February 2021, № 1 (229), pages 6-15doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-229-6
Akimov L.A., Ryndak V.G. DEVELOPMENTAL POTENTIAL OF THE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE CULTURE FORMATION OF A FUTURE TEACHERS SAFE LIFESTYLEThe increase in the crisis phenomena of modern life determines the social order for pedagogical universities to establish a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher, who is capable of timely and appropriate actions to meet the ever-increasing challenges of ensuring safety in education and raising a viable generation. The fruitful actualization and realization of the developing potential of the educational environment of the pedagogical university to achieve the effectiveness of the process under study is in demand. The purpose of our theoretical research was to substantiate the developing potential of the educational environment of the pedagogical university in the formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher and the experience of its implementation. The concept of “developing potential of the educational environment of a pedagogical university” is considered by us as a set of resources and opportunities. They can be successfully implemented by the subjects of pedagogical education in the selected areas to ensure the necessary and sufficient pedagogical, didactic, organizational conditions for the formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher. The resources and capabilities of the developing potential of the educational environment of a pedagogical university are classified by us as available means that determine the achievement of the effectiveness of the process under study. What is fundamentally new in the results of our research is the allocation of normative-cultural, didactic-professional and interactive-productive spheres in the developing potential of the educational environment of a pedagogical university, within which the allocated opportunities and resources are implemented. Thus, it is advisable to structure the developing potential of the educational environment in the totality of resources, opportunities, and areas in which the effectiveness of the formation of a culture of a safe lifestyle of the future teacher is achieved. Resources and opportunities can be demanded by university teachers for a socially determined, pedagogically accompanied process of changing the professional and personal quality of a teacher.Key words: potential, educational environment, culture of a safe lifestyle, future teacher.
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About this article
Authors: Akimova L.A., Ryndak V.G.
Year: 2021
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-229-6
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |