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2010, № 5

Annenkova N.A., Efanov A.A. EVOLUTION OF OCCASIONALISMS FUNCTIONING AT THE POETRY OF I. SEVERYANIN (ON THE MATERIAL OF FOLLOWING COLLECTIONS: "PRINCESS’S NECKLACE", "PINEAPPLES IN CHAMPAGNE", "CLASSICAL ROSES")Frequency of I. Severyanin’s appeal to occasionalisms in different periods of his work is regarded in this work. The authors reveal occasionalisms and show the methods of their formation characterized for each collection. Also they note the process of adoption of Severyanin’s occasionalisms by other poets. Key words: I. Severyanin, egofuturism, occasionalisms.


1. Russian literature at the turn of the centuries (1890s – beginning of 1920s). Book 2. IWLI RSA. – M., 2001. – 786 p.

2. Severyanin Igor. Poems / An introductory article by V.A. Rozhdestvenskij. Preparation of texts and comments by E.I. Prohorov. – L., 1975. – 324 p.

3. Nikultseva V.V. Identical occasional words in works by Igor Severyanin and Vladimir Mayakovskij // The Russian language at school. – 2004. – №1 – P. 59-64.

4. Gorovaya I.G. Author’s occasional words in novel by A.I. Solzhenitsin "Red wheel" / "August 1914" (based on compound adjectives): Autoab. diss.... cand. of philol. sciences: 10.02.01. – SPb, 2009. – 22 p.

5. Nikultseva V.V. Lexical neologisms of Igor Severyanin: Derivation, meaning, usage: Diss.... cand. of philol. sciences: 10.02.01. – Tambov, 2005. – 205 p.

6. Fomina L.N. Types and functions of neologisms in poetry by egofuturists: Diss.... cand. of philol. sciences: 10.02.01. – M., 2005. – 186 p.

7. Khromova S.A. Individual-author’s derivation in its relation to word-formative standard (based on works by K. Balmont and I. Severyanin): Autoab. diss. … cand. of philol. sciences: 10.02.01. – Samara, 2007. – 20 p.

8. Feldman N.I. Occasional words and lexicography // Questions of Linguistics. – 1957. – №4. – P. 64-73.

9. Khanpira E. About occasional word and occasional word-formation // Development of word-formation of modern Russian. – M., 1966. – P. 153-166.

10. Zemskaya E.A. Occasional and potentional words in Russian word – formation // Actual problems of Russian word-formation. – Samarkand, 1972. – P. 19-28.

11. Kovalevskaya E.G. Semantic structure of words and stylistic functions of words // Linguistic meanings. – L., 1976. – P. 63-72.

12. Lykov A.G. Modern Russian lexicology (Russian occasional word). Tutorial for philological faculties of universities. – M., 1976. – 120 p.

13. Belova B.A. About analysis of occasional words in fiction (To question concerning term) // Semantics of a word and its functioning. Interacademic tutorial of scientific works. – Kemerovo, 1981. – P. 3-8.

14. Klobukov E.V. Word-formation // Modern Russian literary language / ed. P.A. Lekant. – M., 2009. – 470 p.

15. Nikultseva V.V. About individual poetical style of Igor Severyanin // The Russian language at school. – 2001. №6 – P. 64-69.

16. Babenko N.G. Occasional in fiction. Structural-semantic analysis: tutorial. – Kaliningrad, 1997. – 68 p.

17. Zavadskaya A.V. "Startling lexics" in poetry by Russian futurists: Diss. … cand. of philol. sciences: 10.02.01. – Orenburg, 2008. – 180 p.

18. Chukovskij K.I. "Futurists" // K.I. Chukovskij. Collected works in 15 volumes. V. 8. – M., 2001. – 456 p.

19. Gulova I.A. About lyrics by I. Severyanin // The Russian language at school. – 1997. – №2 – P. 52-59.

About this article

Authors: Annenkova N.A., Efanov A.A.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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