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№ 9 (145), 2012


Pyryev E.A. MOTIVATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES OF EMOTIONS AND NEEDS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSISThe article presents the motivational characteristics of emotions. In the psychological literature emotion, in this sense, is almost unexplored. Motivational dominant of the psyche is presented by needs mainly. Therefore, the analysis of motivational features of emotions is based on comparison with the needs. We consider the universal motivational role of emotions in the psyche and human behavior.Key words: emotions, needs, motive, motivation, emotional motivation.

Humanitarian sciences

Gaak T.P., Konnova S.M. REASONINGS ON SPIRITUALITY: PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTSpirituality in pedagogical aspect is investigated. The essential moments of spirituality — dialogue, responsibility and care are found out. The definition of spirituality taking into consideration features of pedagogical activity is offered. The spirituality vital issue — a semantic lacuna is established.Key words: spirituality, image of the first ancestor.
Kayasova T.A. EXPLANATORY ROLE IN SHAPING THE DICTATION OF LINGUISTIC IDENTITYIn this article the author talks about the necessity of forming the all-round personality, about the demands of Federative Standards to pupils, who are graduating from primary school. In the article is also shown the method of realization the explanatory dictations, their role in forming the all-round personality is revealed.Key words: standards of education, all-round personality, integration.
Sablin D.A. THE AXIOLOGICAL BASES OF JURIDICAL EDUCATIONThis article reveals axiological juridical education bases; describes results of the research, which reflects preferable valuable orientations of students — the future lawyers; and offer experience on formation of valuable orientations of students — the future lawyers. Key words: axiology, juridical education, professional training of the lawyer, values, valuable orientations.
Khadzharov M.Kh. EXPLANATION, UNDERSTANDING AND INTERPRETING — BASIC COGNITIVE PROCEDURES SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIESThe article discusses the basic procedures for using mye-in social and humanitarian studies. Identify problems that arise in the aspect of their understanding and use. Their cognitive significance is revealed through a comparative approach and the definition of a functional orientation.Key words: explanation, understanding and interpretation, cognition, language, communication, text, deconstruction.
Cherkozyanova T.V. THE FATE OF THE CONCEPT OF MORPHOGENETIC MATRIX CONSTRUCT THE SEMANTIC SPACEThe author examines the phenomenon of fate as a morphogenetic matrix construction of semantic space. In his opinion, the transfer of the archaic hermeneutic content fate stsientizirovannoe cognitive space that allows a methodologically consistent to consider its essential features. Marked reorganization of the conceptual foundations of fate has a strong theoretical potential to recreate the actual area of research in this area and to identify new prospects for research in the interdisciplinary area of philosophical-anthropological and philosophical and psychological theories.Key words: fate of the structure of the matrix, the semantic space, ontogeny, phylogeny.
Lapina N.P., Lukyanov A.V. MASS FASHION AS A FORM OF SYMBOLIC SOCIAL REALITYThe article discusses the phenomenon of mass fashion, which at the present time ceases to transmit information by virtue of its mass. Time of technology, the massiveness of oppositional new meaning, thanks to which four-Rights is the ability to know he created the world of social and moral realities.Key words: fashion, mass fashion, social symbolic of reality, the creative process.
Mihajlov S.M., Belov M.I., Dembich N.D. METHOD OF CORPORATE STYLES IN DESIGN OF THE CITY (EXPERIENCE OF DESIGN SEMINARS OF THE UNION OF DESIGNERS OF RUSSIA)In article is considered a method of corporate styles in the organization of the detail-spatial environment of the city, based on material of design seminars of the Union of Designers of Russia. The seminars has passed in 1990–2000th in number of the Russian cities. The method is directed on formation of a complete and unique artistic image of town-planning ensemble Key words: method of corporate styles, design of the city environment, the in detail-spatial environment of a city, design seminar.
Eretin A.V. THE PROBLEM OF HARD CONNECTIONS OF HUMAN FACTOR AND DESIGNBased on the study of theoretical and empirical research sources, indicating the existence of strong correlates of events, producing a perfect individual and the activities of particular people (ethnic group) developed an orderly system of transition information in cultural psychology, and vice versa. Founded the place and role in the process of information sharing structural and geometric modeling engine space of the simplest objects of nature.Key words: man, individual, team, the psychological and cultural exchange, mutagenesis, the geometry of the engine space, ergodesign.
Podnebesnov S.A. DESIGN AS ACTIVITYIn the article the design is treated as a special type of art and imaginative activities to transform the object-spatial environment, in accordance with the measure of the measure of man and goods. Presents the basic components of the design activity.Key words: design, activity, components of activities.
Reshetova M.V. COLLAGE AND PERFORMANCE AS STRATEGY OF WASHING OUT OF BORDERS BETWEEN TRADITIONAL PRACTICIANS OF ARTIn article interosculation and coexistence of different art forms into second half XX centuries reveals. Principles of collage, formulating essence of new forms of art are defined. In the modern version of a postmodernism the collage is interpreted not as speculative connection in various under the status and value of elements, and as a symbol of a modern epoch. Key words: abstract art, performance, the design concept, a collage, a postmodernism.

Economic sciences

Bulyarsky S.V., Bulyaskaya S.A., Sinitsyn A.O. MANAGEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL CLUSTERSThe paper deals with improving the quality of management of industrial clusters, the correct solution which not only enhances its competitiveness, but also the competitiveness of the region as a whole. Economic models analysisallows optimizing investment in cluster, as a control.Key words: Industrial clusters, the conditions of cluster formation, management, efficiency, investment allocation.
Nemirova G.I., Krasilnikova E.L. THE THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE DETERMINATION OF THE REGION'S EXTERNAL ECONOMIC POTENTIALThe theoretical approaches to the determination of the notion "economic potential" are considered and systematized in the article, the meaning of the notion "region", its main characteristics and author's definition of the notion "the region's external economic potential" are done here.Key words: economic potential, region, the region's external economic potential, the main characteristics of the region, resource approach.
Soldatovа L.A. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ASSESSING THE IMPACT AND EFFECTIVENESS OF LONG-TERM PROGRAMS OF HOUSING CONSTRUCTIONIn article questions of an assessment of productivity and efficiency of implementation of long-term target programs of development of housing construction are considered. The author presented interrelation of blocks of process of an assessment and financing of implementation of long-term target programs of development of housing construction, additional indicators of an assessment of their productivity and efficiency are revealed, the rating mark assessment is developed. On the basis of the system of an assessment of productivity adapted for housing construction and efficiency of implementation of long-term target programs, it is offered to pass to the program and target budgeting focused on expected result.Key words: long-term target program, productivity, efficiency, housing construction, financing, rating mark assessment.
Chigrova N.V. REFORMING FUNDING MECHANISM OF PRIMARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONFeatures of the present stage of development of primary professional education are revealed. The factors, making direct impact on the organization of financial provision and formation of the financial mechanism of development of primary professional education are defined. Functional classification of educational services of primary professional education for development of standards of their financing is offered.Key words: primary professional education, educational service, financial mechanism, organizational and legal form, financial activity.

Natural sciences

Kucherenko М.G., Chmereva T.M. PULSE FORM OF DYES CROSS-ANNIHILATION DELAYED FLUORESCENCE IN OXYGEN INCLUDED NANOPOURES MATERIALSThe mathematical model of the kinetics of cross-annihilation reactions of electronic excitations of molecules of oxygen and organic luminophors which proceeds in spherical nanoporous is developed. The model considers the lateral diffusion of the oxygen in the surface layer and it desorption in internal area of a cell. The desorption influence on the signal intensity of the delayed fluorescence of luminophor molecules is shown.Key words: cross-annihilation reaction, lateral diffusion, nanoporous, delayed fluorescence, surface potential.
Ashikkalieva K.H., Kanygina O.N., Vasilchenko A.S. THE MODIFICATIONS OF MONOCRYSTAL SILICON SURFACE UNDER ISOTHERMIC AND LASER ANNEALINGSThe modifications of monocrystal silicon surface were studied under laser and isothermic annealings by optical, atomic-force microscopy and fractal analysis. It was shown that silicon surface had melted and periodic structures had formed on it under the laser annealing, whereas the redistribution of dislocations and formation of the oxidation film were revealed under the isothermic annealing. Key words: monocrystal silicon, laser annealing, isothermic annealing, dislocation, periodic structures, oxidation film.
Zakirullin R.S. A CALCULATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANGULAR SELECTIVE REGULATION OF LIGHT TRANSMISSION OF AN OPTICAL FILTERA method for angular selective regulation of directional light transmission of a grating optical filter is presented. The possibility of adapting to a change in the incidence angles of light beams when moving the light source and glazed objects relative to each other is shown. A graphic-analytical calculation of the characteristics of regulation at different parameters of the filter gratings is given.Key words: optical filter, gratings with alternating strips, regulation of directional light transmission, incidence angle of light beams.
Kucha G.V., Mosaleva I.I. FLUCTUATIONS OF THE THIN-WALLED CORE IN VIEW OF COMPLICATING FACTORSThe account of deformations of shift, effect of the Karman and stretching of an average line of section at research of fluctuations of a thin-walled core will allow to detect additional frequency and essential distinctions in the frequencies which are not considering complicating factors. The mathematical model, allowing to define frequency of own fluctuations of thin-walled cores of the closed structure is offered at various values of dimensionless parameters.Key words: the thin-walled core, the closed structure, deformation of shift, effect of the Karman, a stretching of a median line, section.
Nesterenko M.Yu., Vlatskaya I.V., Polezhaev P.N. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF PARALLEL ALGORITHMS FOR STATISTICAL GAMES SOLUTIONThis paper describes parallel algorithms for solution of statistical two players games under condition of full or stochastic uncertainty. They are based on the computation of the classical decision making criteria. Developed algorithms experimentally demonstrated their effectiveness and scalability for SMP and cluster systems.Key words: decision support system, uncertainty, game theory, statistical games, high performance systems.

Technical sciences

Adzhieva M.D., Kuvshinov N.A., Lelyukhin A.S., Kanygina O.N. EVALUATION OF POROUS MATERIALS BY MEASURING THE COEFFICIENT OF REDUCTION SCATTERINGWe propose to evaluate the porosity of bulk samples of materials to the value of the reduced scattering coefficient. Submitted by X-ray diagram of the measurement method and the block diagram of the experimental equipment. It is shown that the reduced scattering coefficient depends linearly on the porosity.Key words: X-ray emission, porosity, reduced scattering coefficient.
Klevtsov G.V., Valiev R.Z., Botvina L.R., Klevtsova N.A., Semenova I.P., Kashapov M.R., Fesenyuk M.V., Soldatenkov A.P. KINETICS OF FATIGUE FRACTURE OF TITANIUM IN THE SUBMICROCRYSTALLINE STATEIt is shown that ECAP-conform, forming sub microcrystalline structure, increases the fatigue limit of titanium Grade 4, by increasing the time to fatigue crack nucleation and the slower speed of its spread, as compared to baseline. However, the exponent n in the Paris's equation more than about 2 times. This demonstrates the sensitivity of the material to stresses during operation.Key words: titanium, equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), fatigue loading, fracture, fatigue crack propagation speed.
Sokolov S.О. ECONOMICALLY ALLOYED STEELS ROLLS FOR HOT HIGH ROLLING MILLSA new class of instrumental economically alloyed steels for hot rolls in the deformation of IC "ORMETO-YUMZ". The structure and properties of a new Stalin various stages of heat treatment. The temperature-time parameters of thermal hardening. Set the mechanism of dispersion hardening, a calculation of the structural components of the cross-section billets.Key words: economically alloyed steels, dispersion hardening, thermal stabilization, strengthening of carbide.
Khvostikov A.S., Kosmynin A.V., Schetinin V.S., Smirnov A.V., Blinkov S.S. THE CONTROL OF THE SPINDLE ON GAS-STATIC BEARING THE METOD OF VIBRATION ACOUSTIC ISSUEThe technique of the control of position of a spindle on gas-static bearing is stated by a method of vibrating acoustic issue. The description of the experimental stand and the measuring equipment is resulted.Key words: The control, spindle block, attractor.
Gogoleva O.S. EXAMPLES OF SOLUTIONS OF THE FIRST BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM OF THE ELASTICITY THEORY IN A SEMI-STRIP (SYMMETRIC PROBLEM)Examples of solutions of a classical boundary value problem of the elasticity theory about stress distribution in a semi-strip with the free longitudinal sides and normal and shearing stresses on its end face are given. The solutions are constructed in the form of expansions on the Fadle-Papkovich functions. The expansions coefficients are found in an explicit form.Key words: boundary value problem, Fadle-Papkovich functions, analytical solutions.
Vlatskaya I.V., Nesterenko M.Yu., Polezhaev P.N. DECISION SUPPORT MODELS UNDER UNCERTAINTY WHICH REDUCED TO COOPERATIVE GAMESThis paper describes the decision support system under uncertainty on the basis of gaming simulation. It includes the model of management decision-making in competitive markets, the cooperation model of one product manufacturers in workflow, the model of scheduling jobs in grid and the model of costs distribution between the members of cooperative. Each model reduces the problem of decision-making to one of the variants of cooperative games.Key words: decision support system, uncertainty, game theory, cooperative games, high performance systems.
Tarasov V.N., Polezhaev P.N., Shukhman A.E., Ushakov Yu.A., Konnov A.L. MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF CLOUD COMPUTING DATACENTER BASED ON OPENFLOWThis paper presents a model of cloud computing data center and a model of computing tasks. They are used by authors in the proposed version of cloud management system based on OpenStack. It implements efficient jobs scheduling through their allocation to topologically closest computing nodes and efficient data flow control between nodes for their topological localization and reduction of network contention.Key words: software defined networks, distributed systems, computing data centers, cloud computing.
Chepasov V.I., Popovа O.B., Podosenova I.A. FORECAST DAYS WITH ZERO VALUES OF THE AVERAGE DAILY AIR TEMPERATURE IN THE HARMONIC MODEL OF TIDAL GRAVITY CHANGESpectral methods by building harmonic models for the average daily rate of acceleration, the third, fourth derivative amendment tidal changes of gravity. By construction, the model is determined by numbers of days with zero values, which are projected numbers of days with zero values of the average daily air temperature.Key words: rorecast days, average daily temperature, gravity, harmonic model.
Yumakhin D.Yu. ELECTRIC-LIGHTING ENGINEERING SUPPORT FLIGHTS OF AIR SAFETY OF THE CIVIL AVIATIONThe electric-lighting engineering flights support effect at system of air safety to consider and analyses. То define safety risk with electric-lighting engineering flights support (ELEFS).Key words: air safety, factor of risk, electric-lighting engineering flights support.
Polischuk V.Yu., Khanin V.P., Panov E.I., Medvedeva Yu.V. TENSION OF THE WOOD SAWDUST IN THE CYLINDRICAL CHANNEL AT THE ESTABLISHED MOVEMENTMethods of the theory of plasticity investigated a tension of a material, extruded in the cylindrical die channel, for a case of a random changes of a limit of fluidity and factor of a contact friction.Key words: granulation, bio-energetic, wood sawdust, fuel granules, pellets.
Gorelov S.N., Zhadanov V.I., Arkaev M.A. RESULTS OF NUMERICAL RESEARCHES OF THE GUY PESHEKHODNY BRIDGE THROUGH THE RIVER URALSResults of numerical researches intense the deformed condition of the guy foot bridge through the Ural River by means of the program APM WinMachine complex are given. Features of the VAT of the basic bearing elements are investigated. The technique of carrying out numerical researches of similar guy designs is given. Possibility of change of settlement loads of a bridge construction is considered.Key words: the guy bridge, numerical researches, intense the deformed condition, settlement effort, a design procedure.
Kalinin S.V., Zhadanov V.I., Ukrainchenko D.A., Lisov S.V. FEATURES INTENSE THE DEFORMED CONDITIONS WOODMETALL OF BEAMS WITH THE WALL FROM STEEL PROFILID OF SHEETSResults of numerical and pilot studies intense the deformed condition of woodmetall beams with a flexible wall from steel profilied sheets with longitudinal orientation gofred are given. Extent of inclusion of a wall in the general work of a design depending on design features and temperature vormplase influences taking into account a pliability of fastening of a wall to a wooden framework is investigated. Key words: a woodmetall beam, a wall, a profilied leaf, numerical researches, experiment, intense the deformed condition, durability, tension, deformations, a design procedure.
Solopova V.A., Popov V.P., Sidorenko G.A., Zinyukhina A.G., Zinyukhin G.B., Vasilevskaya S.P. STUDY OF A CHANGE OF ALIMENTARY PRODUCTS'FORMULATION AS AN IMPROVING FACTOR OF TECHNOLOGY'S SECURITYOn the basis of experimental study, we suggested a way of the replacement of the part of the flour for the pumpkin paste to not only improve the security of technology, but also to get a high quality product. We evaluated the physicochemical properties of pasta with the help of the developed complex index of quality; we carried out an assessment of organoleptic characteristics by the method of an expert assessment and determined the complex index of the quality of one of the production's stages.Key words: security, quality, pasta, analysis, expert assessment.
Tretyak L.N. PROBLEMS CONTROL OF QUALITY BEERThe need of new control methods introduction of beer quality indicators is shown. Are offered: the expert variant of algorithm of the beer quality assessment on the flavor-aromatic "fingerprints" and on the biological value of ingredient structure; the special algorithm of chemical and analytical support of the new quality standard of the beer, available to factory laboratories, including new methods and means of an assessment of bio-element value of beer and its microbiological safety for the consumer; the algorithm of an assessment of beer quality for consistency control by the third party focused on an assessment of the hygienic characteristic of production.Key words: beer, quality indicators, quality control, algorithm of expert research; algorithm of the consistency assessment by the third party; algorithm of factory control; the modified test on invertase.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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