Hamadieva A.R., Kutlin N.G., Nazmiev B.K., Saltykova E.S., Poskryakov A.V., Nikolenko A.G. CHITOSAN-PERSPECTIVE ADAPTOGENS FOR HONEYBEES APIS MELLIFERA L.These studies are aimed at creating products based on chitosans for good wintering and improve the overall immune status of the bee colonies. Drugs of this spectrum will be widely used in beekeeping as an adaptogen to increase nonspecific resistance of bees in the complete ecological safety.Key words: chitosans, adaptogen, honey bee, sustainability, ecology.
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About this article
Authors: Hamadieva A.R., Kutlin N.G., Nazmiev B.K., Saltykova E.S., Poskryakov A.V., Nikolenko A.G.
Year: 2011
Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |