№ 4 (222), 20 august 2019
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Татьяна Васильевна ГАБАЙ (1939-2015), российский психолог, доктор психологических наук, профессор. Габай развивала идеи
деятельностного подхода при анализе усвоения социального опыта у человека. Исследовала фундаментальные проблемы педагогической психологии, связанные с выявлением нормативного состава и структуры учебной деятельности. Габай разработала общую модель структуры учебной
деятельности, которая означает внесение существенных уточнений в концептуальный аппарат деятельностной теории усвоения социального опыта.
Открыла новые возможности при решении ряда теоретических и прикладных проблем психологии и педагогики.
Beroeva E.A. REVITALIZATION THE TEACHERS INDEPENDENT WORK IN THE MOODLE E-LEARNING SYSTEM IN THE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IMPLEMENTATIONInformatization of education creates new conditions and opportunities for educational practice. It is urgent to address the problem of organizing independent work in the new modern conditions of the system of professional development, the study of the possibilities of full-time training with Internet support. The use of e-learning system and distance learning technologies on the basis of educational platforms plays a big role in the organization of training for advanced training programs. The aim of the study was to determine the educational means of activation of independent work of teachers in the system of electronic learning environment Moodle in the implementation of training programs. As a result of theoretical study of scientific and pedagogical literature it is revealed that in the system of professional development pedagogical potential of activation of independent work of teachers in the system of electronic learning environment Moodle is insufficiently disclosed. We understand independent work of teachers in the system of professional development as purposeful, internally motivated cognitive activity aimed at solving the system of professional tasks, meeting educational needs and professional deficits in the sphere of educational work and controlled by the subject himself. Activation of independent work of the teacher is carried out at the expense of ability to choose ways, forms and technologies of professional self-development and self-education on the basis of the analysis of own professional activity and design of a trajectory of further professional growth. Presents the experience of using elements of courses, programs of excellence in e-learning environment Moodle for the organization of independent work of students and the implementation of pedagogical interaction. Activization of independent work of teachers in e-learning environment Moodle facilitates the development of professional competence of the teacher in the training system, formation of readiness to use electronic resources of information educational environment in the implementation of educational programs.Key words: independent work of teachers, the system of professional development, the system of electronic learning environment Moodle
Danilenko O.V., Korneva I.N. ACTUALIZATION OF SOCIALLY CONDITIONED DISEASES PREVENTION ISSUES AMONG ORSK CITY YOUTHDiseases of a social nature cause harm to society and require social protection of a person. Social diseases include tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, vitamin deficiencies, malnutrition, some occupational diseases. In the city of Orsk, the most acute problem in this field of study is the wide spread of HIV infection, and, as a result, AIDS. The purpose of the study: to study the incidence rate of social diseases by the example of HIV infection in the city of Orsk and to determine effective measures for the prevention of the disease. Object of study: HIV infection as a social disease. Subject of research: forms and methods of preventing social diseases, using the example of HIV infection in the city of Orsk. In accordance with the goal, object, subject of research, we formulated the following tasks: to determine the prevalence of HIV infection in the city of Orsk; to determine effective forms and methods of preventing social diseases among young people in Orsk. In the course of the study, we obtained statistical data on the incidence of social diseases in the city of Orsk, using the example of HIV infections. The prevalence of these diseases is quite high. The specificity of transmission of HIV infection determines its gender and age characteristics. We found that almost half of HIV-infected citizens are men and women from 1970–1980, i.e. residents whose age is 38–48 years. Despite the large number of HIV-infected citizens in the city of Orsk, in general, the number of HIV-infected among young people is declining. In our opinion, this is due to the effectiveness of ongoing preventive work in the city of Orsk. The most effective measures for further prevention among young people will be traditional measures, i.e. public, individual, sanitary and medical.Key words: social diseases, HIV infection, infection, AIDS, incidence rate among different age groups, gender profile, statistical data, preventive measures, main directions of prevention.
Konkina E.V., Naumenko N.M., Shurygina O.S. MODELING OF A SCHOLAR’S HEALTH-CULTURE DEVELOPING PROCESS The article concentrates on the problem of creating the health-formation space in educational institutions and on the particular qualities of a schoolteacher’s work in the field of student’s health culture developing. The peculiarity of the modern educational system is the focus on the realization of the Federal State Educational Standard and the national programs, for example the national project “Demography”. Creation and development of a teacher’s innovations which are oriented towards the health activities are the factor of professional development and formation of new health-saving competences, the inclusion in the innovation activities and finally the quality improvement of the process of health-saving education of students. The interest towards the problem of modeling the process of student’s health culture development is caused by low awareness about the health culture among students. Along with that low efficiency of educational system in the developing of healthy lifestyle is marked. Consistent implementation of measures in our constructed system is to accomplish the whole process of a teenager’s health culture developing. In our opinion, this process should be based on the following points: health culture developing as the main professional capacity of a modern teacher; cooperation of school with a family because it is the place where a child spends the biggest part of time, forms meanings of life and system of values; forming of inner motives for health culture developing; organizing of health saving leisure activity; voluntary work as the way of stimulation to a healthy lifestyle and organization of project activity during health-culture developing; a teacher’s innovative health oriented practice. Accepting childhood as the supreme value optimizes traditional health saving activity in the light of new capacities having got either by a school or by a city/region where this activity is being brought to life. Key words: health-saving activities, health culture, modeling of health-culture developing process.
Osiyanova O.M., Kononova M.S. THEATRICALIZATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF HIGHER SCHOOL: LINGUO-DIDACTIC ASPECTNorms and standards of the global educational system determine a choice of modern technologies accelerating the development of the higher education system. Special emphasis should be put on the technologies stimulating creative thinking and leading to the realization of students’ inner potential which is regarded as a premise for the successful professional activity in any sphere. This fact determines the choice of theatricalization technology for the following study. Theatricalization technology is regarded as a complex of theatrical and pedagogical methods constituting the whole system aimed at the release of an individual creative potential in the sphere of higher education. Specific forms of the relations between students and teachers based on theatrical interaction promote the creative thinking expressed in oral speech. The linguo-didactic potential of the theatricalization technology reveals its properties in the process of linguistic higher education. The study of linguo-didactic and psycho-pedagogical literature as well as the results of the practical experience prove the effective realization of this technology in the process of linguistic education of students and determine its practical significance. The realization of theatricalization technology in the process of foreign language teaching implies four stages (preparatory stage, comprehensive stage, the performance itself and reflective stage). The succession of these stages and their coherence lead not only to the acquirement of skills and their practical appliance for the sphere of foreign communicative interaction but also the ability to recognize and use the elements of kinesthetic perception, individual work on the role, evaluation of the communicative surrounding. Interactive foreign communication facilitates the formation of communicative strategies which depend on the relations between the partners and their social status. The positive effect produced by theatricalization technology on the linguistic education is revealed in all the constituents of the foreign communicative competence, formation of the moral values, raise of the personal motivation and creative initiative in multicultural sphere.Key words: theatricalization technology, linguo-didactic potential, linguistic education, communicative skills, paraverbal communication
Sapuh T.V., Huzina A.H. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE READING STRATEGIES IN RELATION TO HYPERTEXTCurrently, the nonlinear structure of a foreign language text makes it possible to learn significant information quickly enough. Since such a structure is often used at a higher education institution, a lecturer’s task is to create linguodidactic conditions for the perception of new significant information. There are four stages of reading, at each of which the professor plays a certain role. Students work with new professionally relevant information in two different situations: in the audience and in the process of independent work. Accordingly, the activities of the professor are built in different ways. The aim of our study was to consider strategies for foreign language reading in relation to hypertext. The lecturer’s tasks include teaching students to select appropriate reading strategies in modern conditions. The competent selection of tactics or elementary training actions matters. The activities of the lecturer are organizational in nature. He should teach students to carry out elementary learning activities in such a way that tactics make up an integrated complex, that is, a strategy. There are two groups of reading strategies: cognitive and metacognitive. The former ones are related to the formation and development of educational knowledge and skills, aimed at cognition. Using metacognitive strategies, it is possible to manage and regulate cognitive processes. Cognitive strategies, in turn, are divided into mnemonic strategies and textual, language strategies. As part of the consideration of a specific strategy, certain skills can be distinguished. In addition, special exercises are used to form and develop these skills as well as to apply tactics. As for metacognitive strategies, they are more related to the process of independent work of students. The lecturer’s task is to teach students to properly build their own work. This means that students should plan their activities, anticipate the development of events, regulate educational activities consciously and analyze their own actions.Key words: strategy, tactic, skill, hypertext, nonlinearity, reading, a foreign language reading.
Sakharova N.S., Kabanova O.V. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AS A FACTOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCEThe system development of the foreign language competence is associated with the patterns governing the ascent of the individual to socially and professionally significant values. It is the volume of foreign information and cognitive potential and the formation of skills that determine value relations. A foreign language, as an academic subject, forms the value relationships of the student’s personality and is at the same time both the goal and the means of studying. Recognizing a foreign language as a socially significant value, the system development of the foreign language competence should be considered as the pattern process of transforming the student’s personality. The pattern of the system development of the foreign language competence for university students can be both internal (the state of the system at any time) and external (change from one stage of the development to another) order. The system of the foreign language competence is determined by a number of properties that it possesses at a certain moment due to the absence or presence of the elements of information and cognitive, activity and axiological blocks. It was determined that pedagogical interaction provides the external conditions for the system development of the foreign language competence, as an external environment for the system functioning. As a subject of pedagogical interaction, a teacher represents the knowledge system and the values system, including a foreign language as the main value, transforming them through one’s own consciousness and one’s own scale of value relationships. We specified a number of features of the system development, and the development pattern is ensured through information interaction. The developed quantitative indicators of knowledge determine the relationship of information and cognitive and activity elements of the foreign language competence. The volume and the quality of information entering the system of the foreign language competence are reflected in the qualitative indicators of foreign language knowledge and skills. The use of electronic educational environment, taking into account the possibilities of information and communication technologies, contributes to the organization of active, targeted interaction between the teacher, the students and electronic learning tools, and also forms the student's certain knowledge, skills, experience and behavior, professional and personal qualities.Key words: foreign language competence, university students, value relationship, pedagogical interaction, information and communication technologies
Simutova O.P., Shidlovskaya I.A., Strenadyuk G.S. TRANSFORMATION MODEL OF TRANSLATOR’S LINGUISTIC PORTRAIT FORMATION WITH BASIC NON-LINGUISTIC EDUCATION IN THE PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONThe article is devoted to the transformation model of the translator’s linguistic portrait formation with basic non-linguistic education in the professional communication. The model we develop is based on integrated, competency-based and communicative approaches, which allow developing professionally significant translation competences. The idea is a fundamentally new approach to the training of specialists with non-linguistic education translation in the professional sphere with the help of a transformation model, which is based on a number of successive stages of work: analysis; switching; restructurings. The above model of a specialist is based on the concept of basic professional education, but the ideas put in this model are relevant for our project of a transformational model for additional education of a specialist. In particular, the idea of self-study and self-development of the employee as a motivational component in the professional growth of a specialist and in the field of mastering a foreign language in the professional sphere. In the development of the content of linguistic professional translation training it is necessary to proceed from the needs and goals of the students, providing, along with other specials. subjects formation of internal professional motivation and competencies. In general, the structure of the content includes the following main blocks: the vocational language component includes language knowledge, socio-cultural and linguistic knowledge that underlies the cognitive-communicative development of students, transforming social experience into professionally oriented attitudes, communicative and translational problem situations, events, contexts for students to master professional methods of translation activity. The composition of the former foreign language portrait of the future translator in the professional sphere includes the following levels: 1) verbal-semantic, reflecting the knowledge of the lexical and grammatical fund of a foreign language; 2) linguo-cognitive (professional), constituting an individual system of professional knowledge. This level represents a professional thesaurus of personality; 3) motivational or pragmatic, including a system of motives, goals, attitudes and communicative roles, which adheres to the personality in the process of communication.Key words: the professional communication, the transformation model of the translator’s linguistic portrait, training of specialists, a system of motives, goals, attitudes and communicative roles.
Charikova I.N. MODEL OF EDUCATIONAL-PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe article is devoted to epistemological bases of educational-project development of higher education institution students. The purpose of the article is to form the structure of the conceptual model, which explains educational projection as a stylistic trait of modern man ‘s thinking, designed to promote personality to self-development, as a productive activity of the formation-making state in the personal imperative to “implement, perform yourself” as a project. The necessity of formation such model is the desire to reflect the changes taking place in higher education. The structure, patterns, principles and components of educational design are described as evidence. The convergence of fundamental research and technological practice, problem orientation of scientific research, interdisciplinarity, international globality of knowledge production, etc. is justified as mechanisms for the development of educational projection. Application of the built model, as well as the relationship between theoretical and applied research, is shown by the example of the development of projects in the construction field of production. Evidences of the possibility of using epistemological potential of activity and axiological approaches in the formation of project knowledge of students are provided in the paper. The results of the study are reproducible and will contribute to raising the theoretical level of educational disciplines teaching in the part, that provides formation of project knowledge, universal and professional competences of future specialists (bachelor, master).Key words: Educational projection, higher education institution, education, project activity, model.
Alexandrov E.P., Khruleva A.M. ON THE TECHNOLOGY OF FORMATION OF PEDAGOGICAL STABILITY OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAININGThe dialectic of stability-instability is an important area of philosophical, cultural, sociological and psychological discourse, where stability does not mean inertness at all, and instability is destruction. For several decades, professional stability and instability of educators has been in the field of interests of scientists of various scientific specialties. In modern scientific literature, pedagogical stability is understood as psychological resistance to stress associated with the performance of professional functions and provoking a variety of personality deformations and a feeling of fatigue. However, the problem of the formation of pedagogical stability of students mastering the pedagogical profession has not been studied enough. The authors emphasize that the content of the pedagogical stability of successful professionals and those who are taking only the first steps in the profession are significantly different. The pedagogical stability of students is determined by the features of their professional identity, including the mental image of the profession and the image of “I-specialist”. These images function as criteria for professional choice, loyalty to this choice, readiness for professional self-development and pedagogical creativity. The technology proposed by the authors pursues the goal of forming the pedagogical stability of future music teachers in the educational environment of the university and is based on the principles of conceptuality, systemicity, activity, cooperation, self-determination and reflexivity. The technology includes three stages, each of which solves a certain range of tasks: the first stage is the task of crystallization of the professional self, the second stage is the pedagogization of mental activity and reflective experience, the third is the fixing of the self-identification image of the professional self. The technology offers a range of organizational forms of work with students — from professional orientation course “Fundamentals of personal self-organization in the learning process and professional activities” and practices before creative contests. Moreover, the authors consider that the professional and pedagogical orientation of all musical disciplines of the curriculum is of particular importance.Key words: pedagogical stability, professional identity, professional self-concept, image of a profession, image of a self-specialist, pedagogical technology, pedagogical creativity, pedagogical improvisation.
Prosvirkina I.I., Olshevskaya Yu.V., Omelchenko Yu.V. TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES COMBINATION WHEN LEARNING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGEAs different foreign technologies are abundantly used in modern environment and there is a lot of debate on the given problem, we described the original lesson where we offer the active use of different traditional and new forms and methods within one lesson. When developing the lesson we used the experience of foreign and domestic scientists in the use of modern intensive technologies, their creative processing. The lesson “Tour about Orenburg” consists of two parts: the real tour and the tour lesson. During the tour about Orenburg the teacher tells about the main street of the city and several sights. Thus, listening precedes reading, writing and speaking. After the tour the teacher conducts a lesson the composition of which is traditional for classes of Russian as a foreign language. However, elements of modern technologies (mindmaps, pairwork, etc) are also introduced into the lesson. The linchpin of the lesson is interactive mindmap that makes it possible to organize learners’ work in specific sequence. The work begins with reading the text “Clock tower”, discussing the text content and doing the text comprehension activity. Then learners do listening activity based on text “Orenburg governor’s museum”, after that there is pairwork based on texts “Orenburg Gorky drama theatre” and “Belovka”. The result of the classwork is writing a post to Instagram about Orenburg sights. Thus, the lesson is based on traditions in methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, but present requirements are also taken into account. It is the combination of traditional and new methods in Russian as a foreign language class that makes it possible to form skills and abilities necessary for communication in Russian.Key words: educational environment, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, blended learning technology, mindmaps, pairwork, potential of social networking sites.
Strizhkova O.V., Streneva N.V. SPEECH ACTS USAGE METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCEThe development of students’ communicative competence is one of the urgent tasks the teacher should solve while teaching foreign language. The main evidence of mastering foreign language is the ability to use not only lexical and grammatical structures of the language studied but familiarization of linguistic and cultural norms of the country. We used communication and activity approach in our research. The teaching process based on communication and activity approach is built on the communicative model. Due to this model the teaching process is as close to real communication as possible. Since the problems discussed do not, as a rule, have a univocal solution, the participants considering them — teachers and students — are equal as a speech partners. So, the main feature of this approach is communication activity that includes some characteristics allowing making interaction in different situations. The education system suggests considering of individual, psychological, national and age peculiarities of student’s personality and his interests. There are some methods suporting methodological content of communication and activity approach. They concern the students’ activity organization and are basically connected with grouped forms of work, where students are to solve some problem tasks and there is a close interaction between all the participants of teaching process. The research gave us an opportunity to reveal the speech and act structures that, being actively used, make linguistic and pragmatic skills to be successfully developed. We scrutinized some stages of speech activity skills formation in the process of foreign language teaching. They are: preparatory, reproductive and productive and creative. Using of original advertisement that demonstrates different speech and act structures activates cognitive activity, thereby increasing the motivation of students to learn a foreign language.Key words: communicative competence, communication and activity approach, pragmatic method, speech act, teaching students of technical universities.
Drobotenko Yu.B., Duka N.A. CASE STUDIO AS A FORM OF CASE TECHNOLOGY REALIZATION IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TEACHINGThe current situation of modernization of Higher Pedagogical Education is characterized by changes not only in educational technologies, but also in the interaction of participants in the educational process. The urgency of the article is connected with the identification of the potential of those technologies that form the ability of future specialists to act in situations of uncertainty based on professional values. We believe in this case, educational technologies, which allow future teachers to form professional values on an activity basis, are of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to describe the capabilities and experience of putting modern educational technologies into University educational process, these technologies create situations of interaction between participants in different conditions. Based on our analysis of case technology and a description of its capabilities in the development of students' independence, the ability to solve professional problems, the development of their creative qualities, methodological aspects of new forms of presentation of the results of solving cases are indicated. We have found out that methodological aspects of new forms of cases results presentation have got ambiguous characteristics. We ground the case studio technology as a space for creative presentation of the results of solving problem situations, professional tasks and as a space for the non-standard expression of ideas for solving them with the methods of theatrical pedagogy. Along with this, we emphasize that the studio environment allows students to create situations as close as possible to professional pedagogical activity, in which future specialists need to be creative. The authors of the article are the creators of case studio, which is a form that describes the experience of Omsk State Pedagogical University in presenting the results of the students’ solutions of a case in a studio form, which is actively used in the practical round of the psychological and pedagogical Olympiad and in assessing students’ educational results. The materials of the article can be used in developing the content of competitive tests, forms of current and midterm assessment of students, designing training tasks aimed at advancing future teachers creativity in solving professional problems, expanding professional and pedagogical thinking and mastering theoretical pedagogical skills.Key words: university studies, university students, values, case technology, case studio.
Iskakov E.M. CAREER APPROACH TO PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF OFFICERFormation and developing the professional career of an officer in the Armed Forces requires a high level of education and professional competence of the military. Professionalism largely determines the career growth of a military specialist and his success in career. A properly built professional career makes it possible to increase competitiveness, develop psychological stability, unleash potential, form a set of necessary professional qualities that meet current requirements and development trends of the Armed Forces. On the basis of a theoretical study of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature, I found out that mainly officers understand a professional career, mainly as “promotion in military ranks”, “professional growth”, “career advancement”, personal achievements in an officer in a military team. ” Some associate a professional career with the concepts of “prestige” and “status”. At the same time, for the most part, servicemen identify career growth only with the size of the salary for military ranks and their posts, and not with personal growth, self-development, self-improvement, self-actualization, and self-fulfillment in official activities. It is the classic vertical type of construction and career development that prevails in the army. The competitive environment of the male military team forms a steady desire for career advancement among the military personnel. In my opinion, the most adapted to the processes of military service is the acmeological approach. It combines the search for ways to maximize self-expression in the profession and the best ways to organize professional activities to achieve success in the future. On the basis of theoretical and methodological approaches, one can formulate one’s own interpretation of the concept of “professional career of an officer”, which I mean the process of planned, in some cases forced change of positions, roles, statuses within the framework of military service, accompanying professional growth, with the aim of moving up the career ladder in personal and (or) official interests. Key words: professional development, professional “akme”, career, career stages, career approach to professional development.
Kirillova I.K., Tarabarina YU.A. TEACHING WRITING FOR INTERNATIONAL EXAMS PREPARATIONThe analysis of written assignments carried out by junior students of non-linguistic specialties revealed an insufficient level of foreign language writing skills formation. The students faced the following challenges during writing the essays: difficulties in text organization and rhetorical structure, lack of cohesion and coherence, difficulties in the choice of relevant information for argumentation, lack of vocabulary. We conducted a study of teaching essay writing skills preparing junior students of non-linguistic specialties for international English examinations. We used a product writing approach based on the text model analysis. It allows to know examination requirements for rhetorical structure of the text and lexical and grammatical resources needed to write an essay. To improve writing skills formation we developed a complex of exercises aimed at teaching writing ‘agree-or-disagree’ type of an examination essay. The developed complex presents a hierarchy of writing text process stages: task orientation, text planning, text writing, and text self-editing. The results of the conducted teaching experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the developed complex of exercises.Key words: learning technology, speech activity, written speech, international exam, essay.
Koshik A.V., Dolinina I.G. PEDAGOGICAL DESIGNING OF CONCEPTS MATRIX DETERMINING THE CONTENT OF THE “SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF POLYTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS” CONCEPTFrom ancient times, civil society has studied the concepts: society, society, state, civil society, responsibility, duty, duty, punishment, means, social responsibility. There is a philosophical understanding of the category of “social responsibility”. In an ethic of responsibility, the world is accepted with all its flaws. The epistemology of social responsibility, as before, attracts the attention of philosophers. In economics, the theory of corporate social responsibility has undergone a significant evolution. The concept of social responsibility is reflected in the international standard ISO 26000: 2010. The elaboration of derivative ideas of social responsibility was also studied in jurisprudence. The organization of the pedagogical process seeks to develop voluntary responsibility that goes beyond the bounds of mandatory, and emphasizes the equal importance of social, environmental and economic responsibility. The complexity, multidimensionality and lack of knowledge of the problem of the formation of social responsibility of students of a polytechnical university stimulated us to develop a matrix of concepts determining the definition of the concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnical university”. Our author’s pedagogical idea is based on a systemic correlation of the fundamental philosophical concepts of “society” and “responsibility”, derivative legal, economic concepts and the author’s concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnical university”. We have developed a matrix of concepts to clarify the concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnic university.” The design of the matrix of concepts is formulated in the categories of pedagogical science, through the prism of professional and social activities of future specialists. The axiological foundations of social responsibility are defined by international and national standards of social responsibility, revealing the characteristics of civil and legal social responsibility. The matrix of concepts determines the concept of “social responsibility of students of a polytechnic university.” It is determined by the personal qualities of future specialists, characterized by awareness of the consequences of decisions to ensure technosphere security, the internalization of legal and moral standards.Key words: responsibility, society, social responsibility, international standard, professional education, general cultural and professional competencies.
Ksenofontova A.N., Eremina A.P. METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE NETWORK EDUCATIONAL INTERACTION THEORYThe current stage of development of a network society determines the updating of the goals, objectives and content of professional training of undergraduates. A graduate in demand with the skills and competencies of the 21st century, ready for a successful life and work in conditions of complexity and uncertainty, capable of acting actively in the era of digital transformation is in demand. Substantive changes in the curriculum are gaining importance by enriching its content with a “digital component”. This determines the need to study the theoretical foundations of network educational interaction in the preparation of undergraduates in pedagogical areas. As a result of theoretical research, we found that the analyzed theory is formed at the junction of two areas in pedagogy: connectivism and social constructivism. Connectivism, like learning in the digital age, characterizes the use of distance interaction technologies, the spread of mass online courses and the construction of educational interaction in network communities. Social constructivism determines the features of interaction with information and the construction of knowledge that occurs in network activities. Scientific and educational networks are becoming a source of new knowledge and experience in joint activities. It is determined that in a global network, changes in personality occur. The phenomenon of “network personality” appears, which develops in both real and virtual space. There is a need to design the analytical environment as a new educational space, as well as to prepare the teacher for network educational interaction. An important means of professional training for undergraduates is the online educational program. Our review of leading ideas allowed us to establish the formation of the theory of network educational interaction. Her study will expand the understanding of undergraduates about the content and directions of this type of interaction, ways of organizing with network partners, allow them to participate in the innovative development of educational organizations, and will also serve as the basis for finding ways to effectively interact with a “network personality”.Key words: digitalization, professional training, network educational interaction, network, network educational program, connectivity, social constructivism.
Shukhman A.E., Belonovskaya I.D., Zaporozhko V.V., Polezhaev P.N., Ushakov Yu.A. E-LEARNING COURSES DEVELOPMENT INTELLECTUAL METHODS FOR ADAPTIVE LEARNINGModern professional education is characterized by a steady trend towards the transition to digitalization and personification of training. Modernization of professional education is currently associated with the introduction of adaptive, practice-oriented and flexible educational programs. At the same time, existing platforms for creating e-learning courses, for example, the most popular system Moodle, do not yet have the ability to intellectualize the learning process, flexibly adapt the educational content to the individual needs of students, do not contain convenient intellectual tools to support developers of online courses, automate routine operations for structuring educational content. To solve these problems, we have analyzed approaches to the development of e-learning courses, identified development stages and requirements for e-learning courses, developed a model of e-learning courses and a model of data collected in the process of e-learning. Based on the developed models, we suggest intelligent methods for creating e-learning courses: an algorithm for structuring materials for an e-learning course, an algorithm for hierarchical classification of materials for a course according to thematic blocks, an algorithm for primary ranking of educational items in complexity and significance, an algorithm for initial determination of the dependencies between blocks and elements of a course. Logical and physical architecture of an intelligent platform for creating and maintaining courses for Moodle has been developed. The use of intelligent platforms for the creation and maintenance of electronic e-learning courses will significantly increase the efficiency of the course authors and will expand the choice of courses in the regional digital educational environment, which will positively affect the quality of training.Key words: electronic educational courses, information technology in education, machine learning, data mining.
Zubova L.V., Girina A.N. SPECIALIST PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS FORMATION FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYTransformations in all spheres of life and activity of the modern world do not stand still. There is a constant transformation and improvement of educational programs, new socio-economic conditions. Professional activity is significantly complicated, updating the internal, psychological resources of the individual. Stability, stability and quality of professional activity is determined by the characteristics of the psychological readiness of a specialist. The insufficiency of the methodology for the formation of a specialist’s psychological readiness for work is one of the problems facing the university today. The study of the state of the process of formation of specialist readiness for professional activity was carried out as a result of consideration of the curriculum of special, humanitarian and social disciplines at the university. Theoretical and experimental studies, reflected in the psychological and pedagogical literature in order to describe and justify the phenomenon of the specialist’s psychological readiness for professional activity, showed that the formation of psychological readiness for professional activity occurs when working in teams, when working on a project, with the participation of students in the formulation and the implementation of the problems associated with the future profession. The pedagogical interaction, based on co-creation, made it possible to prepare students for various professional duties in the educational process. The implementation of innovative technologies in the modern educational space has allowed the student to become a subject of educational activities and get the opportunity to fully realize their capabilities.Key words: psychological readiness, professional activity, psychological resources of an individual, educational programs.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |