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2010, № 5

Matyash S.A. STROPHICAL FREE IAMBUS AT THE RUSSIAN POETRYIn this article the author puts questions of theory and history of strophical free iambus at the first time in native prosody: he determines the volume of strophical free iambus concept in differentiation with border forms, also he suggests the parameters of its structure describing, and he indicates general ways and stages of strophical free iambus formation at the Russian poetry in XVIII-XIX cc.Key words: versification, metrics, strophics, strophical free iambus.


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2. Shtokmar M.P. The free verse of the XIX century / MP Shtokmar / / Ars poetica, II. – M.: GAHN, 1928. – S. 117–167.

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5. Gasparov M.L. Essay on the history of Russian verse: Metrics. Rhythmic. Rhyme. Stanza forms / M.L. Gasparov / Vol. 2-e, ext. – Moscow: Fortuna Limited, 2000. – 352 s.

6. Matyash S.A. "When the waves yellowing cornfield ..." Lermontov’s poem "When the high moments of life ..." NF Shcherbina / S.A. Matyash / / Analysis of a poem. – L.: Izd-vo Leningr. University Press, 1985. – S. 140–147.

7. Gasparov M.L. "When the waves yellowing cornfield ...": Lermontov and Lamartine / ML Gasparov / / Gaspar ML Selected works. V.2. – Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1997. – S. 48–57.

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12. Matyash S.A. Russian free pentameter in comparison with French and German and the problem of typology Russian free iamb XVIII-XIX centuries. / / Russian verse theory. Proceedings of the 1987 Conference at UCLA: UCLA Slavic Studies. Volume 18. Slavica Publishers, Ins., 1989. – P. 227–233.

13. Matyash S.A. Types of graphics Free Russian iambic XVIII-XX vv. / S. Matyash / / Problems of poetics and prosody: Proc. scientific. Conf. devoted to the 75 th anniversary of the AU Abay and the memory of Professor A.L. Zhovtis. – Almaty, 2003. P. 1. – P. 68–72.

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18. Wisniewski K.D. The architectonics of Russian verse XVIII-early XIX century / K. D. Wisniewski, Investigations on the theory of verse. – L.: Nauka, 1978. – S. 48–66.

19. Gasparov M.L. Stanza forms nestroficheskogo tetrameter in Russian poetry of the XIX century / M.L. Gasparov / / Gaspar M.L. Selected Works, Vol III. On the verse. – Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1997. – S. 340–365.

20. Fedotov O.I. The concept of the stanza and its typology / O.I. Fedotov / / Ontology verse: Sat. Art. Memory V.E. Holshevnikova – St. Petersburg.: Izdatelstvo St. Petersburg University Press, 2000. – S. 63–78.

21. Holshevnikov V.E. What is Russian verse / V.E. Holshevnikov / / Thought, armed rhymes: poetical anthology on the history of Russian verse / comp. V.E. Holshevnikov. 3rd ed., Ispra. and added. St. Petersburg.: St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology – M.:. Center Academy, 2005. – S. 27–70.

22. Laletina O.S. Metrics and stanza forms J.S. Rukavishnikova / O.S. Laletina / Petersburg poetic culture: Proceedings of the metric, stanza forms and rhythms of the St. Petersburg poets. – SPb.: Nestor-History, 2008. – S. 176–360.

23. Gasparov M.L. Verse / ML Gasparov / Literary Encyclopedia of terms and concepts. – M.: SPC Intelvak, 2001. – S. 1041.

24. Wisniewski K.D. Russian metric XVIII century. / K.D. Wisniewski / Questions literature of XVIII century. – Penza, 1972. – P. 129–258.

25. Matyash S.A. The Free rhyming Russian free verse / S.A. Matyash: Studies in History and semantics of the verse. – Karaganda, 1989. – S. 3–18.

26. Russian fable XVIII–XIX centuries / came, Art. N.L. Stepanova; status., Prepared. NB the text and. V.P. Stepanov and N.L. Stepanova; biographic. Help V.P. Stepanova. L.: Sov. writer, 1977. – 654 p.

27. Russian Elegy XVIII-beginning of the twentieth century / came, Art., Status., Prepared. text, note., biographic. Directory L.G. Frizmana. – L.: Sov. writer, 1991. – 640 s.

28. Gasparov M.L. The modern Russian verse: Metric and rhythmic / M.L. Gasparov – M.: Nauka, 1974. – 487 s.

29. Matyash S.A. Russian free pentameter middle of the XIX century / S.A. Matyash / / Problems of continuity in the literary process. – Alma-Ata, 1985. S. 20–30.

About this article

Author: Matyash S.A.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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