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2013, № 1 (150)

Zavyalova G.I. THE RESPONSIBILITY CATEGORIES AND FREEDOM IN THE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHYThe article deals with the formation of categories of responsibility and freedom in the ancient philosophy. The nature of responsibility and freedom is analyzed by historic-philosophical means. Special attention is given to the problems, which were further developed in the philosophy and culture of the ancient times.Key words: responsibility, freedom, virtue, morality, ancient philosophy.


1 Anthology of World Philosophy: in 4 volumes. — М.: Mysl, 1969. — Part 2. — 360 p.

2 Aristotle. Ethics. Policy. Rhetoric. Poetics. Categories / Aristotle. — Minsk: Lit., 1998. — 480 р.

3 Aristotle. Works: in 4 volumes. — М.: Mysl, 1984. — Vol. 4. — 830 p.

4 Artemov, V.M. Svoboda and morality / V. M. Artemov. — M.: "Canon +" Recipient "Rehabilitation", 2007. — 244 p.

5 Berlin, I. Two Concepts of Liberty / I. Berlin // Modern Liberalism. — M.: Thought, 1998. — 43 p.

6 Brumbaugh, R.S. The philosophers of ancient Greece / R.S. Brumbaugh. — M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2002. — 320 p.

7 Greek sage Diogenes. — Moscow: The Mediator, 1910. — 430 p.

8 Levitsky, S.A. The tragedy of freedom / S.A. Levitsky. — Moscow: Publishing House of the Belarusian Exarchate, 2011. — 480 p.

9 Lurie, S.Ya. Democritus / S.Ya. Lurie. — Leningrad: Nauka, 1970. — 460 p.

10 Makovelsky, A. O. Ancient Greek atomists / A.O. Makovelsky. — Baku, Avesta, 1946. — 560 p.

11 Plato. Works: in 4 volumes. — M.: Mysl, 1999. — Vol. 3. — 560 p.

12 Roman sage Epictetus. His life and teachings / V.G. Chertkov. — Moscow: The Mediator, 1911. — 96 p.

13 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques The Social Contract: A Treatise / Jean Jacques Rousseau. — Moscow: Canon Press C : Kuchkovo field, 1998. — 414 p.

14 Readings on the history of philosophy: in 3 hours. — Moscow Center, 1998. — Part 1. — 416 p.

15 Readings on the philosophy: textbook / comp. P.V. Alekseev, A.V. Panin. — 2nd ed., rev. and add. — M.: Prospect, 2003. — 576 p.

16 Emerson, R. Moral Philosophy / R. Emerson. — Mn., Harvest, 2000. — 360 p.

17 Cassirer, E. The problem of knowledge Philosophy, science, and history since Hegel / E. Cassirer. — New Haven; London Yale univ. press, 1969. — 334 p.

About this article

Author: Zavyalova G.I.

Year: 2013

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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