№ 5 2010
Bueva I.I., Bueva V.V. SOCIAL SUPPOSITIONS TO THE FORMATION OF THE CORPORATIVE CULTURE PHENOMENONCharacteristics of modern society are regarded in this article. The special attention is given to the analysis of globalization tendencies, integration, importance of culture and corporationism as universal social phenomena became the sources of corporative culture which inherit their features: axiologicality, humanisty, multifunctionality, polystucturality, integravity, dynamicity, universality.Key words: corporative culture, corporationism, culture, corporative ethics, values, globalization, integration.
Minyaeva N.M. HUMANITARIAN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES OF RESOURCE ACTUALIZATION OF STUDENT’S SELF-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITYIn this article characteristic of the process of resource actualization of self-educational activity is presented in the context of learning theory according to general didactic categories (aim of study, principals, content, methods, means, forms, results). Rating-modular technology is distinguished among general humanitarian pedagogical technologies of study. Critical appraisal of its general positions is conducted. Its heuristic potential at resource actualization of student’s self-educational activity is revealed in this article. Key words: knowledge, self-educational activity, resource of self-educational activity, actualization of resource of self-educational activity, humanitarian pedagogical technologies, rating-modular technology.
Mazova S.V. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF THE PROBLEM RESEARCH OF SUBJECTIVITY FORMATION OF FUTURE TEACHERSGenesis of subjectivity problems at psychological-pedagogical researches is presented in this article. The author proves the choice of value-synergetic approach as a methodological base of research of subjectivity formation problem. Also the author discusses general points of view on the structure of a teacher’s subjectivity, indicates values, appropriation of which determines the variants of subjectivity formation of future teachers.Key words: subject, subjectivity, value-synergetic conception, subjective-oriented educational situations.
Naseikina L.F. INTERACTIVE E-TEXTBOOKS AT MODERN OPEN EDUCATIONPeculiarities of open education in conditions of modern society informatization are regarded in this article. Possibilities of educational editions and resources introduction into the studying process on the example of e-textbooks are studied here. At the same time educational portal is regarded as a mean realized informational guarantee of open education.Key words: informational and communicative technologies, open education, educational portals, e-educational editions and resources, e-textbook.
Solomonova T.P. FORMING OF ANALYTICAL SKILLS OF SENIOR PUPILSThe necessity to form analytical skills of senior pupils on the subjects of humanitarian cycle is proved in this article. The results of pedagogical research at the researched problem are revealed here. The author suggests the complex of pedagogical conditions guaranteeing the effectiveness of the process of analytical skills forming of senior pupils on the subjects of humanitarian cycle.Key words: analytical skills, analysis, analytical activity, humanitarian disciplines, senior pupils.
Historical sciences
Krasnov P.P. TRANSATLANTIC DIPLOMACY OF POPE PIUS THE XII AND F. ROOSEVELT AT THE PERIOD OF THE SECOND WORLD WARIt is very interesting to know political and diplomatic activity of Vatican at the years of the Second World War for modern researchers. Native historians did not regard Saint Altar as a participant of the conflict, but careful analysis of Pope Pius’s the XII activity shows that Vatican was one of the centers of diplomatic activity at that period. USA had the special place in Vatican’s diplomacy in the person of the President’s representative M. Taylor. Special research was devoted to his role regarding two countries. Key words: The Second World War, F. Roosevelt, Pius the XII, M. Taylor, diplomacy.
Social sciences
Kudashova Yu.V. INFORMATIONAL-COMMUNICATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN REGIONAL POLITICAL SPHEREThe ways of effectiveness increase of political management connected with development of new political technologies are presented in this article. Modern technologies are regarded as a base of democratic processes development. Technology of multi-party dialogue is a mean of effective political decisions making.Key words: political technologies, political management, positioning, political party, actor, multi-party dialogue.
Philological sciences
Matyash S.A. STROPHICAL FREE IAMBUS AT THE RUSSIAN POETRYIn this article the author puts questions of theory and history of strophical free iambus at the first time in native prosody: he determines the volume of strophical free iambus concept in differentiation with border forms, also he suggests the parameters of its structure describing, and he indicates general ways and stages of strophical free iambus formation at the Russian poetry in XVIII-XIX cc.Key words: versification, metrics, strophics, strophical free iambus.
Annenkova N.A., Efanov A.A. EVOLUTION OF OCCASIONALISMS FUNCTIONING AT THE POETRY OF I. SEVERYANIN (ON THE MATERIAL OF FOLLOWING COLLECTIONS: "PRINCESS’S NECKLACE", "PINEAPPLES IN CHAMPAGNE", "CLASSICAL ROSES")Frequency of I. Severyanin’s appeal to occasionalisms in different periods of his work is regarded in this work. The authors reveal occasionalisms and show the methods of their formation characterized for each collection. Also they note the process of adoption of Severyanin’s occasionalisms by other poets. Key words: I. Severyanin, egofuturism, occasionalisms.
Romanenko O.V. SPECIFICITY OF FOREIGN VOCABULARY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE SWISS VARIANT ON THE LEVEL OF WORD-FORMATION This article is devoted to the important problem of specific characteristics studying of foreign vocabulary in the Swiss variant of the German literary language on the world-formation level. Formation models are regarded and their typical peculiarities revealed in the literary language at comparison of world-formation levels of both variants (Swiss and own German) are analyzed.Key words: world-formation, world-formation variant, areal variant, adoption, foreign vocabulary.
Economic sciences
Baltina A.M. DEVELOPMENT OF SPATIAL-FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF A BUDGET SYSTEM In this article the author suggests her own interpretation of the concept "budget system", marks out its spatial and functional subsystems on the base of differentiation of the subject of budget activity, establishes the forms of subjects’ interaction in every subsystem and determines priority connections for development of budget system.Key words: budget system, structure, budget activity, coordination, connections of subjection.
Kiraeva G.G., Yarullina R.R. GENERAL ASPECTS OF INCREASE OF GENERAL-EDUCATIONAL SERVICES EFFECTIVENESS IN REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANIn this article the authors regard the importance of normative-personal principle introduction into municipal general-educational institutions in the Republic and determine general aspects of increase of general-educational services effectiveness in Republic of Bashkortostan.Key words: modernization of education, effectiveness of expenses, budget means, salary, normative financing.
Lapaev A.S. DEVELOPMENT OF SAVINGS CASE IN RUSSIA In this article the author regards dynamics, structure and peculiarities of savings case in Russia at 170 year, also shows the role of Russian state in organization and activity of saving-banks and regards the questions of savings development at market conditions.Key words: savings case, savings banks, population savings, structure of money savings, deposits, deposition, financial assets of household.
Chudaev N.I. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CRISIS SITUATION RESEARCH AT THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMSThe questions researching factors determined crisis phenomena in native economy are regarded in this article. Objective conditions of decrease of negative crisis consequence are characterized here and aspects of crisis situations diagnostics are regarded.Key words: economic crisis, crisis condition, economic systems, cycle, stages of development.
Belyaev A.Yu., Vasfilova E.S. PECULIARITIES OF CLONAL STRUCTURE AND SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF DECORATIVE BED-CLONES OF GLYCYRRHIZA IN POPULATIONS ON THE SOUTHERN URAL AND IN PREDURALIEThe authors studied peculiarities of spatial organization of populations of Glycyrrhiza closely-related species on the Southern Ural and in Preduralie determined with forming and development of decorative bed- clones. The variety of these decorative beds at the row of qualitative and quantitative characteristics in connection with conditions of growing in different parts of the region is showed in this article. Also the authors appreciated the condition of some decorative bed-clones at vegetative seasons contrasting at nature conditions.Key words: clonal structure, decorative bed-clones, population of Glycyrrhiza, Glycyrrhiza glabla L., Glycyrrhiza korshinskyi Grig., Glycyrrhiza uralensis, the Southern Ural, Preduralie.
Vishnevskiy S.N. EMERGENT PROPERTIES OF BLOOD COMPONENT RELATION IN OUTBREEDING BULLS AND HEIFERS PERTAINING TO ABERDEEN ANGUS BREED This article describes a systematic approach to assessing the body of outbreeding bulls and heifers of Aberdeen-Angus breed through the blood components which allowed establishing new patterns for growth and development of animals. Key words: Aberdeen-Angus breed, bulls, heifers, outbreeding, system analysis, system, system-forming, blood components, synergetics.
Dobrinskiy N.L. LOCAL DYNAMICS OF RODENT ABUNDANCEAs a result of long-term investigations in the Middle Urals new approaches to the analysis of periodic wave-like dynamics of the rodents were proposed. We identified the need and argued the importance of isolation of spatial units in species populations. We establish the statements on the short cycles of functioning in the species with r-strategy were found. From these positions, features of the population formation and the general view of its dynamics in short-cycle species of rodents are shown. Key words: rodents, abundance, regular cycles, local scale, territorial unit of population.
Polyanskaya T.A., Vedernikova O.P. CHARACTERISTICS OF COENOPOPULATIONS PYROLA ROTUNDIFOLIA L. IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARI EL The analysis of 14 cenopopulations (CP) Pyrola rotundifolia L. in different ecological and phytocoenotic conditions in the Republic of Mari El has shown that for most CPs the ecological potencies were implemented from 3 to 61%. For most CPs of the European pyrole (Pyrola rotundifolia) we found characteristic ontogenetic spectra with peaks at the groups of individuals with pre-generative period, minor variations in demographic parameters associated with intense vegetative reproduction. The highest productivity of total phytomass for P. rotundifolia found in Norway spruce green forest (172 g/m2), the lowest in the birch reed grass-forb forest- 58.52 g/m2. Key words: coenopopulation grushanki rotundifolia, features and ontogenetic structure, ecology, Republic of Mari El.
Selezneva E.S., Belousova Z.P., Moiseeva L.M. GENOTOXICITY OF SYNTHETIC PHENOLIC DERIVATIVES OF BENZIMIDAZOLE We studied genotoxicity for Allium sulfur benzimidazolilmethylphenol and 2-methyl benzimidazolilmethylphenols. It is shown that it depends on the position of the OH group in the benzene ring, in particular, 4-substituted phenols are more genotoxic than 2-substituted ones. Possible mechanisms of action of these compounds are discussed. Key words: benzimidazole, phenols, genotoxicity, mitotic index, chromosomal aberrations, Allium sulfur
Chirkova N.Yu., Suleimanova V.N. ASSESSMENT OF THE INTRODUCTION TO THE CULTURE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR THE CULTIVATION OF ECONOMICALLY VALUABLE SPECIES OF WILD BERRIES OF THE KIROV REGIONWe made the assessment of the introduction to the culture and the prospects for the cultivation of economically valuable species of wild berries of the Kirov region. We studied the intraspecific variation and structure of natural populations Oxycoccus palustris, and also morphological, biological indicators to identify the most productive forms of Oxycoccus palustris. Key words: Oxycoccus palustris, Kirov region, cultivation of wild berries.
Shemyatikhina G.B. SPECIES COMPOSITION AND HABITATS OF SMALL MAMMALS FROM THE ORDERS OF INSECTIVORES AND RODENTS IN THE ULYANOVSK REGION Small mammals are widely used as model populations in synecology, they are also an important link in terrestrial ecosystems. The article presents the results of the analysis of archival data gathered by FGUZ "Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Ulyanovsk region" on species composition, abundance and dominance of small mammals during 1972–2008. Key words: small mammals, the index of dominance, species composition, habitat distribution.
Physical-mathematical sciences
Kucherenko M.G., Kruchinin N.Yu., Chmereva T.M. KINETICS OF THE QUASI-STATIC QUENCHING OF EXCITED CENTERS, THE SURFACE LAYER OF SEGMENTS OF MACROMOLECULAR CHAINS IN NANOPORES AND IN THE VICINITY OF NANOPARTICLES We studied the kinetics of the radiationless transfer of electronic excitation energy between molecules, located inside the spherical nanopolosti filled macromolecular chains. The case was studied where the donor centers are located on the surface of the cavity, and the acceptor molecules attached to the chain segments. We built a mathematical model that takes into account the random variation of the conformation of macromolecules, which lead to modulation of the radius of the donor-acceptor pair, supported by molecular dynamic calculations. We studied also the cases of systems "reverse geometry" in the deployment of macrochains and reagents on the outer surface of spherical and cylindrical nanoparticles. Key words: energy transfer, nanocavity, nanoparticle, the conformation of macromolecules.
Technical sciences
Ivanova А.P., Mezhueva L.V., Gunko V.V., Getmanova N.V., Bykov А.V. ON INFLUENCE OF ENGINEER GEOMETRY ON FORECASTING THE RESULTS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSThe article reviews industrial research, which made recommendations on the design of structural and geometric elements providing vibromixing process.Key words: workflow, geometric design, vibrating mixer.
Nikiforova Т.А., Severinenko S.М., Kulikov D.А., Ponomarev S.G. POTENTIALITIES OF CEREAL INDUSTRIES BY-PRODUCTSThe article discusses the development of science-based solutions for the implementation of resource management technologies for recycled cereal production. We offer advanced applications of recycled cereal production, based on the results of studies of chemical, biochemical composition and safety performance of oat and pea meals. Key words: secondary raw materials, pea meal, oat meal, wastes of cereal industries, resource management technologies.
Shevchenko M.N. SCREW EXTRUDER CAD/CAE SYSTEM. MATHEMATICAL MODELSThe necessity of a computer-aided screw extruder design and engineering system is demonstrated. System’s functions are described. Mathematical models of processed material’s movement are observed. Finite element approach is applied to material’s stress calculation problem, along with thermal conductivity theory.Key words: screw extruder, CAD, CAE, finite element method, balance equations.
Stolpovskiy G.A., Zhadanov V.I., Rudnev I.V. CONNECTION FOR ELEMENTS OF WOODEN STRUCTURES OF RAPIDLY ERECTED BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES WITH SCREW CRUCIATE PEGSWe describe a new type of connection for elements of wooden structures on the screw cruciate pegs, which substantially reduce the complexity of installation work. The feasibility of the proposed introduction of a connecting element in building practice, its advantages over other known analogs is discussed. The results of experimental studies confirming the efficacy of screw cruciate pegs are provided.Key words: rapidly erected building, connection, timber, screw cruciate peg, experimental study, efficacy of implementation.
Ukrainchenko D.A., Zhadanov V.I., Lisov S.V. EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDIES OF GLUED BOARD PANELS WITH U-SHAPE SECTION WORKING IN TRANSVERSE BENDING We provide the method and results of experimental and theoretical studies of glued board panels with U-shape section working in transverse bending and in different position of sheathing towards the room. The report determines the reduction coefficients for glued board sheathing which can be used in engineer calculation method. The calculation of developed structures was done in LIRA and SCAD programs with comparison of theoretical and experimental data. Key words: panel, timber, rib, sheathing, transverse bending, experiment, tests, soundness, tensions, deformations, reduction coefficient.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |