people, to self-knowledge, self-education and self-development.Key words: value, self-determination, value self-determination, identity, Internet.
Yusupova O.V. DEVELOPMENT OF BACHELOR STUDENTS' COMPETITIVENESSIssue of bachelor students' competitiveness development is reviewed. It shows the importance of considering the subjectivity category for successful formation and development of future bachelors' competitiveness. The necessity is justified in terms of target development of general educational bases to solve the problem of training the competitive personality of future bachelors. In order to determine the level of the students' competitiveness, the diagnostics has been performed; the results of diagnostics have been analyzed. There is identification of set of educational conditions targeted at efficient development of bachelor students' competitiveness, the method of future bachelors' competitiveness development is proposed.Key words: competitiveness, subjective position, education, bachelor.
Yankina N.V. TRADITIONAL APPROACHES AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING FOR NON-PHILOLOGY STUDENTSThe article analyses Russian and foreign approaches to foreign language methodology. The author focuses on the description of innovative technologies used while teaching non-philology students and defines their role for improving the quality of professional training.Key words: approach, method, innovative technologies, foreign languages, professional training.
Erzin A.I. AGGRESSION AS A FORM OF PROACTIVE BEHAVIORThe description of aggression phenomenon in modern psychological researches with different methodological approaches is presented. Aggression is analyzed by means of basic aspects of P.K. Anokhin's functional system theory. It is specified that aggression nature is considered from a reactive position. Classification of aggressive behavior is considered. The author suggests to define any aggressive action of individual through proactivity of personality.Key words: aggression, proactivity, proactive behavior, concept of functional systems.
Zubova L.V., Harkova A.A. PROBLEM OF PSYCHOLOGY OF ANTISOCAIL PERSONALITY IN MODERN RUSSIAN SOCIETY FROM POSITION OF INTEGRATIVE APPROACHPsychology of antisocial personality in contemporary Russian society from perspective of integrated approach is considered on the basis of theoretical analysis of psychological and educational literature. Theoretical concepts and approaches to the definition of antisocial personality are analyzed. Integrative approach for understanding the nature of antisocial personality is proposed. The concept of antisocial personality in terms of integrative approach is defined.Key words: phenomenon of antisocial personality, antisocial personality, integrative approach, positive social behavior, reflexivity.
Ivashchenko A.V., Kiriyenko A.A. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT PROBLEM OF AGGRESSIVE DEMONSTRATIONS OF ADOLESCENTS WITH ANTISOCIAL ORIENTATION OF PERSONALITYThe article describes the essential characteristics and structure of aggressive extensions of anti-social teenagers revealed their specificity depending on the antisocial orientation of individual adolescent, the connection of aggressive interactions with cognitive, attitudinal, value and motivational and behavioral components of the individual orientation is defined.Key words: aggression, aggressive displays, antisocial personality orientation.
Karabuschenko N.B., Chkhikvadze T.V. VALUE-ORIENTED COMPONENT IN PSYCHOLOGY OF PROFFESSIONAL ELITEThe article presents results from cross-sectional survey of the value-oriented component of elitological competence of professional elite. Peculiarities of individual value-orientations among professional elite on different stages of professionalization are revealed. Key words: elite, professional elite, elitological competence, value-orientation.
Nalitova A.S. TO THE QUESTION OF TIMELINE OF "INTELLECTUAL EMOTIONS" CONCEPT The paper examines the link between intellectual emotions and mental activities. The article consists of different theoretical approaches to define the intellectual emotions: nominal and descriptive. There is a problematic field by explanation of mechanisms of emotional and practical intelligence.Key words: intellectual emotions, feelings, mental abilities, classifications of intellectual emotions.
Thorzhevskaya L.V., Boldyreva T.A., Boldyrev A.V. PREDICTION OF PROFESSIONAL PERSONALITY DISORGANIZATION OF PENITENTIARY SYSTEM' EMPLOYEES ON THE STAGE OF PRIMARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION The main problems of predicting professional destruction of employees' personality in correctional system are identified in line with the lack of validity in sources of existing methods. Stable personality characteristics of semantic space of employees addicted to professional destruction are considered. Scheme of prognostic analysis for employees of correctional system passing primary specialization is presented.Key words: professional destruction, semantic differential, semantic space, personality traits, emotional, burnout.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |