№ 1 (229), 24 february 2021
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Людмила Алексеевна ВЕРБИЦКАЯ (1936–2019), советский и российский лингвист-русист, ректор Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета (1994—2008) и затем его президент (2008—2019). Президент (2013—2018) и почетный президент (2018—2019)
Российской академии образования, академик РАО (1995). Доктор филологических наук, профессор, член Совета по русскому языку при Правительстве Российской Федерации. Лауреат премии Президента Российской Федерации в области образования. Почетный
гражданин Санкт-Петербурга. Является автором более 300 научных и учебно-методических работ в области русского и общего языкознания, фонетики, фонологии и методики преподавания русского языка. Отмечена многочисленными правительственными наградами.
Akimov L.A., Ryndak V.G. DEVELOPMENTAL POTENTIAL OF THE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE CULTURE FORMATION OF A FUTURE TEACHERS SAFE LIFESTYLEThe increase in the crisis phenomena of modern life determines the social order for pedagogical universities to establish a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher, who is capable of timely and appropriate actions to meet the ever-increasing challenges of ensuring safety in education and raising a viable generation. The fruitful actualization and realization of the developing potential of the educational environment of the pedagogical university to achieve the effectiveness of the process under study is in demand. The purpose of our theoretical research was to substantiate the developing potential of the educational environment of the pedagogical university in the formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher and the experience of its implementation. The concept of “developing potential of the educational environment of a pedagogical university” is considered by us as a set of resources and opportunities. They can be successfully implemented by the subjects of pedagogical education in the selected areas to ensure the necessary and sufficient pedagogical, didactic, organizational conditions for the formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher. The resources and capabilities of the developing potential of the educational environment of a pedagogical university are classified by us as available means that determine the achievement of the effectiveness of the process under study. What is fundamentally new in the results of our research is the allocation of normative-cultural, didactic-professional and interactive-productive spheres in the developing potential of the educational environment of a pedagogical university, within which the allocated opportunities and resources are implemented. Thus, it is advisable to structure the developing potential of the educational environment in the totality of resources, opportunities, and areas in which the effectiveness of the formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher is achieved. Resources and opportunities can be demanded by university teachers for a socially determined, pedagogically accompanied process of changing the professional and personal quality of a teacher.Key words: potential, educational environment, culture of a safe lifestyle, future teacher.
Dmitrieva E.V., Terekhova G.V. TRAINING OF MASTER’S DEGREE STUDENTS IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGEThe level of professional training and qualification of a specialist is often determined by the ability to communicate with colleagues and use databases in a foreign language. The main goal of the work was to study the influence of a number of competencies on the development of a student’s perception of a foreign language culture, based on the principles of tolerance, openness to the opinions and positions of a communication partner. The authors showed how the formed characteristics of the secondary linguistic personality allow the subject of educational activity to take part in indirect and direct intercultural communication, improve the quality of foreign language proficiency, both with a teacher and independently. The result of the study was the identification of the nature of the influence of business communication on the success in mutual understanding of communication participants in the process of creating a common communicative and pragmatic space.Key words: business communication, speech behavior skills, linguocultural interaction, internal aspects of development, communicative competence, empathic competence, intercultural communication.
Ivanischeva N.A., Kochemasova L.A. SELF-EDUCATION AS A TREND OF THE PARADIGM OF KNOWLEDGE CULTURE STUDENT OF PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITYSelf-education is one of the main types of student learning activities of the Pedagogical University. In the process of self-education, the intellectual activity regulator is the culture of knowledge. The knowledge of natural science disciplines occurs from the position of the individual style of self-education “outside the template”, reproduction of values of culture and their transformation in the educational work of the individual. The professional and personal qualities of the student reflect its self-educational competence in the aggregate of the objective, motivational-semantic and regulatory and reflective components. The purpose of our study is to identify the levels of self-education competence in students of pedagogical universities of the Volga and Ural Federal Districts of Russia in the field of natural science disciplines and the factors of its development. Cognitive motive and motive of self-realization are key in manifestation of self-education competence. The level of development of self-education competence was recorded by the statistical program “IBM SPSS Statistics 22” on average indicators and selective standard deviation. In our proposed concept, the phenomenon of self-education competence is first reviewed in the context of its development at the subject of the pedagogical profession. We are proved that the need for the creation of pedagogical constructs increases in a transforming educational environment, which would provide a transition from traditional self-education samples to building its own model of scientific and practical training technologies. The results of the study made it possible to identify differences in students of younger and senior courses in personal interest to continuously engage in self-education activities for their professional personal development.Key words: self-education, paradigm, pedagogical university, student culture of knowledge, professional and personal development, self-educational competence.
Ioannidi V.A. PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF MIDDLE-AGED ADULT LEARNERS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORTThe attitude to age in Russia and abroad is rapidly changing. Now middle-aged adults are fairly recognized as capable of continuing their educational and professional activities, active self-development, long-term economic activity and financial independence. Middle-aged adults remain involved in social life in the family and society, and are ready to develop professionally and personally throughout their lives. The process of supporting professional self-development in the educational environment should be holistic and systemically organized, in which psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for successful professional training and personal self-development. In the course of the theoretical study clarified the meaning of “professional self-development of students middle-age adults”; the highlighted stages of psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-development for adults; evaluation of the level of readiness of students of middle-age adults and their actual involvement in the process of professional self-development; updated pedagogical and psychological conditions of psychological and pedagogical support of students middle-age adults; the effectiveness of the activities of the participants of the developed support program and the effectiveness of the program as a whole are analyzed. Professional self-development of middle-aged adult students is possible through the implementation of a program of psychological and pedagogical support. For an effective process of supporting professional self-development, it is necessary to create an appropriate educational environment and conditions for the formation of students involvement and readiness in this process.Key words: professional self-development, support, learning adults, middle age.
Kamensky A.M. PUPIL SELF-READING AT SCHOOL AND AT HOMEThe study examines the issues of introducing a student to independent reading, the development of the need for reading, the ability to choose the right book, and make the appropriate necessary selection of literature. Theoretical research showed the reading preferences of a modern child, a change in the circle of his reading interests. There are approaches to reading on electronic media and in the traditional “paper” format. The interrelation of reading and the child's desire for his own literary creation, the implementation of other types of creative activity is traced. Despite the decline in reading culture, children began to pay much more attention to reading. Large reading projects have emerged, such as Successful Reading, Time to Read, Good Lyre, etc. A national program for the support and development of reading for 2018–2023, Reading Childhood, has appeared. The Good Lyre project was conceived in our basic lyceum No. 590 in St. Petersburg. The essence of the project is to organize a literary competition for professional writers and to involve students, teachers and parents as a public jury to evaluate the works sent to the competition. Its main task is to familiarize schoolchildren with meaningful reading of modern prose, promote their mastery of the technology of independent book selection, and develop the ability to conduct a discussion on what they have read. During the implementation of the project, reading affects the personal development of the student, the formation of his individuality, the stimulation of such processes as self-knowledge, self-determination, self-development, self-realization.Key words: meaningful reading of a student, reading need, literary and pedagogical competition, development of individuality, creative activity of a child.
Kiryakova A.V., Speshilova N.V., Gorelikova-Kitaeva O.G. PROS AND CONS OF QUALIFICATION WORK DEFENCE IN STARTUP FORMTo date, students of all higher educational institutions of our country have the opportunity to submit for defense as a final qualifying work (WQ) not a classic diploma, but a real startup. Over the four years that have passed since the beginning of the implementation of such an opportunity in practice, many Russian universities, including our Orenburg State University, have developed their own trajectory in this direction. In this article, we have made an attempt to analyze the experience gained. The issue of the legality of accounting for diplomas in the form of startups is considered, the features of start-up projects and the most obvious differences between the final qualification work performed in the form of startups and the classical FQP are highlighted. It is noted that during the transition to a new form of defense, clearly focused on the practical component, the stages of work on the final qualifying work, its structure and procedure for defense change. We identified a number of issues arising in connection with the organization of the defense of FQPs in the form of startups at the University: the inexpediency of distributing start-up diplomas to all students; the need for a detailed development of the Regulation on the protection of the final qualifying work in the form of a startup; revising curricula with the aim of developing students’ skills in developing start-ups and developing their entrepreneurial mindset; Difficulty finding ideas for startups organizational issues related to the appointment, incentives and remuneration of WRC leaders in a new form; providing students with the opportunity to switch to the usual form of protection in the event of a failure in the development of a startup. In conclusion, the advantages of protecting FQPs in the form of startups, identified on the basis of the experience of Russian universities and expert opinions, are presented, and the prospects for the implementation of this form are outlined. Key words: final qualifying work, form of protection, start-up, project.
Kobseva N.I. PROCEDURAL MODEL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY UNIVERSITY TEACHER PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES DEVELOPMENTCurrently, the main activity of the University is to meet the needs of the individual in knowledge, knowledge acquires the status of an “independent value” that allows it to adapt and function successfully in the modern world. This requires proper personnel support, development and implementation of a targeted program for creating teaching staff, including modern forms of management of the development of professional competencies of teachers of higher education institutions. The aim of the research is to develop a procedural model for the development of professional competencies of a teacher at a multidisciplinary University. The experience of numerous practices and observations allowed me to say that the professional competence of a teacher is formed based on the directions of his activity, provided that knowledge is updated, the development of value-motivational orientations of the teacher’s personality and the activation of research activities. Under the professional competencies of a University teacher, I see an integrative system of values, personal qualities, professional orientations, motivational activity, abilities, and a set of knowledge aimed at achieving a high-quality result of a teacher’s multifunctional activities (educational, educational, methodical, tutoring, scientific, administrative, social, and managerial). Based on my theoretical research, I have constructed a procedural model for the development of professional competencies of a teacher at a multidisciplinary University. The model is developed taking into account the key clusters of professional competencies of the teacher in the context of the main activities of the formation of personnel policy and strategic development of the educational institution. Summarizing the results of the research, I came to the conclusion that the implementation of the competence model contributes to the implementation of the main goals of continuous professional development of a higher school teacher in the context of education management and the achievement of the final quality result of his activity — a professional, competitive, in-demand University graduate. In my opinion, the development of professional competencies of teachers is focused on the quality of students ‘ education, which is one of the most important indicators of not only the accreditation of an educational institution, but also its image.Key words: procedural model, professional competencies, teacher, university, development, education, management.
Kulueva T.V. ORGANIZATION OF ADOLESCENTS RESEARCH PROJECTS IN TOURISM AND LOCAL HISTORYThe relevance of the appeal to the organization of research projects of adolescents in tourism and local history in institutions of additional education is justified by the need to educate an growing citizen who is able to critically understand and appreciate the most important historical events, prominent individuals, small Motherland, adequately and perceive information of a social nature and actively learn new areas of knowledge, assign universal values (Man, Family, Labor, Knowledge, Culture, Earth, World, Fatherland) within the framework of accessible improvement of the surrounding world. Tourism and local history is a peculiar basis for the implementation of research projects of adolescents in the real format of life, forming the development of an active life position of a holistic-oriented person — an growing patriot and citizen during acquaintance with the history and nature of his native land, communication coherence in choosing goals, coordinating positions, virtuosity in the application of methods of solving personal and group problems when developing a socially needed project, its presentation and protection. In tourist and local history projects of additional education institutions , adolescents are given the opportunity to freely choose their fields of activity. Their personal interests, needs, abilities are taken into account, as well as the possibility of their free self-determination and self-realization. Organization of research projects in tourism and local history activities with the following possibilities: semantic (organization of multilevel communications of subjects of axiological communication, exchange of moral ideas, feelings, ideas, values), transforming (activation of positive self-attitude of adolescents, translation of samples of accumulated experience of constructive interaction into various spheres of society), integration (freedom of teenagers to choose forms, methods of tourist and local history activities), the author presents in the form of a structure: motive — problem — goal — tasks — methods and methods — plan — actions — results — reflection. This structure is described on the example of the tourist and local history association “Seekers” MBUDO “Center for Additional Education” in Tulgan and is a real technological chain, which in turn consists of five “P”: problem, search, design, product, presentation.Key words: additional education of children, tourism and local history, possibilities of tourism and local history, research project, teenager.
Osiyanova A.V., Muratova N.A. DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE BY MEANS OF GAME APPLICATIONSThe standards of modern higher education determine the requirements for the preparation of a university graduate who speaks a foreign language and is competent in the field of intercultural communication. In this regard, in the field of linguistic education, the appeal to innovative technologies is being actualized, ensuring the improvement of foreign language communicative competence and increasing motivation for mastering a foreign language. The linguo-didactic potential of gaming applications is of particular interest to researchers. Foreign language communicative competence is the student’s ability and willingness to carry out foreign language intercultural and interpersonal communication in variable authentic spheres and situations. The development of linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational components of foreign language communicative competence involves the deepening of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities about all types of speech activity by means of reproductive, problem-search, project and game teaching methods. Learning through play by means of modern gaming applications creates a comfortable environment for active mastery of the language being studied. In the course of observations and experimental work, the linguo-didactic potential of the game applications “Memrise”, “The Phrasal Verbs Machine”, “Quizlet”, “Words, Sounds: Pronunciation App”, “Learn English with SpeakingPal” in the linguistic education of students was revealed, which is expressed in the possibilities their application for the purpose of purposeful assimilation of lexical and grammatical material and its further application in foreign language speech activity, ensuring the development of all components of foreign language communicative competence. The choice of game applications is due to the age characteristics of students, their cognitive interests, the level of foreign language proficiency, the specifics of the integration of synchronous and asynchronous independent work. The study found that the positive effect of using the considered game applications in the development of foreign language communicative competence is manifested in the successful mastering of language material, the development of communication skills, and increased motivation for the educational process in general.Key words: foreign language communicative competence, linguo-didactic potential, game application, student, English.
Pak L.G., Mullova E.P. PREVENTION PECULIARITIES OF TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEFORMATION IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONThe issue of preventing professional deformation of a teacher in an educational organization arouses a stable interest on the part of science and practice in the context of improving the quality of educational services provided to students in an educational organization. The professional deformation of the teacher is considered by us as accumulated changes in the qualities of the pedagogical worker under the influence of professional activity, social (external) and individual (internal) factors that negatively affect the quality of the labor functions of the subject of pedagogical labor, building a professional-personal life prospects, ways of self-improvement and self-realization. The study of scientific literature on the problem of research allowed us to meaningfully describe the prevention of professional deformation of a teacher in an educational organization as a process of appropriately designed measures aimed at minimizing the probability of distortion of the professional and personal profile of a pedagogical worker by updating the personal potential of a specialist and the resource opportunities of the environment (school, family, society) to optimize pedagogical work, create stress tolerance, improve the quality of life, achieve professional longevity of a teacher. We are justified ways (diagnostic, psychological and pedagogical, fascinating, vocational and amkmeological) of prevention of the teacher’s deformation, which allow to reduce negative factors leading to the manifestation of destructive changes in the teacher’s personality, were analyzed. We have identified organizational concentrators for preventing professional deformation of the teacher: a value-sense concentrate (activation of the value-sense position of timely stabilization of the professional functioning of the teacher in the present and future; developing confidence in the self-effectiveness and self-control of difficult situations; the implementation of external incentives for the formation of labor motivation; creation of a creative, psychological-safe atmosphere of professional achievements); informational and informative concentrate (expansion of the teacher’s awareness range about his own resources, as well as about the resources of the micro- and macrosocium in preventing professional deformation; accumulation of ideas about ways of professional self-development, self-improvement, stress resistance, self-preservation); A proactive concentrate (integrated use of externally defined and internally conditioned resources to address behavioural risk situations in education; mastering the ways of introspection, self-regulation of the emotional-will sphere; development of skills to build constructive professional communications; promoting the professional and personal growth of a teacher).Key words: professional deformation, teacher, educational organization, prevention, destructive manifestations, professional formation of teacher, organizational concentrators.
Pikalova G.K. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT EXPERIENCE FOR THE FORMATION OF STUDENTS' PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS FOR THE FINAL CERTIFICATIONToday, there is a wide variety of models of psychological and pedagogical support, each of which is focused on providing assistance and support to all subjects of the educational process, taking into account the specifics of the identified problems. Purpose of the study: to substantiate the experience of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of psychological readiness for final certification, using a theoretical analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, testing, ascertaining and forming an experiment, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results. I have studied the experience of preparing and implementing a program for organizing psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of psychological readiness for final certification, presented in an interactive form of group interaction. This made it possible to identify the possibilities of psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of psychological readiness of students for the final certification and to determine the form and methods of support in the form of trainings. It was revealed that for effective support of the formation of psychological readiness, conditions such as the readiness of the student to change and a favorable educational environment are necessary. The prospect of research on the formation of psychological readiness is seen in the expansion of the forms and methods of accompanying students in preparation for the final certification; creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational organization, necessary and sufficient for the effective formation of all components of psychological readiness, accompanying students.Key words: support, psychological readiness, training program.
Sapukh T.V., Khuzina A.Kh. HYPER-READING AS A NEW READING STRATEGYThe development of modern information technologies changes the forms of presenting educational material in modern learning conditions. On the one hand, there are new opportunities for the rational organization of the text (using the hypertext structure). On the other hand, due to the fragmentation of information, specific additional skills are required for more effective mastering of a foreign language. In the course of our theoretical research, it was found that hyper-reading as a new reading strategy is a quick search for the required information, during which only individual fragments of text are read. It is based on ordinary types of reading. It makes it possible to use modern information technologies and includes the following techniques: filtering, skimming, non-linear selection, value determination, filming, borrowing, de-authorization and fragmentation. Filtering is associated with a greater degree of selectivity when working with nonlinear text. A quick scan allows for less reading. When determining the significance of a lexical unit, students clarify its meaning, they can make a commentary on the educational text. Filming involves relying on photo and video materials, taking into account the situation and context at the pre-text stage of work. Borrowing is aimed at structuring the educational material in accordance with the goals of the reader. De-authorization allows the reader to form his own idea of the content of the studied educational text, to interpret it. Fragmentation makes it possible to highlight the necessary fragments of text, to pay attention to the search for details or facts. These techniques are revealed in experimental work through a specially organized system of exercises for working with hypertext. The study found that hyper-reading as a new reading strategy allows students to activate the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with traditional types of reading via hypertext.Key words: hypertext, hyperreading, strategy, method, reading type, diagnostics, experimental work.
Eremina N.V., Tomin V.V., Kanyukova J.V. ORGANIZATION IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS’ INDEPENDENT WORK IN CROSS-CULTURAL INTERACTIONCurrently, a very urgent problem in the university training system of students in foreign languages is the problem of designing educational and methodological complexes for classroom and extracurricular use. Analysis of this problem’s state in the context of social order allows us to note that the domestic market is insufficiently saturated with the required teaching aids. Existing textbooks differ, as a rule, either by a traditional formal approach or by a hypertrophied professional orientation and the absence of assignments aimed at independent extracurricular work. Educational and methodological complexes at the university level should be built based on communicative, sociocultural, and cognitive approaches. Raising the status of a foreign language in many countries’ education systems poses the task of creating new pedagogical, didactic, and methodological developments of conditions for improving the process of its learning. A characteristic feature of didactic aids is the versatility of their application. The structuredness of educational and methodological complexes in the form of multi-level blocks contributes to developing students of a scientific organization for the development of educational material, free orientation within the course, and the development of practical skills for performing control tasks. The main criteria for selecting material for students’ independent work are problematic, relevance, availability, adequacy, optimality of volume and complexity, the possibility of self-control and self-correction, and variability of tasks. Independent work in a foreign language in the context of cross-cultural interaction at non-linguistic faculties is an obligatory part of the educational process. The main goals are achieving an appropriate level of foreign language communicative competence and preparing graduates for an independent increase in foreign language proficiency. When planning and organizing students’ independent work in cross-cultural interaction, it is necessary to consider their readiness to perform this type of work: psychological, theoretical, practical.Key words: educational and methodological complex, independent work, foreign language speech communication, cross-cultural interaction
Udovichenko E.V., Gorban I.G. DISTANCE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN PHYSICAL CULTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF OSU)Physical education is a means of providing students with skills, attitudes, values, knowledge and understanding of motor activity throughout their life, regardless of their abilities, gender, age, cultural, religious or social origin. However, the pandemic made adjustments to people’s normal lifestyles, which led to the need to master new learning methods using Internet platforms. The transition of the traditional form of education to distance learning in the discipline “Physical Culture” was due to the necessary measure to deter the spread of COVID-19. The operational development at the end of the last school year and the introduction of an online course had some difficulties in the technical and organizational plan. Adapting to this new form of the educational process, universities have developed digital tools and platforms to provide continuing education in a full-fledged mode of work that meets all the requirements of higher education. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to switch to distance education, the development of the course and the use of Internet platforms by the teacher in teaching students at Orenburg State University. Therefore, the improvement of the distance learning process, the creation of an updated course, as well as the planned, deliberate use of online technologies stimulate and facilitate the interaction of the teacher and students. The implementation of this technology makes it possible to effectively solve educational and educational tasks that contribute to increasing interest in instilling skills in self-organization, self-control, self-esteem, activity analysis, developing self-consciousness, self-perception of their own achievements and understanding their dynamics; adapting the content of educational materials to the needs of students; determining the current level of individual results of students; analysis of educational process dynamics, change of its qualitative level.Key words: distance learning, physical education, training courses, Internet technologies, online platforms.
Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N., Averkova E.P. APPEARANCE AND SUBJECTIVE PERSONALITY WELL-BEINGThe article discusses one of the most important topics in the field of human psychology — appearance as value and self-relation, a number of psychological approaches are analyzed to the problem of self-approaching the problem of self-assessment, I-Concept, the role of self-acceptance and subjective interpretation of its appearance in the subjective welfare of the personality is noted. The results of an empirical study of ideas about their appearance through self-relation using the techniques are given: “The test index of life satisfaction (IZZA)”, the adaptation of N. V. Panina, the Questionnaire of Satisfaction “of the Father I” and the methodology of the Research Research S.R. Panteleeva (MIS) . As an object of study, 20 student students of the Orenburg State University were made aged 18 to 23 years old, as well as 20 women aged 38–45 years. The study showed that the image of his “I” from a significant number of women and girls is perceived in a negative plan. And this in turn affects satisfaction with the quality of life and the success of social adaptation. It was also noted that the attitude towards his physical “I” in women of older age is different from the girls of 18–23 years. They are more positive about themselves and the feeling of self-satisfaction and self-proposals are higher.Key words: appearance, self-relation, physical “I”, life satisfaction.
Belonovskaya I.D., Nevolina V.V. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMS OF A STUDENT’S PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENTThe article substantiates the psychological and pedagogical concept of a student’s professional self-development, reveals the identified patterns and principles of developing strategies for a student’s professional self-development, establishes an integrative-project mechanism, presents a procedural model. The authors present the experience of implementing the concept of professional self-development of a student, characterize the pedagogical project of an open network experimental Foresight platform “Strategies for the professional self-development of a student.” Professional self-development is ensured by the integration of the components of the strategic potentials of the student’s personality, interaction and higher education on the basis of their accumulation, integration and transformation. Strategies are manifested in the direction of the design and self-design of a promising developing specialist, which creates an impetus for the development of professional and personal competencies. The scientific and pedagogical prerequisites and tendencies for solving the problem of the student’s professional self-development, conditioned by the study of the structure and content of the student’s professional self-development, the specifics of the conditions of education, principles and patterns, organization, forms, means and methods of activating the processes of self-development, have been established.Key words: professional self-development, psychological and pedagogical concept, strategies and the mechanism of a student’s professional self-development.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |