№ 1 (150), 2013
Humanitarian sciences
Valyavin D.K. THE PROGRAM DESIGN OF THE NATIONAL HOLIDAY IN HONOR OF THE CORONATION OF ALEXANDER I The research covered to the national holiday, arranged in September 1801 in Moscow in honor of the coronation of Alexander I. An attempt to clarify the origins and content of the program shaped architectural design of festive space.Key words: architecture of small forms, manor culture, theatricalization, national holiday, coronation.
Gaak T.P., Konnova S.M. CONCEPT OF SPIRITUALITY IN THE CONTEXT OF PHILOSOPHY OF CULTUREThe concept of spirituality in the context of philosophy of culture is investigated. The essential moments of spirituality are found: ontological, hermeneutical, cultural and historical. The determination of spirituality considering peculiarities of perspective of philosophy of culture is offered.Key words: spirituality, culture substance.
Dadashov M.B., Lukyanov A.V. SPIRITUAL CULTURE IN THE LIGHT OF THE DOCTRINE F.V.J. SCHELLING ABOUT "POTENTIALITIES" OR SPIRITUAL AND HISTORICAL FORCES OF THE PRESENTArticle is devoted to complete consideration of spiritual culture of the person from positions of social anthropology and religion philosophy in the light of the doctrine F.V.J. Schelling.Key words: culture, esthetics, intrinsic potentiality, spiritual culture of the person.
Zavyalova G.I. THE RESPONSIBILITY CATEGORIES AND FREEDOM IN THE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHYThe article deals with the formation of categories of responsibility and freedom in the ancient philosophy. The nature of responsibility and freedom is analyzed by historic-philosophical means. Special attention is given to the problems, which were further developed in the philosophy and culture of the ancient times.Key words: responsibility, freedom, virtue, morality, ancient philosophy.
Kashin V.V., Miroshnikova O.V. ONTOLOGICAL FOUNDATION OF SOCIALIZATIONThe paper addresses the difficulties and problems of modern watershed era, which raises the question of the Man, his nature and value of his work in social systems and in specific forms of self-activity of the Man as an individual personality, where the individual usually means a person as representative of the species Homo sapiens as certain single specimen of this species. Personality is defined as the dynamic organization of psychological systems and socio-genetic factors, which are rooted in the individual.Key words: people, person, individual, individuality, bio-social nature of the Man, the historical culture.
Lyubichankovskiy A.V., Lyubichankovskiy V.A. INTERACTION OF DIFFERENT WAYS OF PERSON'S LEARNING THE REALITY AND ITS POSSIBLE DYNAMICSIn this paper the parameters according to which the ways of person's learning the reality differ from each other are shown as well as their heterogeneity is underlined. The hypothesis about sinusoidal nature of science interaction with religion is put forward on the basis of analysis of exactly these features as well as the hypothesis that only all ways of person's learning the reality that are taken together provided and are providing now the human activity.Key words: the way of person's learning the reality, interaction, science.
Malkova I.G. CULTURAL SPACE OF CITIES IN THE URALS (1960–1980-IES.)In this article, based on diverse sources analyzed general patterns and regional characteristics of the cultural space of cities of the Urals. In 1960–1980-s in the USSR was the aggravation of the problems and contradictions of all levels and it is the city in the period of increasingly determined social development.Key words: city of the Urals; the cultural space; the 1960s–1980s-ies.
Mikhailova A.S. "POLYLINEARITY" AS THE PRINCIPLE OF MODERN TREATMENT OF HISTORY OF DESIGNIn this article are considered features of representation of history of design in modern conditions of a dynamical information society. The polylinear format is offered for the design history, based on principles synergetic approach to historical and culturological sciences.Key words: design history, a historical method, polylinearity, synergetrics.
Nadyrshin N.M. PARAMETRIZM AS A STYLE IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNAnalyzed predictors of "parametrizm" as a new style of post-industrial society. It is shown that the introduction of new design technologies determined the emergence of non-traditional methods of formfinding in architectural design based on parametric models. We consider an article by Patrick Schumacher, the ideologue of the new style, which was a manifesto of "parametrizm". In this article we have revealed the relevance of the parametric model for industrial design.Key words: parametrizm, style, technology, engineering, architectural design.
Pimenov V.Yu. THE CONCEPT OF THE GOD IN RUSSIAN PHILOSOPHY IN THE BEGINNING OF ХХ CENTURY: FROM THE GODSEEKING TO THE GODCONSTRUCTIONThe God is not only theological, but also the sociocultural concept, setting а sense and direction of the historical process. In article on an example of the godseeking and the godconstruction it is shown that the concept of the God and a phenomenon of religion with growth of the secularization do not die off, but they find other senses, still remaining a matrix of the sociocultural dynamic, original language of the culture and the sphere of the solution of the difficult world outlook problems that rising against a society during the critical periods of its development.Key words: concept of the God, godseeking, godconstruction, sociocultural paradigm.
Podnebesnov S.A. EXPERT SYSTEMS FOR THE TASKS OF DESIGN MANAGEMENTIn this article we have considered issues on methodology of managing engineering design on the basis of the morphological method. Estimated advantages and basic tasks and stages of morphological examination have been shown.Key words: design, design management, expertise of design.
Rusanova N.A., Reznitskaya T.B. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LYRICS IN THE SONGS OF HUGO WOLFWork is devoted to chamber music and vocal works H. Wolf. Special attention is paid to the realization of the poetic prototype in terms of interaction of poetic and musical text. In this article considered the composer's creative method of its reliance on the lexical, intonation and rhythmic and phonetic components of poetic source. Key words: H. Wolf, song, genre, poetry, songwriter, creativity, relationship.
Cherkozyanova T.V. RESEARCH OF CRITICAL SHEARING TENSIONIn this article the author shows the experience of ontological hermeneutics helps to understand the structure of destiny, both with respect to self-organization, and in relation to the individual, determined by external. Subject is a field of fate, understood as its contextual base or event-driven project, subject to development through a hermeneutic approach to the objective reality. Fate, as a single system-the principle of being, it seems urgent to being self-existence, but scattered objects on different structures and substructures of life. Understanding the historical role of a single entity in the development of the anthropomorphic aspects of life is capable of structural self-organization of all life processes and phenomena.Key words: Destiny, history, internalization, externalization, actual existence, hermeneutics.
Yuzhaninova E.R. AXIOLOGICAL SPHERE OF INTERNET AND ITS MORPHOLOGYThe necessity of philosophical understanding the Internet and its values, traces the history of the study of value systems in the national philosophy. In keeping with tradition, similar to the "axiosphere culture" in the scientific revolution introduced the term "axiosphere Internet", an attempt to identify its morphology, a classification of values worldwide information network, functional analysis, validity and individual values.Key words: Internet, philosophy, axiology, axiosphere, axiosphere Internet, values.
Economic sciences
Ermakova Zh.A. ORENBURG REGION IN THE RANKING OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF RUSSIAN REGIONSThe article describes the trends in the level of investment attractiveness of the Orenburg region according to the rating agency "Expert". Described factors and conditions of the level of the investment climate in the region. Described directions to increase the investment attractiveness of the region.Key words: investment attractiveness of the region, the rating of investment attractiveness, investment potential, investment risk, Orenburg region.
Kiseleva O.V. CHANGE OF ANALYTICAL CAPABILITIES OF BALANCE SHEET IN THE PERIOD OF MARKET ECONOMY FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT The article contains: a retrospective review of the content and analytical capabilities of the balance sheet as a form of accounting (financial) statements for the period from the late 1980s to the present, the conclusion about the key importance of professional judgment accountant for more informative balance sheet.Key words: balance sheet, the accounting (financial) reporting, economic analysis, professional judgment.
Ogorodnikov P.I., Bazarov M.K., Kryuchkova I.V., Korovin Yu.I. THE CONCEPT OF THE TECHNIQUE OF OPTIMIZATION OF INSTALLED POWER PER EMPLOYEE AT THE ENTERPRISESConsidered the concept of assessment of installed power per employee at the enterprises. The concept allows forecasting labor productivity at level of technical potential to use both a capital-labor ratio, and an installed power per employee indicator as correlation of these indicators.Key words: installed power per employee, capital-labor ratio, labor productivity, mathematical model.
Natural sciences
Kanyukov V.N., Borshchuk Ye.L., Voronina A.E. MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA DIAGNOSIS IN ORENBURG POLYCLINICS Glaucoma is one of main disabling diseases in the world. There were analyzed 400 out-patient medical records with primary open angle glaucoma diagnosis. It is established that at majority of patients diagnosis glaucoma was detected at II and III degree, which shows the reconsideration necessity of existing medical examination system of this group. Key words: glaucoma, medical examination, morbidity.
Konoplenko M.A., Veselkin D.V., Betechtina A.A. RETROSPECTIVE AND CURRENT VIEW ON THE GENUS CAREX L. MYCORRHIZATIONRetrospectively analyzed data from 60 publications 1926-2012 about the presence or absence of arbuscular mycorrhizas in species of the genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae). There are 173 species sedges, in relation to which there is information about mycorrhizal status. In 98 species (57%) mycorrhiza is not found; the 23 species (13%) mycorrhiza has been found always; 52 species (30%) may form or do not form mycorrhiza. The share of Carex species, in respect of which shows the ability to form mycorrhiza, increases with the increase of the number of research.Key words: sedge, Carex, mycorrhiza, arbuscular mycorrhiza, mycorrhization, mycotrophy.
Kucherenko M.G., Izmodenova S.V., Chmereva T.M. "KINETIC LENS" EFFECT IN INTERMOLECULAR ENERGY TRANSFER NEAR METALLIC NANOPARTICLE WITH MACROMOLECULAR LINKERA mathematical model of the electronic excitation radiationless energy transfer kinetics (Forster Resonace Energy Transfer — FRET) between molecules, connected with the spherical metal nanoparticle by means macromolecular linkers is proposed. It is shown that in such systems like the cluster type a complex energy transfer kinetic regime is formed as a result of the rate variation of the local plasmon-initiated inductive — resonant transition for the donor-acceptor pairs which generate various geometrical configurations of molecules with nanoglobule. Observed picture of the population dynamics of reagents excited states resembles a result of the construction of the optical image of some object by means of a collecting (or scattering) lens.Key words: spherical nanoparticle, localized plasmons, radiationless energy transfer, adsorbed polymeric chain.
Kucherov A.A. ON ALMOST LOCALLY SOLVABLE ALGEBRAS WITH NULL JACOBSON RADICAL AND LOCALLY NILPOTENT RADICAL FOR ALGEBRASThe analog of the F. Kubo theorem for almost locally solvable special Lie algebras with null Jacobson radical is proved in the article. It is also shown, that for special algebras over a characteristic field zero the irreducible PI-presented radical coincides with the locally nilpotent. There is given an example the algebra which locally nilpotent radical is not neither locally nilpotent, nor locally solvable. Key words: Lie algebra, special Lie algebra, irreducible PI-representation, Jacobson radical, locally nilpotent radical, reductive Lie algebra, almost locally solvable algebra.
Mikhailovskii A.M., Chepasov V.I. THE CORRELATION AND FACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF THE EPIDEMIC SITUATION ON THE TUBERCULOSIS IN THE ORENBURG REGIONIn article considered the application of the correlation analysis for definition of paired conditioning and the factorial analysis to determine the parameters for study group conditioning epidemiological indicators on a tuberculosis in the Orenburg region for the purpose of optimisation of estimation, analysis and control over an epidemic situation.Key words: a tuberculosis, epidemic conditions, disease of a tuberculosis.
Rustanov A.R., Shchipkova N.N. DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY OF CONTACT METRIC MANIFOLDS OF NС11 CLASSThis paper considers a new class of contact metric manifolds, which generalizes the class of АС-manifolds of the С11 class by the classification of Chinya and Gonzalez. The complete group of structural equations for NC11-manifolds derived, and components of Riemann-Christoffel tensor, Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature are computed basing on these equations. Properties of NC11-manifolds are derived. Some identities of the Riemann curvature tensor are derived, too.Key words: contact metric manifold, Riemann curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, F-holomorphic sectional curvature tensor, cosymplectic manifold.
Safrankova E.A. ESTIMATION OF THE GENERAL CONDITION OF CITY ATMOSPHERE BY METHOD LICHEN INDICATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF SMALL TOWNS IN BRYANSK AREA)The method of lichenoindication carries out research of the general condition of atmosphere of small towns of Bryansk area. By lichenoindication mapping the synthetic index toxicotolerantion (on H. Trass), defined with the account epiphytic and epixilic species of lichenoflora. On the basis of index toxicotolerantion allocation of two groups of zones in territory of four towns is shown mixed and struggle zones. Atmosphere of small towns according to the calculated indexes differs uniformity, is changed enough.Key words: lichenoindication, index toxicotolerantion, territory zoning, small towns.
Uzenyova A.N., Kanyukov V.N., Bagirova G.G. APPLICATION EFFICIENCY OF MEDICATION ENALAPRIL FOR ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION CORRECTION AT GLAUCOMA SURGICAL TREATMENT Arterial hypertension and glaucoma are actual medical–social problems of modern humanity. 50–60% of patients with arterial hypertension coming for glaucoma surgical treatment need correction of hypotensive therapy. Application of enalapril as hypotensive therapy lets achieve optimal indications of arterial pressure in paraoperative period. Key words: glaucoma, arterial hypertension, enalapril, hydrochlorothiazide.
Fadeev S.B., Volkov D.V. INTEGRATED QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF ANIMAL GENERAL CONDITION IN EXPERIMENTAL SURGERYIn this paper demonstrated integrated quantitative assessment of general condition of experimental animals in the model of fecal peritonitis. The possibility of using the proposed indicators to assess the condition of the animals in experimental surgery discussed.Key words: experimental surgery, animals, condition.
Fedotov А.S. ALKYLATION OF TOLUOL'S BY CYKLOHEXEN IN PRENCE OF SULPHATE GLYCERINE' S ETHER Have been made analysis of different factors influence on appearance and chemical composition of alkirises products of toluol by cyclohexen in presence of sulphate glicerines ether usedas catalyst. It was shown selectivity and the service feriod in the process of alkirises. Key words: toluol, cyclohexen, catalyst, cycloalkirises.
Filyak M.M., Kanygina O.N. THE FEATURES OF FORMATION OF POROUS ANODIC ALUMINUM OXIDE IN ALKALINE ELECTROLYTE.The features of formation of anodic porous aluminum oxide in alkaline solution have been investigated. The dependence of the morphology of the anodic film on the modes of anodizing has been established.Key words: anodic aluminum oxide, alkaline electrolyte; hronoamperogramms.
Tsibina А.S., Lozovaya G.F., Sankov A.N., Dydarenkova M.R., Korobov A.M. OPTIMIZATION OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TO CHILDREN WITH RESPIRATORY ALLERGIC DISEASES AS А PART OF THE PROGRAMME OF STATE GUARANTEES IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe sources of financing of Territorial programs of government guarantees for providing the citizens of the Russian Federation in Orenburg region free medical care were studied. The technique of formation the List of the most effective and less expensive drugs for therapy of children with bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis in stationary level was propounded with the purpose of rational use of budget funds.Key words: bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, expert assessment, pharmacoeconomic analysis, efficiency, cost, medicines.
Scheglova E.G. THE EFFECT OF WEATHER CONDITIONS ON NATURE FIRES The effect of different weather conditions on natural fires. The formula for determining the rate of fire danger. Calculated burning index, which has been built and analyzed on data fire severity in the Orenburg region in the period from 1999 to 2010. Shown direct and inverse relationship of climate and fires.Key words: fire, danger rate of fire, level of fire.
Technical sciences
Belousov A.A., Salikov M.P. INCREASE OF POWER EFFICIENCY OF THE SINGLE-PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS ENGINE WITH THE DISCONNECTED STARTING WINDINGIt is shown that properties of the single-phase asynchronous engine with disconnected starting winding can be improved considerably without its alteration, having left its starting winding after start-up included in network through the condenser of small capacity. The offered scheme is expedient for using for engines which are in operation, and at engine design.Key words: single-phase engine, condenser, power efficiency, magnetic field, heating.
Zubkova T.M., Mustyukov N.A., Kolobov A.N. SAPR RECONFIGURING FOR SINGLE-SCREW EXTRUDER DESIGN BASED ON THE MODEL OF INDISTINCT CONCLUSION In the article the development of automated design engineering system of the technological object on the example of single-screw extruder with the use of elements of the artificial intelligence is described.Key words: architecture of ADE system, extrusion equipment, integration component, mathematical model, computing intelligence, algorithm of fuzzy inference.
Kozik E.S., Koshelev S.I., Kushnarenko E.V., Scheinin B.M., Pravdin V.S., Solosin E.V. THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF LOW-CARBON STEEL WITH GALVANIZED STEELIn the article investigated problems of increase the corrosion resistance low-carbon steel with galvanized steel. Found that for steel specimens diameter of 2–3 mm of the electrodes SSSI 13/55, MP-3, RLA-8 galvanically chrome-plated, nickel and cadmium after hydrogen sulfide native NACE test environment for 96 hours, followed by test notes on flexible bend corrosion resistance remained unchanged.Key words: mild steel, electroplating, galvanizing, cadmium-tion, chrome plating, corrosion testing, testing on flexible bend among NACE.
Krasnova M.S., Sidorenko G.A., Popov V.P., Zinyukhina A.G., Zinyukhin G.B. ELECTRICAL CONTACT BAKING BREAD AS OBJECT OF AUTOMATIONThe paper presents research results of theoretical and practical aspects of electrical contact baking. The authors showed research results of kinetics of the electrical contact (EC) baking, in particular: the change of current, temperature, porosity, volumetric and gravimetric yields, chemical composition (proteins and carbohydrates), the intensity of formation of carbon dioxide, as well as pressure in baking chamber during baking. Also worked out the parametric scheme of EC baking required to create system of automated control. Conducted on the basis of this scheme the three-factor experiment allowed to determine the range of optimal values of control parameters, allowing to obtain high-quality product.Key words: electrical contact baking bread, parametric scheme, the controlling parameters, controlled parameters, the kinetics of the baking process.
Krylova S.E., Firsova N.V. EFFECT OF HEAT HARDENING ON THE BEHAVIOR OF THE EXPERIMENTAL STEEL GRADES WITH MICROALLOYING COMPLEXThe structure and properties of the new class of economically alloyed instrumental steels at various stages of heat treatment. It is shown that for these steels significant impact on the behavior of the operation mode has the final thermal hardening. The temperature-time parameters of the high holidays. A mechanism of dispersion hardening, based on qualitative and quantitative change in the ratio of the carbide component in the alloy.Key words: steel, precipitation hardening, heat stabilized, carbide hardening.
Kudina L.I. FREE VIBRATIONS OF SHALLOW ORTHOTROPIC SHELL OF MEDIUM THICKNESSOn the basis of the equations considering all components of the deflected mode and all inertial components of the cross section, the problem of the determination of frequencies of free vibrations of a shallow orthotropic shell is solved. The additional free frequency connected to the accounting of a thickness reduction of a material is received. The quantitative research of influence of compressibility of the material of the shell in the transversal direction on the value of the lowest frequency of free vibrations is carried out.Key words: shallow orthotropic shell, free vibrations, Tymoshenko's specified theory, hypothesis of "nonrigid" normal.
Mullabaev A.A., Fot A.P., Chepasov V.I., Zurnadzhan N.V., Romantsov V.N. ON THE WAY TO MODERNIZE GUITAR MACHINE TOOLIn article options of creation guitar machine are considered, the formula of calculation of theoretical quantity of the transfer relations in guitar machine with varied interaxal distances of tooth gearings used in guitar on the basis of combination theory methods for any number of variations of interaxal distances is offered, efficiency of separate guitars is estimated.Key words: cutting equipment, machine tools, machine tools multipair guitars.
Nasteka V.V., Korenyakin A.F., Nizamov N.F., Chirkov E.Yu., Kushnarenko V.M., Kamenev S.V. THE METAL'S INTENSE-DEFORMED CONDITION OF THE GAS FITTING'S CASES BEFORE AND AFTER FACINGIn article given calculation's results of the intense-deformed condition of the gas fitting's cases, which were in operation on hydrogen sulphide sour before and after regenerative facing, have received by a method of final elements in CAE-system "ANSYS". Key words: the gushing armature, the intense-deformed condition, a method of final elements, facing.
Pischukhin A.M., Pischukhina T.A., Pischukhina O.A. SURFACE 3D-MODELLING ON BASE OF ANALYSIS INTENSITIES ELLIPSOID OF REFLECTING LIGHTIn this article we consider three-dimensional surface modeling. The reflective properties of the surface are given by the intensity of the ellipsoid, which is defined by three photographs of the underlying surface. Along the rays of illumination and specular reflection are normal at each point. Three-dimensional model starts with a corner point, and bypass all the points are staggered.Key words: three-dimensional surface, the underlying surface, normal vectors, ellipsoid intensity of the reflected rays, height.
Polischuk V.Yu., Khanin V.P., Panov E.I., Medvedeva Yu.V. TENSION OF THE WOOD SAWDUST IN THE CYLINDRICAL CHANNEL UPON TRANSITION FROM THE CALM CONDITION TO THE MOVEMENTMethods of the theory of plasticity investigated a tension of a material, extruded in the cylindrical die channel, for a case of random changes on limited fluidity and contact friction.Key words: granulation, bio-energetic, wood sawdust, fuel granules, pellets.
Churnosov D.I., Kozik E.S., Gоliavin K.A. SUPERFICIAL THERMAL PROCESSING OF POWDER MATERIALS PRODUCTS WITH LASER HEATING USEInfluence of laser processing of powder steel plugs on change of microhardness, hardness and intensity of wear process is investigated. Laser heat treatment gives increase in micro-hardness of a surface of powder materials in 2–2,5 time, hardness in 2–2,3 times, and intensity of wear process of a surface decreases in 3–5 times.Key words: thermal processing, a powder material, the laser heating.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |