№ 2š(220),š23šaprilš2019
Aptikieva L.R. PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT OF OVERCOMING STRESSFUL SITUATIONS IN ADOLESCENCEAn increase in the number of stressful factors that have a traumatic effect on a person, causing emotional stress, a state of stress, necessitates studying the characteristics of responding to stressful situations and overcoming them in adolescents, since age itself from a psychological and pedagogical point of view is a potential source of stress (dramatic changes occur, forcing to overcome stressful situations with the help of psychological resources). Objective: to study the characteristics of stress response and the specifics of the choice of coping strategies for adolescents younger (12–13 years old) and older adolescents (16–17 years old). My theoretical study of the psychological and pedagogical features of adolescence and the features of coping with stressful situations made it possible to identify specific features of age: personal instability; desire for “adult types” of behavior; the emergence of completely new formations, laying the foundation for conscious behavior; a teenager learns to suppress and control his impulsive actions; to defend their right to independence of choice of possible behavior. The experimental study involved 80 people of adolescence: the youngestš— 40 people (12–13 years old); olderš— 40 (16–17 years old); students of school number 64 in Orenburg. Standard methods found that older adolescents have a slightly higher level of stress than younger adolescents. The use of coping strategies in situations of stress is characterized either by the predominance of the emotional or rational aspects. Older adolescents focus on strategic planning, prone to analyze their own experiences in situations of stress. Younger teens are less realistic, but more optimistic. To overcome stressful situations, the choice of coping is individual. It depends on age, situational, personal, sociocultural, regulatory factors.Key words: stress, stressful situations, adolescents, period of ontogenesis, age period, coping, coping behavior, strategies.
Ahmetova N.A., Arypbekova D.D., Myrzabekova M.Zh. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS BY INTERACTIVE METHODS OF TEACHING IN THE CLASSROOM PRACTICAL COURSE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGECurrently, the familiar classical educational paradigm is undergoing significant changes. In the conditions of rapidly developing globalization, the problem of the formation of fluency in the professional sphere of another language is of key character in education. The use of interactive learning technologies can satisfy the need for the formation of communication skills in teaching a foreign language. One of the most important advantages of these technologies is the optimization of various fields of activity. We examined the principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language using the project and role-playing theology using practical exercises on topics related to tourism and the environment. The project method of teaching requires students to be creative when working with information, the student forms his own vision of the material being studied, which helps in the long-term and deeper acquisition of a foreign language. Project work contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary, the development of communicative skills, practical communication skills in the language being studied, as well as the horizons of students. The training of a future specialist should include not only the assimilation of professional knowledge and skills, but also the formation of a personality culture, as well as the mastery of techniques and methods of professional communication. The solution to the problem of passive transfer of knowledge to students and the formation of professional competence is possible through the use of interactive teaching methods in teaching Russian as a foreign language: the project method, role-playing and business games.Key words: professional competence, interactive teaching methods, project method, role-playing, business games.
Kaparova K.M. PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED TRAINING IN THE CLASSROOM FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE STUDENTS OF ECONOMIC DIRECTIONSAt present, more than ever, the problem of the orientation of education on the specialty being mastered is acute in matters of teaching Russian. In the context of globalization, one of the key skills is the ability to speak foreign languages not only in everyday life, but also in the professional sphere. I substantiate the professionally oriented teaching of the Russian language as non-native in the profile of the direction “Economics”. The newest paradigms of education have put forward approaches that are dictated by the socio-economic conditions of the development of society: competence-oriented, personality-oriented, activity-pragmatic and linguocultural. The principles of teaching Russian for economic specialties are presented: the principle of the professional orientation of education; the principle of integrated teaching of the Russian language; the principle of consolidation of didactic units; the principle of authenticity of discursive materials, the principle of taking into account the students' native language. The content of the article reflects the practice of teaching Russian as non-native in the context of professionally oriented education at Osh Technological University M.M.šAdysheva. The theoretical significance of the article is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the approaches and principles of professionally oriented education in the light of new paradigms and third-generation SES.Key words: professionally oriented education, bachelor-economists, principles of teaching, Russian as non-native, competence-based, person-centered, activity-pragmatic, linguistic and culturological approaches.
Kovaleva ï.á. THE PROPAGANDA OF ANTI-CORRUPTION EDUCATION AT ALL EDUCATIONAL LEVELSIn modern times, during the implementation of the educational process is required to form a new skill of future professionals, namelyš— the ability to resist in their professional activities corruption. In this regard, the issues of anti-corruption education of the younger generation come to the fore in the educational process. The subject of my research was the processes of anti-corruption education at various levels of education. In the process of analyzing the theoretical formulations of anti-corruption education, I formulated my concept of “anti-corruption education”, which means “development and implementation of a set of anti-corruption measures in the educational process at each level of education”, as well as proposals for the implementation of propaganda projects for the implementation of anti-corruption education. For implementation of projects of promotion on implementation of anti-corruption education I offer: carrying out theoretical and practical trainings, meetings with practical workers, carrying out round tables concerning counteraction of corruption; use of evident propaganda (stands, posters, printed materials); placement in mass media, in social networks of publications concerning counteraction of corruption. As a result of the study, I formulated the main directions of the project-programs for systematization of the Institute of propaganda of anti-corruption education at all levels of education, such as: to give knowledge on the system of combating corruption and public policy in this area, to explain the main factors and signs of corruption, allowing to identify corruption offenses; to introduce mandatory discipline “Anti-corruption”; to analyze each crime or offense related to the type of corruption by the legislation.; analyze the causes and conditions of such offenses and responsibility for them and others.Key words: anti-corruption education, propaganda of anti-corruption education, education.
Manzheles L.V. IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED APPROACH IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING TEACHERS-CHOREOGRAPHERS IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF CULTUREExpectations of the high quality of the characteristics of future teachers set forth the conditions for introducing into the educational process an integrative approach to the content of choreography education in a higher educational institution at the same time as a field of theoretical knowledge, art, physical achievements and a subject of educational activity. The study of the possibilities of implementing an integrative approach in preparing for the pedagogical activity of students of choreographic areas of higher education institutions of culture is due to the need to improve this process in the context of the introduction of professional standards for teachers in the field of choreographic education. I conducted a survey of 32 heads of choreographic groups. The results of the survey and pedagogical practice of studentsš— choreographers of the Perm Institute of Culture showed the need for interaction of acquired knowledge in the unity of the scientific pedagogical platform, practical choreographic ability and theoretical knowledge of dance disciplines. The disciplines studied separately from each other, do not allow to form a fairly holistic, competenceš— based model of the future specialist. On the basis of the structure and components of the content of the choreography teacher's activities, in the unity of the acquired qualities of a teacher and choreographer, I have created a model for the integration of disciplines. This model is aimed at the interaction of two components of the learning outcomeš— the formation of specialized choreographic skills and abilities and professional worldview as readiness for teaching activities. The proposed model is focused on the formation of a wide range of competencies that contribute to the successful preparation of teachersš— choreographers in the system of choreographic education of universities of culture. As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that integration as an innovative trajectory of the process of interdisciplinary interaction will be the basis for improving the traditional system of trainingš— the complementarity of knowledge and actions that have existed before that time separately.Key words: choreographic education, integrative approach, teacherš— choreographer, universities of culture.
Rassokha E.N., Antsiferova L.M. MATHEMATICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL DIRECTIONS OF TRAININGThe problem of low quality of mathematical school education and reduction of classroom hours in mathematical disciplines at a higher education institution, actualizes the issues of finding the internal reserves of a person when teaching mathematics to students of technical training. The practical and scientific experience of the authors shows that high results can be achieved in the formation of a student’s mathematical culture. Active research on the mathematical culture of the individual in the last decade has led to a revision of this concept through the prism of new research and the current state of mathematical education. Analysis of the research of the last decades of the last century and the beginning of today’s problem of mathematical culture of the individual, in general, and students of technical, economic specialties, in particular, revealed common approaches and differences in this concept. Studies of the last decades show the versatility of the concept and structure of a person’s mathematical culture depending on the type of activity and occupation of this person (preschooler, schoolboy, high school student, student of economics, technical training, etc.). In this connection, it was concluded that it is impossible to give a universal definition of this concept in the general understanding of the individual. Our research on the problem of the mathematical culture of students of technical areas of training and the new aspects of this problem, revealed as a result of the analysis, made it possible to supplement the structure of the mathematical culture of a student of technical areas of training and to define in light of a different perspective on this issue. It is shown that the key element of mathematical culture is mathematical knowledge, which should be trained in the development of mathematical thinking, which entails the development of mathematical abilities that are formed in mathematical activity. Formation of skills in the use of mathematical language and skills of self-education are an integral part of the mathematical culture of students of technical areas of training, but they are organically part of the general fund of mathematical knowledge.Key words: mathematical culture, mathematical knowledge, thinking, mathematical language, student, student, self-education.
Savva L.I., Dyorina N.V. VECTOR OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEADER QUALITIES IN THE GLOBALIZATION WORLDGlobalization has a mixed effect on the situation of youth in the modern world. The orientation of vocational education towards globalization provides youth leadership for the renewal of traditional social institutions. Thanks to leadership qualities, young people can enhance their status in the globalizing world, benefit from globalization and contribute to the progress of society. At the same time, there is a weakening of the connection between education and the globalizing outside world, and a loss of influence on the positive attitudes of youth leaders. In a globalizing world, the development of leadership is an advantage of professional education, but the great difference in its capacities in different countries gives rise to global inequality. Our theoretical analysis revealed the interplay of globalization and education as a trend in the globalization of vocational education. Our study of international conceptual documents in the field of education and labor determined the potential of the education system in the development of leadership qualities of youth. The direction of the vector of vocational education on the development of leadership qualities for a success strategy in the globalization world, the ability to lead a decent life through equal access to quality education, global knowledge sharing, the creation of the foundations of a democratic choice of a person’s own path, the development of additional and vocational education systems has been established. We emphasize the priority of public sector functions in ensuring positive globalization impacts on vocational education for countries with any income level. Thus, the vector of modern popular professional education should be aimed at developing leadership qualities of students in the coordinates of the priorities and values of globalization. Vocational education in order to develop youth leadership skills provides knowledge of the attributes of globalization, relevant training systems, the ability to build a trajectory of life success. Key words: attributes of globalization, leadership, education, lifelong learning, global knowledge sharing, vocational training.
Frolov O.V. CRISIS OF CULTURES ALLIANCE IN PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITYRecent scientific studies have argued that school culture is increasingly becoming a space of existential risk due to the axiological dysfunctions of modern sociocultural processes. Professional pedagogical activity, in which the teacher reveals his individuality, realizes himself as a person, realizes talents, discovers his personal vocation and fulfills a social mission, is often built in such a way that generates and strengthens protest against his cultural expansion and militant monologism, becoming a latent end in itself traditional teaching practice. As a result of my research, it was revealed that the acuteness of the axiological contradictions of the modern school is caused by the crisis state of the alliance of culturesš— professional, interactive and legal, determining the teacher’s value status in the aggregate of creative self-expression and self-realization of a person who also has an arrogant self-sufficiency complex inseparable from the imperative nature of relationships with other participants in the educational process. I have identified the main causes of the crisis, to which we attributed: ignoring the unique interactive nature of educational activities; the destruction of the moral paradigm of perception of the child as a “living fragment of culture” with its individual worldview and world perceptions; “Squeezing” the humanistic space of the school to the limits set by the total authority of the teacher; activation of destructive psychological attacks and provocations as a new hidden form of spiritual coercion, with the violation of the legitimate rights of the child. As my research has shown, the crisis of the alliance of cultures is a violation of the motives and nuances of the teacher’s spiritual work, which destroys the cultural space of the school as a collective form of life activity. I have confirmed that the “reconstruction” of positive and humanely oriented normative orders in modern school culture is possible and necessary, as the school continues to be the most important institution for rationing social interaction, mastering reference models of “correct” social behavior.Key words: activity, education, culture, culture of pedagogical activity, legal culture, dialogue culture, pedagogical values.
Shtukarev N.A. ANTI-CORRUPTION CULTURE AS ANTHROPOLOGICAL MEANS OF THE PERSONALITY SOCIALIZATIONThe current state of Russian society is characterized by the loss of vital meanings, the overestimation of values in the direction of their relativization, the fall in the level of spiritual and moral culture. In such conditions, the manifestation of social diseases and, above all, corruption is a regularity, not an accident. The existing system of legal countermeasures against coordination is not enough to overcome or minimize it. In this regard, we have proposed an alternativeš— to combat corruption by cultural means, using the anthropological potential of an anti-corruption culture as an effective means of socializing a person. The subject of the research was anti-corruption culture as an anthropological means of socialization of the individual. The aim of our study was to explicate the potential of an anti-corruption culture as a means of socializing the individual. “Anti-corruption culture” to the process of socialization is a wide layer, which is seen in the intersection of values and norms of various types of cultures with anti-corruption potential (lawl, political, spiritual and moral culture). An empirical and theoretical research of scientific philosophical, cultural, pedagogical, law, and sociological literature has shown that anti-corruption culture is viewed from several perspectives. First, as a person’s ability to mentally and morally resist corruption. Secondly, as a system of knowledge, values, qualities and abilities of an individual. As well as the state of the individual, in the mind of which there is no place for corruption. In addition, we identified the anti-corruption potential of the main directions of socialization of the individualš— the education system, the family, and political institutions. In particular, we substantiated the need to introduce anti-corruption education as a universal means of spiritual and legal socialization, the formation of anti-corruption blocks of academic disciplines. Political institutions were examined by us through the prism of introducing individuals to social design, developing new methods and means of fighting corruption. At the same time, the lack of an anti-corruption component of family education was establishedš— the lack of individual orientation of such values as honor, duty, conscience, decency, and others. Anti-corruption culture is an effective anthropological means of socialization of a person from the point of view of acquiring the latter of qualitatively new properties and characteristics expressed in terms of the “anti-corruption stance”, “anti-corruption orientation of the personality”. The result of the formation of anti-corruption culture is the spiritual enrichment of the individual, its moral, legal and political socialization.Key words: anti-corruption culture, anti-corruption stability of personality, spiritually-moral culture, legal socialization, political socialization, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption education.
Prosvirkina I.I., Uryupina T.M. ENRICHMENT OF THE SPEECH OF FOREIGNERS LEXICON WITH CULTURAL SEMANTICS AS THE WAY OF FORMATION OF THE RUSSIAN CULTURAL PATTERNSOne of the problems of modern methods of teaching Russian language, in particular Russian as foreign language, is the method of enriching the speech of students with vocabulary containing cultural semantics. The solution of this problem allows to create the Russian cultural patterns in language consciousness of the student. In this work the lexical units having cultural semantics which that foreign students encounter at certification levels I and II are analyzed and systematized, presenting certain difficulties for a foreign student to adequately understand them. The study analyzed the lexical minimum (elementary, basic, I and II certification levels), thematically systematized and described the lexical units with cultural semantics. The given analysis makes it possible to effectively organize the enrichment of students’ speech with culturally-marked lexical units. The analysis of the lexical minimum leads the authors to the idea of the need for: 1) systematization and description of lexical units with cultural semantics; 2) propaedeutic work, contributing to the enrichment of the speech of foreign students with lexical units that have cultural semantics already at the elementary and basic level; 3) the development of methods for introducing words filled with “cultural meanings” into the educational process and into speech practice. Thematically grouped lexical units make it possible to organize the enrichment of the speech of foreign students as follows: 1) first there is an acquaintance with the modern meaning of the word (if the word is polysemantic, the student is first introduced to the meaning that has an analogue in the learner’s language); 2) thenš— texts are proposed in which the word has “cultural overtones”. The practical value of this research is that enrichment of the dictionary of foreign students’ vocabulary with cultural semantics is important for adequate understanding of sense of the Russian utterance (oral or written). Teaching foreigners the Russian language, we introduce into their speech (oral or written) lexical units, which may have an additional meaning, which is not always reflected in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.
Aleksiuk I.O. THE CREATIVITY DEVELOPMENT IN STUDENTS OF GENERATION Z IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTOne of the key features of the life of a modern student is the transfer to the digital environment of many areas of life, including getting an education. Centenial is a network personality, used to receiving everything all at once. Modern students often cause rejection of tasks that require creativity, due to the lack of clear assessment criteria and time costs. Creativity is one of the key categories to achieve professional success in the modern world. For this reason, there is an urgent need to remove the contradiction between the requirements of the real world and the characteristics of students of generationšZ. I conducted a survey of 300 respondents of the corresponding age. More than half of the respondents indicated that they were not able to communicate in English, despite studying it at school. At the same time, 61.3š% of respondents are not ready to receive knowledge on their own because of a lack of motivation. Representatives of this formation are pragmatists. They are ready to spend time and effort only understanding the practical value of the information received. The same applies to the study of a foreign language. Modern students are far from always aware of the prospects of knowing a foreign language. Students of generation Z have clip thinking, and this phenomenon should be reflected in the development of new educational products, including at the university. In my opinion, for training students of generationšZ, it is necessary to create a special educational space that takes into account their psychological and social characteristics. Only in this case the learning process will be as effective as possible.Key words: creativity, higher education, generetion Z, Moodle, survey, digital environment.
Boldyrev A.V., Zakharova V.G. NEURO-MENTAL STABILITY DYNAMICS OF THE PENITENTIARY OFFICERS AS THEY PROFESSIONALIZEThe activity of the Federal Penitentiary Service officers is characterized by the presence of extreme situations and intense working conditions. This includes direct contact with convicts, isolated job from society, high requirements for compliance with laws and moral standards, carrying weapons, increased responsibility. Neuro-mental stability is one of the main qualities which should be formed by all types of service among FPS officers. Availability and development of this quality helps employees to better adapt in difficult conditions, to quickly and efficiently perform tasks, to adequately respond in extreme situations. High level of neuro-mental stability is main source for preservation of physical and mental health when working in adverse conditions. We hypothesized that the level of neuro-mental stability among FPS officers should increase as they professionalize. Testing was conducted according to the “Prognosis” method for study the dynamics of indicators of neuro-mental stability. 35šemployees were tested 2štimes within 4šyears. Comparison of indicators of the first and second measurements showed that an increase in the index of neuro-mental stability is observed with the repeated measurement. Our study showed a link between the level of neuro-mental stability and the growth of experience. The adaptive potential of FPS staff increases as they professionalize, it helps to spend less effort when performing operational tasks in extreme situations, without reducing efficiency.Key words: neuro-mental stability, important professional qualities, Federal Penitentiary Service officers, stress, extreme conditions.
Vdovina E.S., Vdovina A.A. THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE IN THE SECURITY DIVISION PERSONNEL IN THE PENITENTIARY ESTABLISHMENTSPsychological resilience is a major resource to protect people’s physical and mental health and to ensure their social and psychological adaptation. We could also say that psychological resilience protects a person from disintegration and various personality disorders. Therefore, studying this quality in specialists whose activities are directly related to professional stress is the most relevant. This is especially important for law enforcement officers who work in extreme and life-threatening conditions. Therefore, a specialist should use his or her mental and physiological resources as fully as possible, since he or she used to face fatigue and increased responsibility. In the end, such routine mental and physical overload may result in excessive emotional tension or borderline mental states in law enforcement officers. Therefore, an officer may violate discipline, use firearms for no reason or try to commit a suicide. The aim of our study was to assess the level of psychological resilience and volitional self-control related to the functional duties of the security division personnel in the Federal Penitentiary Service. In pursuing this goal, we studied the differences in the level of psychological resilience of employees depending on the division, and also revealed significant differences in the level of volitional self-control. Methodological tools consisted of the “Prognoz” (Prediction) technique and volitional self-control questionnaire. It was found that the differences between these groups exist at the level of a tendency to increase the number of persons with a level of psychological resilience above the average in the group of employees of the security division. Personnel of the security division also has higher indicators of volitional self-control. That is, personnel of the security division is better developed volitional regulation, they are better able to control their own actions, states, intentions. The analysis and interpretation of the results of the research lead to the conclusion that the specifics of the activities of the subdivision of the penitentiary system influence the indicators of volitional self-control. The level of development of volitional regulation among personnel of the security division was much higher than that of another division. However, the feature of the functional duties of personnel does not have a significant impact on the indicators of psychological resilience.Key words: psychological resilience, law enforcement officers, penitentiary system, stress, stress inducing factors.
Didenko E.Ya., Temur G.M. SPECIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING AS A CONDITION FOR OPTIMIZING THE IMPACT OF STRESS ON THE EFFICIENCY OF PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL TASKS BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERCurrently, stressful conditions are one of the important features of the professional activities of law enforcement officers. At the same time, the majority of researchers studying stress and its functions in the socio-psychological organization talk about stress conditions as a factor that stimulates the effectiveness of each employee. Identifying, based on the most current research of the conditions constituting a positive function of the influence of stress conditions the stress on efficiency of professional activity of employees and, on the contrary, which have a destructive influence on such, made the purpose of the article. Two variants of influence of stress conditions on professional activity of law enforcement officers are allocated: positive and negative. Criteria of efficiency of performance of official duties by the employee of such law enforcement agencies as service of criminal investigation Department, bodies of preliminary investigation of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, etc. are also considered. As a rule, the leading criteria consider observance of a law and order, the law, the maximum providing citizens with their freedom and the rights. In the article, on the basis of a systematic analysis of the most modern research, the features of a number of factors that determine the stress conditions for the implementation of professional activity are formulated. Special attention is paid to mental phenomena that have a negative impact on the personality. This is professional deformation, emotional burnout, the phenomenon of distrust and professional stagnation. The characteristic features, structure and definition of the concept of stress resistance are investigated. The article reveals the content of the concept of psychological training as a leading condition to optimize the impact of stress factors on the professional activity of employees and ensuring their stress resistance. The author analyzes the system of psychological training in the following activities: employees of the Department of private security, criminal investigation officers, employees of the state traffic safety Inspectorate, employees of the special police unit (OMON) and the special Department of rapid response (SBR), employees of the Department of internal Affairs.Key words: stress, stress, stress resistance, co-worker of internal Affairs, the effects of stress, professional de-struction, emotional burnout, the phenomenon of distrust, professional stagnation, professional psychological training, efficiency criteria, law enforcement officer.
Rozhkov O.A. STRUCTURE MOTIVATION IN THE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM EMPLOYEES PROFESSIONAL DEFORMATION: EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Empirical study of intercommunion between professional deformation and motivation of penal system employees depending are described in the article. Value orientations, leading and excluded motives, prevailing signs of professional deformation are analyzed. Mental and physical overloads, interaction with the criminal environment, conflict within the service team are the determining factors of penal system employees professional deformation. Destructive changes in the motivational sphere of personality are the most significant type of professional deformation prerequisites that define stimulating and sense-forming motivational functions violation. They are accompanied by intrapersonal psychodynamic conflict of personality. Emotional burnout is a specific form of professional deformation for the penitentiary system employees. The validity and reliability of the research results were provided by the General theoretical provisions and their correlation with the practical results. It was also provided by representativeness of the sample on the principle of respondents random selection and their service completion in 20šstructural units of the penitentiary system (3šremands, 2šGeneral regime colonies and 4šcolonies of strictly mode, a colony of special regime, 3šcolonies-settlements, an educational colony, 5šinter-district criminal Executive inspections, an escorting Department), as well as in educational and operational departments, the security departments of the mode and protection, special accounting departments; with the help of valid psychodiagnostic tools followed by psychological interpretation. Correlation motivation relations with professional deformation signs reveal the formation of emotional burnout symptoms and phases in the context of changes in the value-motivational sphere characteristics of penal system employees and are revealed experimentally.Key words: penal system employees, professional deformation, values, motives.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |