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August 2019, № 4 (222), pages 60-68

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-222-60

Alexandrov E.P., Khruleva A.M. ON THE TECHNOLOGY OF FORMATION OF PEDAGOGICAL STABILITY OF FUTURE MUSIC TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAININGThe dialectic of stability-instability is an important area of philosophical, cultural, sociological and psychological discourse, where stability does not mean inertness at all, and instability is destruction. For several decades, professional stability and instability of educators has been in the field of interests of scientists of various scientific specialties. In modern scientific literature, pedagogical stability is understood as psychological resistance to stress associated with the performance of professional functions and provoking a variety of personality deformations and a feeling of fatigue. However, the problem of the formation of pedagogical stability of students mastering the pedagogical profession has not been studied enough. The authors emphasize that the content of the pedagogical stability of successful professionals and those who are taking only the first steps in the profession are significantly different. The pedagogical stability of students is determined by the features of their professional identity, including the mental image of the profession and the image of “I-specialist”. These images function as criteria for professional choice, loyalty to this choice, readiness for professional self-development and pedagogical creativity. The technology proposed by the authors pursues the goal of forming the pedagogical stability of future music teachers in the educational environment of the university and is based on the principles of conceptuality, systemicity, activity, cooperation, self-determination and reflexivity. The technology includes three stages, each of which solves a certain range of tasks: the first stage is the task of crystallization of the professional self, the second stage is the pedagogization of mental activity and reflective experience, the third is the fixing of the self-identification image of the professional self. The technology offers a range of organizational forms of work with students — from professional orientation course “Fundamentals of personal self-organization in the learning process and professional activities” and practices before creative contests. Moreover, the authors consider that the professional and pedagogical orientation of all musical disciplines of the curriculum is of particular importance.Key words: pedagogical stability, professional identity, professional self-concept, image of a profession, image of a self-specialist, pedagogical technology, pedagogical creativity, pedagogical improvisation.


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About this article

Authors: Aleksandrov E.P., Hruleva A.M.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-222-60

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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