Pischukhin A.M., Pischukhina T.A., Pischukhina O.A. SURFACE 3D-MODELLING ON BASE OF ANALYSIS INTENSITIES ELLIPSOID OF REFLECTING LIGHTIn this article we consider three-dimensional surface modeling. The reflective properties of the surface are given by the intensity of the ellipsoid, which is defined by three photographs of the underlying surface. Along the rays of illumination and specular reflection are normal at each point. Three-dimensional model starts with a corner point, and bypass all the points are staggered.Key words: three-dimensional surface, the underlying surface, normal vectors, ellipsoid intensity of the reflected rays, height.
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About this article
Authors: Pishchuhin A.M., Pishchuhina O.A., Pishchuhina T.A.
Year: 2013
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |