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April 2019, № 2 (220), pages 27-32

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-27

Kovaleva О.А. THE PROPAGANDA OF ANTI-CORRUPTION EDUCATION AT ALL EDUCATIONAL LEVELSIn modern times, during the implementation of the educational process is required to form a new skill of future professionals, namely — the ability to resist in their professional activities corruption. In this regard, the issues of anti-corruption education of the younger generation come to the fore in the educational process.
The subject of my research was the processes of anti-corruption education at various levels of education.
In the process of analyzing the theoretical formulations of anti-corruption education, I formulated my concept of “anti-corruption education”, which means “development and implementation of a set of anti-corruption measures in the educational process at each level of education”, as well as proposals for the implementation of propaganda projects for the implementation of anti-corruption education. For implementation of projects of promotion on implementation of anti-corruption education I offer: carrying out theoretical and practical trainings, meetings with practical workers, carrying out round tables concerning counteraction of corruption; use of evident propaganda (stands, posters, printed materials); placement in mass media, in social networks of publications concerning counteraction of corruption.
As a result of the study, I formulated the main directions of the project-programs for systematization of the Institute of propaganda of anti-corruption education at all levels of education, such as: to give knowledge on the system of combating corruption and public policy in this area, to explain the main factors and signs of corruption, allowing to identify corruption offenses; to introduce mandatory discipline “Anti-corruption”; to analyze each crime or offense related to the type of corruption by the legislation.; analyze the causes and conditions of such offenses and responsibility for them and others.
Key words: anti-corruption education, propaganda of anti-corruption education, education.


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About this article

Author: Kovaleva O.A.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-27

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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