№ 12 2011
Natural sciences
Rusanov A.M., Dolgov M.A. THE MEMORY OF THE FIRSTRESEARCHER OF THE ORENBURG REGION P.I. RYCHKOVA (TO THE 300-ANNIVERSARY FROM BIRTHDAY)In the work of the generalized contribution of Peter Ivanovich Rychkova in the study of the nature of the Southern Urals and the Orenburg region. The role of the scientist in the modern patriotic upbringing of the young generation.Key words: P.I. Rychkov, firstresearcher, patriotism, Orenburg region, M.V. Lomonosov.
Ablaeva A.R., Hasanova R.F., Safiullina R.R. CELLULOLYTIC ACTIVITY OF ORDINARY CHERNOZEM UNDER DIFFERENT TYPES OF PLANTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF TRANSURALS BASHKORTOSTAN The paper presents an analysis of the intensity of cellulose destruction on ordinary chernozem under sown with perennial and annual crops and grasses from natural communities. Key words: perennial grasses, annual crops, cellulolytic activity, the intensity of the destruction of cellulose ordinary chernozem.
Agisheva S.Yu. ECOLOGY OF THE HUMUS OF FOREST-STEPPE AND STEPPE SOILS OF URAL The article presents the summary data onspecific features of ecology of humification of Ural's chernozem as to zone-genetic and regional aspects. The article shows dimensional dynamic of such factors offormation of soil humic substance system parameters as climate, relief, flora, biological potency period etc.Key words: soil ecology, humification, geographic zonality, landcape asymmetry, forest outlier.
Anilova L.V., Shorina T.S., Piatina E.V. ОN THE EFFECT OF THE PYROGENIC FACTOR ON VEGETATION STEPPES ORENBURG CISURALThe influence of the pyrogenic factor in the steppe vegetation of the Orenburg region. The effect of fires on the structure of plant communities formed on ordinary chernozems and dark chestnut soils of Orenburg Urals.Key words: pyrogenic factor, steppe vegetation and soil.
Bagautdinov F.J., Kazyhanova G.Sh., Permjakova N.V., Davletshina M.R. INFLUENCE OF WAYS OF THE BASIC PROCESSING OF SOIL AND FERTILIZERS ON AGROCHEMICAL INDICATORS OF LEACHED CHERNOZEM AND PRODUCTIVITY OF GRAIN CROPS IN SOUTHERN FOREST-STEPPE OF REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTANResults of research of influence of receptions of the basic processing of soil are considered at entering green and mineral fertilizers on the maintenance and structure of the humus, accessible forms of elements of a food and productivity of grain crops. Application of fertilizers allows to receive productivity of grain crops at level of 3,0-3,5 t/hectares at a recoupment their grain crops of 4,5-5,5 kg. Key words: leached chernozem, agrochemical indicators of soil, productivity
Baisheva E.Z. TO THE REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY OF BRYOPHYTES IN THE MODERATELY DRY FORESTS OF THE SOUTHERN URALS MTSThe investigations demonstrated by the example of the South-Urals moderately dry forests that the peculiarities of reproductive biology of bryophytes may be promising for the assessment of the environmental regime and the dynamics of vegetation.Key words: bryophytes, moderately dry forests, Southern Urals Mts.
Baktybaeva Z.B., Abdullin Sh.R. BIODIVERSETY OF CYANOBACTERIAE AND ALGAE FROM SOME TANALYK RIVER LENGTHS The results of cyanobacteriae and algae investigation from some tanalyk river are presented in the paper. 60 species and infraspecific taxa of cyanobacteriae and algae, belonging to 3 divisions, 6 classes, 18 orders, 27 families and 40 genera, were identified. Algae from Bacillariophyta division were found to dominate. Key words: cyanobacteriae and algae, taxonomic composition, Tanalyk river.
Barbazyuk E.V. ON THE FAUNA AND DISTRIBUTION OF THREATENED AND ENDANGERED BIRD SPECIES IN THE ORENBURG REGION, RUSSIA IN 2011This report provides new data on distribution and breeding of threatened and endangered bird species in Orenburg Region.Key words: Red Data Book, birds, breeding, reserve, Orenburg Region
Barbazyuk E.V., Pertrischev V.P. THE ESTIMATION OF THE DEATH RATE FOR BIRDS KILLED THROUGH ELECTROCUTION ON 6-10 KV POWER LINES IN ORENBURG REGION IN SUMMER 2011The article provides the outcomes for bird death survey on 6-10 kV power lines in Orenburg Region in summer 2011. In total, we found remains of 478 birds pertaining to 19 species. The portion of the Red Data Book individuals (24 individuals pertaining to the Long-legged Buzzard, Imperial Eagle, Steppe Eagle and Lesser Kestrel) out of the total perished birds was relatively low — 5.02%.Key words: Orenburg Region, Russia, power lines, threatened & endangered birds.
Bashkinova O.V., Volkova I.N., Romanycheva A.A. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING OF SOILS OF SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL AREA OF YAROSLAVLMonitoring studies results of podzolic and caespitose-podzolic soils of the southern industrial zones in Yaroslavl city are presented. Results show that processes of anthropogenic degradation affect on both chemical and microbiological properties of soils.Key words: biological monitoring of soils, microbial community structure, soil enzyme activity.
Bolshakov V.N., Vasilyev A.G., Vasilyeva I.A., Gorodilova Yu.V., Lyubashevskii N.M., Chibiryak M.V. MORPHOLOGICAL VARIABILITY OF PYGMY WOOD MOUSE SYLVAEMUS URALENSIS SOUTH URAL: TECHNOGENEOUS ASPECTVariability of the small wood mouse (Sylvaemus uralensis Pallas, 1811) mandible shape by geometric morphometrics methods was studied in the Southern Urals. Nonspecific morphogenetic reaction of the species to the influence of technogenic factors of different origin (fluorides, radionuclides) was revealed. It was established, that landscape-biotopical and technogenic components bring the different contributions into the general variance.Key words: geometric morphometrics, morphological variability, radionuclides, fluorides.
Valuyev V.A. DYNAMICS OF AN ABUNDANCE OF BIRDS OF FAMILY SYLVIIDAE IN MOUNTAINS OF BASHKORTOSTANDynamics of birds of family Sylviidae is considered after nesting. Schedules of change of number of kinds are presented. It is underlined immediate flying away of young birds from nested sites.Key words: dynamics, number, an abundance, after nesting the period.
Valuyev V.A., Polezhankina P.G. DYNAMICS OF A MOLT THE CHAFFINCH (FRINGILLA COЕLEBS) IN BASHKORTOSTANThe molt of the chaffinch in Republic Bashkortostan territory is considered. The data on a condition of feathers and schedules of change of a molt depending on time is presented. Key words: the chaffinch, a molt, wave feathers, caudal feathers
Veselkin D.V., Betechtina A.A. PARTICIPATION OF PLANTS OF DIFFERENT MYCOTROPHIC STATUS IN TECHNOGENIC SUCCESSIONS IN THE URALS STEPPE ZONECharacterized by the participation of plants of different mycotrophic status in technogenic degradation and restoration successions in the Urals steppe zone. When the degradation ratio of plant species in different mycotrophic status, is not affected. The first stages of restoration successions are characterized by a predominance of facultative mycotrophic or non mycotrophic species.Key words: mycorrhiza, mycotrophic plants, nonmycotrophic plants, successions, technogenic impact, steppe zone.
Voronov G.A. Zaytsev A.A. CONDITION OF SOILS IN ESPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL TERRITORIES OF REGIONAL VALUE IN THE PERM REGIONIn article the condition of soils in especially protected natural territories (EPNT) the Perm region is estimated. Influence of various anthropogenous factors is revealed and estimated. Distinctions of a condition of soils in categories EPNT and in geographical areas are described. Key words: soil, the average degree of degradation, EPNT, influence factors.
Gaevskaya M.A. THE CHANGE IN THE SOIL MESOFAUNA AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS FOREST-STEPPE AND STEPPE ECOSYSTEMS UNDER VARIOUS ANTHROPOGENIC LOADSInvestigated the changing structure of the soil of the population, connected with the dynamics of soil properties of natural pastures.Key words: soil cover, pastures, soil mesofauna, physical properties.
Gorichev Yu.P., Davydychev A.N. TYPES OF BROADLEAVED FOREST OF PROVINCE OF MIXED BROADLEAVED-DARK CONIFEROUS FORESTS OF SOUTHERN URALThe most common types of mixed broadleaved forest of province of broadleaved-dark coniferous forests of the Southern Ural are described. The authors characterize the structural features and structure of forest stands, soil, natural regeneration and living ground cover.Key words: broad-leaved forests, forest type, the Southern Ural, stands, natural regeneration, living ground cover.
Grivko E.V., Chekmareva O.V., Ishanova O.S. ESTIMATION OF INFLUENCE OF EMISSIONS OF DIVISIONS KAPITONOVSKOGO OF A DEPOSIT ON QUALITY SOIL COVERIn the given work questions of an estimation of influence of various sources of pollution of atmospheric air on Kapitonovskogo a deposit of Open Society "Ujyralneftegaz" on an ecological condition grounds are considered. Ranging territory on a total parameter of chemical pollution is lead.Key words: factor of concentration, chemical pollution, a parameter of chemical pollution grounds, ranging of territory.
Grigorkina Е.B., Olenev G.V. MIGRATIONS OF RODENTS. FLOWING POPULATION IN THE ZONE OF LOCAL TECHNOGENIC ENVIRONMENTMigrations of rodents in the Eastern Urals Radioactive trace zone by tetracycline group marking of small mammals were investigated. The experimental data about absence of isolation of the mobile kinds of rodents (mice and voles) in a zone of local radioactive contaminated were received. It was shown that in the EURT zone, as well as in any other territories, inhabiting the flowing population: the residents, immigrants and emigrants.Key words: migrations, flowing population, group marking by tetracycline
Davletova Z.A.,Yakovleva L.V. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOME NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC SOILS HUMUS CONDITION OF THE VOLGA DELTAHis work is devoted to the study and estimation of the humus conditions of natural and anthropogenic soils located in the territory of Volga delta.Key words: soil cover, humus fractional structure, humic acids, fulvic acids.
Davletshina M.R. PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE DATABASE "SOILS OF BASHKORTOSTAN"In work problems of creation of a database of a soil cover of Republic Bashkortostan are considered. The structure of a projected DB, its maintenance and attributes is developed. The separate blocks characterizing properties of soil are allocated.Key words: Database, geoinformation systems, soils, СУБД, cards.
Drobot G.P., Maltseva N.L., Vedernikov A.A. THE RESPONSE OF FROG TISSUES (RANA RIDIBUNDA PALLAS, 1771) TO THE ANTHROPOGENOUS LOADHistological and morphometry researches of a muscular tissue are made, the leucogram of the frog's blood (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771) from different habitats is examined. Unequal reaction of the sceletal and cardiac muscles of amphibians and shifts in leucocytal structure of their blood under the influence an anthropogenous load are substantiated. Key words: Rana ridibunda, muscular tissue, morphometry, leucogram, discriminant analysis.
Ermakova Е.V., Martynenko I.A. ESTIMATION OF INFLUENCE OF SEALING OF THE SOIL SURFACE ON THE SURFACE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN THE CITY AS AN EXAMPLE SOUTH-EAST DISTRICT OF MOSCOWSealing by asphalt coverings changes the basic thermal characteristics of the surface, causing an increase of surface air temperature in the city compared to the suburbs, which adversely affects the ecological situation. The use of thermal imagery allows to detect the tendency of increasing temperatures with increasing sealing, but does not allow to characterize quantitatively the relationship.Key words: sealing of area, surface temperature, heat island, anthropogenic impact, thermal image.
Zavaleeva S.M., Sadykova N.N., Chirkova E.N. CHANGES OF RABBIT'S SPLEEN OF IN AGE ASPECTThe artide is devoted to the analysis of the problem of rabbit's spleen morthology changes in postnatal ontogenesis (from a neonatal stage till five years). The author contains the explanation of body measunement indicators increasing and marks variability of its form in age aspect. The artide paus special attention to the point that the body index shows its prevailing form is extended and highest and highest growth is observed in physiological maturing.Key words: a spleen, postnatal ontogenesis
Zolotarjova N.V., Podgayevskaya E.N., Pustovalova L.A. NEW LOCALITIES OF THE HIGHER PLANTS RARE SPECIES IN THE SVERDLOVSK REGIONThere are new localities situated significantly farther from earlier known ones for 4 relict plant species are specified on the territory of the Middle Urals.Key words: relicts, rare plants species, new localities.
Ishmuratova M.M., Harrasova G.V., Suleimanova. E.N., Baryshnikova N.I. PHENOLOGY OF SPECIES OF GENUS VALERIANA IN SOUTHERN URAL MOUNTAINSIn article results of researches of phenology of four species of genus Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis L are presented. V. dubia Bunge V. wolgensis Kazak. V. tuberosа L.) in southern Ural Mountains. It is noticed that the phenology can be used for differentiation of species of section officinales. Key words: Southern Ural Mountains, Valeriana, phenology
Kalashnik N.A. CYTOGENETIC METHODS FOR ASSESSING THE STATE OF ABIES SIBIRICA FORESTS UNDER INDUSTRIAL POLLUTIONCytogenetik studies of Abies sibirica were conducted under the conditions of industrial pollution as compared to a control one. The estimation of pollen grain anomality and the level of chromosomal aberrations at ana-telophase mitosis stages, ana-telophase I and ana-telophase II meiosis stages among other used methods is determined to be characterized by the greatest indication sensitivity.Key words: industrial pollution, indication, cytogenetic methods, Abies sibirica, South Ural.
Kameneva I.N. THE INDICATION OF OLD FORESTS BY WOOD DESTROYING FUNGI IN THE ORENBURG REGIONIn paper the perspectives of using of wood-destroying fungi for a purpose of evaluating of Orenburg region forest ecosystems degradation level are discussed. Species which can be counted as indicators of old forest marked. Key words: wood-destroying fungi, bioindication, old forests, Orenburg region.
Karpyuk M.S., Gladyshev A.A., Trubnikov V.V. CONTENTS ESSENTIAL AND TOXIC ELEMENTS IN URTICA DIOICA L. IN THE FIELD CRYOLITE SLUDGE PRODUCTIONThe author of the article defined the content of heavy metals in plant tissues Urtica dioica L. field at the South Ural cryolite sludge plant. Unlike established concentrations of essential and toxic elementoy in the control zone and the sludge field. Nettle plants are biokontsentratorami zinc, nickel and chromium.Key words: heavy metals, essential elements, toxic elements, cryolite, sludge, Urtica dioica L.
Klimenkova P.O. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF CHERNOZEMS ORENBURGDensity, permeability, and maintenance of soil agronomically valuable aggregates were studied in the Orenburg region of typical chernozem, ordinary divergent slopes and southern black soils. These physical properties of black nozemah are optimal. The results showed that physical factors such as structural condition, soil density and water permeability, and typical chernozem chernozem ordinary northern slopes are much better data than the southern black soil and ordinary chernozem southern slope.Key words: ecology of soils, land cover, physical properties, structural condition of soils, streams.
Kolcheva N.E. AGE-REPRODUCTIVE ASPECTS OF THE SYLVAEMUS URALENSIS POPULATIONS IN THE SOUTHERN URALSThe demography structure of Sylvaemus uralensis populations in different localities of the Southern Ural was analysed. Peculiarities of functioning of the main age-structure groups in various phases of the number dynamics were studied. Specific mortality, life-span and contribution to the reproduction of these groups in various environmental conditions were estimated. Key words: wood mouse, age, demography structure, reproduction, mortality, number.
Krasin V.N., Stepantsova L.V. FEATURES CARBONACEOUS NODULES CHERNOZEM-LIKE SOILS OF THE NORTH OF THE TAMBOV PLAINMacromorphological and mesomorphological features carbonaceous конкреций the north of the Tambov plain are defined by chemical composition of parent breed and a bedrock water relationships.Key words: chernozem, Chernozem-Like soils bedrocks, carbonaceous nodules.
Krivosheev M.M., Barlybaeva A.A. FEATURES REPRODUCTIONS HERMINIUM MONORCHIS (L.) R. BR. (ORCHIDACEAE JUSS) IN THE SOUTHERN URALSThe paper presents materials on reproductive Herminium monorchis (L.) R. Br. In the Southern Urals form is characterized by long-blooming and high levels of fruit formation, with the proportion of seeds carried out and seed production are quite high. Pollination by representatives of the family. Braconidae.Key words: Herminium monorchis, Southern Urals, phenology, pollination, consortium, fruiting, seed production.
Kuyantseva N.B., Mumber A.G., Potapkin A.B, Gavrilkina S.V. THE REACTION OF BIRCH FOREST STANDS ON ACID SURGES, FORMED BY KARABASH COPPER MELTERY (SOUTH URAL)The dependency level of stability in development and concentrations of heavy metals in ground Betula pendula has been analysed and examined. The square of birch leaf and the diameter of birch trunk are larger in reserve in the territory influenced by acid emission.Key words: stability of the development, birch, South Ural, industrial pollution
Lagunov A.V. SOZOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF BLISTER BEETLES (MELOIDAE, COLEOPTERA) OF CHELYABINSK REGIONSozological analysis of Meloidae fauna of the Chelyabinsk region was made by using the modernized Saksonov-Rosenberg matrix. 1 species was found, which may be recommended for inclusion in the regional Red Book (Cerocoma schreberi).Key words: Chelyabinsk oblast, sozological analysis, Red book, blister beetles.
Lanshakova T.R., Ryazanova N.A., Putenikhin V.P. ESTIMATION OF DECORATIVENESS OF MAPLES IN ARBORETUM OF BIRSK CITY (BASHKIR CIS-URALS)Estimation of decorative traits of 13 taxons of Acer L. is given in arboretum of Birsk city (Bashkir Cis-Urals). The most decorative taxons are A. platanoides "Crimson King', A. saccharinum, A. pseudosieboldianum, A. mono and A. ginnala.Key words: maples, decorativeness.
Maslov M.V. SEASONAL CHANGES IN THE SPECTRUM OF SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION OF DAPPLED DEER — CERVUS NIPPON (TEMM., 1838) — IN USSURI RESERVEDappled deer in the Ussuri Nature Reserve uses 45 species from 21 families (5.2% of total species) at feed in all seasons. Trees and shrubs are occupied the leading place in the feed from June to August and November-March. In summer there is the most uniform distribution of deer in the forest habitats of the reserve.Key words: ungulates, dappled deer, food selectivity, trees and shrubs, herbaceous vegetation.
Moshkina S.S. PROBLEMS OF FITOBIOTA'S OREGANIZATION OF THE TRAFFIC ARTERIES ECOSYSTEMS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF ULYANOVSK REGION)The article presents the characteristics of the highways flora in connection with the peculiarities of plant growth. The author gives the systematic, ecological and phytocenotic analysis, and analysis of adventitious flora component of transport routes. The article draws conclusions from the data.Key words: anthropogenic pressure, synontropisation, adventive flora, fitobiota of highways ecosystems.
Orlova J.S., Silaeva T.B. ALGOFLORA MIDDLE OF THE RIVER ALATYRIn the river Alatyr found 125 species, varieties and forms of phytoplankton from seven departments. In species richness was dominated by green algae. The basis of the number and biomass of phytoplankton also were green algae. On the composition of algal indicator of organic pollution of the river Alatyr can be attributed to moderately polluted.Key words: phytoplankton, abundance, biomass, species-indicator, river, Alatyr.
Panina S.S, Shein E.V. MOVEMENT OF WATER IN AND LOW HEAD GRAVITY FILTRATIONSoil moisture movement depends on the upper boundary conditions (the presence or absence of hydraulic pressure). It was showed in field experiments on grey cultivated soil that the presence of pressure head causes the preferential water movement. The best reproducibility of the field moisture dynamics by physically based water migration mathematical model was observed when use the data on granulometric composition.Key words: soil, hydrophysics, mathematical model, experimental evidence, physical properties of soils, pedotransfer functions.
Perevalova А.S., Yakovleva L.V., Perevalov S.N. DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE EXCHANGE POTASSIUM CONTENT IN SOILS IN TERRITORY OF DELTA OF VOLGAWork is devoted studying of laws of distribution of exchange potassium in soil-vegetative complexes of average and low levels meadows in territory of delta of Volga.Key words: vegetative communities, phytoweight, a soil cover, underground parts of plants, the vegetative period, exchange potassium.
Proshkina O.B., Yanturin S.I. FERMENT ACTIVITY GROUND OF THE REGION CONVERSION SLAGThe Maded estimation degidrogenaz activities ground of the region conversion slag. In the course of experiment have revealled the oppression an degidrogenaz to activities of the lands. It Is Installed that on measure of the removing from the source of the contamination ferment activity ground is restored before level of the background.Key words: ferment activity of ground, degidrogenaz, heavy metals, contamination of ground, installing the conversion of the slag
Putenikhin V.P., Farukshina G.G. PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF QUERCUS ROBUR L. IN THE SOUTHERN URAL REGIONPhenotypic analysis gives an evidence of morphological heterogeneity of Quercus robur L. in the Southern Cis-Urals (Republic of Bashkortostan and Orenburg province); the populations studied are similar by the level of phenotypic variability. Key words: Common oak, morphological traits, variability, the Cis-Urals
Pushkaryeva O.V. VARIABILITY OF MORPHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE EPIPACTIS HELLEBORINE (L.) CRANTZ. IN THE SOUTH URALSThe paper presents materials on the study of intra– and interpopulation variability of morphological evidence Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz. Key words: Epipactis helleborine, variability evidence, level of variation.
Rusakov A.V., Cherdintseva T.M. ECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF POPULATION OF GROUND BEETLES (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE) IN ORENBURG CITYIn paper the results of the study of ecological characteristics of beetles population in the Orenburg city. 48 species from 15 genera of ground beetles was noted. Zoogeographic and ecological characteristics, distribution and habitat preferendumu range of life forms are analyzed.Key words: carabids, urban fauna, Orenburg, ecological characteristics
Rusanov A.M., Gaevskaya M.A. CHANGES IN THE COMMUNITY OF SOIL-PLANT-SOIL MESOFAUNA UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANTHROPOGENIC LOADThe work includes the evaluation of physical properties of the soil, geobotanical and mesobiological analysis of biotopes, located in the conditions of anthropogenic use. The conclusion is that the diversity of families and number of individuals soil mesofauna is located in close proximity to a range of soil indicators.Key words: soil cover, natural pastures, soil mesofauna, physical properties, geobotany.
Rusanov A.M., Tesla A.V., Sayagfarova A.M., Tehnenko E.I. HUMUS RECOVERY STATUS UNDER STEPPE CHERNOZEM LONG-TERM DEPOSITS.Studies of ordinary chernozem Urals, which are derived from arable land since 1995, revealed that the rate of humus status of soils under natural vegetation, reached in fifteen years of its quasi-stationary state, close to the values inherent in virgin counterparts. Key words: agricultural load (arable use), pool, quasi-steady state, the state of black soil humus.
Rjabinina Z.N., Linerova L.G., Ishkildin A.B. ASTRAGALS SOUTHERN URAL MOUNTAINS WITHIN THE ORENBURG REGIONIn article some results of researches of a sort of Astragal — one of the most numerous in family Bean are presented. In article the annotated list of a sort of Astragal is resulted.Key words: Keywords words: the Sort of Astragal, endemic, meets sporadic, a vulnerable kind, a rare species.
Sablina O.A. FRACTIONAL-GROUP COMPOSITION HUMUS STEPPE SOILS SOUTHERN TRANS-URALSThe fractionally-group composition of a humus of chernozem ordinary, chernozem southern and dark-chestnut soil in natural and agricultural ecosystems of the Orenburg Zauralye is considered. It is established that in a zonal-geographic number of steppe soils and in the series of "virgin soil-arable land" the increase in the degree fulvate and decrease in the maintenance of humic acids is observed. Key words: humic acid, humus, Zauralye, dark-chestnut soils, fractionally-group composition, fulvic acid, chernozem.
Safonov M.A., Malenkova A.S. WOOD-DESTROYING FUNGI IN ARTIFICIAL CONIFER PLANTATIONS AT THE SOUTHERN PREURALS In paper the results of the investigations of wood-destroying macromycetes habiting conifer plantations at the territory of the Southern Preurals is given. It is marked that species richness and composition of mycobiota depends on age and measurement of planted area. Plantations are biotopes for specific fungi species, not marked in natural forests and in that cause they can be taken as perspective objects for regional fungi diversion conservation. Key words: wood-destroying fungi, conifers plantations, Southern Preurals
Sidorenko A.V., Eliseeva N.V. PROPERTIES MEADOW-CHERNOZEM SOILS OF CROP KUBAN RICEMeadow-chernozem soils under different systems of rice farming in general use (by category) do not change their natural properties. Flooding remains similar to the natural hydrological conditions of meadow chernozem soil and slitization of these soils. Key words: rice system, meadow-chernozem soils, physico-chemical properties of soils.
Solovykh G.N., Golinskaya L.V., Tikhomirova G.M., Fabarisova L.G. EVALUATION OF HYDRO CHEMICAL POLLUTION OF WATER ECOSYSTEMS IN TERRAIN OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe findings of investigation of an ecological state of water ecosystems of the Orenburg region is submitted on the basis of monitoring chemical pollution water drawing of bottom-dwelling deposits. The presence is given of a wide spectrum of pollutants (69 elements is established and the evaluation of a degree of a load of pollutants of different bunches of water ecosystems of the Orenburg region. Key words: chemical pollution, water extract of sediments, ecological status of water bodies and watercourses.
Subbotin A.M., Gnatchenko L.N., Petuhova G.A. RESEARCH OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF CULTURE OF INFUSORIANS PARAMECIUM CAUDATUM AT INFLUENCE OF FILTRATES OF BACTERIAL CULTURES OF SORT ACINETOBACTER.Influence of the filtrates containing metabolites of bacteria allocated from of frozen breeds, on physiological parameters of infusorians Paramecium caudatum is investigated. It is shown that the filtrates received at different temperatures of cultivation of bacteria, render, basically, oppressing effect on investigated indicators.Key words: bacteria, metabolites, frozen breeds, hydrobionts.
Suleymanov R.R., Ovsyannikov V.V. SOIL-ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES "BIKTIMIROVSKOE MOUNDS"The soil studies were carried out in the archaeological site "Biktimirovskoe mound" with located in the valley of river Belaya (Bashkortostan). Studied the morphological and some chemical properties of soil (soil– dark humic organic-accumulative).Key words: archaeological site, the soil cover, the cultural layer, and chemical properties.
Tarasova T.F., Baytelova A.I., Guryanovа N.S. INVESTIGATION OF THE DYNAMICS OF CHAGES OF SOIL QUALITY ILEKSKOGO DISTRICT OF ORENBURG REGIONA comparative analysis of soil quality territory Ilekskogo areas within the zone of influence of the Karachaganak gas condensate field,the coefficients of the concentration of heavy metals of the study area and the ranking in terms of chemical contamination of soil and ecotoxicological indicator.Key words: soil monitoring, chemical pollution, the rate of chemical contamination of soils, heavy metals, soil ecotoxicological indicator.
Fedotova A.V., Knyazev A.G. STUDYING OF INTERDEPENDENCE BETWEEN SOIL PROPERTIES IN THE SALTED SOILSIn work results of the statistical analysis of interdependence of the maintenance of salts and soil properties in the salted soils of delta of Volga are resulted. It is shown that most the close connection exists between the maintenance of salts in soil and рН, and also the maintenance of a humus and humidity of soil. Results of the factorial analysis have shown that the first primary factor is positively connected with S and rb, negatively connected with pH and W.Key words: salinification, a salt condition of soil, soil properties, statistical methods, the factorial analysis
Haritonova E.N. ALDER THICKETS WOOD-DESTROYING FUNGI OF THE OLRENBURG REGION In paper the results of the investigations of wood-destroying macromycetes habiting alder wood (Alnus glutinosa, A.incana) at the territory of the Orenburg region is given. Alder thickets mycobiota includes 48 species representing 33 genuses, 17 families amd 10 orders. Links between local mycobiotas are analyzed. The rare species — Polyporus tuberaster, which is perspective to inclusion to regional Red book is marked.Key words: wood-destroying fungi, alder thickets, mycobiota, rare species, Polyporus tuberaster, Orenburg region.
Churilina T.N. BIOLOGICAL FEATURES AGRILUS RIBESI SCHAEFER, IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE ORENBURG STEPPE ZAURALYEAgrilus ribesi (Schaefer) appear dangerous pests the currants. The article considers phenology of flight and lifetime of beetles Agrilus ribesi. Biometric data of imago is produced. Key words: Agrilus homi, flight period, lifetime, beetle biometrics
Shorina T.S., Ermacova E.U. ESTIMATION OF INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS DOSES OF OIL ON DYNAMICS OF NATURAL VEGETATION OF CHERNOZEM SOUTHERN ORENBURG PREDURALYAIn clause the influence of various dozes of petroleum on dynamics(changes) of natural vegetation chernosem southern Orenburg Preduralya is considered. The kinds and families of steppe vegetation most sensitively reacting on petroleum pollution are revealed.Key words: petroleum, vegetation, indicators, soils pollution
Anilova L.V., Primak О.V. ECOLOGYCAL AND GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SNOW COVERPARKS ORENBURGArticle is devoted to the study of pollution of snow parks Orenburg air emissions. The estimation of chemical pollution of snow cover.Key words: air pollution, snow, heavy metals, urban ecosystems.
Belyaev A.Yu., Vasfilova E.S. ECOLOGICAL BASES FOR BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION OF LICORICE IN THE SOUTHERN URAL AND ADJACENT TERRITORIESAccording to the results of many years of studying of distribution licorice species on the Southern Urals and Ural regions, of assessing of growth and the development of plants the typical habitats were revealed and the main ecological conditions were identified for stable preservation of natural populations of licorice. The data on the degradation of vegetative reproduction Glycyrrhiza korshinskyi under the influence of high load of grazing were presented. Key words: biodiversity, populations of licorice, Glycyrrhiza L., vegetative reproduction, Southern Ural.
Buzmakov S.A., Andreev D.N., Zaytsev A.A. ANTHROPOGENOUS TRANSFORMATION OF ECOSYSTEMS OF PROTECTED AREA "CHERNYAEVSKY LES"Set of anthropogenous factors are influence at ecosystems of protected area "Chernyaevsky les". Most significant of them are a recreation, atmosphere pollution, construction engineering. In research the analysis of a condition of an environment, the estimation of degradation and transformation of ecosystem are made.Key words: Key worlds: Chernyaevsky les, anthropogenous transformation, degradation of ecosystems, pollution, protected area.
Galeeva A. Kh. BOTANICAL AND COMPLEX PROTECTED AREAS OF BASHKIR TRANS-URALS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF RARE PLANT SPECIESThe conservation measures for rare plant species in the Bashkir Trans-Urals are discussed, using examples of some protected areas. Key words: nature reserves, the Red Book, rare species, relicts, endemics.
Gasina A.I., Tymbaev V.G. SPATIAL INHOMOGENEITY OF WATER-AIR REGIME OF GREY FOREST SOILS OF VLADIMIR OPOLIEFactors of water-air regime formation of the soil cover of Vladimir opolie in highly inhomogeneous conditions are considered in the article. It is showed that characteristics of vertical organization of soil profile, mainly compaction of subsurface layer, presence and thickness of the second humic horizon, are the main factors that are involved in the processes of redistribution of soil moisture and water-air regime formation in this agrolandscape. Key words: inhomogeneity, water-air regime, physical properties, compaction.
Goncharov V.M. Faustova E.V. NEW APPROACHES TO STUDY OF SPATIAL AGROPHYSICAL HETEROGENEITY OF SOIL COVER New approaches for estimating agrophysical properties of soil cover are considered. These methods are based on traditional geo and soil information but take into account spatial variation of physical properties. The proposed methods are tested on Vladimirskoe opolie forest grey soils with the second humus horizon and two-term deposit sod-podzolic soils of Ivanovsaya area.Key words: Кеу words: agrophysical properties, heterogeneity, soil cover, geostatistics.
Damrin A.G., Bozhenov S.N. FEATURES OF EKOTONES' FORMING (ON THE EXAMPLE OF IRIKLINSKOE WATER RESERVOIR)The article deals with the landscape and ecological features of the largest in the Southern Ural Iriklinskoe water reservoir. As a result of the analysis of the contemporary geo-ecological situation in the area and its coasts are marked transitional zones — ecotones, which represent new forms of natural and man-made landscapes.Key words: water reservoir, ecotone, abrasion processes, accumulative coast, man-made water system.
Ishanova G.U. THE IMPACT OF BUZULUKSKY BOR ON SOIL FAUNA OF THE ADJACENT TERRITORIESThe effect of Buzuluksky bor on biological diversity and population structure of soil fauna. The species richness and structure reaches its maximum within a radius of 18 km. Manifesting the ecotone effect leads to an increase in species diversity compared to both the forest and the steppe communities.Key words: soil fauna, the Buzuluk pine wood, microclimate, biodiversity.
Kallas E.V. HUMUS PROFILS OF THE HYDROMORPHIC SOILS OF THE STEPPE AREA SOUTH SIBERIA Humus profiles of the soils developed in the lake hollows are considered. Change of the level water reflect in the humus profile of the soils, which formed in the process of change different phases of humidity. It is shown that the humus profiles have complicated structure and fix information about the stages of soil formation for period development of the soil body.Key words: soil, humus profile, stage of soil formation.
Karpova G.V., Burakaeva A.D. THE STUDY OF CELL HYPOMYCES ROSELLUS WALL DUE USING THE PRACTICESelection methods of the components of Hypomyces rosellus cell wall as a waste of dye manufacturing process are developed within this work. The physical and chemical characteristics of Hypomyces rosellus cell wall components are also studied here. It has been stated that the major part of the cell wall composition belongs to the polysaccharide chitin-glucan complex, which s characterized by the sorption properties dealing with some metals. Fat acids, naphta quione pigments, hydrocarbons, waxes, sterols, group B vitamins and full in aminoacid composition proteins have been identified in the cell wall.Key words: Hypomyces rosellus, chitin-glucan complex, chitosan, lipids, pigments.
Kolchugina G.F. INTERANNUAL CHANGES OF GENOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF THE RIVERS BLYAVA AND KURAGANKA SEDIMENTSIt is brought results of the studies of the sediments contamination of the Orenburg areas mall rivers Blyava and Kuragankasomefields, located in region towns Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk usingmutagenic activityestimation by biotesting method. The temporal dynamics of sediment genotoxicityis analysed. Key words: Key words:mutagenic activity, genotoxicity, sediment, water extraction.
Kuzina E.V., Davletshin T.K., Silishchev N.N., Loginov O.N. BIOLOGICAL PROTECTION OF CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES OF PROTECTED SOIL FROM ROOT ROT The effectiveness of a biological product Elena, Zh on cucumbers and tomatoes of protected soil is studied in Astrakhan region. It is shown that the biological product is active against root rot pathogens of greenhouse plants (biological efficiency to 73.08%). Growth stimulant drug effects on plant performance and confirmed by biometric data on the yield (yield increase compared to control up to 40.0%).Key words: Helen, Zh, tomatoes, cucumbers, protected ground, biological product.
Levykin S.V., Kazachkov G.V. ECOLOGICAL GEOGRAPHICAL AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF STEPPE CONSERVATION WITH THE EXAMPLE OF ORENBURGSKAYA OBLASTThe national specificity of conservation preferences in Russia is examined. It is analysed, how the existing NAPP system reflects the landscape structure of the Orenburgskaya oblast. The ecological geographical approach is offered to the NAPP system development. Key words: сonservation preferences, ecological geographical approach, landscape structure of a steppe region, steppe conservation, conservation activities, agrarian sphere.
Lesina S.A., Koroteeva E.V. THE ONTOGENETIC AND THE ECOLOGICAL SCORZONERA GLABRA IN THELYABINSK STATEEcological and biometrical parameters, figures and characteristics of the ontogenetic are given for rare species Scorzonera glabra Rupr., growing in Chelyabinsk state.Key words: rare species, Scorzonera glabra Rupr., the ontogenetic, the ecological
Loginovа E.G., Alekhinа G.P., Misetov I.A. THE INFLUENCE OF ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC FACTORS ON THE IMMUNOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF FRESHWATER BIVALVES IN THE EXPERIMENTInfluence of chemical and biological factors on intensity of the immune answer of fresh-water folding mollusks is investigated. It is defined that the maximum immunological activity of mollusks is observed at joint influences of pollutants of the various nature.Key words: molluscs, immunological response, water pollution
Lukyanova L.E. SPACE-TIME STRUCTURE OF THE POPULATIONS WOOD VOLES DURING CATASTROPHICAL SUCCESSIONSResults of studying space-time structure of the population wood voles have been analyzed in reserve territory of Middle Urals during catastrophical successions after windfalls and fires. The characteristic property dynamics of structure of the population voles are connected with distinctions in reaction of ecologically similar species to natural destabilization of environment.Key words: wood voles, anemogenic and pyrogenic successions, reserve territory
Mosalova E.I. THE CUMULATION ПОЛЛЮТАНТОВ IN GROUND OF THE TERRITORY ORENBURGSKOGO НЕФТЕГАЗОКОНДЕНСАТНОГО МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯQuestion is considered In article about influence object ONGKM on topsoil, is revealled particularity of the accumulation нефтепродуктов and heavy metal on territory, adjoining to DKS-2 and UKPG-2 ONGKM and regularities of their distribution.Key words: дожимная компрессорная station (DKS), installation of complex preparing the gas, the source of the contamination of the atmosphere, polluting material, ground, background concentration.
Mkrtchyan M.A, Putenikhin V.P. SEED QUALITY AND POLLEN VIABILITY IN PINUS STROBUS L., P. BANKSIANA LAMB. AND P. PONDEROSA LAWS. UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF INTRODUCTION IN BASHKIR CIS-URALSBy seed quality of 2010 yield under the conditions of Bashkir Cis-Urals Pinus banksiana Lamb. corresponds to other introduction regions (seed germination about 30%); Pinus strobus L. and especially P. ponderosa Laws. have got low seed quality values. Pinus strobus L. and Pinus banksiana Lamb. are characterized by high viability of pollen. Key words: seeds, pollen, pine, introduction.
Mokin A.A. ON THE ROLE OF INDICATOR SIGNS IN THE STRUCTURE OF MORPHOLOGICAL VARIABILITY OF SALIX ALBA (L)Daily increases of anthropogenic impact on the biosphere, which poses a serious environmental threat. This requires assessment of environmental pollution by using natural mechanisms of biological indication and subsequent environmental monitoring of plant communities. Key words: structure of morphological variability, Salix alba, the role of the indicator signs.
Murzagulov G.S., Gaifullina L.R., Saltykova E.S. GROUP EFFECT ROLE IN INSECT RESISTANCE FORMATION The article deals with the phenomenon of group immunity, which may lead to increased personal protection of individuals in the local population. Propensity of many insect species form large clusters, as well as their high degree of stability suggests that these insects have expressed the group immunity.Key words: group effect, sustainability, population, population density.
Nemereshina O.N., Gusev N.F., Chuklova N.V. CONTENTS ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS IN THE GRASS LINARIA VULGARIS L. IN THE FIELD CRYOLITE PLANT SLUDGEThe authors studied the heavy metal content in raw materials (grass) common toadflax Linaria vulgaris L., growing in the field of South Ural cryolite sludge plant (Kuvandyk Orenburg region). In the raw plants found different contents of essential elements in the control zone and the sludge field. Toadflax plants are biokontsentratorami nickel, zinc, and copper.Key words: heavy metals, cryolite, sludge, Linaria vulgaris L., Essential elements bioconcentration.
Nesterenko Y.M., Nesterenko M.Y., Pelagein A.A., Sharapov A.S. PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY OIL AND GAS SOUTHERN URALS REGIONIn the Southern Urals operates Europe's largest oil and gas field Orenburg, and many other oil fields. Meeting the challenges of monitoring and forecasting of geodynamic processes in the areas of oil and gas production possible on the basis of the developed by the Division of Environmental Geoscience Orenburg Research Center of UrD RAS integrated approach for monitoring of geodynamic processes and earthquake activity. A lot of the epicenters of registered events recorded along the fault zones, indicating that these regions of high seismicity, caused by technogenic seismicity is observed. On October 1, 2010 seismic network, "Gas-seismic" start record seismic events — explosions in the vicinity of the landfill Donguzsk Defense Ministry. Blasts increase the natural seismic activity in conjunction with the negative consequences of hydrocarbons, which leads to destabilization of the geodynamics of the upper crust and its water system.Key words: South Urals, anthropogenic impacts, ONKG, monitoring, seismicity, hydrodynamic vortex, geodynamics, explosions
Petrishchev V.P. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF SOIL SALT DOME LANDSCAPE IN SOUTHERN URAL REGION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE BOUNDARY MOUNTAIN FIGHTING) The analysis of the impact of salt tectonics on soil conditions in the formation of salt-dome Geosystems. The basic directions of the morphological and geochemical transformation of land cover within one of the most salt diapirs of the Southern Urals — Boevogorskogo uplift.
Rasskazova N.S., Bobylev A.V. SOME PROBLEMS OF REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND MODERN SOLUTIONSRemote Sensing is the most accessible and popular way of information and the basic method of environmental monitoring using GIS technology. The article proves the feasibility of these advanced technologies to address regional environmental monitoring of water objects.Key words: water objects monitoring, "white spots " in monitoring the regional leve, modern method of monitoring — Remote sensing using GIS.
Samotaev A.A., Najmushina A.P. SUTOCHYE CHANGES OF MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FOREST RED ANTS IN VARIOUS HABITATSIn article use morphometric ha-rakteristik the Ant red wood is shown at carrying out of an ecological monito-ring of the anthropogenous changed ecosystems throughout days. It is shown that the most tolerant morphometric characteristics nase-komogo had appeared: average legs, distance between short moustaches; high chuvst-vitelnostju possessed: weight of a body, length of short moustaches, width головогруди, length of 1st pair legs.Key words: arthropods, biotopes, daily changes, morfo-metric characteristics.
Safonov M.A., Semenov A.A. PHYTOCENOSE CHANGES ACCORDING TO SOIL-VEGETATIVE MONOLITHS METHOD USE In paper the results of experimental using of soil-vegetative monoliths method for recultivation of steppe vegetation is given. It is shown that method using for invasion of dominante graminies species in community brings to xerophytisation of community and reconstruction of its structures. Key words: soil-vegetative monoliths, steppe vegetation restoration
Solovykh G.N., Golinskaya L.V., Nefedova E.M., Kanunikova E.A. ECOLOGIC-CHEMICAL MONITORING OF A STATE OF BOTTOM-DWELLING DEPOSITS OF WATER ECOSYSTEMS IN TERRAIN OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe findings of investigation of an ecological state of water ecosystems of the Orenburg region is submitted on the basis of monitoring chemical pollution of a firm fraction of bottom-dwelling deposits. Is shown, that the ecological state of water ecosystems per both years of researches was characterized as rather safe.
Solovykh G.N., Minakova V.V., Karnaukhova I.V., Minakova V.V., Osinkina T.V. REACTION OF PROTECTIVE ENZYMES BIVALVIA MOLLUSCUMS OF KIND UNIO PICTORUM ON LEAD AND MERCURY INFLUENCEIn experiment expressed dynamics of activity of the enzymes, bound to an increasing toxic load was traced. Presence of ions of lead of different concentration didn't cause sharp changes of activity of enzymes. Organisms of molluscums react to the maximum concentration of ions of mercury the strongest splash in activity of investigated protective enzymes that is characteristic for an exhaustive phase of adaptation of organisms to toxic influence.Key words: bivalvia molluscums, adaptation, serious metals, lysozyme, catalase, superoxiddismutase.
Stepanova I.A., Stepanov A.S. IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION OF ECOSYSTEM CITY OF ORENBURG WITH GISThe article is devoted to the structural and functional organization of the ecosystem of the city of Orenburg (namely the provision of green spaces) using Geographic Information SystemsKey words: Orenburg, ecosystem, gardening, GIS.
Stepanova M.A. HEAVY METALS IN SOILS AND PLANTS OF STREETS OF BUZULUK (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE MOUNTAIN ASH ORDINARY)Monitoring and assessment (including negative) influence cha-and metals and soluble forms of their toxic compounds in the living body a necessary condition for the present time. The urgency of this problem is obvious, as for heavy metals, in principle, there are no mechanisms of natural self-purification and their accumulation is dangerous for the living organism.Key words: heavy metals, maximum permissible concentration, atomic — adsorption spektrofotometria.
Stepantsova L.V. DIAGNOSTICS AND USE CHERNOZEM-LIKE SOILS OF THE NORTH OF THE TAMBOV PLAINThe characteristic of a water relationships, physical and agrochemical properties of the leached chernozem and Chernozem-Like soils of superficial and soil humidifying of the north of the Tambov plain Is yielded.Key words: chernozem, Chernozem-Like soils, growths, diagnostics, land improvement, growths.
Khudyakov O.I., Reshotkin O.V. CLIMATIC NORM OF THE TEMPERATURE AS A CRITERION OF THE ESTIMATE OF THERMAL SECURITY AND VARIABILITY OF THE CLIMATE OF PODZOL SOILS IN TIMANO-PECHORSKAYA REGIONIt has been shown that each soil due to its granulometric and morphological composition and irrigation is characteristic with its definite norm of climatic parameters. It has been established that current climatic warming, relative to the climatic norm, is followed by the increasing of the average ten-year temperatures of air and the soil, by the increasing of period of the soil in thawing stage, by the decreasing of the depth of seasonal freezing.Key words: climate, soil's climate, climatic norm, climatic warming
Khudyakov O.I., Reshotkin O.V. CLIMATIC NORM OF TEMPERATURE PARAMETER OF THE CLIMATE OF STEPPE CHERNOZEMS IN ORENBURG DUE TO THE WARMINGIt has been shown that strictly specific climatic norm of the air and soil temperature, soil temperature at the depth of 20 cm of warm and cold periods, the depth of 0°C penetration and the duration of warm period, the temperature of autumn, winter, spring and summer climatic stages is typical for moderate loamy steppe chernozems of Orenburg. Current climatic warming is followed by the warming of soil's climate.Key words: Key words:, soils' climate, climate warming, thermal security of the soils.
Chibilyov A.A., Levykin S.V., Velmovskiy P.V., Kazachkov G.V. THE GEOECOLOGICAL BASE OF AFFORESTATION LAND MELIORATION IN STEPPE: THE HARMONY OF STEPPE AND FOREST HERITAGEThe problem of the harmony of the afforestation land melioration framework and the optimum of steppes landscape– and biodiversity in a steppe region is discussed. Key words: аfforestation land melioration, agrarian afforestation land melioration, afforestation land melioration framework, afforestation land melioration stock, optimal forests share, steppe landscape.
Chibilyova V.P. THE ASSESSMENT OF THE RECREATION POTENTIAL OF SOUTHERN DISTRICTS OF ORENBURGSKAYA OBLAST IN THE CONTEXT OF SPATIAL PLANNINGThe problem of the spatial planning of southern territories of Orenburgskaya oblast, which has agrarian industrial economy, is examined taking the recreation potential into account.Key words: spatial planning, economical development, ecological state of a territory, recreation potential.
Shabanov Dj.A., Kholina T.A., Zalova R.B. THE ECOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL-LANDSCAPE COMPLEXES OF MEDIUM- AND LOW MINING PARTS OF NORTH-EASTERN DESCENT OF THE BIG CAUCASUSIn this article is considered the modern state of soil-landscape complexes of medium– and low mining parts of north-eastern descent of the Big Caucasus (within the limits of Azerbaijan). It is given the characteristics of these soil-landscape complexes and shown changes of the plant and land covering under anthropogenic action. Key words: landscape research, soil-landscape complexes, ecology-geographical conditions, physic-chemical indexes, anthropogenic action.
Shorina T.S., Misetov I.A., Novojenin I.A., Ermacova E.U. ESTIMATION FITOTOCSICHNOSTI CHERNOSEMA OF SOUTHERN ORENBURG AREA IN CONDITIONS OF PETROLEUM POLLUTIONIn clause the estimation fitotocsichnosti chernosema southern on various parameters is given: energy of germination and germination of seeds, length seedlings, phytomass. Dependence of growth seeds and development of plants from physical propertie ssoils, polluted by various concentration of petroleum also is considered(examined).Key words: petroleum pollution, ground, fitotocsichnost
Batalina M.V. TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE AFTER MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DEPENDING ON MYOCARDIAL VIABILITYThe comparison of coronary bypass surgeries' results at patients with congestive heart failure after myocardial infarction did not reveal significant difference depending on myocardial viability in scar zone. Thus myocardial unviability determinated by dobutamine stress-echocardiography would not be the contraindication to coronary bypass surgery for such patients if there are clinico-angiographic arguments in favour of this procedure.Key words: post myocardial infarction congestive heart failure, myocardial viability, coronary bypass surgery
Zhuravleva M.O. ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF PATIENTSWITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIS The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional capacity of patients with ReA questionnaires BASDAI, DFI and scale LEFS. The research studied 35 patients with ReA mean age 42 ± 2,03 years, mainly acute flow. Questionnaires were examined before and after 1 and 3 months after treatment. There were more pronounced correlation with clinical signs of activity than with the laboratory. The most valid for patients with ReA were BASDAI and LEFS. Questionnaires can be used for dynamic assessment of functional impairment in patients with ReA in outpatient clinical practice.Key words: reactive arthritis, functional activity, BASDAI, DFI, LEFS
Zhuravleva M.O. HEALTH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE AND FUNCTIONAL DISABILITI INDEX IN PATIENTS WITH REACTIVE ARTHRITIS The research studied 30 patients with ReA. Questionnaires were examined before and after one month after treatment. HAQ index was on average — 0,929 ± 0,13. After treatment, significantly improved the functionality of the patients (Д HAQ = 0,538 points). Revealed a moderate relationship with the HAQ index of inflammatory disease activity and functional performance. HAQ index reflects the ability to perform activities of daily living, severity of pain and can be used in patients with ReA in outpatient practice. Key words: HAQ, reactive arthritis.
Ilyina N.A., Kasatkina N.M. MICROECOSYSTEM OF INTESTINE WITH PROTOZOAL INVASIONThe investigation of ecological characteristics of microflora by gastroenterological patients with protozoal invasion showed that there are qualitative and quantitative alterations in intestine microbiocenosis. It is displayed by means of increase of mutual bacterial density and frequency of occurrence of opportunistic-pathogenic in the background of decrease of dominance of the main symbiotes of intestine, and first of all bifidus and lactobacteria, basketvines and bacteroids. Key words: microecosystem, protozoal invasion, parasitocenosis, microbiocenosis, quotient of variation, index of contagiousness.
Kutnikova T.A. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF POSTURAL TREMOR IN THE PYRAMIDAL SYNDROME AND SYNDROME OF MOTOR COORDINATION DISORDERS PATIENTS WITH POST-TRAUMATIC ENCEPHALOPATHYWe examined 120 patients with post-traumatic encephalopathy and 30 controls. Based on the analysis of accelerograms identified characteristics of postural tremor in neurological syndromes leading post-traumatic encephalopathy — pyramidal and diskoordinatornom mild to moderate severity.Key words: post-traumatic encephalopathy, postural tremor, a diagnosis.
Miroshnikov S.V., Notova S.V., Kvan O.V. THE FEATURES OF ADAPTABLE REACTIONS AT PERSONS WITH HIGH- AND LOWNORMAL LEVEL THYRITROPIC OF THE HORMONE, LIVING IN TERRITORY ENDEMOS ON THE CRAWIn work results of researches of features of adaptable reactions at persons with high lownormal level thyritropic a hormone (ТТH), living on territory endemos on a craw are presented. In the course of research of the analysis of variability of a rhythm of heart at persons with highnormal level ТТH it has been revealed, is established influence highnormal level ТТH on homeostatic parameters of an organism.Key words: highly- and lownormal level ТТH, variability of a rhythm of heart, a craw.
Najmushina A.P., Samotaev A.A. STRUCTUCAL FEATURES OF THYROID CANCER FUNHTSONALNYE CLINICALLY HEALTHY GIRLS 6-9 YEARS LIVING IN THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ORENBURGIn article use of the system approach is shown at a solution of a problem of early diagnostics diffuse not toxic craw at clinically healthy girls of 6-9 years of Northern district of Orenburg. It is revealed that the most important elements of system of indicators of a thyroid gland are "thyroid gland ultrasonic" and "blood joint-stock company" children.Key words: the system approach, resursodefitsitnye and resursoobladayuschie elements, "chaos" and "order".
Rusanov A.M., Turlibekova D.M. HEAVY METALS IN ROSE HIPS OF THE TOWN PARKS OF ORSKAccumulation of heavy metals was investigated. The results and analysis of field researches of 2010 are resulted. There was noticed, that the high content of heavy metals is not always contribute to accumulate it in fruits.Key words: soil, fruits, heavy metals, accumulation, park.
Smantser T.A., Barysheva E.S. EKOLOGO-PHYSIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ADAPTATION OF STUDENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL TO TRAININGRecently indicators of a state of health of young men in Russia worsen. The particular interest for studying of adaptable features of functioning of an organism is represented by student's youth as years of students coincide with the period of age physiological reorganization of an organism and adaptation to a complex of new factors that is accompanied by considerable pressure of functional systems of an organism.Key words: adaptation, physical development, mental development, an actual food, variability of a warm rhythm, anthropometrical researches.
Stolbova M.V., Pugaeva M.O., Borkina A.N., Nigmatulina E.F., Rygkova O.V. FEATURES OF COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA AT DEZOMORPHYNE AND POLINARCOMANIACS WITH HIV-INFECTIONThe results of observation over a current of community-acquired pneumonia and its outcomes at 48 patients suffering dezomorphine and a polinarcomania with HIV-infection are presented. The leading features of a pneumonia at this group of patients are analysed. Features of pathogens, clinical current, radiological picture of disease, antimicrobial therapy are revealed.Key words: community-acquired pneumonia, narcomania, HIV-infection, treatment.
Torshin V.I., Teplov A.Y. CHANGE MECHANISM OF CONTRACTILE FUNCTION OF STRIATED MUSCLE MOUSE IN VITRO BY PROTEIN SENSITIZATION. INVOLVEMENT OF ATPWe investigated the involvement of ATP in the mechanism of the effect of protein sensitization (PS) on contractile function and non-quantum secretion of acetylcholine in the area of end-plate (H-effect) of isolated skeletal muscles of leg (m.soleus and m. extensor digitorum longus (m.EDL)) and stripes m . diaphragma mouse. In m.soleus and m.diaphragma dynamics of the force vector of muscle contraction is correlated with changes in the H-effect in all the studied experimental models. However, the extent of these changes in sensitized animals is less pronounced. It has been suggested that ATP is a party change in the mechanisms of functional properties m.soleus and m.diaphragma in PS and reflects the development of resistance mechanisms in these muscles to external loads. The reasons for the changes in contraction force m.EDL PS not related to ATP-mediated excitation mechanism of the muscle.Key words: contractile properties, nonquantum secretion of acetylcholine, m.diaphragma, m.soleus, m.extensor digitorum longus, mouse, protein sensitization, ATP.
Cheremushnikova I.I., Notova S.V., Barysheva E.S., Davydova N.V., Grivko N.V., Smantser T.A. PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL TESTING AS A METHOD FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE TRAINING OF STUDENTSIn article results of studying of typological features of psychomotor indicators of students, in the form of individual profiles with definition of their interrelation with personal characteristics of the person are presented. The Tepping-test is considered, how the tool of studying of psychophysiological features of educational activity of students, and a technique with application of tables "Shulte — Platonova", as an authentic method of definition of level of their working capacity. Key words: a psychomotility, an individual psychomotor profile, the tepping-test, tables "Shulte — Platonova".
Aleshina E.S., Deryabin D.G., Efremova L.V. INVESTIGATON OF CARBON-BASED NANOMATERIALS BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY IN BACTERICIDITY TEST ON ESCHERICHIA COLI AND BACILLUS SUBTILISInfluence of 10 carbon-based nanomaterials (CBNs): single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, nanofibres, С60-, С70-fullerenes, and amorphous carbon on viability of Escherichia coli K12 TG1 and Bacillus subtilis 168 is investigated. With use of named modeling microorganisms the CBNs bactericidal effect which progressed in time and depended on nanocarbon structural organization is shown. Comparison of test objects reaction shows B.subtilis little big sensitivity in comparison E.coli at high comparability of the biotesting results (r=0,927; P <0,005).Key words: carbon-based nanomaterials, biotesting, bactericidial action, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis
Alidzhanov E.K., Lantukh Yu.D., Letuta S.N., Pashkevitch S.N., Loginov B.A. PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT IN THE PHTHALOCYANINE AND PERYLENE ORGANIC JUNCTION LAYERSOrganic solar sell consisting from PTCDA donor and CuPc acceptor layers was formed. Its photophysical properties were investigated. It was shown that obtained multilayer system has nonlinear I-U dark characteristic and can induce photoelectromotive force jmax =0.6 V. On the base of the investigation of photoelectric cell spectral sensitivity its heterojunction efficient thickness was evaluated.
Burakaeva A.D, Karpova G.V. NEW ANTIFUNGAL ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCTION IN HYPOMYCES ROSELLUS AND PHENOTYPICALLY STRAINSAntibiotics by Hypomyces rosellus and phenotypically strains are isolated and their chemical composition was studied. Using thin-layer chromatographe, mass spectrometry, IR and UF spectroscopy, chromatomass spectrometry, ЯМР 1Н 1-[[2-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl]methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole and 5 individual dioxolans was indentified. Antibiotics inhibited the growth of pathogenic fungi.Key words: micophilous fungus Hypomyces rosellus, antibiotic, dichlorophenyl, dioxolan, triazole.
Vasilchenko A.S., Nikiyan H.N., Deryabin D.G. THE USE OF AGAROSE FILMS AS MODEL STRUCTURES FOR ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPE PREPARATION FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF BACTERIAL CELLSElastic properties of agarose films depending on the concentration and relative humidity of the samples environment were quantitatively characterized using atomic force microscopy in force spectroscopy mode. The results are discussed in the context of agarose films use as a test reference material to prepare an atomic force microscope for the further study of the mechanical properties of bacterial cells. Key words: atomic force microscopy, polymer films, agarose, mechanical properties, bacterial cells
Gazheeva T.P.,Gordeeva, T.X., Maslennikova S.H. THE DYNAMICS OF THE SIZE AND COMPOSITION MICROORGANISMS IN THE RHIZOSPHERE OF SOME CEREALS DURING THEIR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Investigated the rhizosphere of spring cereals. It is shown that the total number of microorganisms, and the number of individual physiological groups in the rhizosphere of grass changes with their growth and development. There is a specificity of physiological groups of microorganisms in three spring cereals studied. Key words: rhizosphere, cereal plants, microorganisms, micromycetes
Gazheeva T.P., Malyuta O.V., Gordeeva T.H., Gavritskova N.N. MICROBIOLOGICAL INDICATION EFFECTIVENESS OF NON-TRADITIONAL AMELIORANTSThe influence of compost on the basis of sewage sludge and sediment on the microflora and biological activity of the impaired podzolic sandy soil. Shown that the reclamation of non-traditional fertilizers increases the total number of microorganisms and biological activity of sandy soils.Key words: soil microorganisms, microbial activity, non-traditional organic fertilizers, reclamation, sandy soils.
Karimov I.F., Manukhov I.V., Ivanov Y.B., Deryabin D.G. BACILLUS SUBTILIS VKPM V-10548 STRAIN AND IT APPLICATION FOR SERUM BLOOD BACTIRICIDAL ACTIVITY RESEARCHThe recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain carrying plasmid with gram-negative sea microorganism Photobacterium leiognathi luxAB genes, before each introduced gram-positive bacteria ribosome-binding site is designed. This strain characterized by high gene expression level of bacterial luciferase and was deposited in the Russian National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms under № V-10548. In researching of B.subtilis VKPM V-10548 reaction in contact with different component serum blood probes the correspondence between bioluminescence suppression and bactericidal effect level mainly determined by beta-lysine activity is shown. Key words: bioluminescence, lux-genes, Bacillus subtilis, bactericidal effect, beta-lysine
Kondakova K.S., Yapryntseva E.V., Drozdova E.A., Mishchenko N.V. THE DEPENDENCE OF THE DIGESTIBILITY OF MINERALS AND VEGETATION COMPLEXES ON THE DEGREE OF ADHESION OF MICROORGANISMS TO THE SURFACE OF FOOD PARTICLESThe survey was developed and tested methodology quantifying microorganisms adhered to feed particles by means of a fluorescence microscope. It is noted that the application of mineral supplementation has an effect on bacterial adhesion to the substrate. Established correlation between the number of adhered micro-organisms and food digestion study of substrates. Key words: adhesion, digestibility, extrusion, fiber, metal salts.
Medvedev P.V., Fedotov V.A. FACTORS CONTAMINATION GRAIN DISPUTES BACILLUS SUBTILIS AND BACILLUS MESENTERICUSThis article presents the results of laboratory analysis — estimation the degree of contamination for the spore-forming microorganisms of wheat grown in different natural-geographical zones of the Orenburg region.Key words: microorganisms, seeding, potato disease, grain, bread.
Misetov I.A., Kalashnikova M.V., Alekhinа G.P. THE POSSIBILITY OF USING ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY TO STUDY SOIL MICROFLORA The possibility of using atomic force microscopy to study bacterial morphotypes found in black soil. In the soil revealed the predominance of rod-shaped and coccoid forms. The number of bacteria exceeded the number of nano-sized objects micron.Key words: soil microflora, atomic force microscopy.
Samofalova I. A., Mudrykh N.M., Kamenshikova V.I., Lysova O.S. INFLUENCE OF MINERAL FERTILIZERS ON PARAMETERS STABILITY MICROBIOCENOSE IN SOILS POLLUTED BY LEADIt is established, that biochemical parameters of stability microbiocenose of turf-brown soils of Middle Preduralye being polluted with lead, can be arranged into the following number: the number of actinomyces > Qr > substratum-sympathetic respiration > background respiration > the activity of catalase. Applying of mineral fertilizes improves the ratio of groups of microorganisms in soils as they remove the inhibirizing action of the acetic lead to the development of useful microflora, to the background respiration; rises the fermentative activity of the soils, that leads to the increasing stability of microbocoenosis at pollution.Key words: soil, microbocoenosis, stability, mineral fertilizes.
Safiullina R.R., Ablaeva A.R., Dubovik I.E., Hasanova R.F. DIVERSITY OF SOIL ALGAE AND CYANOBACTERIA UNDER SOME REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FAMILY FABACEAE, POACEAE IN ORDINARY CHERNOZEM TRANSURALS BASHKORTOSTAN REPUBLICAs a result of the spent researches under some representative of family Poaceae, Fabaceae on ordinary mould humus 60 kinds and intraspecific taxons of seaweeds were found. It was first defined the species composition of algae in agronomically valuable aggregates of soil under Elytrigia repens L., Medicago sativa L.Key words: chernozem ordinary, Zauralye, soil seaweeds, Fabaceae, Poaceae, soil structure.
Semenova I.N., Ilbulova G.R. USE OF SOIL MICROBIOLOGICAL INDICATORS COMPLEX IN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OF TECHNOGENIC CONTAMINATED AREASIt is established that the soil of areas with developed mining industry significantly different from non-contaminated soil with heavy metals on the following parameters: the number of ammonifying, aminoautotrophic, humuscorrupting and oligotrophic microorganisms, as well as at a rate of succession and the total number of microorganisms.Key words: heavy metals, microbial communities, complex of microbiological indicators of soil, mining companies.
Sizentsov A.N., Ilyasova R.V. EFFECTIVENESS OF COMBINED APPLICATION OF PROBIOTICS AND ANTIBIOTICS IN THE CONDITIONS IN VITROIn experiments in vitro conditions has been set high antagonistic activity of probiotic bacterial strains E. coli M-17 "Colibacterin" and E. faecium "Linex" in relation to the test organisms, and the effectiveness of their combined use with antibioticsKey words: probiotics, antibiotics, Colibacterin, Linex, E. coli M-17, E. faecium.
Sizentsov A.N., Nugamanova E.M., Peshkov S.A. IMPACT OF HEAVY METALS ON THE GROWTH OF PROBIOTIC STRAINS E. COLI M-17, E. FAECIUM, L. ACIDOPHILUS, L. BULGARICUS LB-51 AND BACTERIA OF THE GENUS BACILLUS IN THE CONDITIONS IN VITROIn this paper was examined the stability of different probiotic strains of microorganisms to heavy metals in the conditions in vitro. The effect of heavy metals on the growth phase of microorganisms.Key words: probiotics, Bacillus, growth phase, heavy metals.
Tarasova T.F., Baytelova A.I., Ermolaeva A.A. ASSESSMENT OF MICROORGANISMS ON THE QUALITY OF SURFACE WATER The analysis of samples of surface water bodies in the content of pathogens and sanitary-hygienic assessment of the epidemiological risk of surface water areaadjacent to the JSC "Poultry Orenburg" Young and the ranking of the village study area by pathogenic microorganisms.Key words: surface waters, pathogens, staphylococci, coli — an index of sanitary — hygienic assessment.
Shekhovtsova N.V., Verkhovtseva N.V. IRON-REDUCING MICRORGANISMS INTO SUPERDEEP VULCANIC ROCKSThe first iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) to be studied into Ural superdeep well (SG-4) rocks with a microorganisms of the sulfur and carbon cycles. A wide spread of IRB was demonstrated as well as their possible participation in biogenic formation of magnetic mineral among which the magnetite is more abundant into SG-4 rocks. A permanent presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria was supported, thiobacteria were discovered.Key words: superdeep wells, rocks, magnetic properties, iron-reducing bacteria, sulfur cycle, heterotrophic microorganisms.
Shehovtsova N.V., Marakaev O.A., Pervushina K.A., Kholmogorov S.V., Tsaplyaeva K.G. AUXINE PRODUCTION BY ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA FROM UNDERGROUND ORGANS OF DACTYLORHIZA MACULATA (L.) SOO (ORCHIDACEAE)For the first time it was established, that the bacteria of the genus Bacillus which were isolated from the underground organs of Dactylorhiza maculata, the representative of family Orchidaceae inhabiting temperate climate region of Russia, have produced phytohormone 3-indolylacetic acid (IAA). The IAA level found out in cultural liquid of 12 from 15 bacterial strains was within the limits 0,3 — 29 mkg/ml and depended on strain. Key words: orchids, additional roots, tuber, endophytes, endophytic bacteria, 3-indolylacetic acid.
Aminev I.N., Khaibullin M.M. INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS ON MAINTENANCE OF HEAVY METALS IN TUBERS OF POTATO IN THE CONDITIONS OF SOUTH FOREST-STEPPDouble treatment of vegetans plants of potato at the beginning of formation of buds and at the end of flowering by biological preparations of Fitosporin (1l/ha), Gumi — 20 (0,3 l/of ha) and Borogum (1 l/of ha) provided the decline of transformation of zinc on 0,5-0,8 mgs/of kg, lead on 0,103-0,104 mgs/of kg and nickel a to 0,42 mg/of kg, chrome on 0,03-0,06 mgs/of kg at the sorts of potato of Romano and Nevskii. Most influence on maintenance of copper, iron and cadmium from described growth regulator rendered preparation of Gumi.Key words: рotato, sorts of Romano, litter of Nevskii, fitosporin, gummi, borogum, heavy metals.
Artamonova S.V., Kaliev A.Zh. FACTORS OF TECHNOGENIC TRANSFORMATION OF NATURAL COMPONENT ON GAI DEPOSIT The article is devoted to technogeosistems of Gai chalcopyrite deposits. The factors of technological transformation of natural components on Gai deposit are determined.Key words: geochemical anomalies, chalcopyrite deposits, technogenic transformation technogeosistems.
Ayupov Z.Z., Anokhina N.S. BASHKIR STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITYOn the basis of long-term stationary experiments were carried out research to identify the nature of the influence of resource-principal methods of tillage and fertilizer in humus status of leached chernozem and its enzymatic activity. The results of research aimed at stabilizing the soilKey words: a humus, soil processing, fertilizers, green manure, enzymatic activity of soil, fertility.
Barmina I.E., Mannapov A.G., Karpova G.V. STIMULATING FOOD SOURCE FOR BEE FAMILIES WITH A COMPLEX AMINO ACID AND PROBIOTIC PREPARATIONSThe defective food source leads to deficiency of aminoacids and it weakens a bee families. It is necessary to add in a forage of bees preparations filling deficiency of amino acids, vitamins, microcells, also, probiotics, forcing out rotten microflora after wintering.
Welz N.U., Turlibekova D.M. ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN THE ELEVATED PART OF THE HIGHER PLANTS GROWING IN ORSK AND ITS VICINITIESAccumulation of heavy metals in the aboveground part of plants (caulis, leaves) Acer negundo, Artemisia austriaca, Festuca valesiaca and Stipa lessingiana was investigated. The results and analysis about field researches of 1999–2002, and 2010 are given. The selective accumulation of heavy metals is noted in the studied plants. Key words: leaves, caulis, Acer negundo, Artemisia austriaca, Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana, heavy metals, accumulation.
Vinogradov А.N., Kirillova E.A., Кuzmina К.М., Levenets T.V., Kozminykh V.О. A SIMPLE METHOD SYNTHESIS OF 3-ACYLMETYLIDENBENZOAZINE-2-ONESA simple and easy-to-use method for the synthesis of 3-acylmetylidenbenzoazine-2-ones based on the three-component condensation of metylketones with dietyloxalates and 1,2-diaminobenzene or 2-aminophenol is proposed. Structure and specialty of state synthesize compounds established based on data IR and NMR 1Н spectroscopes.Key words: metylketones, quinoxalinones, benzoxazinones, oxalic condensation
Vichnyakov A.I., Uvarova E.A. BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INFLUENCE γ—RADIATIONS ON HAEMOPOIESIS BIRDSIn the given work features of influence γ—radiations on cellular structure of a red marrow and peripheral blood of chickens during the various age periods are studied. Key words: a bird, a red marrow, γ-radiation.
Deryabina T.D. THE STUDY OF IONS, NANO- AND MICRO-SIZED CU AND FE PARTICLES BIOSAFETY IN TRITICUM AESTIVUM SEEDS GERMINATION TESTIn Triticum aestivum seeds germination test the influence of equimolar concentrations of ions, nano- and micro-sized Cu and Fe particles has been investigated. The EC50 phytotoxicity level is much more exhibited on copper compared to the iron and dramatically increased at row line "microparticles > nanoparticles > ions". The most expressed reaction of wheat sprouts root system to influence of investigated toxicants is established.Key words: iron, copper, nanoparticles, phytotoxicity
Dostova T.M., Salnikova E.V. REMOVING THE AMOUNT OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS BY INTEGRATED WASTE PROCESSING INDUSTRY ALUMINA URAL ALUMINUM PLANTEvery year more than one million tons of bauxite processing wastes at the alumina refineries come on sludge. These flood the tailings pond are the sources of pollution of surface and underground bases reservoirs, as well as a large dusty atmosphere. In practice, existing facilities are currently no alkaline waste recycled. At the same time wastes are promising sources of various compounds. Therefore the problem of integrated waste management facilities to the production of alumina products of chemical and metallurgical purposes is an important reserve for increasing production efficiency, both in the direction of rational use of raw materials and the preservation of our living environment.Key words: red mud, rare earth elements, sorption on the cation exchanger.
Kanygina O. N, Kravtzova O.S., Anisina I.N., Chetvertikova A.G., Salnikova E.V., Dostova T.M.,Tkachenko A.A. DISPERSIVE ANALYSIS MONTMORILLONITE-BEARING OF CLAY OF ORENBURZHYEThe dispersive analysis montmorillonite-bearing clay of Orenburzhye, based on screen fractionation, sedimentation and optical microscopy is carried out. It is established that division of investigated clay on two fractions is expedient. From low-dispersed fractions by optimization of modes of synthesis probably reception of microporous ceramics of high density and durability.Key words: montmorillonite-bearing clay, the dispersive analysis, sedimentation, fraction.
Kanygina O. N, Kravtzova O.S., Chetverikova A.G., Kuleeva A.H., Salnikova E.V., Volkov E.V., Shambulatova A.T. FRACTIONAL STRUCTURES OF BRICK CLAYS FROM ORENBURZHYEThe dispersive analysis of brick clay of Orenburzhye, based on screen fractionation, sedimentation and optical microscopy is carried out. It is established that division of investigated clay on fractions leads to redistribution of volume fractions of phase components. Key words: brick clay, the dispersive analysis, sedimentation, fraction.
Kireeva N.A., Griroriadi A.S., Vodopyanov V.V., Amirova А.R. INDICATION POOR CONDITION SOIL FOR HER IN COMPLEX MICROSCOPIC FUNGI, INCREASES PRESSING CHEMICAL FACTORIt was shown that as a result of the petrochemical industry the changes of the mycological complex of soil contaminated by refinery products are changing. It is described the similarity of fungal communities of uncontaminated and polluted soils wiht different levels of oil hydrocarbon. Key words: oil pollution, change the mycological complex, phytotoxic species, the similarity coefficient, cluster analysis
Кuzmina К.М., Vinogradov А.N., Kozminykh V.О. CONDENSATION OF METYLKETONES WITH DIALKYLOXALATES AND CYANACETIC AMIDE IN SYNTHESIS PYRIDINE-4-CARBOXYLATES A simple and easy-to-use method for the synthesis of 6-alkyl-3-cyano-2-hydroxipyridine-4-carboxylates based on the three-component condensation of metylketones with dialkyloxalates and cyanacetic amide is proposed. Structure and specialty of state synthesize compounds established based on data IR and NMR 1Н spectroscopes. Key words: oxalic condensation, pinacolone, aceton, dialkyloxalates, cyanacetic amide, 6-alkyl-3-cyano-2-hydroxipyridin-4-carboxylates.
Kushnareva O.P., Ephremov I.V., Perekrestova E.N. APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF REGISTRATION DELAYED CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE OF ALGAE TO ASSESS THE QUALITY OF NATURAL WATERSIn article authors offer a technique of biotesting of natural waters on the basis of registration of the slowed down fluorescence of a chlorophyll of microseaweed. Results of application of this technique for various reservoirs are resulted. Theoretical positions about mechanisms of the slowed down fluorescence for the analysis of the received curves are used. Correlation dependences between parameters of the slowed down fluorescence and a chemical compound of natural waters are established.Key words: the microseaweed, the slowed down fluorescence, photosynthesis, natural waters, biotesting.
Lebedev S.V.1, Salnikova E.V.1, Rodionova G.B.2, Kudryavtseva E.A.1 ESTIMATION OF THE MAINTENANCE OF HEAVY METALS IN GRAIN CROPS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONResearches of ecological safety of raw materials and foodstuff are conducted in various prirodno-climatic zones of the Orenburg region. The maintenance of heavy metals in vegetative raw materials is established.Key words: ecology, heavy metals, grain crops, the Orenburg region
Levenets Т.V., Listopad E.V., Kozminykh V.O. A NEW METHOD FOR OBTAINING HYDRAZONES 1-(3-QUINOXALON)ALKANDIONES-1,2The condensation of some ketones with diethyl oxalate followed by subsequent aryl diazonium chloride and 1,2-diaminobenzola is studied. Structure peculiarities of synthesized compounds on the basis of IR and NMR spectroscopy are discussed.Key words: multicomponent reactions, heterocyclic systems, hydrazones 1-(3-quinoxalon)alkandiones-1,2.
Nikulin V.N., Gerasimenko V.V., Kotkova T.V., Nazarova E.A. PERSPECTIVES THE USE OF COMPLEX SELENIUM AND PROBIOTIC LAKTOAMILOVORIN TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SELENIUM IN THE PRODUCTION OF POULTRY ORENBURG REGIONThe authors found that the integrated use of probiotic and sodium selenite leads to fuller utilization of selenium from food and micronutrient greater deposition in organs and tissues of poultry.Key words: chickens, broilers, probiotics, lactobacillus, nutrition, selenium.
Perekrestova E.N., Efremov I.V., Kushnareva О.Р. ESTIMATION OF TOXIC ACTION OF HEAVY METALS ON SEEDS OF WHEAT A METHOD OF THE DELAY FLUORESCENCEIn this work and validated method for assessing biophysical toxic action of salt solutions of nickel, zinc, copper and cobalt in wheat seeds of the Orenburg region, based on recording the kinetics of delayed fluorescence. Comparing the performance curves of delayed fluorescence of the control data were obtained by the ratio, to assess the effect of cations of heavy metals on wheat seeds. Key words: delayed fluorescence, heavy metals, the exponent of the concentration of the toxic effect.
Petukh Yu.Yu. INTEGRATED USE OF WASTE INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF SOIL PROPERTIES The results of studies on the use of chemical waste (phosphogypsum) and agriculture (cattle manure) to improve the physical, agro-chemical and biological properties of soil.Key words: Keys words: industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, soil, soil amelioration.
Rusakova, E.A., Lebedev S.V., Kopaneva N.Y. EFFECT OF PHYTASE ON SOME BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF BLOOD BROILER CHICKENSThe article presents the results of experimental studies of biochemical blood when introduced into the diet of the experimental birds enzyme preparation Ronozmi NT (CT), indicating a decrease in the concentration of urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase decrease in activity, with an increase in total protein content. Key words: phytase, broiler chickens, blood, biochemistry, total protein, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, Ronozmi NT (CT).
Rusanov A.M., Anilova L.V. DYNAMICS OF RECOVERY OF MAJOR PROPERTIES OF DEGRADED SOIL REMEDIATION METHOD FOR THEIR SOIL-PLANT MONOLITHSStudy the recovery of degraded chernozem properties using the soil-plant monoliths made since 2008. During the two-year period of the experiment there is a change of vegetation and the positive dynamics of humus status and physical properties of soils.Key words: degraded soils, reclamation, the method of soil-plant monoliths, humus state of soils.
Semenova I.N., Ilbulova G.R., Zulkarnaev A.B., Suyundukov Ya.T. EFFECTS OF ZEOLITES ON ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY IN ORDINARY CHERNOZEM IN CASE OF LEAD CONTAMINATIONIn study of enzymatic activity of soil, polluted with Pb, it was found that when the lead content was up to 10 MACs (maximum allowable concentrations), urease activity in nonfertilized soil was reduced to 50%, proteolytic activity — to 25%, and cellulolytic аctivity — to 36% from activity in uncontaminated soil. In the presence of zeolites and organic fertilizers, this effect was less pronounced. Key words: enzymatic activity of soil, zeolites.
Sergeyev V.S., Isaev R.F., Polyakova G.N., Radtseva O.V., Rakhimov G.M. THE APPLICATION OF THE ANTISTRESS PREPARATIONS ON THE SPRING WHEAT CROPS FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASE OF RESISTANCE TO PHYTOPATOGENES AND YIELD PRODUCTIVITY OF CULTURE.The effect of the biological preparations of OOO NVP "BashInkom" on the growth dynamics, root putrefaction resistance and crop of spring wheat "Omskaye-36" was analysed. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory and yield conditions. Key words: spring wheat, biological preparations, root putrefaction, yield productivity, wheat crop.
Sidorov A.V., Ivanov A.V. DEVICES FOR BIODEGRADATION OF HYDROCARBON-CONTAINING SEWAGE, THEIR EFFICIENCY AND SPECIFICATION OF THEIR USEThe material on the main types of used plants for cleaning of water from hydrocarbon contamination was systematized. Optimization of conditions for biological degradation of oil products by aboriginal hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms in the pilot plant, which is a jet-settler (SOA), was done. It was studied the influence of different biogenic elements and complex dressers on efficiency of bio-oxidation process.Key words: integrated plants, oil-containing sewage, bio-oxidation, biodegradation.
Sizova Е. А., Tantsikuzhina А.А., Polyakova V.S. EXPRESSION OF MARKERS OF APOPTOSIS IN LIVER CELLS AT DIFFERENT WAYS ADMINISTRATION OF COPPER NANOPARTICLESResults of research on copper nanoparticles influence on index of readiness to apoptosis and structural changes of liver, under copper multiple introductions into organism of animals are presented in the article. Received data enables us to propose using index of cells readiness to apoptosis defined by Caspase-3 expression as a criterion for copper nanoparticles introduction safety assessment.Key words: apoptosis, copper nanoparticles, liver
Solovih G.N., Vinokurova N.V. HYDROBIOCENOSISMACROPHYTES AND THEIR ROLE IN THE REMOVAL PROCESSES OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS FROM NATURAL RESERVOIRSWas shown the role of macrophytes in water self-purification of polychlorinated biphenyls. Was determined by the concentration of PCBs in macrophytes growing in the study area, and we calculated the coefficients of biological absorption of PCBs by aquatic plants of different ecological groups in the temporal aspect.Key words: polychlorinated biphenyls, macrophytes, the coefficients of biological uptake.
Fomina M. V., Kvan O. V., Sizentsov A.N. THE ANALYSIS OF JOINT USAGE OF PROBIOTIC PREPARATIONS AND IRON WITH VARIOUS PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES IN EXPERIMENTThe results of researches of influence on dynamics of weight of probiotics are presented at the joint usage with iron (various physical and chemical properties) on experimental animals in the article. During research it was shoun that addition of a highly dispersive powder of iron promoted the greatest authentic improvement of live mass of experimental animals.Key words: nanotechnologies, animal, probiotics, iron, sporobacterin.
Hamadieva A.R., Kutlin N.G., Nazmiev B.K., Saltykova E.S., Poskryakov A.V., Nikolenko A.G. CHITOSAN-PERSPECTIVE ADAPTOGENS FOR HONEYBEES APIS MELLIFERA L.These studies are aimed at creating products based on chitosans for good wintering and improve the overall immune status of the bee colonies. Drugs of this spectrum will be widely used in beekeeping as an adaptogen to increase nonspecific resistance of bees in the complete ecological safety.Key words: chitosans, adaptogen, honey bee, sustainability, ecology.
Shamraev A.V., Goncharova O.N. THE INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT "LENOYL" ON CATALASE ACTIVITY OF OIL-CONTAMINATED SOILThis article discusses the impact of oil pollution on soil components, possible consequences, as well as ways to reduce this load by using microbial preparations.Key words: oil, pollution, the enzymes catalase lenojl.
Shein E.V., Mikayilov F.D. THEORETICAL AND METHODICAL FEATURES OF THE HEAT CONDUCTION WITH INFILTRATION PROBLEM SOLUTIONSolution of the heat conduction with infiltration problem is suggested. This solution permits to determine the soil termodiffusivity usind some data of the quotidian variability of soil temperature under infiltration conditions.Key words: soil, heat conduction, infiltration, termodiffusivity.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |