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№ 1 (245), 20 february 2025

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Aksyutina Z.A. DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTUAL THINKING IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS BY MEANS OF PEDAGOGICAL CATEGORIES AND CONCEPTSThe development of conceptual thinking in university students is an important pedagogical problem that requires a solution. It is obvious that the material for the development of conceptual thinking should be pedagogical categories and concepts. In the course of the experimental work, the technology of developing conceptual thinking by means of pedagogical categories and concepts that I developed was implemented. The purpose of the study was to identify the effectiveness of the developed technology. To achieve the goal, problems related to identifying the dynamics of conceptual thinking development in bachelors of the "Psychological and pedagogical education" direction were solved. The results of the study show that conceptual thinking in students is insufficiently developed. The reason for this is seen in the reduction of theoretical training and greater focus on self-education in training. The use of the developed technology yielded results in the development of conceptual thinking. The dynamics of changes in the operational criterion of conceptual thinking in students in the experimental group is more intense than in the control group. In absolute terms, the increase is 93.33%. The dynamics of changes in the operational criterion of conceptual thinking among students in the control group is less pronounced than in the experimental group. In absolute terms, the increase is 27.77%. The dynamics of changes in the activity criterion of conceptual thinking among students in the experimental group is more intense than in the control group. In absolute terms, the increase is 66.66%. The dynamics of changes in the activity criterion of conceptual thinking among students in the control group is less pronounced than in the experimental group. In absolute terms, the increase is 22.22%. The data obtained prove the effectiveness of the developed technology for the formation of conceptual thinking by means of pedagogical categories and concepts.Key words: conceptual thinking, operational criterion, activity criterion, experimental work, pedagogical categories, pedagogical concepts, pedagogical technology.
Kiryakova A.V., Sarzhe A.V., Ekhov S.F. VALUE ATTITUDE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN TO WORK AS A MANIFESTATION OF ACTIVE PATRIOTISM: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONSFor domestic pedagogy, it is important to form schoolchildren's value attitude to work through the prism of the concept of activity-based patriotism. The purpose of the study was to introduce a modern perspective into the connection between work activity and the education of patriotic qualities and civic responsibility of students. The low status of manual labor, insufficient motivation of students, and limited resources hinder the formation of work values. The problem can be solved by developing educational programs in schools, especially in light of the modern course on strengthening the educational component of the educational process. We have established the integration of the concepts of "labor education" and "activity-based patriotism". Work activity can be not only a tool for developing personal skills, but also a basis for the formation of social responsibility and national identity in young people. We consider patriotism not only as an emotional or symbolic phenomenon, but as an active civic position manifested through work activity. This aspect deserves attention, since it takes the topic of patriotic education beyond the formal approach focused only on the propaganda of values. The pedagogical concept of our study is closely related to the target guidelines of the educational policy of Russia. The results of the study can become the basis for the implementation of practical measures for labor education, as well as further research in the field of active patriotism, education and socialization of the younger generation.Key words: labor education of schoolchildren, value orientation to work, activity patriotism.
Kober O.I. CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY: OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPING THE AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF A STUDENTSocio-cultural changes in the society actualize the problem of the growing role of the environment in the educational value-oriented process. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibilities of the cultural and educational environment in the development of the axiological potential of the student. The author analyzes the terms “environment”, “educational environment”, “cultural environment” in order to determine the specifics of the concept of “cultural and educational environment”; the structure of the open cultural and educational environment of the university is developed, including three components (microenvironments): the information and educational environment of the university, the artistic environment of the cultural institution and the cultural and historical environment of the city where the university is located; the possibilities of the cultural and educational environment of the university are identified, contributing to the development of the axiological potential of the student. Information opportunities (the educational sphere of the university) motivate cognitive activity, expand the range of knowledge, and set the benchmark for the direction of the educational process towards the appropriation of values embedded in works of art and culture. Emotive opportunities (the axiosphere of art of a cultural institution) contribute to the value self-determination and self-development of a student, spiritual enrichment, finding the meaning of life, and perception of intercultural diversity. Transformative opportunities (the spatial-research sphere of the urban environment) enrich the experience of self-realization, involvement in various types of artistic and creative, project-creative activities, promote a respectful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage and the design of one’s future based on “identification of oneself in culture.” The conclusion is formulated: the cultural and educational environment of the university is an effective means of developing the axiological potential of the student, bringing him to a new level of life.Key words: culture, education, values, cultural and educational environment of the university, student, axiological potential.
Kolosova T.A., Goncharova V.A. THE MANIFESTATION OF DIVERGENT THINKING IN THE ASPECT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF DYSONTOGENESISThe development of divergent thinking as one of the elements of creativity is an important condition for the effective solution of educational problems by primary school students. The ability to look at a problem from a different angle and find an unconventional approach to solving it improves the academic performance of primary school students. The issue of studying divergent thinking of children with different types of dysontogenesis has been poorly studied in modern special pedagogy and psychology, which determines the relevance of this study. Comparison of the features of the development of divergent thinking in primary school students with different types of dysontogenesis was the goal of our study, which involved four empirical groups: the control group - children with normal speech and mental development, three experimental groups: children with general speech underdevelopment, children with mental retardation and children with mild mental retardation. The following hypotheses were adopted for the study: divergent thinking is inherent in all primary school students, regardless of the type of dysontogenesis; the level of development of divergent thinking will be higher in primary school students with intact intellect; The manifestation of some personality traits affects the development of divergent thinking differently depending on the type of dysontogenesis. To confirm the hypotheses, a battery of tests was used: "Use of an object (newspaper)", "Hypothetical situation", "Word association" (book)", "Composing images". The conducted study allows us to draw the following conclusions: regardless of the intellectual level, divergent thinking is inherent in each individual, but manifests itself in different ways. Based on reliable differences using Student's T-criterion, four groups tested on three parameters of divergent thinking showed a peculiar manifestation of divergent thinking. The difference is that the lower the level of intelligence, the lower the ability to see and find various original, positive solutions to a difficult situation. Personal characteristics that open up the possibility of developing divergent thinking have been identified.Key words: divergent thinking, general underdevelopment of speech, mental retardation, mild degree of mental retardation.
Pisarev V.A. UNIVERSAL COMPETENCIES AS THE BASIS FOR DEVELOPING A PROGRAM FOR THE ADAPTATION OF ENTRY-LEVEL SPECIALISTS TO NEW PROFESSIONAL CONDITIONSNumerous studies of the modern labor market indicate a steady increase in staff turnover due to a combination of economic, organizational, social and personal reasons. In addition, a new trend has been identified, expressed in willingness to change jobs, places of work, and a decrease in fear of losing their jobs, which is especially typical for entry-level employees. Modern work carried out in the field of social management among the reasons for this phenomenon, along with traditional economic reasons, highlight such as the need to form an organizational culture of companies, create a system of motivation for employees and the implementation of adaptation programs. Despite the fact that companies are actively implementing such programs, developing them independently or with the invitation of specialists, staff turnover does not decrease. Based on the analysis of adaptation programs offered by companies for entry-level specialists, the necessity of building these programs is justified, taking into account the modern requirements for specialists in the digital society, developing the phenomenon of transprofessionalism, as well as taking into account the difficulties encountered in the process of adapting employees to a new workplace. The logic of building adaptation programs is revealed, focused not only on familiarizing employees with basic work processes, the workplace and its professional tasks, but also on developing universal competencies (cognitive, socio-behavioral and communicative). The conditions for the implementation of adaptation programs have been identified, contributing to the development of motivation and awareness by specialists of opportunities for self-improvement and the development of competencies relevant to information society specialists. The first is to involve experienced colleagues in the implementation of the adaptation program, using the “Job shadowing” technology. The second is the implementation of adaptation in the natural environment of intra–company interaction. The third is the use of modern tools for maintaining employee communication in real and virtual space. It is noted that the adaptation program is implemented consistently in compliance with the stages of adaptation, at each of which the necessary competencies are formed and the tasks of adaptation are solved.Key words: professional adaptation, difficulties in professional adaptation, universal competencies of a digital society employee, transprofessionalism, adaptation program.
Sysoeva M.S. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF SCHOOLCHILDREN AS A PROBLEM OF EDUCATIONAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE MODERN WORLDIn today’s world of instability and rapid change, education faces the need to transform itself to prepare individuals who are able to adapt to instability and uncertainty. I focus on students’ research activities as a key tool for developing antifragility — the ability not only to cope with challenges, but also to thrive in them. Research work integrates fundamental knowledge with real-world problem-solving skills, develops creativity, critical thinking, and metacognitive abilities. The study highlights the importance of moving from linear educational models to adaptive approaches that meet the challenges of the VUCA (uncertainty, complexity), BANI (fragility, anxiety), and SHIVA (destruction and renewal) paradigms. Fundamental education, based on a research approach, becomes not only a basis for acquiring knowledge, but also a platform for developing values, personal beliefs, and a willingness to make life-changing decisions. Teachers play a special role in the process of transforming education. They create conditions for the internal motivation of schoolchildren, provide emotional support and guide them on the path of independent knowledge. Research activities integrated into school programs through project-based learning and cooperation with universities serve as a link between traditional education and the skills of the future. This is especially evident in solving current social and scientific problems, which contributes not only to the development of students, but also to the transformation of their worldview. I came to the conclusion that the key element of education in the 21st century is the ability of schools to form individuals with antifragility, creativity and scientific thinking. Only value-based and research-oriented education can ensure sustainable progress in a chaotic global space. The formation of ethically mature, proactive and adaptive citizens is a priority that requires the combined efforts of teachers, scientists and society. In this context, research activities become the basis of transformative education and the foundation for positive changes in society.Key words: research activities of schoolchildren, antifragility, VUCA paradigm, BANI paradigm, SHIVA paradigm, fundamental education, creativity, adaptability, transformation of education, value thinking.
Digtyar O.Y. COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT OF LAW STUDENTS OF NON-LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITIES WHEN STUDYING ENGLISHLaw enforcement practice, international treaties, litigation, legal consultations and other areas of legal activity increasingly require knowledge of professional vocabulary and the ability to conduct legal communication in English. In this regard, the development of communicative competence of law students in the process of studying the discipline “Foreign Language in Jurisprudence” is of particular importance. The purpose of my research is to study approaches to the formation of communicative competence in law students within the framework of the discipline “Foreign Language in Jurisprudence”, as well as to consider the main components of communicative competence, its importance for the professional growth of future lawyers. The study focuses on the development of effective methods and approaches that contribute to the active acquisition of a foreign language, such as situational modeling, the use of real legal cases, participation in role-playing games and trials. It is noted that these methods help students not only improve their language skills, but also develop skills in legal argumentation, analysis, as well as the ability to conduct professional negotiations and discussions. The practical application of the methods emphasizes the importance of digital technologies, online courses and specialized platforms that allow students to study legal English in depth and interact with international legal practice. The methods and approaches I propose, namely their practical application, including debates and work with legal documentation, contribute to the development of all aspects of communicative competence: oral and written speech, reading and listening. On this basis, practical recommendations are offered for improving the process of teaching the discipline “Foreign Language in the Field of Jurisprudence” to law students. The approaches I propose are aimed at preparing students for successful professional activity, ensuring their competitiveness in the international legal environment and improving their level of foreign language proficiency in the legal field.Key words: communicative competence, foreign language, legal education, situational modeling, legal cases, debates, digital technologies, written speech, oral speech, professional vocabulary.
Irgasheva T.G., Tokmashova T.A. INTRODUCTION TO THE SHORSKY HEROIC EPIC IN RUSSIAN LESSONS IN HIGH SCHOOL (USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE KEMEROVO REGION)The development of mankind is impossible without taking into account national characteristics and ethnic differences that bring people together and cause interest in cultural traditions and values. In the Kemerovo region of the Russian Federation, the UN Assembly resolution on the preservation of cultures and languages is being implemented systematically. The stages of development for three years are outlined. Previous years and the experience of neighboring regions and republics aimed at preserving the language and culture of peoples are analyzed. Our study is devoted to the problem of preserving the culture of the small Shor people of the Kemerovo region using the example of experimental Russian language lessons in senior grades. At the first stage, we found out the level of knowledge of students about the culture and traditions of the Shor people of the Kemerovo region. The ascertaining stage of the experiment showed that students, living among the Shor population, do not know the culture and literature of this people. The next stage of work with students was familiarization with the literature and culture of the Shor people. Working with the text. By exploring the culture of the Shor minority people living in the Kemerovo region of the Russian Federation, students become not just observers but also active participants in cultural exchange. They discover new things, expand their horizons and learn to respect the diversity of human lives. The Russian language, as a common tool, unites them in this important research process, allowing them to draw conclusions, discuss and analyze data, taking a step towards a dialogue of cultures.Key words: cultural preservation, cultural cooperation, mutual influence, indigenous peoples, interethnic interaction, Russian language lesson, dialogue of cultures, multicultural education, Shor heroic epic.
Belonovskaya I.D., Glinskaya N.Yu., Kornipaeva A.A., Terentyev A.A. FEATURES OF DESIGNING ASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE “FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY” FOR FUTURE ENGINEERSMassive online courses have become an integral element in the complex of pedagogical technologies for training future engineers. The problem of integrating foreign MOOC courses is the inconsistency of their content with the content of academic disciplines of the Russian School of Mechanical Engineering. The initial idea of borrowing foreign distance learning courses has transformed into a program for creating domestic platforms for exchanging original domestic developments. The author’s electronic course “Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Technology” in the MOOC format represents a version of educational content that is organically and consistently combined with previous and subsequent disciplines of the OSU curriculum. Thematic modules are created according to a universal scheme and are presented by a set of different formats: video, presentations and notes with test tasks, glossaries, modular and final tests. The techniques of end-to-end visualization of the educational course are used through a single visual series of production objects in lectures, practices and laboratory work; discrete visualization of technological processes through video filming and “gluing” elements of continuous technological processes of mechanical engineering, demonstration of physical prototypes of production objects. Thematic modules contain video lectures, duplicate presentations for quick viewing and a fairly wide text material with a built-in control function. The main advantages of this MOOC, as shown by the experience of integration into the educational process, include accessibility for understanding by a wide range of students, which is combined with terminological correctness, brevity and concentration of presentation of the necessary materials, visualization of the processes and objects being studied, and interactive capabilities. Common disadvantages inherent in all MOOCs include the large time costs of its creation and the impossibility of making changes based on feedback. The course is implemented independently of the teacher, so it is difficult to quickly respond to the results of its use.Key words: massive online courses, MOOC, discipline “Fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology”, distance learning technologies.
Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N. THE TOPIC “CAUCHY PROBLEM” IN UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME EDUCATIONReforming higher education naturally leads to a reduction in the share of classroom studies, which negatively affects the study of disciplines in the mathematical cycle. Thus, there is a need to strengthen the role of independent work of students. It is possible to increase the effectiveness of independent work by using interdisciplinary links with specialized disciplines. For studying the topic “Cauchy Problem for First-Order ODE” by students of engineering programs in full-time and part-time education, we propose a new applied approach, during which the concept of the Cauchy problem is naturally introduced, the meaning of its initial condition is revealed and the main requirements for the problem under consideration and its solution are substantiated. The proposed approach should include a number of necessary stages. To increase the effectiveness of independent work, it is advisable to use the appropriate methodological support. Depending on the direction, it is possible to use methodological instructions, interactive methodological instructions integrated with video files, applications written in various high-level languages, etc. Thus, the study of the topic “Cauchy Problem for First-Order ODE” by students of engineering directions of disciplines should take place in an inseparable unity with the main disciplines of the direction and with the history of engineering and mathematics with the wide application of information technologies.Key words: cauchy problem, ordinary differential equation, applied approach to learning, independent work, information technology, methodology of teaching mathematics in higher education.
Degtiareva E.M. READINESS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS SPECIALISTS FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN CORPORATE TRAININGIn connection with the requirements of employers for the level of foreign language proficiency, information systems specialists must have written and oral business communication skills at a sufficiently high level, and therefore be ready for business communication. To do this, it is worth analyzing in more detail the term “professional readiness” of the above-mentioned specialists for business communication. The purpose of the study was to identify the components that affect the development of communication skills, as well as the ability to conduct discussions in an intercultural context and conduct business negotiations. In the course of my theoretical study of the works of Russian and foreign scientists, it was revealed that the author's concept of the term “professional readiness” for business communication of information systems specialists in a foreign language in the context of corporate training is that due to the development of professional and personal qualities of a specialist, favorable conditions are created for successful business communication in English, vocabulary increases, skills in the professional field of activity develop and improve, specialists learn to express their position in a reasoned and logical manner, thereby thinking structurally and speaking more confidently in front of a large audience, which also contributes to the professional development of an individual. The concept of “professional readiness” includes the following components: cognitive, motivational-value and activity. The effectiveness of training information systems specialists for business communication in a foreign language depends not only on the synthesis of cognitive, motivational-value and activity components, but also on the use of modern information technologies, which also affect the level of motivation of specialists. Thus, it can be argued that in the process of training specialists in the field of information systems for business communication in a foreign language, conditions are created for effective teaching of the English language. This is achieved through targeted actions that contribute to the comprehensive development of both professional and personal skills, and also strengthen the motivational aspects of learning a foreign language using the latest educational technologies.Key words: corporate training, readiness of specialists for business communications, components of specialist readiness for business communications, training of information systems specialists in a foreign language.
Yezhova T.V., Sanzharovskaya K.Y. THE POTENTIAL OF THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE “FOREIGN LANGUAGE” IN THE FORMATION OF A FUTURE TEACHER’S RESEARCH COMPETENCECurrently, the formation of professional competencies of university students in the context of multi-level education involves the development of the need for continuous self-education in students. The need to develop the intellectual potential of a future specialist, stimulate research skills and abilities determined the relevance of the process of forming students' research competence. At the same time, the formation of research competence in the educational space of a university should be comprehensive and carried out, among other things, within the framework of specialized disciplines. The integration of research activities into the process of foreign language teaching should be carried out in stages and solve the following problems: familiarize students with the basics of research activities, provide methodological training of students, promote the development of skills in working with authentic professionally oriented sources. The potential of the discipline "Foreign Language" in the formation of research competence of students of pedagogical universities is as follows: a foreign language provides theoretical and methodological training, familiarizing students with the basics of research activities and the methodology of conducting research; provides opportunities for working with authentic materials; allows to adapt the content of scientific literature to a certain level of training of students; finally, research activity in a foreign language is an additional incentive to study the language and improve language skills. At the same time, there are a number of difficulties that students may encounter in the process of research work in a foreign language: inability to identify the problem and relevance of the study, difficulty in formulating the goal and objectives of the study, inability to work with foreign-language information, difficulty in interpreting scientific terminology, literal translation, falsification and distortion of scientific information. We have identified the following stages of the formation of research competence through the discipline "Foreign Language": preparatory, search, productive and final, which correspond to the components of research competence - motivational, cognitive, activity, reflexive. Consistent implementation of the identified stages of the formation of research competence in the process of foreign language training of a future specialist contributes to the gradual formation of all its components and ensures their continuity.Key words: foreign language studying, research competence, professional training of a future teacher, foreign language education.
Marina O.V., Glushkova S.A. TEACHING EMOTIVE STABLE COMBINATIONS IN CLASSES ON RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ON THE MATERIAL OF A REGIONAL TEXT: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL APPROACHESThe study of stable combinations, combinations of words, phrases, sentences, syntactically and phraseologically related and denoting a range of emotions that are not created by the speaker or writer, but reproduced by them as already existing, is an integral part of the work on the formation of speech activity in line with linguistic and cultural approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language. In the context of the Russian language as a foreign language, it is important to work with all stable combinations, since their use is associated with the function of influencing the interlocutor, which becomes especially significant in the framework of communication (including interethnic and intercultural). The study of stable combinations takes place in several stages: the first one includes work on the formation of knowledge in a foreign speaker about what stable combinations, emotive stable combinations and their groups are; The second one is devoted to working with a regional text through the emotive stable combinations found in it. The research material was emotive stable combinations from V.M. Shukshin’s short story “A roof over your head”. The choice of the text is due to the need to include a regional component in the learning process, which acts as a tool for forming an idea of the host country. The selected stable combinations have the following meanings: neutral emotive, negative emotive and emotive component with the meaning of disapproval (phraseological phrases). Mastering stable combinations of each of the designated semantic groups allows the speaker, on the one hand, to use ready-made formulas expressing the most appropriate emotional response, which implements the regulatory and evaluative intentions necessary for advanced levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language, on the other hand, to pay attention to themes, characters, situations described in texts, conditioned by their regional and regional features.Key words: emotive combinations, stable combinations, Russian as a foreign language, linguistic approach, cultural approach, regional text.
Morozova A.L. SELECTED ISSUES OF STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE)The issues of staff professional development in modern higher education are traditionally given exceptional attention both by the management of the institution and directly by the staff themselves. The purpose of this study was to present the overall experience of the Financial University and the Department of English and Professional Communication in terms of implementing advanced training courses for teachers and other specialists. It has been established that the courses, as a kind of interdependent and conscious process, have an obvious positive impact not only directly on the employee’s work efficiency, but also on the quality of the institution’s human resources as a whole. The courses are a definite tool for achieving the strategic goals of the university. Practice shows that teachers and scientific and pedagogical staff of universities are one of the key resources of universities, since they directly interact with students who consume educational products, they act as a driving force for science and the ratings of universities largely depend on them. The accumulated experience of the Moscow Financial University in this area is presented and the work of the Department of English and Professional Communication and the Dialectum Center for Innovative Educational and Language Strategies in launching various courses is summarized. The project “Staff workshop” of the Financial University, launched in 2020 and designed to restructure and systematize the system and production processes involved in the implementation of employee training programs, is briefly described. The author outlined the pedagogical, didactic and methodological components of the English for Lawyers course and the professional retraining program on the topic: “Translator in the field of jurisprudence”. A number of other successfully implemented projects of the Department were noted. It is recognized that the launch and implementation of courses allows the university, among other things, to see key trends and directions of development in the field of practice, to keep up with the times and even stay ahead of it, anticipating further trends in the development of the labor market.Key words: advanced training courses, students, teaching methods, university, staff.
Nuriev N.K., Starygina S.D. PARAMETRIC DIDACTICS: DEVELOPMENT OF THE CYBER-PHYSICAL CONCEPT IN EDUCATIONIn parametric didactics, all issues of organizing and implementing training are considered based on a systems approach. The behavior, efficiency, and reliability of any system (biological, didactic, economic, technical, etc.) are characterized by the size and balance of the state of resources, which are reflected in the "order parameters" or key parameters. At the same time, in the most general sense, any dynamic system functions according to the same law: input resources to the system are transformed into output resources under the influence of control resources using the resources of the mechanism. In the study, the mind is considered as a dynamic system, which in the modern interpretation is a neural hypernetwork structure of the brain with its own resources. Reason, by its evolutionary nature, is a means of human survival in the living environment by solving problems. As a postulate, it can be stated that the more complex the problem, the more balanced resources of the mind are needed to solve it. In this context, any training system (didactic system) can be considered as a system for updating the means of survival based on an increase in the resources of the mind. Parametric didactics is a continuation of didactics, i.e. the science of effective organization and implementation of problem-based learning in a parametric format, in which educational activities are aimed at rapid development of intellectual resources of the student's mind, the state of which is formally represented through a set of key parameters. The conceptual model of organization and implementation of learning in a parametric format can be presented as follows: 1. Before the start of learning, the values of key parameters are established, the ability to solve problems depends on the current values. 2. A problem-based learning environment is formed, where any questions and problems are assessed in numbers by complexity. 3. A flexible pedagogical process of problem-based learning transformed into a parametric format is organized. 4. A cyber assistant for the teacher is involved in the processes of monitoring, decision-making, management, and preparation of didactic materials.Key words: parametric didactics, cyber-physical educational systems, learning parameterization, teacher’s cyber-assistant.
Petrova S.D., Belonovskaya I.D. ON THE ISSUE OF DESIGNING METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR THE ACTIVITIES OF A VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TEACHER IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FEDERAL PROJECT “PROFESSIONALITET”The growing shortage of personnel in the real sector of the economy has become a driver of interaction between vocational education and industry. The Federal Project "Professionalitet" implements intensive programs for training personnel in educational and production centers (EPC) "colleges — technical schools — industry employers". The activities of EPC teachers require mastering the skills of designing new types of software products. The experience of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region "Institute for Education Development" has revealed the need to develop specialized methodological support for teachers of secondary vocational education. The structure of the targeted teaching aid we have developed meets the concept of the Federal Project "Professionalitet", revealing innovative goals, objectives, key features, principles and characteristics of the activities of a teacher of secondary vocational education, invariant with respect to the direction of training. Testing of the teaching aid revealed the need to include a variable part and a set of appendices in its structure. The variable part presents examples of a specific development of an intensive educational program for a certain profession. The specification allowed teachers to compare the professional components of the student's competencies and the content of the assessment documentation set for conducting a demonstration exam, establish areas of interaction with employers and mentors, clarify the composition and preparedness of its experts and developers, and determine the specifics of their own methodological, educational and upbringing activities. The didactic role of the application set consists in presenting instructions, models, templates for the design and completion of documents, tabular forms and other examples of developing elements of intensive OPC programs. The criteria-based assessment of the supplemented version of the manual revealed a sufficient level of quality of the methodological product and its relevance in the implementation of the federal project "Professionalitet".Key words: teacher of secondary vocational education, methodological support, Federal project “Professionalitet”, educational and industrial cluster.
Semenova N.G., Komissarova T.V. IMPLEMENTATION OF SUBJECT FEATURES IN ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES FOR PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINES OF ELECTRICAL STUDENTSThe modern process of development of society is characterized by the fourth industrial revolution, also called Industry 4.0. This process consists in the digital transformation of society, and is characterized by rapid change in technologies, rapidly changing and growing volume of information, implementation of digital technologies in life. Modern education is characterized by the introduction of electronic educational resources (EER) into the educational process. In our research we identified and substantiated the subject features of teaching professional disciplines to students in the field of training 13.03.02 Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, and ways of their implementation in EER through the didactic capabilities of ICT. We identified two groups of subject features: basic and additional. The main group of features characterizes the distinctive characteristics of teaching professional disciplines to electrical students. Based on the analysis of the main goals of the country’s development and scientific and pedagogical literature, we identified a group of additional features that reflect the focus of teaching electrical students on professional activities through the interaction of “university-enterprise”. The identified subject features will allow to adjust the structure and content of professionally oriented EOR. As was revealed in the course of scientific research, the subject features and their implementation through the didactic capabilities of ICT are universal for all disciplines of the professional cycle of the training direction Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering.Key words: digital transformation of education, interaction between university and industrial enterprise, electronic educational resources, training of electrical engineers.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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