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2013, № 2 (151)

Kharitonova I.A. PROBLEM OF ORAL COMMUNICATION IN JURAL SPHERE In article the problem of speech communication rises in law students training, connected with deficiency of researches in this field. The author analyzes the definitions of the term "communication" meeting in various areas of knowledge. Key words: communication, interaction, speech communication, language communication, jural communication, communication paradigms, speech behavior.


1. Bakhtin, M. M. Problem of speech genres / M. M. Bakhtin // Collected works. — M.: Russian dictionaries, 1996. — Vol. 5. — P. 159–206.

2. Goykhman, O. Y. Speech communication/ O. Y. Goykhman // — M., 2003. — 272 p.

3. Goncharuk, E. Y. To question of research of efficiency of speech communication (terminological aspect) / E. Y. Goncharuk // Philological sciences. Theory and practice questions: Tambov, 2012. — P. 60–63.

4. Grigoriev, V. S. Discourse as element of communicative process: pragma-linguistic and cognitive aspects: monograph / V. S. Grigoriev. — Tambov: Publishing house of Tambov State Technical university, 2007. — 288 p. — ISBN 5-8265-0609-1 (978-5-8265-0609-7).

5. Efremova, T. F. New Russian dictionary / T. F. Efremova. — M.: Russian Language, 2000.

6. Zhalinsky, A. E. Professional activity of lawyer / A. E. Zhalinsky. — Moscow: BEK, 1997. — P. 185.

7. Kagan, M. S. World of communication. Problem of inter-subject relations / M. S. Kagan. — Moscow: Politizdat, 1984. — 315 p.

8. Konetskaya, V. P. Sociology of communications. Textbook / V. P. Konetsky. — M.: International University of business and management, 1997. — 304 p.

9. Short dictionary on sociology / under. Edition of D. M. Gvishiani, N. I. Lapina — Moscow: Politizdat, 1988.

10. Newest philosophical dictionary. — Minsk :Interpresservice, 2003. — 1280 p. — ISBN 985-428-636-3, ISBN 985-6656-06-0.

11. Bases of communication theory: textbook / edited by M. A. Vasilik. — Moscow: Gardarika, 2003. — 615 p.

12. Pochepcov, G. G. Communication theory / G. G. Pochepcov. — M.: Publishing house "Center", 1998. — 352 p.

13. Prosvirkina, I. I. Lingvo-didactic aspect of tolerant speech communication / I. I. Prosvirkina. — Orenburg : OSU, 2006. — 247 p.

14. Rezayev, A. V. Paradigms of communication. Social philosophy' point of view / A. V. Rezayev. — SPb.: 1993. — 210 p.

15. Usmanova, E. F. Speech communication in law practice: monograph / E. F. Usmanova, N. R. Gerasimova. — Saransk, 2010. — 132 p.

16. Sharkov, F. I. Fundamentals of communication theory: Textbook / F. I. Sharkov. — M.: Perspektiva, 2002. — P. 30–32, P. 128–154.

About this article

Author: Haritonova I.A.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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